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Political Economy of Transition From Centralized Planning to Market Economy: Alternative Models

Year 2012, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 37 - 58, 01.06.2012


The concept of “transition economies”, which is used to denote those countries that experience a transition from socialist systems based on central planning to capitalist systems based on free market, carries more meanings than a simple transformation of economic systems. This change has an integrated content that involves the transformation of all units determining not only economic but also political, cultural and social life. This characteristic of the transition process fits to the tradition of political economy that brings political institutions, social consciousness and ideas together under the economic umbrella, and thus the process can be analyzed from this perspective. Within the framework of political economy, thus, different transition models emerge based on the main principles aimed at explaining the transition process, and these models indicate that the process can be analyzed through alternative models other than the neoclassical paradigm. The aim of the study is to present alternative models aimed at explaining the transition process along with the above-mentioned elements and to compare these models.


  • ARTHUS, G. (2001), Transitional Economies and The Myth of Democracy and The Free Market: American Dominance In The World Economic System, Interna- tional Manas University Conference In Economics
  • ASLUND, A. (1992), Post-Communist Eco- nomic Revolutions, How Big Bang?. Washington DC: The Center for Strate- gic and International Studies
  • ASLUND, A. (1995), How Russia Became a Market Economy, Washington DC: The Brookings Institution
  • BALCEROWİCZ, L. (1994), Understanding Postcommunist Transitions, Journal of Democracy, 5(4)
  • BERKSOY, T. (2004), Piyasa Ekonomisi Kur- gusu ve Kamu Müdahalesi, Gülten Kazgan’a Armağan: Türkiye Ekono- misi, İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayın- ları
  • CAPORASO, A., ve LEVINE, D. P., (1993), Theories of Political Economy, Cam- bridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • CARDIM DE CARVALHO, F.J. (1995), The Independence of the Central Bank: A Critical Assessment of the Arguments, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 18(2)
  • CSABA, L. (2003), Transition as Develop- ment, Post-Communist Economies, 15(1)
  • DAVIDSON, G. ve DAVIDSON, P. (1996), Economics for a Civilised Society, Göz- den Geçirilmiş 2. Baskı, London: Mac- millan
  • DE MELO, M., C. DENİZER, A. GELB VE S. TENEV.(1997), Choice: The Role of Initial Conditions and Policies in Transition Economies, The World Bank International Finance Corporation and
  • DOĞRUEL, F. ve A.S. DOĞRUEL. (2006), Bıçak Sırtında Büyüme ve İstikrar, İs- tanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Ya- yınları
  • GRAHAM, N.A. (2001), Assessing the Prog- ress of Economic Liberalization in Post- Communist States, Conference on Progress and Challenges in Democrati- zation and Economic Liberalization in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, Romania, Babes-Bolyai Univer- sity
  • GUERRIEN, B. (1991), Neo-Klasik İktisat, (Çev.: Ertuğrul Tokdemir), İstanbul: İle- tişim Yayınları
  • HELLİWELL, J.F. (1994), Empirical Linkages between Democracy and Economic Growth, NBER Working Paper. 4066
  • HO, L. (1995), Democracy and Economic De- velopment, Hong Kong Economic Pa- pers. (23)
  • HOLMES, L. (2000), Post Komünizm, (Çev: Yavuz Alogan), İstanbul: Mavi Ada Ya- yınları
  • HORNE, J. (1995), The Economics of Tran- sition and The Transition of Economics, The Economic Record, 71(215)
  • IMF. (2000), World Economic and Financial Surveys
  • İŞGÜDEN; T. ve KÖNE, A.Ç. (2002), Orto- doks İktisat Üzerine Notlar, Doğuş Üni- versitesi Dergisi, (5)
  • KAZGAN, G. (2005), Küreselleşme ve Ulus- Devlet Yeni Ekonomik Düzen. 4. Baskı, İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • KIM, B.Y. ve PIRTILLA, J. (2003), The Politi- cal Economy of Reforms: Empirical Evi- dence Transition In The 1990s., BOFIT Discus- sion Paper, 4 Post-Communist
  • KOLODKO, G. W. (1998), Ten Years of Post- socialist Transition: The Lessons for Po- licy Reforms, The World Bank Development Research Group
  • KOLODKO, G.W. (1993), Stabilisation, Re- cession and Growth In a Post-Socialist Economy, Economic Journal on Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. (1)
  • KOLODKO, G.W. (1999), Transition To a Market Growth. Implications For The Post- Washington Consensus, Communist and Post-Communist Studies. 32(39)
  • KOLODKO, G.W. (2004), Transition to a Market System: Gradualism versus Ra- dicalism, TIGER Working Paper, 60
  • KORNAI, J. (1990), The Road to a Free Eco- nomy, New York: Norton
  • KORNAI, J. (1994), Tranformational Reces- sion: The Main Causes, Journal of Com- parative Economics 19(1)
  • KORNAI, J. (1997), Struggle and Hope: Es- says on Stabilization and Reform In A Post-Socialist Economy, Cheltnam: Ed- ward Elgar Pub.
  • KORNAI, J. (2000), What the Change of System From Socialism to Capitalism Does and Does Not Mean, Journal of Economic Perspectives. 14(19.)
  • KÖSE, A.H., ve ÖNCÜ, A. (2006), Tahsildar- lar ve Borçlular. Karşıt İktisat Gözüyle Dünya Kapitalizmi ve Türkiye, İstan- bul: Evrensel Yayınları
  • KUZNETSOV, E. (1992), Post-Socialist Tran- sition From a Neo-Schumpeterian Pers- pective: The Case of The Former Soviet Union, Communist Economies and Eco- nomic Transformation. 4(4)
  • LIPTON, D. ve J. SACHS (1992), Prospects for Russia’s Economics Reforms, Broo- kings Papers on Economic Activity, (2)
  • LİPTON, D. ve SACHS, J. (1990), Creating A Market Economy In Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. (1)
  • MARANGOS, J. (1999), The Market and Po- litical Freedom, The Freeman, 49(6)
  • MARANGOS, J. (2000), A Post Keynesian View of Transition to Market Capita- lism: Developing a Civilized Society, Jo- urnal of Post Keynesian Economics, 23(2)
  • MARANGOS, J. (2002a), A Political Appro- ach to The Neoclassical Model of Tran- sition, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 61(1)
  • MARANGOS, J. (2002b), The Political Eco- nomy of Shock Therapy, Journal of Eco- nomic Surveys, 16(1)
  • MARANGOS, J. (2003), Price Liberalization, Monetary, and Fiscal Policies for Tran- sition Economies: A Post Keynesian Perspective, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 25(3)
  • MARANGOS, J. (2005a), Alternative Paths to The Transition Process, International Journal of Social Economics, 32(4)
  • MARANGOS, J. (2005b), A Political Eco- nomy Approach To The Neoclassical Gradualist Model Of Transition, Jour- nal of Economic Surveys. 19(2)
  • MARANGOS, J. (2006a), Was There an Op- timum Model of Transition?, Global Bu- siness and Economics Review, 8-1/2
  • MARANGOS, J. (2006b), Were Chinese Re- forms A Feasible Alternative For Tran- sition Economies?, International Journal of Social Economics, 33(3)
  • MCKENNA, E.J. ve ZANNONİ, D. (1997), Post Keynesian Economics and the Phi- losophy of Individualism, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics.20(2)
  • MINSKY, H.P. (1996), Uncertainty and Ins- titutional Structure of Capitalist Econo- mies, Journal of Economic Issues. 30(2)
  • MINSKY, H.P. ve WHALEN, C.J. (1996), Economic Insecurity and The Institutio- nal Prerequisites for Successful Capita- lism, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 19(2)
  • MURRELL, P. (1995), The Transition Accor- ding To Cambridge, Mass, Journal of Economic Literature. (33)
  • NEE, V. ve YOUNG, F. (1990), Peasant En- trepreneurs In China’s Second Eco- nomy: An Institutional Analysis, Economic Development and Cultural Change. (39)
  • NELSON, J.M. (1994), Linkages Between Po- litics and Economics, Journal of De- mocracy. 5(4)
  • NORTH, D.C. (2002), Kurumlar, Kurumsal Değişim ve Ekonomik Performans, (Çev.:Gül Çağalı Güven), İstanbul: Sa- bancı Yayınları
  • O’HARA, P.A., (1999), How Can Economics Be An Institutional-Evolutionary Sci- ence?, Journal of Economic and Social Policy, 4 (1)
  • OBERSCHALL, A. (1996), The Great Transi- tion: China, Hungary and Sociology Exit Socialism into the Market, Ameri- can Journal of Sociology. 101(4)
  • ÖLMEZOĞULLARI, N. (1999), Ekonomik Sistemler ve Küreselleşen Kapitalizm, Gözden 3.Baskı., Bursa: Ezgi Kitabevi Yayınları
  • PAPAVA, V. (2005), On The Theory of Post- Communist Economic Transition to Market, International Journal of Social Economics, 32(1/2)
  • POIROT, C. (1996), Macroeconomic Policy In a Transitional Environment: Romania, 1989-94, Journal of Economic Issues. 30(4)
  • POİROT, C. (1997), The Return to Barbarism, Journal of Economic Issues. 31(1)
  • PROKOPIJEVIC, M. (2001), Transition, Icer Working Paper
  • ROLAND, G. (1994), On the Speed and Se- quencing of Privatisation and Restruc- turing, The Economic Journal. 104
  • ROLAND, G. (2001), Ten Years After...Tran- sition and Economics, IMF Staff Papers, 48
  • SAMARRY, C. (1992), Plan, Piyasa ve De- mokrasi. (Çev: D. Işık), İstanbul: Yazın Yayıncılık
  • SAVAŞ, V. (2000), İktisatın Tarihi, 4. Baskı., Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi
  • SEYİDOĞLU, H. (2003), Uluslararası Mali Krizler, IMF Politikaları, Az Gelişmiş Ülkeler, Türkiye ve Dönüşüm Ekono- mileri, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 4 (2)
  • SMYTH, R. (1998), Property Rights In Chi- na’s Economic Reforms, Communist and Post-Communist Studies. 31(3)
  • SOLIMANO, A. (1994), After Socialism and Dirigisme: Which Way Now?, Rebuil- ding Capitalism Alternative Roads after Socialism and Dirigisme, (Ed: A. Soli- mano, O. Sunkel ve Mario I. Blejer), USA: The University of Michigan Press.
  • STAEHR, K. (2003), Reforms and Economic Growth in Transition Economies: Com- plementary, Sequencing and Speed, BOFIT Discussion Paper, (1)
  • STERN, N. (1996), The transition in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Some Strategic Lessons from the Expe- rience of 25 Countries Over Six Years, EBRD Working Paper, (18)
  • STIGLITZ, J. (2004), Küreselleşme Büyük Hayal Kırıklığı. 2.Baskı (Çev:Arzu Taş- çıoğlu&Deniz Vural), İstanbul: Plan B Yayınları
  • SVEJNAR, J. (1991), Microeconomic Issues In The Transition To A Market Eco- nomy, Journal of Economic Perspecti- ves. 5(4)
  • VAN BRABANT, J. M. (1993), Lessons From The Wholesale Transformations In the East, Comparative Economic Studies. 35(4)
  • WOO, W.T. (1994), The Art of Reforming Centrally Planned Economies: Compa- ring China, Poland And Russia, Journal of Comparative Economics, 18(3)
  • YENAL, O. (1999), İktisat Siyasası Üzerine Denemeler, İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları

Merkezi Planlamadan Piyasa Ekonomisine Geçişin Politik Ekonomisi ve Alternatif Modeller

Year 2012, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 37 - 58, 01.06.2012


Merkezi planlamaya dayalı sosyalist sistemden serbest piyasaya dayalı kapitalist sisteme geçen ülkeleri tanımlamak için kullanılan “geçiş ekonomileri” kavramı, basit bir ekonomik sistem dönüşümünü ifade etmenin ötesinde bir anlam taşımaktadır. Bu değişim, ekonomik olduğu kadar, politik, siyasi, kültürel ve sosyal yaşamı belirleyen tüm unsurların değişimini de içeren bütünsel bir içeriğe sahiptir. Geçiş sürecinin bu özelliği, politik kurumlar, toplumsal bilinç ve fikirleri ekonomik çatı altında birleştiren politik ekonomi geleneğine uygun düşmekte ve süreç bu perspektiften analiz edilebilmektedir. Böylece politik ekonomi çerçevesinde geçiş sürecini açıklamaya dönük temel öğeler ekseninde farklı geçiş modelleri ortaya çıkmakta ve bu modeller sürecin neoklasik paradigmanın dışında alternatif modellerle de analiz edilebileceğini göstermektedir. Çalışmanın amacı, sözkonusu öğelerle birlikte geçiş sürecini açıklamaya dönük alternatif modelleri ortaya koymak ve bu modellerin bir karşılaştırmasını yapmaktır.


  • ARTHUS, G. (2001), Transitional Economies and The Myth of Democracy and The Free Market: American Dominance In The World Economic System, Interna- tional Manas University Conference In Economics
  • ASLUND, A. (1992), Post-Communist Eco- nomic Revolutions, How Big Bang?. Washington DC: The Center for Strate- gic and International Studies
  • ASLUND, A. (1995), How Russia Became a Market Economy, Washington DC: The Brookings Institution
  • BALCEROWİCZ, L. (1994), Understanding Postcommunist Transitions, Journal of Democracy, 5(4)
  • BERKSOY, T. (2004), Piyasa Ekonomisi Kur- gusu ve Kamu Müdahalesi, Gülten Kazgan’a Armağan: Türkiye Ekono- misi, İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayın- ları
  • CAPORASO, A., ve LEVINE, D. P., (1993), Theories of Political Economy, Cam- bridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • CARDIM DE CARVALHO, F.J. (1995), The Independence of the Central Bank: A Critical Assessment of the Arguments, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 18(2)
  • CSABA, L. (2003), Transition as Develop- ment, Post-Communist Economies, 15(1)
  • DAVIDSON, G. ve DAVIDSON, P. (1996), Economics for a Civilised Society, Göz- den Geçirilmiş 2. Baskı, London: Mac- millan
  • DE MELO, M., C. DENİZER, A. GELB VE S. TENEV.(1997), Choice: The Role of Initial Conditions and Policies in Transition Economies, The World Bank International Finance Corporation and
  • DOĞRUEL, F. ve A.S. DOĞRUEL. (2006), Bıçak Sırtında Büyüme ve İstikrar, İs- tanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Ya- yınları
  • GRAHAM, N.A. (2001), Assessing the Prog- ress of Economic Liberalization in Post- Communist States, Conference on Progress and Challenges in Democrati- zation and Economic Liberalization in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, Romania, Babes-Bolyai Univer- sity
  • GUERRIEN, B. (1991), Neo-Klasik İktisat, (Çev.: Ertuğrul Tokdemir), İstanbul: İle- tişim Yayınları
  • HELLİWELL, J.F. (1994), Empirical Linkages between Democracy and Economic Growth, NBER Working Paper. 4066
  • HO, L. (1995), Democracy and Economic De- velopment, Hong Kong Economic Pa- pers. (23)
  • HOLMES, L. (2000), Post Komünizm, (Çev: Yavuz Alogan), İstanbul: Mavi Ada Ya- yınları
  • HORNE, J. (1995), The Economics of Tran- sition and The Transition of Economics, The Economic Record, 71(215)
  • IMF. (2000), World Economic and Financial Surveys
  • İŞGÜDEN; T. ve KÖNE, A.Ç. (2002), Orto- doks İktisat Üzerine Notlar, Doğuş Üni- versitesi Dergisi, (5)
  • KAZGAN, G. (2005), Küreselleşme ve Ulus- Devlet Yeni Ekonomik Düzen. 4. Baskı, İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • KIM, B.Y. ve PIRTILLA, J. (2003), The Politi- cal Economy of Reforms: Empirical Evi- dence Transition In The 1990s., BOFIT Discus- sion Paper, 4 Post-Communist
  • KOLODKO, G. W. (1998), Ten Years of Post- socialist Transition: The Lessons for Po- licy Reforms, The World Bank Development Research Group
  • KOLODKO, G.W. (1993), Stabilisation, Re- cession and Growth In a Post-Socialist Economy, Economic Journal on Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. (1)
  • KOLODKO, G.W. (1999), Transition To a Market Growth. Implications For The Post- Washington Consensus, Communist and Post-Communist Studies. 32(39)
  • KOLODKO, G.W. (2004), Transition to a Market System: Gradualism versus Ra- dicalism, TIGER Working Paper, 60
  • KORNAI, J. (1990), The Road to a Free Eco- nomy, New York: Norton
  • KORNAI, J. (1994), Tranformational Reces- sion: The Main Causes, Journal of Com- parative Economics 19(1)
  • KORNAI, J. (1997), Struggle and Hope: Es- says on Stabilization and Reform In A Post-Socialist Economy, Cheltnam: Ed- ward Elgar Pub.
  • KORNAI, J. (2000), What the Change of System From Socialism to Capitalism Does and Does Not Mean, Journal of Economic Perspectives. 14(19.)
  • KÖSE, A.H., ve ÖNCÜ, A. (2006), Tahsildar- lar ve Borçlular. Karşıt İktisat Gözüyle Dünya Kapitalizmi ve Türkiye, İstan- bul: Evrensel Yayınları
  • KUZNETSOV, E. (1992), Post-Socialist Tran- sition From a Neo-Schumpeterian Pers- pective: The Case of The Former Soviet Union, Communist Economies and Eco- nomic Transformation. 4(4)
  • LIPTON, D. ve J. SACHS (1992), Prospects for Russia’s Economics Reforms, Broo- kings Papers on Economic Activity, (2)
  • LİPTON, D. ve SACHS, J. (1990), Creating A Market Economy In Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. (1)
  • MARANGOS, J. (1999), The Market and Po- litical Freedom, The Freeman, 49(6)
  • MARANGOS, J. (2000), A Post Keynesian View of Transition to Market Capita- lism: Developing a Civilized Society, Jo- urnal of Post Keynesian Economics, 23(2)
  • MARANGOS, J. (2002a), A Political Appro- ach to The Neoclassical Model of Tran- sition, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 61(1)
  • MARANGOS, J. (2002b), The Political Eco- nomy of Shock Therapy, Journal of Eco- nomic Surveys, 16(1)
  • MARANGOS, J. (2003), Price Liberalization, Monetary, and Fiscal Policies for Tran- sition Economies: A Post Keynesian Perspective, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 25(3)
  • MARANGOS, J. (2005a), Alternative Paths to The Transition Process, International Journal of Social Economics, 32(4)
  • MARANGOS, J. (2005b), A Political Eco- nomy Approach To The Neoclassical Gradualist Model Of Transition, Jour- nal of Economic Surveys. 19(2)
  • MARANGOS, J. (2006a), Was There an Op- timum Model of Transition?, Global Bu- siness and Economics Review, 8-1/2
  • MARANGOS, J. (2006b), Were Chinese Re- forms A Feasible Alternative For Tran- sition Economies?, International Journal of Social Economics, 33(3)
  • MCKENNA, E.J. ve ZANNONİ, D. (1997), Post Keynesian Economics and the Phi- losophy of Individualism, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics.20(2)
  • MINSKY, H.P. (1996), Uncertainty and Ins- titutional Structure of Capitalist Econo- mies, Journal of Economic Issues. 30(2)
  • MINSKY, H.P. ve WHALEN, C.J. (1996), Economic Insecurity and The Institutio- nal Prerequisites for Successful Capita- lism, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 19(2)
  • MURRELL, P. (1995), The Transition Accor- ding To Cambridge, Mass, Journal of Economic Literature. (33)
  • NEE, V. ve YOUNG, F. (1990), Peasant En- trepreneurs In China’s Second Eco- nomy: An Institutional Analysis, Economic Development and Cultural Change. (39)
  • NELSON, J.M. (1994), Linkages Between Po- litics and Economics, Journal of De- mocracy. 5(4)
  • NORTH, D.C. (2002), Kurumlar, Kurumsal Değişim ve Ekonomik Performans, (Çev.:Gül Çağalı Güven), İstanbul: Sa- bancı Yayınları
  • O’HARA, P.A., (1999), How Can Economics Be An Institutional-Evolutionary Sci- ence?, Journal of Economic and Social Policy, 4 (1)
  • OBERSCHALL, A. (1996), The Great Transi- tion: China, Hungary and Sociology Exit Socialism into the Market, Ameri- can Journal of Sociology. 101(4)
  • ÖLMEZOĞULLARI, N. (1999), Ekonomik Sistemler ve Küreselleşen Kapitalizm, Gözden 3.Baskı., Bursa: Ezgi Kitabevi Yayınları
  • PAPAVA, V. (2005), On The Theory of Post- Communist Economic Transition to Market, International Journal of Social Economics, 32(1/2)
  • POIROT, C. (1996), Macroeconomic Policy In a Transitional Environment: Romania, 1989-94, Journal of Economic Issues. 30(4)
  • POİROT, C. (1997), The Return to Barbarism, Journal of Economic Issues. 31(1)
  • PROKOPIJEVIC, M. (2001), Transition, Icer Working Paper
  • ROLAND, G. (1994), On the Speed and Se- quencing of Privatisation and Restruc- turing, The Economic Journal. 104
  • ROLAND, G. (2001), Ten Years After...Tran- sition and Economics, IMF Staff Papers, 48
  • SAMARRY, C. (1992), Plan, Piyasa ve De- mokrasi. (Çev: D. Işık), İstanbul: Yazın Yayıncılık
  • SAVAŞ, V. (2000), İktisatın Tarihi, 4. Baskı., Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi
  • SEYİDOĞLU, H. (2003), Uluslararası Mali Krizler, IMF Politikaları, Az Gelişmiş Ülkeler, Türkiye ve Dönüşüm Ekono- mileri, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 4 (2)
  • SMYTH, R. (1998), Property Rights In Chi- na’s Economic Reforms, Communist and Post-Communist Studies. 31(3)
  • SOLIMANO, A. (1994), After Socialism and Dirigisme: Which Way Now?, Rebuil- ding Capitalism Alternative Roads after Socialism and Dirigisme, (Ed: A. Soli- mano, O. Sunkel ve Mario I. Blejer), USA: The University of Michigan Press.
  • STAEHR, K. (2003), Reforms and Economic Growth in Transition Economies: Com- plementary, Sequencing and Speed, BOFIT Discussion Paper, (1)
  • STERN, N. (1996), The transition in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Some Strategic Lessons from the Expe- rience of 25 Countries Over Six Years, EBRD Working Paper, (18)
  • STIGLITZ, J. (2004), Küreselleşme Büyük Hayal Kırıklığı. 2.Baskı (Çev:Arzu Taş- çıoğlu&Deniz Vural), İstanbul: Plan B Yayınları
  • SVEJNAR, J. (1991), Microeconomic Issues In The Transition To A Market Eco- nomy, Journal of Economic Perspecti- ves. 5(4)
  • VAN BRABANT, J. M. (1993), Lessons From The Wholesale Transformations In the East, Comparative Economic Studies. 35(4)
  • WOO, W.T. (1994), The Art of Reforming Centrally Planned Economies: Compa- ring China, Poland And Russia, Journal of Comparative Economics, 18(3)
  • YENAL, O. (1999), İktisat Siyasası Üzerine Denemeler, İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları
There are 70 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Arş.Gör.Dr. Esra Güler This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Güler, A. E. (2012). Merkezi Planlamadan Piyasa Ekonomisine Geçişin Politik Ekonomisi ve Alternatif Modeller. Paradoks Ekonomi Sosyoloji Ve Politika Dergisi, 8(1), 37-58.