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Syria Under al-Assad Rule: A Case of Neopatrimonial Regime

Year 2018, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 140 - 170, 01.12.2018


This paper aims to conceptualize the Syrian regime underthe rule of Hafez and Bashar al-Assad as aneopatrimonial regime. The paper claims that the neopatrimonial domination of the Assad regime bases on threepillars; the personalization of the regime, the patronagenetworks and the clientelism. Under the subtitle of personalization the Syrian regime, the paper tries to lay downthe historical process and mechanisms used to personalized the regime under Hafez and Bashar al-Assad, throughusing the personal clique and the imposed personal cult.Following, the paper figures out the dual patronage networks that the Assad regime has utilized to consolidate hispersonal domination through penetrate the bureaucraticrealm and the society; the Alawite patronage and the BaathParty patronage. In the same context, the paper evaluatesthe clientelism as another mechanism functions in thepatrimonial penetration processes, mainly in the economicdomain, and the changes that took place in this regardunder Bashar al-Assad’s rule


  • Ajami, Fouad. 2012. The Syrian Rebellion. Stanford, California: Hoover Institiute Press Publication.
  • al-Jeba’i, Jad al-Kareem. 2013. “al-Bunya al-Tasalutiyya lil-Nizam al-Suri, al-Nash’a walTatawwur wal-Maal.” In Halfiyat al-Thawra, Dirasat Suriyye, 189-242. Bairut: Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies.
  • Bach, Daniel C. 2011. “Patrimonialism and neopatrimonialism: comparative trajectories and readings.” Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 49 (3): 275– 294.
  • Balanche, Fabrice. 2015. The Alawi Community and the Syria Crisis . May 14. Accessed March 25, 2018. .
  • Bank, Andre, and Thomas Richter. 2010. “Neopatrimonialism in the Middle East and North Africa, Overview, Critique and Alternative Conceptualization.” Neopatrimonialism in Various World Regions”. Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies. 1-10.
  • Barout, Muhammed Jamal. 2012. al-Aked al-Akhir fi Tarih Suriye, Jadalyet al-Jumoud w’al-Islah . Beirut: Arab Center for Reseacrh & Policy Studies.
  • Batatu, Hanna. 1999. Syria’s Peasantry, the Descendants of Its Lesser Rural Notables, and Their Politics. Princeton,, New Jersey: Prinecton University Press.
  • Bratton, M & Van de Walle, N. 1997. Democratic Experiments in Africa: Regime Transitions in Comparative Perspective. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
  • CIA . 1978. Syria Without Assad: Succession Politics. Middle East Division, Office of Regional Political Analysis, Central Intellegince Agency, CIA: Approved For Release 2006/05/25.
  • Dam, Nikolas Van. 2017. Destroying a Nation, The Civil War in Syria. London: I. B. Tauris.
  • —. 2011. The Struggle for Power in Syria. London: I. B. Tauris. Devlin, John F. 1991. “The Baath Party: Rise and Metamorphosis.” The American Historicak Review (American Historical Association) 96 (5): 1396-1407.
  • Eisenstadt, Samuel N. 1973. Traditional Patrimonialism and Modern Neopatrominialism. London: Sage Publication .
  • Erdmann, G. & Engel, U. 2006. Neopatrimonialism Revisited: Beyond a Catch-All Concept. Hamburg: GIGA Working Paper No 16 .
  • Gambill, Gary C. 2000. “The Assad Family and the Succession in Syria.” Middle East Intelligence Bulletin. July 1.
  • Goldsmith, Leon. 2012. “Syria’s Alawites and the Politics of Sectarian Insecurity: A Khaldunian Perspective.”. Ortadogu Etutleri (ORSAM) 3 (1): 33-60.
  • Heydemann, Steven. 2007. “Upgrading Authoritarianism in the Arab World.” Analysis Paper, the Saban Forum for Middle East Policy, The Brooking Institution , 39.
  • Hinnebucsh, Raymond. 1990. Authoritarian Power and State Formation in Ba’thist Syria. Boulder: Westview Press.
  • —. 2001. Syria Revolution from Above. 1st. Oxford: Routledge.
  • —. 2015. “Authoritarian Resilience and the Arab Uprising: Syria in Comparative Perspective.” Middle Eastern Studies (ORSAM) 7 (1): 16-38.
  • —. 2009. “Syria Under the Bath: The political Economy of Populist Auhtoritarianism.” In The State and the political Economy of Reform in Syria, 5-24. Fife, Scotland: the Univerity of St Andrews Center for Syrian Studies.
  • Kessler, Martha Neff. 2002. Syria: Fragile Mosaic of Power. Honolulu, Hawaii: University Press of the Pacific.
  • Kurt, Veysel. 2016. “The Role of the Military in Syrian Politics and the 2011 Uprising”, Insight Turkey, Vol. 18 / No. 2. 109-128.
  • Lesch, David W. 2012. Syria, the Fall of the House of Assad. New Haven & London: Yale University Press .
  • Malu Halasa, Zaher Omareen, Nawara Mahfoud, ed. 2014. Syria Speaks, Art and Culture From the Frontline. London: Saqi Books.
  • Medard, Jean Francois. 1996. “Patrimonialism, Neo-patrimonialism and the Study of the Post-colonial State in Subsaharian Africa.” International Development Studies 17: 76-97.
  • Patrick Seale. 1988. Assad: The Struggle for the Middle East. London: I.B. Tauris & Co. Patterson, Charles. 1991. Hafiz Al-Asad of Syria., Inc.
  • Pawelka, Peter. 1985. Herrschaft und Entwicklung im Nahen Osten: Ägypten. Heidelberg:: C.F.Müller.
  • Perthes, Volker. 1995. The Political Economy of Syria under Asad. London: I. B. Tauris.
  • Roth, Guenther. 1968. “Personal Rulership, Patrimonialism, and Empire-Building in the New States.” World Politics (Cambridge University Press) 20 (2): 194-206.
  • Sadowski, Yahya M. 1987. “Patronage and the Ba’th: Corruption and Control in Contemporary Syria.” Arab Studies Quarterly (Pluto Journals) 9 (4): 442-461.
  • Saleh, Yasin Haj. 2017. Al-Thawra Al-Mustahila. Bairut: Al Mu’assase Al-Arabiya Lildirasat Wal-Naher.
  • Schmidt, Soren. 2009. “The Development Role of the State in the Middle East: Lessons form Syria.” In The State and the political Economy of Reform in Syria, 25-44.
  • Fife, Scotland: the Univerity of St Andrews Center for Syrian Studies.
  • Seale, Patrick. 1995. Asad of Syria, the Struggle for the Middle East. Berkeley, California : University of California Press.
  • Shadid, Anthony. 2011. Syrian Businessman Becomes Magnet for Anger and Dissent. April 30.
  • Siaroff, Alan. 2005. Comparing Political Regimes, a thematic introduction to comperative politics. Canada: Broadview Press.
  • Sottimano, Aurora. 2016. The Syrian Business Elite: Patronage Networks and War Economy . September 26. Accessed March 26, 2018.
  • .
  • Weber, Max. 1978. Economy and Society; An outline of Interpretive Sociology. Edited by G. & Wittich, C. Roth. University of California Press.
  • Wedeen, Lisa. 1999. Ambiguities of Domination. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Ziadeh, Radwan. 2011. Power and Policy in Syria. New York: I.B. Tauris.
  • Zisser, Eyal. 2001. Asad’s Legacy: Syria in Transition . C. Hurst & Co.
  • —. 2007. Companding Syria: Bashar Al-Asad and the First Years in Power. London: I. B. Tauris & Co Ltd.


Year 2018, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 140 - 170, 01.12.2018


Bu makale, Hafez ve Başar Esed yönetimindeki Suriye rejimini 1970-2011 neopatrimonyal bir rejim olarak kavramlaştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Makale, Esad rejiminin neopatrimonyal egemenliğinin üç sütün üzerine kurulu olduğunu iddia ediyor; rejimin kişiselleştirilmesi, patronaj ağları ve klientalizm. Esed yönetiminin kişiselleştirilmesi alt başlığı altında makale, Hafez ve Başar Esed’in yönetimi sürecince, kişisel klik ve empoze edilen kişisel kült üzerinden rejimin kişiselleştirilmesinin tarihi sürecini ve kullanılan mekanizmaları incelemeye çalışmaktadır. Bundan sonra makale, Esed rejiminin bürokratik ve toplumsal alanlarına nüfuz ederek tahakkümünü sağlamlaştırmak için başvurduğu ikili patronaj ağları ortaya koymakta; Alevi ve Baas Partisi’nin patronaj ağları. Aynı bağlamda makale, başta ekonomik alanda olmak üzere, patrimonyal tahakkümü ve nüfuz etme süreci için kullanılan klientalism mekanizelerini ve bu mekanizmalarının Başar Esed’in yönetiminde geçirdiği değişikleri değerlendirmektedir.


  • Ajami, Fouad. 2012. The Syrian Rebellion. Stanford, California: Hoover Institiute Press Publication.
  • al-Jeba’i, Jad al-Kareem. 2013. “al-Bunya al-Tasalutiyya lil-Nizam al-Suri, al-Nash’a walTatawwur wal-Maal.” In Halfiyat al-Thawra, Dirasat Suriyye, 189-242. Bairut: Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies.
  • Bach, Daniel C. 2011. “Patrimonialism and neopatrimonialism: comparative trajectories and readings.” Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 49 (3): 275– 294.
  • Balanche, Fabrice. 2015. The Alawi Community and the Syria Crisis . May 14. Accessed March 25, 2018. .
  • Bank, Andre, and Thomas Richter. 2010. “Neopatrimonialism in the Middle East and North Africa, Overview, Critique and Alternative Conceptualization.” Neopatrimonialism in Various World Regions”. Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies. 1-10.
  • Barout, Muhammed Jamal. 2012. al-Aked al-Akhir fi Tarih Suriye, Jadalyet al-Jumoud w’al-Islah . Beirut: Arab Center for Reseacrh & Policy Studies.
  • Batatu, Hanna. 1999. Syria’s Peasantry, the Descendants of Its Lesser Rural Notables, and Their Politics. Princeton,, New Jersey: Prinecton University Press.
  • Bratton, M & Van de Walle, N. 1997. Democratic Experiments in Africa: Regime Transitions in Comparative Perspective. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
  • CIA . 1978. Syria Without Assad: Succession Politics. Middle East Division, Office of Regional Political Analysis, Central Intellegince Agency, CIA: Approved For Release 2006/05/25.
  • Dam, Nikolas Van. 2017. Destroying a Nation, The Civil War in Syria. London: I. B. Tauris.
  • —. 2011. The Struggle for Power in Syria. London: I. B. Tauris. Devlin, John F. 1991. “The Baath Party: Rise and Metamorphosis.” The American Historicak Review (American Historical Association) 96 (5): 1396-1407.
  • Eisenstadt, Samuel N. 1973. Traditional Patrimonialism and Modern Neopatrominialism. London: Sage Publication .
  • Erdmann, G. & Engel, U. 2006. Neopatrimonialism Revisited: Beyond a Catch-All Concept. Hamburg: GIGA Working Paper No 16 .
  • Gambill, Gary C. 2000. “The Assad Family and the Succession in Syria.” Middle East Intelligence Bulletin. July 1.
  • Goldsmith, Leon. 2012. “Syria’s Alawites and the Politics of Sectarian Insecurity: A Khaldunian Perspective.”. Ortadogu Etutleri (ORSAM) 3 (1): 33-60.
  • Heydemann, Steven. 2007. “Upgrading Authoritarianism in the Arab World.” Analysis Paper, the Saban Forum for Middle East Policy, The Brooking Institution , 39.
  • Hinnebucsh, Raymond. 1990. Authoritarian Power and State Formation in Ba’thist Syria. Boulder: Westview Press.
  • —. 2001. Syria Revolution from Above. 1st. Oxford: Routledge.
  • —. 2015. “Authoritarian Resilience and the Arab Uprising: Syria in Comparative Perspective.” Middle Eastern Studies (ORSAM) 7 (1): 16-38.
  • —. 2009. “Syria Under the Bath: The political Economy of Populist Auhtoritarianism.” In The State and the political Economy of Reform in Syria, 5-24. Fife, Scotland: the Univerity of St Andrews Center for Syrian Studies.
  • Kessler, Martha Neff. 2002. Syria: Fragile Mosaic of Power. Honolulu, Hawaii: University Press of the Pacific.
  • Kurt, Veysel. 2016. “The Role of the Military in Syrian Politics and the 2011 Uprising”, Insight Turkey, Vol. 18 / No. 2. 109-128.
  • Lesch, David W. 2012. Syria, the Fall of the House of Assad. New Haven & London: Yale University Press .
  • Malu Halasa, Zaher Omareen, Nawara Mahfoud, ed. 2014. Syria Speaks, Art and Culture From the Frontline. London: Saqi Books.
  • Medard, Jean Francois. 1996. “Patrimonialism, Neo-patrimonialism and the Study of the Post-colonial State in Subsaharian Africa.” International Development Studies 17: 76-97.
  • Patrick Seale. 1988. Assad: The Struggle for the Middle East. London: I.B. Tauris & Co. Patterson, Charles. 1991. Hafiz Al-Asad of Syria., Inc.
  • Pawelka, Peter. 1985. Herrschaft und Entwicklung im Nahen Osten: Ägypten. Heidelberg:: C.F.Müller.
  • Perthes, Volker. 1995. The Political Economy of Syria under Asad. London: I. B. Tauris.
  • Roth, Guenther. 1968. “Personal Rulership, Patrimonialism, and Empire-Building in the New States.” World Politics (Cambridge University Press) 20 (2): 194-206.
  • Sadowski, Yahya M. 1987. “Patronage and the Ba’th: Corruption and Control in Contemporary Syria.” Arab Studies Quarterly (Pluto Journals) 9 (4): 442-461.
  • Saleh, Yasin Haj. 2017. Al-Thawra Al-Mustahila. Bairut: Al Mu’assase Al-Arabiya Lildirasat Wal-Naher.
  • Schmidt, Soren. 2009. “The Development Role of the State in the Middle East: Lessons form Syria.” In The State and the political Economy of Reform in Syria, 25-44.
  • Fife, Scotland: the Univerity of St Andrews Center for Syrian Studies.
  • Seale, Patrick. 1995. Asad of Syria, the Struggle for the Middle East. Berkeley, California : University of California Press.
  • Shadid, Anthony. 2011. Syrian Businessman Becomes Magnet for Anger and Dissent. April 30.
  • Siaroff, Alan. 2005. Comparing Political Regimes, a thematic introduction to comperative politics. Canada: Broadview Press.
  • Sottimano, Aurora. 2016. The Syrian Business Elite: Patronage Networks and War Economy . September 26. Accessed March 26, 2018.
  • .
  • Weber, Max. 1978. Economy and Society; An outline of Interpretive Sociology. Edited by G. & Wittich, C. Roth. University of California Press.
  • Wedeen, Lisa. 1999. Ambiguities of Domination. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Ziadeh, Radwan. 2011. Power and Policy in Syria. New York: I.B. Tauris.
  • Zisser, Eyal. 2001. Asad’s Legacy: Syria in Transition . C. Hurst & Co.
  • —. 2007. Companding Syria: Bashar Al-Asad and the First Years in Power. London: I. B. Tauris & Co Ltd.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Bilal Salaymeh This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


Chicago Salaymeh, Bilal. “NEOPATRİMONYAL BİR REJİM ÖRNEĞİ: ESED YÖNETİMİNDEKİ SURİYE”. Ortadoğu Etütleri 10, no. 2 (December 2018): 140-70.

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