Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 232 - 269, 27.01.2021


Erken okuryazarlık becerileri, günlük yaşantı içerisinde sözlü dil becerilerini ve yazı
farkındalığını destekleyen yetişkin-çocuk etkileşimleri doğasında gelişir. Araştırmalar işiten annelerin;
işiten ve işitme kayıplı çocukları ile kitaplarla yaşantılarında ipuçları verme, 5N 1K soruları
sorma, yazıya dikkat çekme, açıklamalar ve anlatma yapma gibi stratejiler kullandıklarını
ortaya koymuştur. Araştırmacılar işitme kayıplı çocukların kitaplarla yaşantılarındaki etkileşimleri
ele almanın önemini vurgulamıştır ve nitel araştırmaların yol gösterici olacağını bildirmiştir. Bu
bağlamda araştırmada işiten bir annenin işitme kayıplı çocuğuyla kitaplarla yaşantılarında kullandığı
stratejilerin ve çocuğun katılımının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma nitel araştırma
yöntemlerinden bütüncül tek durum çalışması olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın verileri;
gözlemler, yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşmeler, belgeler, ürünler ve araştırma günlüğü ile toplanmıştır
ve tümevarımsal olarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda; annenin kitabı okurken; kitabı
açık tutma, yazıyı takip etme, metne bağlı kalma ile vurgu ve tonlamalarla sözlü dilin bürünsel
özelliklerini kullanma gibi stratejileri kullandığı belirlenmiştir. Bir kitaba bakma esnasında ise
annenin; yazılı dil farkındalığını destekleme, soru yöneltme, sese dikkat çekme, açıklama yapma
ve genişletme, anlatım yapma, kabul etme, ipucu verme, çocuğu tekrar etme ve ilişkilendirme gibi
birçok strateji kullandığı görülmüştür. İşitme kayıplı çocuğun kitaplarla yaşantılara sözel ve sözel
olmayan davranışlarla katılım gösterdiği gözlenmiştir.


  • Allen, N. (2009). Making a difference – Better beginnings family literacy program, The Australian Library Journal, 58,4, 369-376.
  • Aram, D., Most, T., ve Mayafit, H. (2006). Contributions of mother-child storybook telling and joint writing to literacy development in kindergartners with hearing loss. American Speech-Language Hearing Association, 37, 209-223.
  • Atlar, H. (2017). Okul öncesi dönemdeki işitme kayıplı bir çocuğun gelişen okuryazarlık yaşantılarının incelenmesi. Yüksek lisans tezi, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir.
  • Becker, K. (2012). 24 hours in the children’s section: An observational study at the public library. Early Childhood Education, 40, 107-114.
  • Bergen, D., ve Mauer, D. (2000). Symbolic play, phonological awareness and literacy skills at three age levels. K.A.Roskos, J.F. Christie (Eds.), Play and literacy in early childhood: Research from multiple perspectives içinde (s.45-62). New Jersey: Lawrance Erlbaum Associates Inc.
  • Better Beginnings report: Making a difference: the evaluation of the better beginnings birth to three family literacy program 14 years (2017). Australia: School of Education Early Childhood Research Group Edith Cowan University. Retrieved from:
  • Bogdan, R.C., ve Biklen, S.K. (2007). Qualitative research for eduacation an introduction to theory and methods. (5.Baskı). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Bookstart report: An evaluation of the bookstart corner programme parents’ survey (2014). UK: BookTrust/ActionPoint Marketing Solutions. Retrieved from:
  • Branscombe, N.A., ve Taylor, J. (2000). It would be as good as Snow White: Play and prosody. K.A. Roskos, J.F. Christie (Eds.), Play and literacy in early childhood research from multiple perspectives içinde (s.169-188).
  • Brice Heath, S. (1983). Ways with words language, life and work in communities and classrooms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Christensen, L.B., Johnson, R.B. ve Turner, L.A. (2015). Araştırma yöntemleri desen ve analiz. (Çev: A. Aypay, Ed.). Ankara: Anı yayıncılık.
  • Constantine, J.L. (2004). Relationships among early lexical and literacy skills and language-literacy environments at home and school. Doktora Tezi, A.B.D: South Florida Collage of Education.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2017). Nitel Araştırmacılar İçin 30 Temel Beceri (Çev. H. Özcan). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Cunningham, P. M., Moore, S. A., ve Cunningham, J. W. (2004). Reading and writing in elementary classrooms: Research based K-4 instruction. Allyn & Bacon.
  • Davey, L. (1991). The applications of case study evaluations. Practical Assesment Research & Evaluation, 2 (9), 1-5.
  • Deford, E.D. (1981). Literacy: Reading, writing and other essentials. Language Arts, 58 (6), 652-658.
  • Desjardin, J.L., Doll, E. R., Stika, C.J., Eisenberg, L. S., Johnson, K. C., Hammus Gangully, D. M., Colson, B.G. ve Henning, S.C (2014). Parental support for language development during joint book reading for young children with hearing loss, Communication Disorders Quarterly, 35(3), 167-181.
  • Desjardin, J.L., Stika, C.J., Eisenberg, L. S., Johnson, K. C., Hammus Gangully, D. M., Henning, Colson, B.G. (2017). A longitudinal investigation of the home literacy environment and shared book reading in young children with hearing loss, Ear Hear, 38 (4), 441-454.
  • Diener, M. L., Hobson-Rohrer, W., ve Byington, C. L. (2012). Kindergarten readiness and performance of Latino children participating in Reach Out and Read. Journal of Community Med Health Education, 2(133), 2.
  • Dyson, H. A. (2005). Children out of bounds: the power of case studies in expanding visions of literacy development. J. Flood, S.B. Heath ve D. Lapp (Eds.), Handbook of research on teaching literacy through the communicative and visual arts içinde (s.167-180). New Jersey: Lawrance Erlbalum Associates Publishers. Research & Evaluation, 2 (9), 1-5.
  • Eliot, S. (2016). National bookstart week england evaluation 2016. UK: BookTrust. Retrieved from:
  • Ertürk Mustul, Turan ve Uzuner (2016). İşitme kayıplı çocuğu olan bir annenin etkileşim davranışlarının aile eğitimi bağlamında incelenmesi, Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 17,1, 1-22.
  • Ewoldt, C. (1985). A descriptive study of the developing literacy of young hearing impaired children. The Volta Review, 87, 109-125.
  • Flyvbjerg, B. (2006). Five misunderstandings about case-study research. Qualitative inquiry, 12(2), 219-245.
  • Genç, E., Uzuner, Y., ve Genç, T. (2017). İşitme kayıplı bir çocuğun çeşitli bağlamlarda kullandığı iletişimsel işlevlerin incelenmesi. Özel Egitim Dergisi, 18(3), 355-381.
  • Glesne, C. (2014). Nitel araştırmaya giriş. (Çev: A. Ersoy, P.Yalçınoğlu). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Guba, E. G., ve Lincoln, Y. S. (1982). Epistemological and methodological bases of naturalistic inquiry. ECTJ, 30(4), 233-252.
  • Heller, J.J. and O’Connor, E.J.P. (2006). Maintaining quality in research and reporting. R. Colwell (Ed.), MENC Handbook of research methodologies içinde (s.38-72). USA: Oxford University Press.
  • Henderson, M.J. (1976). Learning to read: A case study of a deaf child. American Annals of the Deaf, 121(5), 502-506.
  • High, P.C., LaGasse L., Becker, S., Ahlgren, I., ve Gardner, A. (2000), “Literacy promotion in primary care pediatrics: can we make a difference?”, Pediatrics, 104, 927–934.
  • Hines, M., ve Brooks, G. (2005). Sheffield babies love books: An evaluation of the sheffield bookstart Project. UK: The University of Sheffield.
  • Jordan, G. E., Snow, C. E., ve Porche, M. V. (2000). Project EASE: The effect of a family literacy project on kindergarten students' early literacy skills. Reading Research Quarterly, 35(4), 524-546.
  • Kaderavek, J. N., ve Sulzby, E. (1998). Parent-child joint book reading: An observational protocol for young children. American journal of speech-language pathology, 7(1), 33-47.
  • Lartz, M. N., ve McCollum, J. (1990). Maternal questions while reading to deaf and hearing twins: A case study. American Annals of the Deaf, 235-240.
  • Lutz, L. (2013). Early reading development in young deaf children supportive family context. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, University of Virginia, USA.
  • Machado, J.M. (2012). Early chilhood experiences in language arts: early literacy (10.Baskı). USA: Wadsworth.
  • Maxwell, M. (1984). A deaf child’s natural development of literacy. Sign Language Studies, 44, 191-224.
  • Mendelshon, A. L., Mogilner, L.N., Preyer, B. P., Forman, J.A., Weinstein, S.C., Broderick, M., Cheng, K. J., Magloire, T., Moore, Napier, C. (2001). The impact of a clinic-based literacy intervention on language development in innercity preschool children, American Academy of Pediatrics, 107, 1, 130-134.
  • Merriam, S.B. (2009). Qualitative research a guide to design and implementation. USA: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Mooney, M. E. (1990). Reading to, with, and by children. Richard C Owen Pub.
  • Moore, Wade, B. (2003). Bookstart: A qualitative evaluation, Educational Review, 55,1, 3-13.
  • Morrow, M.L. (2007). Developing literacy in preschool. New York: The Gulford Press.
  • Morrow, M.L. (2009). Literacy Development in The Early Years. (6.Baskı). U.S.A: Pearson.
  • Nadin, S., ve Cassell, C. (2006). The use of a research diary as a tool for reflexive practice. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management.
  • Needlman, R., Fried, L. E., Morley, D. S., Taylor, S., ve Zuckerman, B. (1991). Clinicbased intervention to promote literacy: A pilot study. American Journal of Diseases of Children, 145(8), 881-884.
  • O'Bruba, W. S. (1987). Reading through the creative arts. Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts, 27(3), 3.
  • Pakulski, L.A, ve Kaderavek, J.N. (2004). Facilitating literacy using experience books: A case study of two children with hearing loss. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 25 (4), 179-188.
  • Primavera, J. (2000). Enhancing family competence through literacy activities. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 20(1-2), 85-101.
  • Reutzel, D., ve Cooter, R. B. (1996). Teaching children to read: From basals to books. Merrill.
  • Rix, J., Perry, J., Durry, R., Messer, D., ve Hancock, R. (2015). The family experience of bookstart corner an evaluation of bookstart corner, The Open University Bookstart, 1-43.
  • Robertson, L. (2009). Literacy and deafness listening and spoken language. UK: Plural Publishing.
  • Rowe, D.W. (2000). Bringing books to life: The role of book-related dramatic play in young children’s literacy learning K.A. Roskos, J.F. Christie (Eds.), Play and literacy in early childhood research from multiple perspectives içinde (s. 3-45). New Jersey: Lawrance Erlbaum Associates Inc.
  • Schirmer, R.B. (2005). Language & literacy Development in Children Who Are Deaf. (2.Baskı). MA: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Sharif, I., Rieber, S., Ozuah, P. O., ve Reiber, S. (2002). Exposure to reach out and read and vocabulary outcomes in inner city preschoolers. Journal of the National Medical Association, 94(3), 171.
  • Sulzby, E., ve Teale, W.H. (1987). Young children’s storybook reading: Longitudinal study of parent-child interaction and children’s independent functioning. Final Report to Spencer Foundation The University of Michigan.
  • Swanwick, R., ve Watson, L. (2005). Literacy in the homes of young deaf children: Common and distinct features of spoken language and sign bilingual environments. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 5(1), 53-78.
  • Şekerler S. (2015). Derinlemesine görüşme. F.N. Seggie, Y. Bayyurt (Eds.), Nitel araştırma, yöntem, teknik, analiz ve yaklaşımları içinde (s.186-201). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Yıldırım, A., ve Şimşek, H. (2011). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. (11.Baskı). Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi.
  • Theriot, J. A., Franco, S. M., Sisson, B. A., Metcalf, S. C., Kennedy, M. A., & Bada, H. S. (2003). The impact of early literacy guidance on language skills of 3-yearolds. Clinical Pediatrics, 42(2), 165-172.
  • Turan, Z. (2010). İşitme kayıplı çocuklarda doğal işitsel-sözel yaklaşımla sürdürülen bir aile eğitimi çalışması. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 10(3), 1699-1729.
  • Turan, Z., Küçüköncü D., Cankuvvet, N., ve Yolal, Y. (2012). Koklear implant ve işitme cihazı kullanan işitme kayıplı çocukların dil ve dinleme becerilerinin değerlendirilmesi. Gülhane Tıp Degisi, 4, 142-150.
  • Uzuner, Y. (1993). An investigation of a hearing mother’s reading aloud efforts to her preschool age hearing and hearing impaired children before bedtime. Doktora Tezi, A.B.D, Cincinnati Üniversitesi.
  • Vermeiden, A.M., van Bon, W., Schreuder, R., Knoors, H. ve Snik, A. (2007). Reading comprehension of deaf children with cochlear implants. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 12 (3), 283-302.
  • Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in Society the Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Wade, B., ve Moore, M. (1993). Bookstart in Birmingham: A Description and Evaluation of an Exploratory British Project to Encourage Sharing Books with Babies. Book Trust.
  • Whitehead, M. R. (2002). Developing Language and Literacy with Young Children. (2.Baskı). London: Chapman.
  • Whitehurst, G. J., Falco, F. L., Lonigan, C. J., Fischel, J. E., DeBaryshe, B. D., Valdez-Menchaca, M. C., ve Caulfield, M. (1988). Accelerating language development through picture book reading. Developmental psychology, 24(4), 552.
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  • Zevenbergen, A.A. and Whitehurst, G.J. (2003). Dialogic reading: A shared Picturebook reading intervention for preschoolers. A. van Kleeck, S.A. Stahl, ve E.B.Bauer (Eds.), In Center for Improvement of Early Reading Achievement, CIERA.On 113 reading books to children: Parents and teachers (s. 177-200). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Year 2021, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 232 - 269, 27.01.2021



  • Allen, N. (2009). Making a difference – Better beginnings family literacy program, The Australian Library Journal, 58,4, 369-376.
  • Aram, D., Most, T., ve Mayafit, H. (2006). Contributions of mother-child storybook telling and joint writing to literacy development in kindergartners with hearing loss. American Speech-Language Hearing Association, 37, 209-223.
  • Atlar, H. (2017). Okul öncesi dönemdeki işitme kayıplı bir çocuğun gelişen okuryazarlık yaşantılarının incelenmesi. Yüksek lisans tezi, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir.
  • Becker, K. (2012). 24 hours in the children’s section: An observational study at the public library. Early Childhood Education, 40, 107-114.
  • Bergen, D., ve Mauer, D. (2000). Symbolic play, phonological awareness and literacy skills at three age levels. K.A.Roskos, J.F. Christie (Eds.), Play and literacy in early childhood: Research from multiple perspectives içinde (s.45-62). New Jersey: Lawrance Erlbaum Associates Inc.
  • Better Beginnings report: Making a difference: the evaluation of the better beginnings birth to three family literacy program 14 years (2017). Australia: School of Education Early Childhood Research Group Edith Cowan University. Retrieved from:
  • Bogdan, R.C., ve Biklen, S.K. (2007). Qualitative research for eduacation an introduction to theory and methods. (5.Baskı). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Bookstart report: An evaluation of the bookstart corner programme parents’ survey (2014). UK: BookTrust/ActionPoint Marketing Solutions. Retrieved from:
  • Branscombe, N.A., ve Taylor, J. (2000). It would be as good as Snow White: Play and prosody. K.A. Roskos, J.F. Christie (Eds.), Play and literacy in early childhood research from multiple perspectives içinde (s.169-188).
  • Brice Heath, S. (1983). Ways with words language, life and work in communities and classrooms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Christensen, L.B., Johnson, R.B. ve Turner, L.A. (2015). Araştırma yöntemleri desen ve analiz. (Çev: A. Aypay, Ed.). Ankara: Anı yayıncılık.
  • Constantine, J.L. (2004). Relationships among early lexical and literacy skills and language-literacy environments at home and school. Doktora Tezi, A.B.D: South Florida Collage of Education.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2017). Nitel Araştırmacılar İçin 30 Temel Beceri (Çev. H. Özcan). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Cunningham, P. M., Moore, S. A., ve Cunningham, J. W. (2004). Reading and writing in elementary classrooms: Research based K-4 instruction. Allyn & Bacon.
  • Davey, L. (1991). The applications of case study evaluations. Practical Assesment Research & Evaluation, 2 (9), 1-5.
  • Deford, E.D. (1981). Literacy: Reading, writing and other essentials. Language Arts, 58 (6), 652-658.
  • Desjardin, J.L., Doll, E. R., Stika, C.J., Eisenberg, L. S., Johnson, K. C., Hammus Gangully, D. M., Colson, B.G. ve Henning, S.C (2014). Parental support for language development during joint book reading for young children with hearing loss, Communication Disorders Quarterly, 35(3), 167-181.
  • Desjardin, J.L., Stika, C.J., Eisenberg, L. S., Johnson, K. C., Hammus Gangully, D. M., Henning, Colson, B.G. (2017). A longitudinal investigation of the home literacy environment and shared book reading in young children with hearing loss, Ear Hear, 38 (4), 441-454.
  • Diener, M. L., Hobson-Rohrer, W., ve Byington, C. L. (2012). Kindergarten readiness and performance of Latino children participating in Reach Out and Read. Journal of Community Med Health Education, 2(133), 2.
  • Dyson, H. A. (2005). Children out of bounds: the power of case studies in expanding visions of literacy development. J. Flood, S.B. Heath ve D. Lapp (Eds.), Handbook of research on teaching literacy through the communicative and visual arts içinde (s.167-180). New Jersey: Lawrance Erlbalum Associates Publishers. Research & Evaluation, 2 (9), 1-5.
  • Eliot, S. (2016). National bookstart week england evaluation 2016. UK: BookTrust. Retrieved from:
  • Ertürk Mustul, Turan ve Uzuner (2016). İşitme kayıplı çocuğu olan bir annenin etkileşim davranışlarının aile eğitimi bağlamında incelenmesi, Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 17,1, 1-22.
  • Ewoldt, C. (1985). A descriptive study of the developing literacy of young hearing impaired children. The Volta Review, 87, 109-125.
  • Flyvbjerg, B. (2006). Five misunderstandings about case-study research. Qualitative inquiry, 12(2), 219-245.
  • Genç, E., Uzuner, Y., ve Genç, T. (2017). İşitme kayıplı bir çocuğun çeşitli bağlamlarda kullandığı iletişimsel işlevlerin incelenmesi. Özel Egitim Dergisi, 18(3), 355-381.
  • Glesne, C. (2014). Nitel araştırmaya giriş. (Çev: A. Ersoy, P.Yalçınoğlu). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Guba, E. G., ve Lincoln, Y. S. (1982). Epistemological and methodological bases of naturalistic inquiry. ECTJ, 30(4), 233-252.
  • Heller, J.J. and O’Connor, E.J.P. (2006). Maintaining quality in research and reporting. R. Colwell (Ed.), MENC Handbook of research methodologies içinde (s.38-72). USA: Oxford University Press.
  • Henderson, M.J. (1976). Learning to read: A case study of a deaf child. American Annals of the Deaf, 121(5), 502-506.
  • High, P.C., LaGasse L., Becker, S., Ahlgren, I., ve Gardner, A. (2000), “Literacy promotion in primary care pediatrics: can we make a difference?”, Pediatrics, 104, 927–934.
  • Hines, M., ve Brooks, G. (2005). Sheffield babies love books: An evaluation of the sheffield bookstart Project. UK: The University of Sheffield.
  • Jordan, G. E., Snow, C. E., ve Porche, M. V. (2000). Project EASE: The effect of a family literacy project on kindergarten students' early literacy skills. Reading Research Quarterly, 35(4), 524-546.
  • Kaderavek, J. N., ve Sulzby, E. (1998). Parent-child joint book reading: An observational protocol for young children. American journal of speech-language pathology, 7(1), 33-47.
  • Lartz, M. N., ve McCollum, J. (1990). Maternal questions while reading to deaf and hearing twins: A case study. American Annals of the Deaf, 235-240.
  • Lutz, L. (2013). Early reading development in young deaf children supportive family context. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, University of Virginia, USA.
  • Machado, J.M. (2012). Early chilhood experiences in language arts: early literacy (10.Baskı). USA: Wadsworth.
  • Maxwell, M. (1984). A deaf child’s natural development of literacy. Sign Language Studies, 44, 191-224.
  • Mendelshon, A. L., Mogilner, L.N., Preyer, B. P., Forman, J.A., Weinstein, S.C., Broderick, M., Cheng, K. J., Magloire, T., Moore, Napier, C. (2001). The impact of a clinic-based literacy intervention on language development in innercity preschool children, American Academy of Pediatrics, 107, 1, 130-134.
  • Merriam, S.B. (2009). Qualitative research a guide to design and implementation. USA: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Mooney, M. E. (1990). Reading to, with, and by children. Richard C Owen Pub.
  • Moore, Wade, B. (2003). Bookstart: A qualitative evaluation, Educational Review, 55,1, 3-13.
  • Morrow, M.L. (2007). Developing literacy in preschool. New York: The Gulford Press.
  • Morrow, M.L. (2009). Literacy Development in The Early Years. (6.Baskı). U.S.A: Pearson.
  • Nadin, S., ve Cassell, C. (2006). The use of a research diary as a tool for reflexive practice. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management.
  • Needlman, R., Fried, L. E., Morley, D. S., Taylor, S., ve Zuckerman, B. (1991). Clinicbased intervention to promote literacy: A pilot study. American Journal of Diseases of Children, 145(8), 881-884.
  • O'Bruba, W. S. (1987). Reading through the creative arts. Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts, 27(3), 3.
  • Pakulski, L.A, ve Kaderavek, J.N. (2004). Facilitating literacy using experience books: A case study of two children with hearing loss. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 25 (4), 179-188.
  • Primavera, J. (2000). Enhancing family competence through literacy activities. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 20(1-2), 85-101.
  • Reutzel, D., ve Cooter, R. B. (1996). Teaching children to read: From basals to books. Merrill.
  • Rix, J., Perry, J., Durry, R., Messer, D., ve Hancock, R. (2015). The family experience of bookstart corner an evaluation of bookstart corner, The Open University Bookstart, 1-43.
  • Robertson, L. (2009). Literacy and deafness listening and spoken language. UK: Plural Publishing.
  • Rowe, D.W. (2000). Bringing books to life: The role of book-related dramatic play in young children’s literacy learning K.A. Roskos, J.F. Christie (Eds.), Play and literacy in early childhood research from multiple perspectives içinde (s. 3-45). New Jersey: Lawrance Erlbaum Associates Inc.
  • Schirmer, R.B. (2005). Language & literacy Development in Children Who Are Deaf. (2.Baskı). MA: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Sharif, I., Rieber, S., Ozuah, P. O., ve Reiber, S. (2002). Exposure to reach out and read and vocabulary outcomes in inner city preschoolers. Journal of the National Medical Association, 94(3), 171.
  • Sulzby, E., ve Teale, W.H. (1987). Young children’s storybook reading: Longitudinal study of parent-child interaction and children’s independent functioning. Final Report to Spencer Foundation The University of Michigan.
  • Swanwick, R., ve Watson, L. (2005). Literacy in the homes of young deaf children: Common and distinct features of spoken language and sign bilingual environments. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 5(1), 53-78.
  • Şekerler S. (2015). Derinlemesine görüşme. F.N. Seggie, Y. Bayyurt (Eds.), Nitel araştırma, yöntem, teknik, analiz ve yaklaşımları içinde (s.186-201). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Yıldırım, A., ve Şimşek, H. (2011). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. (11.Baskı). Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi.
  • Theriot, J. A., Franco, S. M., Sisson, B. A., Metcalf, S. C., Kennedy, M. A., & Bada, H. S. (2003). The impact of early literacy guidance on language skills of 3-yearolds. Clinical Pediatrics, 42(2), 165-172.
  • Turan, Z. (2010). İşitme kayıplı çocuklarda doğal işitsel-sözel yaklaşımla sürdürülen bir aile eğitimi çalışması. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 10(3), 1699-1729.
  • Turan, Z., Küçüköncü D., Cankuvvet, N., ve Yolal, Y. (2012). Koklear implant ve işitme cihazı kullanan işitme kayıplı çocukların dil ve dinleme becerilerinin değerlendirilmesi. Gülhane Tıp Degisi, 4, 142-150.
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There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Special Education and Disabled Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Hilal Atlar This is me

Yıldız Uzuner This is me

Publication Date January 27, 2021
Submission Date November 27, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 1 Issue: 1
