Research Article
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Impact of Global Warming on the Arctic Region and World Trade Routes

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: Özel Sayı, 72 - 89, 10.10.2024


The Arctic region is increasingly recognized for its environmental changes and geopolitical importance caused by climate change. The Arctic has become a symbol of climate change in recent years, as rising temperatures worldwide have caused significant ice melt. The melting of Arctic glaciers presents opportunities and challenges for many countries in international politics. The environmental transformation experienced in the Arctic region is opening up new trade routes. It is also revealing previously inaccessible natural resources such as oil, gas, and minerals. Melting glaciers may increase global trade, but they also raise concerns about environmental degradation and geopolitical tensions. While melting glaciers create new avenues for trade and resource extraction, they are also causing geopolitical tensions between major powers. As polar ice caps melt and new sea routes emerge, the Arctic has become a focal point for global competition between major powers, particularly the United States, Russia, and China. This study presents the effects of the global melting in the Arctic region on maritime trade routes and the current and future economic and commercial competition between states in this area.


  • AEC. (2019). Arctic economic council Maritime transportation working group report: The State of Maritime transportation in the Arctic. Arctic Economic Council.
  • Arctic Council, (2018, May 22). Scientific cooperation agreement enters into force,
  • Arctic Portal, (2024a, April 16). Icebreakers,
  • Arctic Portal, (2024b March 27). Natural resources,
  • Baugh, L. S. (2022). Franklin expedition. Encyclopedia Britannica,
  • Bayırhan, İ & Gazioğlu, C., (2021). New Maritime Trade Routes in the Arctic Region: one of the Strongest Alternatives to the Suez Canal, International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics (IJEGEO), 8(3), 397-401.
  • Blas, J. K. Ha, O. & El Wardany, S., (2021, March 28). When a desert wind blew $10 billion off the global trade-off course.
  • Brigham, L. W. (2012, July 28). Thinking about the new Arctic geography. In Heininen, Lassi (Ed.), Arctic Yearbook, Northern Research Forum Akureyri, Iceland, 2012,
  • Çetin, O., & Köseoğlu, M. (2020). A Study on the Classification of Maritime Security Threat Topics, International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 7(3), 365-371. /ijegeo.742336
  • Çetin O. & Büyüksağnak, Y.B. (2021). Turkey's Interest in the Arctic Region: The Evaluation Of Being A Party To The Svalbard Treaty. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics (IJEGEO), 8(3), 350-358.
  • Lu, D. Park, G.-K., Choi, K. & Oh, S., (2014). “An economic analysis of container shipping through Canadian Northwest Passage,” International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy, 1, 60-72
  • Dow, J. M., Neilan, R. E. & Rizos, C. (2009). The international GNSS service in a changing landscape of global navigation satellite systems. Journal of Geodesy 83, 191–198,
  • Ebinger, C. K. & Zambetakis, E. (2009). The geopolitics of Arctic melt, International Affairs, 85(6), 1215–1232
  • Farré, A. B., et. al, (2014). Commercial Arctic shipping through the Northeast Passage: routes, resources, governance, technology, and infrastructure, Polar Geography, 37(4), 298-324,
  • German Arctic Office (2019, August 20). Shipping in the Arctic, fact sheet. Alfred- Wegener Institute.
  • Grewal, M. S. (2011). Global navigation satellite systems, WIREs. Computational Statistics, 16(4), 383-384.
  • Gross, M., (2020, December 2). Geopolitical competition in the Arctic Circle. Harvard International Review,
  • Gümrükçü, H. (2015) “Küresel bakışla kutup çağının genel hatları”, H. Gümrükçü, N. Shulgina Şanlı, S.
  • Demirkılınç, A. İnan & T. İlbuğa (Ed.), “Küresel bakışla kutup çağı: çatışmalar, iş birlikleri ve ulusal çıkarlar içinde (3-29). Siyasal Kitapevi
  • Hancock, L. (2023, n.d.). Why are glaciers and sea ice melting?
  • History of Arctic Marine Transport, (2009, September 26). Arctic marine shipping assessment report 2009,
  • Hoel, A. H. & Ravna, O. (2010). The new age of the Arctic, Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 1, 159-163
  • Humpert, M. & Raspotnik, A. (2012). The future of Arctic shipping along the transpolar sea route, Arctic Yearbook, 281-307.
  • Huebert, R. et al., (2012, April 12). Climate change and international security: The Arctic as a bellwether, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions,
  • Lee, C.M., M. DeGrandpre, J. Guthrie, V. Hill, R. Kwok, J. Morison, C.J. Cox, H. Singh, T.P. Stanton, & J. Wilkinson. (2022). Emerging technologies and approaches for in situ, autonomous observing in the Arctic. Oceanography, 35(3–4), 210–221.
  • Li, P., Qian, H., Howard, K. W. F., Wu, J. (2015). Building a new and sustainable “Silk Road economic belt.” Environmental Earth Sciences, 74(10), 7267–7270.
  • Limon, O. (2020a). Yeni enerji havzalarının ortaya çıkmasının kuzey kutbu Arctic jeopolitik konumuna etkileri [Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi]. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
  • Limon, O. (2020b). Arctic jeopolitiği-1 jeopolitik durum küresel iklim değişikliği ve yeni enerji havzaları. Efe Akademi.
  • Limon, O. (2020c). Arctic jeopolitiği-2 sorunlar ve anlaşmazlıklar, bölge ve bölge dışı aktörlerin stratejileri. Efe Akademi
  • Lindsey R. & Dahlman, LuAnn (2024, January 18). Climate change: global temperature,
  • Murphy, J. (2018, November 1). Is the Arctic set to become a main shipping route?
  • National Snow & Ice Data Center, (2024, September 24). Arctic sea ice news & analysis.
  • NASA, (2023, September 12). Arctic Sea ice minimum extent.
  • NASA, (2024, August 28). Ice sheets.
  • NPolar, (2024, September 19). Albedo effect.
  • Ohnishi, F. (2024, June 5). Climate Change Affects International Relationships in the Arctic.
  • Østhagen, A. (2024, April 17). The Arctic in international relations. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies,
  • Ostreng, W., Eger, K. M., Fløistad, B., Jørgensen-Dahl, A., Lothe, L., Mejlænder-Larsen, M., & Wergeland, T. (2013). Shipping in Arctic waters: A comparison of the northeast, northwest and trans polar passages. Springer
  • Peimani, H. (Ed.). (2013), Introduction, in Energy Security and the Geopolitics in the Arctic: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, ed., Homan Peimani. World Scientific Publishing Company
  • Reuters. (2009, September 12). German ships successfully make “Arctic Passage”,
  • Statista. (2024, January 10). Ocean shipping worldwide-statistics & facts,
  • Stephenson, S.R., Brigham, L.W., & Smith, L.C. (2013), Marine accessibility along Russia’s Northern Sea Route. Polar Geography, 37 (2), 111–133.
  • The European Space Agency. (2019, July 7). Arctic shipping routes,
  • Young, O. R. (1985). The Age of The Arctic, Foreign Policy, 61, 160-179.
  • Xu, H., Yang, D., & Weng, J. (2018). Economic feasibility of an NSR/SCR-combined container service on the Asia-Europe lane: A new approach dynamically considering sea ice extent. Maritime Policy & Management, 45(4), 514–529.
  • Winther, I. N. & Østhagen, A. (2024). The big picture of Arctic geopolitics: An actor-oriented analysis. Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI Report 1/2024).

Küresel Isınmanın Arktik Bölge ve Dünya Ticaret Rotalarına Etkileri

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: Özel Sayı, 72 - 89, 10.10.2024


Arktik bölgesi, yalnızca iklim değişikliğinden kaynaklanan çevresel değişiklikleriyle değil, aynı zamanda jeopolitik önemiyle de giderek daha fazla tanınmaktadır. Arktik, son yıllarda dünya genelinde artan sıcaklıkların önemli buz erimesine yol açmasıyla birlikte iklim değişikliğinin bir sembolü haline gelmeye başlamıştır. Arktik buzullarının erimesi uluslararası politikada birçok ülke için hem fırsatlar hem de zorluklar sunuyor. Öyle ki Arktik bölgede yaşanan çevresel dönüşüm, yeni ticaret rotaları açmaktadır. Ayrıca petrol, gaz ve mineraller gibi daha önce erişilemeyen doğal kaynakları ortaya çıkarıyor. Eriyen buzullar, küresel ticareti artırabilecek ancak aynı zamanda çevresel bozulma ve jeopolitik gerginlikler konusunda endişelere yol açmaktadır. Buzulların erimesi bir taraftan ticaret ve kaynak çıkarma için yeni yolları ortaya çıkarırken, aynı zamanda büyük güçler arasındaki jeopolitik gerginliklerinde artmasına neden olmaktadır. Kutuplardaki buzullar eridikçe ve yeni deniz rotaları ortaya çıktıkça Arktik, özellikle Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Rusya ve Çin olmak üzere büyük güçler arasındaki küresel rekabetin odak noktası haline gelmeye başlamıştır. Bu çalışmada Arktik bölgede yaşanan küresel erimenin deniz ticaret yolları üzerindeki etkileri ve bu alanda devletler arasındaki mevcut ve gelecekteki ekonomik ve ticari rekabet ortaya konulmaktadır.


  • AEC. (2019). Arctic economic council Maritime transportation working group report: The State of Maritime transportation in the Arctic. Arctic Economic Council.
  • Arctic Council, (2018, May 22). Scientific cooperation agreement enters into force,
  • Arctic Portal, (2024a, April 16). Icebreakers,
  • Arctic Portal, (2024b March 27). Natural resources,
  • Baugh, L. S. (2022). Franklin expedition. Encyclopedia Britannica,
  • Bayırhan, İ & Gazioğlu, C., (2021). New Maritime Trade Routes in the Arctic Region: one of the Strongest Alternatives to the Suez Canal, International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics (IJEGEO), 8(3), 397-401.
  • Blas, J. K. Ha, O. & El Wardany, S., (2021, March 28). When a desert wind blew $10 billion off the global trade-off course.
  • Brigham, L. W. (2012, July 28). Thinking about the new Arctic geography. In Heininen, Lassi (Ed.), Arctic Yearbook, Northern Research Forum Akureyri, Iceland, 2012,
  • Çetin, O., & Köseoğlu, M. (2020). A Study on the Classification of Maritime Security Threat Topics, International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 7(3), 365-371. /ijegeo.742336
  • Çetin O. & Büyüksağnak, Y.B. (2021). Turkey's Interest in the Arctic Region: The Evaluation Of Being A Party To The Svalbard Treaty. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics (IJEGEO), 8(3), 350-358.
  • Lu, D. Park, G.-K., Choi, K. & Oh, S., (2014). “An economic analysis of container shipping through Canadian Northwest Passage,” International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy, 1, 60-72
  • Dow, J. M., Neilan, R. E. & Rizos, C. (2009). The international GNSS service in a changing landscape of global navigation satellite systems. Journal of Geodesy 83, 191–198,
  • Ebinger, C. K. & Zambetakis, E. (2009). The geopolitics of Arctic melt, International Affairs, 85(6), 1215–1232
  • Farré, A. B., et. al, (2014). Commercial Arctic shipping through the Northeast Passage: routes, resources, governance, technology, and infrastructure, Polar Geography, 37(4), 298-324,
  • German Arctic Office (2019, August 20). Shipping in the Arctic, fact sheet. Alfred- Wegener Institute.
  • Grewal, M. S. (2011). Global navigation satellite systems, WIREs. Computational Statistics, 16(4), 383-384.
  • Gross, M., (2020, December 2). Geopolitical competition in the Arctic Circle. Harvard International Review,
  • Gümrükçü, H. (2015) “Küresel bakışla kutup çağının genel hatları”, H. Gümrükçü, N. Shulgina Şanlı, S.
  • Demirkılınç, A. İnan & T. İlbuğa (Ed.), “Küresel bakışla kutup çağı: çatışmalar, iş birlikleri ve ulusal çıkarlar içinde (3-29). Siyasal Kitapevi
  • Hancock, L. (2023, n.d.). Why are glaciers and sea ice melting?
  • History of Arctic Marine Transport, (2009, September 26). Arctic marine shipping assessment report 2009,
  • Hoel, A. H. & Ravna, O. (2010). The new age of the Arctic, Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 1, 159-163
  • Humpert, M. & Raspotnik, A. (2012). The future of Arctic shipping along the transpolar sea route, Arctic Yearbook, 281-307.
  • Huebert, R. et al., (2012, April 12). Climate change and international security: The Arctic as a bellwether, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions,
  • Lee, C.M., M. DeGrandpre, J. Guthrie, V. Hill, R. Kwok, J. Morison, C.J. Cox, H. Singh, T.P. Stanton, & J. Wilkinson. (2022). Emerging technologies and approaches for in situ, autonomous observing in the Arctic. Oceanography, 35(3–4), 210–221.
  • Li, P., Qian, H., Howard, K. W. F., Wu, J. (2015). Building a new and sustainable “Silk Road economic belt.” Environmental Earth Sciences, 74(10), 7267–7270.
  • Limon, O. (2020a). Yeni enerji havzalarının ortaya çıkmasının kuzey kutbu Arctic jeopolitik konumuna etkileri [Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi]. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
  • Limon, O. (2020b). Arctic jeopolitiği-1 jeopolitik durum küresel iklim değişikliği ve yeni enerji havzaları. Efe Akademi.
  • Limon, O. (2020c). Arctic jeopolitiği-2 sorunlar ve anlaşmazlıklar, bölge ve bölge dışı aktörlerin stratejileri. Efe Akademi
  • Lindsey R. & Dahlman, LuAnn (2024, January 18). Climate change: global temperature,
  • Murphy, J. (2018, November 1). Is the Arctic set to become a main shipping route?
  • National Snow & Ice Data Center, (2024, September 24). Arctic sea ice news & analysis.
  • NASA, (2023, September 12). Arctic Sea ice minimum extent.
  • NASA, (2024, August 28). Ice sheets.
  • NPolar, (2024, September 19). Albedo effect.
  • Ohnishi, F. (2024, June 5). Climate Change Affects International Relationships in the Arctic.
  • Østhagen, A. (2024, April 17). The Arctic in international relations. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies,
  • Ostreng, W., Eger, K. M., Fløistad, B., Jørgensen-Dahl, A., Lothe, L., Mejlænder-Larsen, M., & Wergeland, T. (2013). Shipping in Arctic waters: A comparison of the northeast, northwest and trans polar passages. Springer
  • Peimani, H. (Ed.). (2013), Introduction, in Energy Security and the Geopolitics in the Arctic: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, ed., Homan Peimani. World Scientific Publishing Company
  • Reuters. (2009, September 12). German ships successfully make “Arctic Passage”,
  • Statista. (2024, January 10). Ocean shipping worldwide-statistics & facts,
  • Stephenson, S.R., Brigham, L.W., & Smith, L.C. (2013), Marine accessibility along Russia’s Northern Sea Route. Polar Geography, 37 (2), 111–133.
  • The European Space Agency. (2019, July 7). Arctic shipping routes,
  • Young, O. R. (1985). The Age of The Arctic, Foreign Policy, 61, 160-179.
  • Xu, H., Yang, D., & Weng, J. (2018). Economic feasibility of an NSR/SCR-combined container service on the Asia-Europe lane: A new approach dynamically considering sea ice extent. Maritime Policy & Management, 45(4), 514–529.
  • Winther, I. N. & Østhagen, A. (2024). The big picture of Arctic geopolitics: An actor-oriented analysis. Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI Report 1/2024).
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Regional Studies, International Relations (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Mesut Şöhret 0000-0003-4052-9286

Early Pub Date October 7, 2024
Publication Date October 10, 2024
Submission Date August 2, 2024
Acceptance Date September 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 13 Issue: Özel Sayı


APA Şöhret, M. (2024). Impact of Global Warming on the Arctic Region and World Trade Routes. Paradigma: İktisadi Ve İdari Araştırmalar Dergisi, 13(Özel Sayı), 72-89.