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Healthcare workers' musculoskeletal disorders, sleep quality, stress, and fatigue during the COVID-19 pandemic

Year 2022, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 441 - 450, 01.07.2022


Purpose: The aim of this study is to compare musculoskeletal complaints, sleep quality, stress, and fatigue levels of healthcare workers who took and did not take an active role COVID-19 pandemic and to examine the relationship between musculoskeletal complaints and sleep quality, stress and fatigue levels.
Materials and methods: Participants included 194 healthcare workers (Female/Male, 131/63; Mean age, 30.9±7.6 years). Participants with an active assignment in COVID-19 related services [COVD group, n (%)=124 (64)] and participants without an active assignment in COVID-19 related services [CONT group, n (%)=70 (36)] were compared. The Extended Nordic Musculoskeletal System Questionnaire, Fatigue Assessment Scale, Perceived Stress Scale, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index were completed. The relationship between musculoskeletal disorders and fatigue, sleep quality and stress was investigated.
Results: The musculoskeletal disorders of shoulders, upper back, ankle, and hips/thighs regions in the last 4 weeks were more in COVD group compared to CONT group (p<0.01 for all). The disorders of pain related to body parts were found to be higher at all measurement points in COVD group. The weekly working hours were 43.9±14.7 hours in the COVD group and 34.9±18.8 hours in the CONT group (p=0.001). Sleep quality and stress levels were similar whereas fatigue levels were higher in COVD group (COVD, 28.29±8.49; CONT, 24.77±7.02; p=0.002). A significant relationship was found between musculoskeletal pain in the last 4 weeks and the fatigue, sleep quality, and stress.
Conclusions: Healthcare workers who took an active assignment during the COVID-19 pandemic period had more musculoskeletal disorders, fatigue levels and working hours compared to those without an active assignment.


  • 1. WHO. WHO coronavirus disease (COVID‐19 dashboard). Available at: Accessed October 18, 2021
  • 2. Resmi Gazete. T.C. The Ministry of Health. Regulation to change certain issues of the regulation on specialized education in medicine and dentistry. The Official Gazette of The Republic of Turkey. Available at: Accessed Novomber 26, 2020
  • 3. Zhou Y, Yang Y, Shi T, et al. Prevalence and demographic correlates of poor sleep quality among frontline health professionals in liaoning province,China during the COVID-19 outbreak. Front Psychiatry 2020;11:520.
  • 4. Zhu J, Sun L, Zhang L, et al. Prevalence and influencing factors of anxiety and depression symptoms in the first-line medical staff fighting against COVID-19 in Gansu. Front Psychiatry 2020;11:386.
  • 5. Lai J, Ma S, Wang Y, et al. Factors associated with mental health outcomes among health care workers exposed to coronavirus disease 2019. JAMA Netw Open 2020;3:e203976.
  • 6. Zhang SX, Liu J, Afshar Jahanshahi A, et al. Corrigendum to "At the height of the storm: healthcare staff's health conditions and job satisfaction and their associated predictors during the epidemic peak of COVID-19". Brain Behav Immun 2021;92:245-246.
  • 7. Rossi R, Socci V, Pacitti F, et al. Mental health outcomes among frontline and second-line health care workers during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Italy. JAMA Netw Open 2020;3:e2010185.
  • 8. Chew NWS, Lee GKH, Tan BYQ, et al. A multinational, multicentre study on the psychological outcomes and associated physical symptoms amongst healthcare workers during COVID-19 outbreak. Brain Behav Immun 2020;88:559-565.
  • 9. Heidari M, Borujeni MG, Rezaei P, Kabirian Abyaneh S. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders and their associated factors in nurses: a cross-sectional study in Iran. Malays J Med Sci 2019;26:122-130.
  • 10. The Lancet. COVID-19: protecting health-care workers. Lancet 2020;395:922.
  • 11. Kahraman T, Genç A, Göz E. The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire: cross-cultural adaptation into Turkish assessing its psychometric properties. Disabil Rehabil 2016;38:2153-2160.
  • 12. Ağargün MY, Kara H, Anlar Ö. The validity and reliability of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Turk Psikiyatri Derg 1996;7:107-115.
  • 13. Eskin M, Harlak H, Demirkiran F, Dereboy Ç. The adaptation of the perceived stress scale into Turkish: a reliability and validity analysis. New Symp J 2013;51:132-140. Available at: Accessed October 22, 2021
  • 14. Marcellis RG, Lenssen A, Elfferich M, et al. Exercise capacity, muscle strength and fatigue in sarcoidosis. Eur Respir J 2011;38:628-634.
  • 15. Kafle K, Shrestha DB, Baniya A, et al. Psychological distress among health service providers during COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal. PloS One 2021;16(2):e0246784.
  • 16. Kok N, Van Gurp J, Teerenstra S, et al. Coronavirus Disease 2019 ımmediately ıncreases burnout symptoms in ICU professionals: a longitudinal cohort study. Crit Care Med 2021;49:419-427.
  • 17. Cho H, Brzozowski S, Knudsen ÉNA, Steege LM. Changes in fatigue levels and sleep measures of hospital nurses during two 12-hour work shifts. J Nurs Adm 2021;51:128-134.
  • 18. Zhan YX, Zhao SY, Yuan J, et al. Prevalence and influencing factors on fatigue of first-line nurses combating with COVID-19 in China: a descriptive cross-sectional study. Curr Med Sci 2020;40:625-635.
  • 19. Dong H, Zhang Q, Liu G, Shao T, Xu Y. Prevalence and associated factors of musculoskeletal disorders among Chinese healthcare professionals working in tertiary hospitals: a cross-sectional study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2019;20:175.
  • 20. Younan L, Clinton M, Fares S, Jardali FE, Samaha H. The relationship between work‐related musculoskeletal disorders, chronic occupational fatigue, and work organization: a multi‐hospital cross‐sectional study. J Adv Nurs 2019;75:1667-1677.
  • 21. Zhang Y, Duffy JF, De Castillero ER, Wang K. Chronotype, sleep characteristics, and musculoskeletal disorders among hospital nurses. Workplace Health Saf 2018;66:8-15.
  • 22. Mork PJ, Vik KL, Moe B, Lier R, Bardal EM, Nilsen TIL. Sleep problems, exercise and obesity and risk of chronic musculoskeletal pain: the Norwegian HUNT study. Eur J Public Health 2014;24:924-929.

Sağlık çalışanlarının COVID-19 sürecinde, kas iskelet sistemi problemleri, uyku kalitesi, algıladıkları stres ve yorgunluğunun değerlendirilmesi

Year 2022, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 441 - 450, 01.07.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, COVID-19 pandemisinde aktif rol alan ve almayan sağlık çalışanlarının kas-iskelet şikayetleri, uyku kalitesi, stres ve yorgunluk düzeylerini karşılaştırmak ve kas iskelet sistemi şikayetleri ile uyku kalitesi, stress ve yorgunluk seviyeleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir.
Gereç ve yöntem: 194 sağlık çalışanı (Kadın/Erkek, 131/63; Ortalama yaş, 30,9±7,6 yıl) çalışmaya dahil edildi. Pandemilerde aktif görevi olan katılımcılar [COVD grubu; n (%)=124 (64)] ve aktif görev almayanlar [CONT grubu; n (%)=70 (36)] karşılaştırıldı. Genişletilmiş Nordik Kas-İskelet Sistemi Anketi, Yorgunluk Değerlendirme Ölçeği, Algılanan Stres Ölçeği ve Pittsburgh Uyku Kalitesi İndeksi kullanıldı. Kas-iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıkları ile yorgunluk, uyku kalitesi ve stres arasındaki ilişki araştırıldı.
Bulgular: Son 4 hafta içinde omuz, sırt, ayak bileği ve kalça/uyluk bölgelerindeki kas-iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıkları CONT grubuna göre COVD grubunda daha fazlaydı (tümü için p<0,01). COVD grubunda vücut bölgelerine bağlı ağrı bozuklukları tüm ölçüm noktalarında daha yüksek bulundu. Haftalık çalışma saati COVD grubunda 43,9±14,7 saat, CONT grubunda ise 34,9±18,8 saatti (p=0,001). COVD grubunda uyku kalitesi ve stres düzeyleri benzerken, yorgunluk düzeyleri daha yüksekti (COVD, 28,29±8,49; CONT, 24,77±7,02; p=0,002). Son 4 haftadaki kas-iskelet ağrısı ile yorgunluk, uyku kalitesi ve stres arasında ilişki bulundu.
Sonuç: COVID-19 pandemisinde aktif görev alan sağlık çalışanlarında aktif görev almayanlara göre daha uzun çalışma saati, daha fazla kas-iskelet sistemi rahatsızlığı ve daha yüksek yorgunluk düzeyi bulundu.


  • 1. WHO. WHO coronavirus disease (COVID‐19 dashboard). Available at: Accessed October 18, 2021
  • 2. Resmi Gazete. T.C. The Ministry of Health. Regulation to change certain issues of the regulation on specialized education in medicine and dentistry. The Official Gazette of The Republic of Turkey. Available at: Accessed Novomber 26, 2020
  • 3. Zhou Y, Yang Y, Shi T, et al. Prevalence and demographic correlates of poor sleep quality among frontline health professionals in liaoning province,China during the COVID-19 outbreak. Front Psychiatry 2020;11:520.
  • 4. Zhu J, Sun L, Zhang L, et al. Prevalence and influencing factors of anxiety and depression symptoms in the first-line medical staff fighting against COVID-19 in Gansu. Front Psychiatry 2020;11:386.
  • 5. Lai J, Ma S, Wang Y, et al. Factors associated with mental health outcomes among health care workers exposed to coronavirus disease 2019. JAMA Netw Open 2020;3:e203976.
  • 6. Zhang SX, Liu J, Afshar Jahanshahi A, et al. Corrigendum to "At the height of the storm: healthcare staff's health conditions and job satisfaction and their associated predictors during the epidemic peak of COVID-19". Brain Behav Immun 2021;92:245-246.
  • 7. Rossi R, Socci V, Pacitti F, et al. Mental health outcomes among frontline and second-line health care workers during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Italy. JAMA Netw Open 2020;3:e2010185.
  • 8. Chew NWS, Lee GKH, Tan BYQ, et al. A multinational, multicentre study on the psychological outcomes and associated physical symptoms amongst healthcare workers during COVID-19 outbreak. Brain Behav Immun 2020;88:559-565.
  • 9. Heidari M, Borujeni MG, Rezaei P, Kabirian Abyaneh S. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders and their associated factors in nurses: a cross-sectional study in Iran. Malays J Med Sci 2019;26:122-130.
  • 10. The Lancet. COVID-19: protecting health-care workers. Lancet 2020;395:922.
  • 11. Kahraman T, Genç A, Göz E. The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire: cross-cultural adaptation into Turkish assessing its psychometric properties. Disabil Rehabil 2016;38:2153-2160.
  • 12. Ağargün MY, Kara H, Anlar Ö. The validity and reliability of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Turk Psikiyatri Derg 1996;7:107-115.
  • 13. Eskin M, Harlak H, Demirkiran F, Dereboy Ç. The adaptation of the perceived stress scale into Turkish: a reliability and validity analysis. New Symp J 2013;51:132-140. Available at: Accessed October 22, 2021
  • 14. Marcellis RG, Lenssen A, Elfferich M, et al. Exercise capacity, muscle strength and fatigue in sarcoidosis. Eur Respir J 2011;38:628-634.
  • 15. Kafle K, Shrestha DB, Baniya A, et al. Psychological distress among health service providers during COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal. PloS One 2021;16(2):e0246784.
  • 16. Kok N, Van Gurp J, Teerenstra S, et al. Coronavirus Disease 2019 ımmediately ıncreases burnout symptoms in ICU professionals: a longitudinal cohort study. Crit Care Med 2021;49:419-427.
  • 17. Cho H, Brzozowski S, Knudsen ÉNA, Steege LM. Changes in fatigue levels and sleep measures of hospital nurses during two 12-hour work shifts. J Nurs Adm 2021;51:128-134.
  • 18. Zhan YX, Zhao SY, Yuan J, et al. Prevalence and influencing factors on fatigue of first-line nurses combating with COVID-19 in China: a descriptive cross-sectional study. Curr Med Sci 2020;40:625-635.
  • 19. Dong H, Zhang Q, Liu G, Shao T, Xu Y. Prevalence and associated factors of musculoskeletal disorders among Chinese healthcare professionals working in tertiary hospitals: a cross-sectional study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2019;20:175.
  • 20. Younan L, Clinton M, Fares S, Jardali FE, Samaha H. The relationship between work‐related musculoskeletal disorders, chronic occupational fatigue, and work organization: a multi‐hospital cross‐sectional study. J Adv Nurs 2019;75:1667-1677.
  • 21. Zhang Y, Duffy JF, De Castillero ER, Wang K. Chronotype, sleep characteristics, and musculoskeletal disorders among hospital nurses. Workplace Health Saf 2018;66:8-15.
  • 22. Mork PJ, Vik KL, Moe B, Lier R, Bardal EM, Nilsen TIL. Sleep problems, exercise and obesity and risk of chronic musculoskeletal pain: the Norwegian HUNT study. Eur J Public Health 2014;24:924-929.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Article

Nurcan Erdoğan Kurtaran 0000-0002-8076-2050

Mehmet Kurtaran 0000-0001-8257-4400

Samime Şarlı Gündüz 0000-0001-7414-8874

Levent Öztürk 0000-0002-0182-3960

Publication Date July 1, 2022
Submission Date October 19, 2021
Acceptance Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 15 Issue: 3


AMA Erdoğan Kurtaran N, Kurtaran M, Şarlı Gündüz S, Öztürk L. Healthcare workers’ musculoskeletal disorders, sleep quality, stress, and fatigue during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pam Med J. July 2022;15(3):441-450. doi:10.31362/patd.1011863

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