Research Article
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Arktik Bölgesi’ne İlişkin Jeopolitik Tartışmalar

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 59 - 67, 26.12.2024


It is observed that the Arctic region has recently become more important in international politics. The region's underground resources and the global consequences of climate change play an important role in policies towards the region. The region's openness to co-operation is important in maintaining international security and peace. The relations and institutionalisation established by the riparian states with each other contribute to regional peace. However, it is possible to say that some crises, such as the Ukraine issue, affect the peace in the region. Explaining the policies of China and India, which have an interest in the region, in addition to the established US and Russian great powers in the Arctic, within the framework of geopolitics with concrete data brings along some debates. Geopolitics is at the centre of these debates. In geopolitical analyses, data appropriate to the spirit of each period have been instrumentalised for analysis. Therefore, geopolitics as a method is renewed every period and differences emerge in its assumptions. Accordingly, it is important to determine what the basic assumptions of geopolitical analyses are, how they have progressed in the historical process, what criticisms they bring and their methodological differences.
This article focuses on the discussions of Arctic policies within the framework of geopolitics. The methods prominent in geopolitical debates will be analysed and concretised with examples from policy implementations. Literature review method is used in the article.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışmanın, özgün bir çalışma olduğunu; çalışmanın hazırlık, veri toplama, analiz ve bilgilerin sunumu olmak üzere tüm aşamalarından bilimsel etik ilke ve kurallarına uygun davrandığımı; bu çalışma kapsamında elde edilmeyen tüm veri ve bilgiler için kaynak gösterdiğimi ve bu kaynaklara kaynakçada yer verdiğimi; kullanılan verilerde herhangi bir değişiklik yapmadığımı, çalışmanın Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)' in tüm şartlarını ve koşullarını kabul ederek etik görev ve sorumluluklara riayet ettiğimi beyan ederim. Herhangi bir zamanda, çalışmayla ilgili yaptığım bu beyana aykırı bir durumun saptanması durumunda, ortaya çıkacak tüm ahlaki ve hukuki sonuçlara razı olduğumu bildiririm.




  • Agnew, J. (2003). Geopolitics: Re-visioning world politics. Routledge.
  • Agnew, J., & Corbridge, S. (1995). Mastering space: Hegemony, territory and international political economy. Routledge.
  • Albert, M., Reuber, P. & Wolkersdorfer, G. (2003). Kritische geopolitik. S. Schieder & M. Spindler (Hrsg.), Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen içinde(s. 505–530). Opladen: Leske+Budrich.
  • Antrim, C. L. (2010). The next geographical pivot: The Russian Arctic in the twenty-first century, Naval War College Review, 63(3), 15–37.
  • Bird, K. J., Charpentier, R. R., Gautier, D. L., Houseknecht, D. W., Klett T. R., Pitman, J. K., Moore, T. E., Schenk C. J., Tennyson M. E. & Wandrey, C. J.(2008). Circum-Arctic resource appraisal: Estimates of undiscovered oil and gas north of the Arctic circle. U.S. Geological Survey. Erişim 17.08.2024
  • Blunden, M. (2012). Geopolitics and the northern sea route. International Affairs, 88(1), 115–129.
  • Borgerson, S. G. (2008). Arctic meltdown: The economic and security implications of global warming. Foreign Affairs, 87(2), 63–77.
  • Chivers, C. J. (2007, 3 August). Russians plant flag on the Arctic Seabed. The New York Times.
  • Ebinger, C. K., & Zambetakis, E. (2009). The geopolitics of Arctic melt. International Affairs, 85(6), 1215–1232.
  • Flint, C. (2017). Introduction to geopolitics (3. baskı). Routledge.
  • Flint, C., & Taylor, P.J. (2018). Political geography: World-economy, nation-state and locality. Routledge.
  • Gorbatschow, M. (1987). Speech in Murmansk at the ceremonial meeting on the occasion of the presentation of the order of Lenin and the gold Star to the City of Murmansk. BarentsInfo
  • Helmig, J. (2007). Geopolitik – annäherung an ein schwieriges konzept. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 20–37.
  • Hough, P. (2012). Worth the energy? The geopolitics of Arctic oil. Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, 6(2), 65–80.
  • Ilulissat-Deklaration.(2008).
  • Knecht, S. (2015). Die Mär vom Kalten Krieg: Wie geopolitische paradigmen in den Internationalen Beziehungen des Arktisraums (re)produziert werden. S+F Sicherheit und Frieden, 33(3), 121–126.
  • Küçük, M.N.,(2023). Eleştirel jeopolitik ve uluslararası ilişkiler disiplini: Mekânsallık, söylem ve iktidar. Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi.11(Özel Sayı), 163–187.
  • Limon, O. (2020a). Arktika jeopolitiği-1: Jeopolitik durum, küresel iklim değişikliği ve yeni enerji havzaları. Efe Akademi Yayınevi.
  • Limon, O. (2020b). Arktika jeopolitiği-2: Sorunlar ve anlaşmazlıklar, bölge ve bölge dışı aktörlerin stratejileri. Efe Akademi Yayınevi.
  • Limon, O., & Gürdal Limon, E. (2023). Arktik güvenliğini yeniden düşünmek: Değişimler ve zorluklar. Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(2), 223-248.
  • Mackinder, H. J. (1904). The geographical pivot of history. The Geographical Journal, 23(4), 421–437.
  • Matz, O. (2010). Arktische Fronten. Blätter für Deutsche und Internationale Politik, 9, 27–31.
  • Moe, A., Fjaertoft, D., Overland, I. (2011). Space and timing: Why was the Barents Sea delimitation dispute resolved in 2010? Polar Geography, 34(3), 145–162.
  • National Snow and Ice Data Center.(2007, 1 Ekim).Arctic Sea Ice shatters all previous record lows, Ó Tuathail, G. (1996). Critical geopolitics: The politics of writing global space. Routledge.
  • Ó Tuathail, G., Dalby, S., & Routledge, P. (Ed.). (1998). The Geopolitics Reader. Routledge.
  • Parker, G. (1985). Western geopolitical thought in the twentieth century. St. Martin's Press.
  • Parker, G. (1998). Geopolitics: Past, present, and future. Pinter.
  • Rahbek-Clemmensen, J. (2017). The Ukraine crisis moves north: Is Arctic conflict spill-over driven by material interests? Polar Record, 53(1), 1–15.
  • Sharp, J. (1993). Publishing American identity: Popular geopolitics, myth and the reader’s digest. Political Geography,12(6), 491-503.
  • Spykman, N. J. (1942). America’s strategy in world politics: The United States and the balance of power. Harcourt, Brace & Co.
  • Spiegel Online. (2007). Russen setzen Fahne am Nordpol (2. August).
  • Spiegel Online.(2014). Paris stoppt Lieferung von Helikopter-Träger an Moskau,
  • Şener, B. (2017). Jeopolitik, uluslararası ilişkilerde insan, devlet, coğrafya ve zaman etkileşimi üzerine bir giriş. Barış Kitap.
  • Wegge, N., Keil, K. (2018). Between classical and critical geopolitics in a changing Arctic. Polar Geography, 41(2), 87–106.
  • Zellen, B. (2009a). Arctic doom, Arctic boom: The geopolitics of climate change in the Arctic. Greenwood Publishing Group.

Geopolitical Debates Regarding the Arctic Region

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 59 - 67, 26.12.2024


It is observed that the Arctic region has recently become more important in international politics. The region's underground resources and the global consequences of climate change play an important role in policies towards the region. The region's openness to co-operation is important in maintaining international security and peace. The relations and institutionalisation established by the riparian states with each other contribute to regional peace. However, it is possible to say that some crises, such as the Ukraine issue, affect the peace in the region. Explaining the policies of China and India, which have an interest in the region, in addition to the established US and Russian great powers in the Arctic, within the framework of geopolitics with concrete data brings along some debates. Geopolitics is at the centre of these debates. In geopolitical analyses, data appropriate to the spirit of each period have been instrumentalised for analysis. Therefore, geopolitics as a method is renewed every period and differences emerge in its assumptions. Accordingly, it is important to determine what the basic assumptions of geopolitical analyses are, how they have progressed in the historical process, what criticisms they bring and their methodological differences.
This article focuses on the discussions of Arctic policies within the framework of geopolitics. The methods prominent in geopolitical debates will be analysed and concretised with examples from policy implementations. Literature review method is used in the article.


  • Agnew, J. (2003). Geopolitics: Re-visioning world politics. Routledge.
  • Agnew, J., & Corbridge, S. (1995). Mastering space: Hegemony, territory and international political economy. Routledge.
  • Albert, M., Reuber, P. & Wolkersdorfer, G. (2003). Kritische geopolitik. S. Schieder & M. Spindler (Hrsg.), Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen içinde(s. 505–530). Opladen: Leske+Budrich.
  • Antrim, C. L. (2010). The next geographical pivot: The Russian Arctic in the twenty-first century, Naval War College Review, 63(3), 15–37.
  • Bird, K. J., Charpentier, R. R., Gautier, D. L., Houseknecht, D. W., Klett T. R., Pitman, J. K., Moore, T. E., Schenk C. J., Tennyson M. E. & Wandrey, C. J.(2008). Circum-Arctic resource appraisal: Estimates of undiscovered oil and gas north of the Arctic circle. U.S. Geological Survey. Erişim 17.08.2024
  • Blunden, M. (2012). Geopolitics and the northern sea route. International Affairs, 88(1), 115–129.
  • Borgerson, S. G. (2008). Arctic meltdown: The economic and security implications of global warming. Foreign Affairs, 87(2), 63–77.
  • Chivers, C. J. (2007, 3 August). Russians plant flag on the Arctic Seabed. The New York Times.
  • Ebinger, C. K., & Zambetakis, E. (2009). The geopolitics of Arctic melt. International Affairs, 85(6), 1215–1232.
  • Flint, C. (2017). Introduction to geopolitics (3. baskı). Routledge.
  • Flint, C., & Taylor, P.J. (2018). Political geography: World-economy, nation-state and locality. Routledge.
  • Gorbatschow, M. (1987). Speech in Murmansk at the ceremonial meeting on the occasion of the presentation of the order of Lenin and the gold Star to the City of Murmansk. BarentsInfo
  • Helmig, J. (2007). Geopolitik – annäherung an ein schwieriges konzept. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 20–37.
  • Hough, P. (2012). Worth the energy? The geopolitics of Arctic oil. Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, 6(2), 65–80.
  • Ilulissat-Deklaration.(2008).
  • Knecht, S. (2015). Die Mär vom Kalten Krieg: Wie geopolitische paradigmen in den Internationalen Beziehungen des Arktisraums (re)produziert werden. S+F Sicherheit und Frieden, 33(3), 121–126.
  • Küçük, M.N.,(2023). Eleştirel jeopolitik ve uluslararası ilişkiler disiplini: Mekânsallık, söylem ve iktidar. Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi.11(Özel Sayı), 163–187.
  • Limon, O. (2020a). Arktika jeopolitiği-1: Jeopolitik durum, küresel iklim değişikliği ve yeni enerji havzaları. Efe Akademi Yayınevi.
  • Limon, O. (2020b). Arktika jeopolitiği-2: Sorunlar ve anlaşmazlıklar, bölge ve bölge dışı aktörlerin stratejileri. Efe Akademi Yayınevi.
  • Limon, O., & Gürdal Limon, E. (2023). Arktik güvenliğini yeniden düşünmek: Değişimler ve zorluklar. Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(2), 223-248.
  • Mackinder, H. J. (1904). The geographical pivot of history. The Geographical Journal, 23(4), 421–437.
  • Matz, O. (2010). Arktische Fronten. Blätter für Deutsche und Internationale Politik, 9, 27–31.
  • Moe, A., Fjaertoft, D., Overland, I. (2011). Space and timing: Why was the Barents Sea delimitation dispute resolved in 2010? Polar Geography, 34(3), 145–162.
  • National Snow and Ice Data Center.(2007, 1 Ekim).Arctic Sea Ice shatters all previous record lows, Ó Tuathail, G. (1996). Critical geopolitics: The politics of writing global space. Routledge.
  • Ó Tuathail, G., Dalby, S., & Routledge, P. (Ed.). (1998). The Geopolitics Reader. Routledge.
  • Parker, G. (1985). Western geopolitical thought in the twentieth century. St. Martin's Press.
  • Parker, G. (1998). Geopolitics: Past, present, and future. Pinter.
  • Rahbek-Clemmensen, J. (2017). The Ukraine crisis moves north: Is Arctic conflict spill-over driven by material interests? Polar Record, 53(1), 1–15.
  • Sharp, J. (1993). Publishing American identity: Popular geopolitics, myth and the reader’s digest. Political Geography,12(6), 491-503.
  • Spykman, N. J. (1942). America’s strategy in world politics: The United States and the balance of power. Harcourt, Brace & Co.
  • Spiegel Online. (2007). Russen setzen Fahne am Nordpol (2. August).
  • Spiegel Online.(2014). Paris stoppt Lieferung von Helikopter-Träger an Moskau,
  • Şener, B. (2017). Jeopolitik, uluslararası ilişkilerde insan, devlet, coğrafya ve zaman etkileşimi üzerine bir giriş. Barış Kitap.
  • Wegge, N., Keil, K. (2018). Between classical and critical geopolitics in a changing Arctic. Polar Geography, 41(2), 87–106.
  • Zellen, B. (2009a). Arctic doom, Arctic boom: The geopolitics of climate change in the Arctic. Greenwood Publishing Group.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Regional Studies, International Security
Journal Section Research Articles

Metin Aksoy 0000-0002-3118-6739

Publication Date December 26, 2024
Submission Date August 19, 2024
Acceptance Date December 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 13 Issue: 2


APA Aksoy, M. (2024). Arktik Bölgesi’ne İlişkin Jeopolitik Tartışmalar. Paradigma: İktisadi Ve İdari Araştırmalar Dergisi, 13(2), 59-67.