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Year 2009, Issue: 1, 31 - 34, 01.04.2009


Beş yıl önce sol karotis endarterektomi operasyonu yapılmış olan altmış yedi yaşında erkek hasta başdönmesi yakınması ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Doppler ultrasonografi ve intraarteriyel digital substractedanjiyografi sağ internal karotis arterde %90 darlığı açığa çıkardı. Sağ karotis endarterektomioperasyonu sırasında common, eksternal ve internal karotis artere ulaşıldığında, nervushipoglossusun beklenen anatomik lokalizasyonundan daha aşağıda olduğu ve bulbus karotisiçaprazladığı görüldü. Atipik yerleşimli nervus hipoglossus korunarak common karotis arterdearteriyotomi yapıldı. Arteriyotomi distale doğru ilerletildiğinde yoğun aterosklerotik plağın hem internalhem de eksternal karotis artere uzandığı tespit edildi. Common karotis arterden başlatılan arteriyotomive endarterektomi planı hem eksternal hem de internal karotis artere uzatıldı. Y şeklindeki ince duvarlıbir polytetrafluoroethylene yama hazırlandı. Yamanın proksimal ucu common karotis artere, distaldekiuçları da eksternal ve internal karotis arterlere dikilerek patch plasti tamamlandı. Hasta onuncu ayındasorunsuz izlenmektedir.

A case in whom y-shaped patchplasty was done and surgical trauma to Atypically placed nervus hypoglossus was avoided during carotid Endarterectomy

Year 2009, Issue: 1, 31 - 34, 01.04.2009


A 67-year-old man who underwent left carotid endarterectomy five years ago admitted to our clinicwith complaint of dizziness. Doppler ultrasonography and intraarterial digital substracted angiographyrevealed 90 % stenosis in the right internal carotid artery. During right carotid endarterectomyoperation, following exposure of common, external and internal carotid arteries, nervus hypoglossuswas found to be placed lower than its expected anatomic localisation, crossing the carotid bulb. Anarteriotomy in the common carotid artery was done by preserving atypically placed nervushypoglossus. When arteriotomy was extended distally, a heavy aterosclerotic plaque was found toextend to both external and internal carotid arteries. The arteriotomy and endarterectomy planes thatwere started in common carotid arteries were extended to both external and internal carotid arteries. AY-shaped, thin wall polytetrafluoroethylene patch was prepared. Proximal end of the patch wassutured to common carotid artery and the patchplasty was completed by suturing the distal ends of thepatch to external and internal carotid arteries. The patient remains in good health in his postoperativetenth month.

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Other ID JA63AJ37ET
Journal Section Research Article

İlker Kiriş This is me

Şenol Gülmen This is me

Emre Doğan This is me

Hüseyin Okutan This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2009
Submission Date April 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 1


AMA Kiriş İ, Gülmen Ş, Doğan E, Okutan H. A case in whom y-shaped patchplasty was done and surgical trauma to Atypically placed nervus hypoglossus was avoided during carotid Endarterectomy. Pam Med J. April 2009;(1):31-34.

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