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Year 2020, Issue: 48, 177 - 201, 01.01.2020


  • Anagnostopoulou, Sia, Mikra Asia, 19th c. – 1919. Oi Elinorthodoxes Koinotites. Apo to Millet ton Romion sto Elliniko Ethnos, Ellinika Grammata, Athens 1998 [Asia Minor, Nineteenth Century – 1919: The Greek Orthodox Communities: From the Rum Millet to the Greek Nation].
  • Anagnostopoulou, Sia, “Les rapports de l’Église orthodoxe avec le Kapudan Pacha (fin du XVIIIe début XIXe siècle)”, Sia Anagnostopoulou, The Passage from the Ottoman Empire to the Nation-States: A Long and Difficult Process: The Greek Case, Isis Press, Istanbul 2004, pp. 103-130.
  • Clark, Samuel, Distributing Status: The Evolution of State Honours in Western Europe, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal 2016.
  • Davison, Roderic H., “Turkish Attitudes Concerning Christian-Muslim Equality in the Nineteenth Century”, Roderic H. Davison, Essays in Ottoman and Turkish History, 1774-1923: The Impact of the West, University of Texas Press, Austin 1990, pp. 112-133.
  • Demiryürek, Mehmet, Osmanlı Reform Sürecinde Kıbrıs, Akademik Kitaplar, Istanbul 2010.
  • Deny, J., “Abd al-Madjid”, Encyclopaedia of Islam, E. J. Brill, Leiden 1986, vol. 1, pp. 74-75.
  • Deringil, Selim, “The Invention of Tradition as Public Image in the Late Ottoman Empire, 1808 to 1908”, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 35/1 (1993), pp. 3-29.
  • Eldem, Edhem, Pride and Privilege: A History of Ottoman Orders, Medals and Decorations, Ottoman Bank Archives and Research Centre, Istanbul 2004.
  • Feroz, Ahmad, “The Late Ottoman Empire”, Marian Kent (ed.), The Great Powers and the End of the Ottoman Empire, George Allen and Unwin, London 1984, pp. 172-205.
  • Findley, Carter Vaughn, “The Tanzimat”, Reşat Kasaba (ed.), The Cambridge History of Turkey: Volume 4: Turkey in the Modern World, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2008, pp. 11-37.
  • Georgiou, Philippos, “Imerologion”, Kypriaka Hronika, 5 (1927), pp. 48-61 [Diary].
  • Georgiou, Philippos, Eidiseis Istorikai peri tis Ekklisias tis Kyprou, n.p., Nicosia 1975 (first edition: Athens, 1875) [Historical News Related to the Church of Cyprus].
  • Hackett, John, Istoria tis Orthodoxou Ekklisias tis Kyprou, Sakellarios Press, Athens 1923, vol. 1 [History of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus].
  • Hidiroglou, Pavlos, “Soultanika Veratia yper tou Arhiespikopou Kyprou Sofroniou III”, Kypriakai Spoudai, 35 (1971), pp. 143-164 [Sultanic Berats for the Archbishop of Cyprus, Sofronios III].
  • Hidiroglou, Pavlos, “Episima Othomanika Eggrafa Anaferomena eis tin Istoria tis Kyprou”, Epetiris Kentrou Epistimonikon Erevnon, 4 (1971-1972), pp. 29-132 [Ottoman Documents Related to the History of Cyprus].
  • Hidiroglou, Pavlos, “Katalogos ton en Arheio tou Kentrou Epistimonikon Erevnon Enapokeimenon Othomanikon Eggrafon”, Epetiris Kentrou Epistimonikon Erevnon, 5 (1971-1972), pp. 257-385 [List of the Ottoman Documents of the Cyprus Research Centre].
  • Hidiroglou, Pavlos, “Soultanika Veratia”, Epetiris Kentrou Epistimonikon Erevnon, 7 (1973-1975), pp. 119-250 [Sultanic Berats].
  • Hill, George, A History of Cyprus, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1952, vol. 4.
  • Hobsbawm, Eric, “Introduction: Inventing Traditions”, Eric Hobsbawm, Terence Ranger (eds), The Invention of Tradition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1983, pp. 1-14.
  • Huffman, Joseph P., “The Donation of Zeno: St. Barnabas and the Modern History of the Cypriot Archbishop’s Regalia Privileges”, Church History, 84/4 (2015), pp. 713-745.
  • İnalcık, Halil, “Application of the Tanzimat and its Social Effects”, The Ottoman Empire: Conquest, Organization, Economy: Collected Studies, Variorum Reprints, London 1978, pp. 3-33.
  • Karpat, Kemal, “The Transformation of the Ottoman State, 1789-1908”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 3 (1972), pp. 243-281.
  • Kyriazis, Neoklis, “I Satrapai tis Kyprou”, Kypriaka Hronika, 7 (1930), pp. 3-14 [The Satraps of Cyprus].
  • Landau, J. M., “Nishān”, Encyclopaedia of Islam, E. J. Brill, Leiden 1986, vol. 8, pp. 57-60.
  • Makdisi, Ussama, “Rethinking Ottoman Imperialism: Modernity, Violence and the Cultural Logic of Ottoman Reform”, Jens Hanssen, Thomas Philipp, Stefan Weber (eds), The Empire in the City: Arab Provincial Capitals in the Late Ottoman Empire, Ergon, Beirut 2002, pp. 29-48.
  • Mardin, Şerif, “Some Consideration on the Building of an Ottoman Public Identity in the Nineteenth Century”, Dennis Washburn, Kevin A. Reinhart (eds), Converting Cultures: Religion, Ideology and Transformations of Modernity, Brill, Leiden 2007, pp. 169-182.
  • Michael, Michalis N., “Trying to Impose the Reforms in the Periphery: Actions and Reactions to the Tanzimat – The Case of the Muhassıl Mehmet Talat”, Journal of the Centre for Ottoman Studies, 34 (2013), pp. 163-184.
  • Michael, Michalis N., “Ottomanizing Symbols, Projecting Ottoman Political Power: The Archbishops of Cyprus and the Regalia Privileges”, Chronos, 41 (2020) forthcoming.
  • Ortaylı, İlber, İmparatorluğun en Uzun Yüzyılı, Greek edition: Papazisis, Athens 2004.
  • Papaioannou, Charilaos, “Codex A΄ tis Arhiepiskopis Kyprou. Pinax ton en ayto Periehomenon Eggrafon”, Fos, 8 (1911), pp. 225-244 [Codex A΄ of the Archbishopric of Cyprus: List of the Included Documents].
  • Philippou, Loizos, I Ekklisia tis Kyprou epi Tourkokratias, Kyprologiki Vivliothiki, Nicosia 1975 [The Church of Cyprus during the Period of Turkocracy].
  • Stavrides, Theoharis, “Lists of Governors, Prelates and Dragomans of Cyprus (1571-1878)”, Michalis N. Michael, Matthias Kappler, Eftihios Gavriel (eds), Ottoman Cyprus: A Collection of Studies on History and Culture, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2009, pp. 89-106.
  • Zannetos, Filios, Istoria tis Nisou Kyprou [History of the Island of Cyprus], Philokalias, Larnaca 1910, vol. 1.

State Honours in Ottoman Nicosia: The Bishops as Agents of Modernity

Year 2020, Issue: 48, 177 - 201, 01.01.2020


  • Anagnostopoulou, Sia, Mikra Asia, 19th c. – 1919. Oi Elinorthodoxes Koinotites. Apo to Millet ton Romion sto Elliniko Ethnos, Ellinika Grammata, Athens 1998 [Asia Minor, Nineteenth Century – 1919: The Greek Orthodox Communities: From the Rum Millet to the Greek Nation].
  • Anagnostopoulou, Sia, “Les rapports de l’Église orthodoxe avec le Kapudan Pacha (fin du XVIIIe début XIXe siècle)”, Sia Anagnostopoulou, The Passage from the Ottoman Empire to the Nation-States: A Long and Difficult Process: The Greek Case, Isis Press, Istanbul 2004, pp. 103-130.
  • Clark, Samuel, Distributing Status: The Evolution of State Honours in Western Europe, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal 2016.
  • Davison, Roderic H., “Turkish Attitudes Concerning Christian-Muslim Equality in the Nineteenth Century”, Roderic H. Davison, Essays in Ottoman and Turkish History, 1774-1923: The Impact of the West, University of Texas Press, Austin 1990, pp. 112-133.
  • Demiryürek, Mehmet, Osmanlı Reform Sürecinde Kıbrıs, Akademik Kitaplar, Istanbul 2010.
  • Deny, J., “Abd al-Madjid”, Encyclopaedia of Islam, E. J. Brill, Leiden 1986, vol. 1, pp. 74-75.
  • Deringil, Selim, “The Invention of Tradition as Public Image in the Late Ottoman Empire, 1808 to 1908”, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 35/1 (1993), pp. 3-29.
  • Eldem, Edhem, Pride and Privilege: A History of Ottoman Orders, Medals and Decorations, Ottoman Bank Archives and Research Centre, Istanbul 2004.
  • Feroz, Ahmad, “The Late Ottoman Empire”, Marian Kent (ed.), The Great Powers and the End of the Ottoman Empire, George Allen and Unwin, London 1984, pp. 172-205.
  • Findley, Carter Vaughn, “The Tanzimat”, Reşat Kasaba (ed.), The Cambridge History of Turkey: Volume 4: Turkey in the Modern World, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2008, pp. 11-37.
  • Georgiou, Philippos, “Imerologion”, Kypriaka Hronika, 5 (1927), pp. 48-61 [Diary].
  • Georgiou, Philippos, Eidiseis Istorikai peri tis Ekklisias tis Kyprou, n.p., Nicosia 1975 (first edition: Athens, 1875) [Historical News Related to the Church of Cyprus].
  • Hackett, John, Istoria tis Orthodoxou Ekklisias tis Kyprou, Sakellarios Press, Athens 1923, vol. 1 [History of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus].
  • Hidiroglou, Pavlos, “Soultanika Veratia yper tou Arhiespikopou Kyprou Sofroniou III”, Kypriakai Spoudai, 35 (1971), pp. 143-164 [Sultanic Berats for the Archbishop of Cyprus, Sofronios III].
  • Hidiroglou, Pavlos, “Episima Othomanika Eggrafa Anaferomena eis tin Istoria tis Kyprou”, Epetiris Kentrou Epistimonikon Erevnon, 4 (1971-1972), pp. 29-132 [Ottoman Documents Related to the History of Cyprus].
  • Hidiroglou, Pavlos, “Katalogos ton en Arheio tou Kentrou Epistimonikon Erevnon Enapokeimenon Othomanikon Eggrafon”, Epetiris Kentrou Epistimonikon Erevnon, 5 (1971-1972), pp. 257-385 [List of the Ottoman Documents of the Cyprus Research Centre].
  • Hidiroglou, Pavlos, “Soultanika Veratia”, Epetiris Kentrou Epistimonikon Erevnon, 7 (1973-1975), pp. 119-250 [Sultanic Berats].
  • Hill, George, A History of Cyprus, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1952, vol. 4.
  • Hobsbawm, Eric, “Introduction: Inventing Traditions”, Eric Hobsbawm, Terence Ranger (eds), The Invention of Tradition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1983, pp. 1-14.
  • Huffman, Joseph P., “The Donation of Zeno: St. Barnabas and the Modern History of the Cypriot Archbishop’s Regalia Privileges”, Church History, 84/4 (2015), pp. 713-745.
  • İnalcık, Halil, “Application of the Tanzimat and its Social Effects”, The Ottoman Empire: Conquest, Organization, Economy: Collected Studies, Variorum Reprints, London 1978, pp. 3-33.
  • Karpat, Kemal, “The Transformation of the Ottoman State, 1789-1908”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 3 (1972), pp. 243-281.
  • Kyriazis, Neoklis, “I Satrapai tis Kyprou”, Kypriaka Hronika, 7 (1930), pp. 3-14 [The Satraps of Cyprus].
  • Landau, J. M., “Nishān”, Encyclopaedia of Islam, E. J. Brill, Leiden 1986, vol. 8, pp. 57-60.
  • Makdisi, Ussama, “Rethinking Ottoman Imperialism: Modernity, Violence and the Cultural Logic of Ottoman Reform”, Jens Hanssen, Thomas Philipp, Stefan Weber (eds), The Empire in the City: Arab Provincial Capitals in the Late Ottoman Empire, Ergon, Beirut 2002, pp. 29-48.
  • Mardin, Şerif, “Some Consideration on the Building of an Ottoman Public Identity in the Nineteenth Century”, Dennis Washburn, Kevin A. Reinhart (eds), Converting Cultures: Religion, Ideology and Transformations of Modernity, Brill, Leiden 2007, pp. 169-182.
  • Michael, Michalis N., “Trying to Impose the Reforms in the Periphery: Actions and Reactions to the Tanzimat – The Case of the Muhassıl Mehmet Talat”, Journal of the Centre for Ottoman Studies, 34 (2013), pp. 163-184.
  • Michael, Michalis N., “Ottomanizing Symbols, Projecting Ottoman Political Power: The Archbishops of Cyprus and the Regalia Privileges”, Chronos, 41 (2020) forthcoming.
  • Ortaylı, İlber, İmparatorluğun en Uzun Yüzyılı, Greek edition: Papazisis, Athens 2004.
  • Papaioannou, Charilaos, “Codex A΄ tis Arhiepiskopis Kyprou. Pinax ton en ayto Periehomenon Eggrafon”, Fos, 8 (1911), pp. 225-244 [Codex A΄ of the Archbishopric of Cyprus: List of the Included Documents].
  • Philippou, Loizos, I Ekklisia tis Kyprou epi Tourkokratias, Kyprologiki Vivliothiki, Nicosia 1975 [The Church of Cyprus during the Period of Turkocracy].
  • Stavrides, Theoharis, “Lists of Governors, Prelates and Dragomans of Cyprus (1571-1878)”, Michalis N. Michael, Matthias Kappler, Eftihios Gavriel (eds), Ottoman Cyprus: A Collection of Studies on History and Culture, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2009, pp. 89-106.
  • Zannetos, Filios, Istoria tis Nisou Kyprou [History of the Island of Cyprus], Philokalias, Larnaca 1910, vol. 1.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Michalis N. Michael This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: 48


APA Michael, M. N. (2020). State Honours in Ottoman Nicosia: The Bishops as Agents of Modernity. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma Ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi(48), 177-201.
AMA Michael MN. State Honours in Ottoman Nicosia: The Bishops as Agents of Modernity. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi. January 2020;(48):177-201.
Chicago Michael, Michalis N. “State Honours in Ottoman Nicosia: The Bishops As Agents of Modernity”. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma Ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, no. 48 (January 2020): 177-201.
EndNote Michael MN (January 1, 2020) State Honours in Ottoman Nicosia: The Bishops as Agents of Modernity. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi 48 177–201.
IEEE M. N. Michael, “State Honours in Ottoman Nicosia: The Bishops as Agents of Modernity”, OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, no. 48, pp. 177–201, January 2020.
ISNAD Michael, Michalis N. “State Honours in Ottoman Nicosia: The Bishops As Agents of Modernity”. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi 48 (January 2020), 177-201.
JAMA Michael MN. State Honours in Ottoman Nicosia: The Bishops as Agents of Modernity. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi. 2020;:177–201.
MLA Michael, Michalis N. “State Honours in Ottoman Nicosia: The Bishops As Agents of Modernity”. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma Ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, no. 48, 2020, pp. 177-01.
Vancouver Michael MN. State Honours in Ottoman Nicosia: The Bishops as Agents of Modernity. OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi. 2020(48):177-201.