Bu makalede talâkın zamana izâfesi diğer bir tabirle muzâf talâk konusu ele alınacaktır. Hem klasik fıkıhtaki görüşler ve delilleri ele alınacak, hem de ahvâl-i şahsiyye kanunlarının meseleyi nasıl ele aldıkları ortaya konacaktır. Dört mezhep, İbâzîler ve Zeydîlere göre talâkın derhal olması şart olmayıp, gelecekteki bir zamana bağlanması geçerlidir. Zâhirîler ve Ca‘ferîlere göre ise sadece müneccez şekilde olan talâk boşama için elverişli olup, ileriki bir zamana bağlanılan talâk geçerli değildir. Günümüzde de bazı İslâm hukukçuları ve birçok ahvâl-i şahsiyye kanunu cumhurun görüşünü terk ederek, muzâf talâkın gerçekleşmeyeceği görüşünü benimsemiştir. İleriki bir zamana bağlanarak yapılan boşama Hz. Peygamber’den (sav) sonra ortaya çıktığından ve sünnî boşama prosedürüne uymadığından bid‘î talâk kapsamına girmektedir. Muvakkat nikahın farklı bir versiyonudur. Talâkın geçerli olacağı görüşü sünnî talâkın şartlarını yerine getirmeye elverişli olmadığı gibi, şeriatın evlilik ve boşanma ile ilgili maksatlarıyla da uyumlu değildir ve aileye zarar vermektedir. Boşamanın geçerli olmadığı görüşü, ailenin maslahatına olup, Kur’an ve Sünnetin prosedürünü yerine getirmeye imkân sağlamaktadır.
In this article, the subject of, "muḍâf ṭalâq" (contingent divorce), which is a divorce that took place at a later decided date, will be discussed. Islamic jurists generally accept that talaq is tied to a future time in Islamic law, but according to Ẓahiris and Jâfarîs, they do not consider it valid. Today, some Islamic jurists and many al-Aḥwāl al-shakhsiyya laws in practice have abandoned the general view and adopted the view that muḍâf ṭalâq is not valid. Since the divorce decided for a future time came after the Prophet and does not comply with the Sunni divorce procedure, it falls within the scope of bid'i talaq. Muḍâf ṭalâq is a different version of the temporary marriage, it hurts the woman and harms the notion of marriage. The view that this divorce is not valid is for the benefit of the family and provides the opportunity to fulfill the requirements of the Qur'an and Sunnah.
Structured Abstract
In this article, the subject of, "muḍâf ṭalâq" (contingent divorce), which is a divorce that took place at a later decided date, will be discussed. In Islamic law, it has been accepted by the majority of jurists that divorce can take place in the future as days, months and years. Today, due to the fact that divorces are decided by the courts, there is a need to examine whether this type of divorce is compatible with the legitimate form of divorce, whether the condition of being "munjaz" can be imposed for divorce, and the subject in terms of the evidence of Islamic Law.
In the article, both the views and arguments in classical fiqh will be discussed, as well as how the laws of personal life deal with the issue will be evaluated. According to the four madhhabs, Ibazis and Zaydis, talaq does not have to be immediate, it can be tied to a future time, and this divorce is valid. According to the Zahiris and Ja'faris, only the talaq in the form of a munajaz is valid, and the talaq attributed to a future time is invalid.In addition to the condition that the divorce be munajaz, two just persons must also witness the divorce.
The general view argues that, based on some general premises and that divorce is under the authority of men, the husband can realize the divorce as he wishes and put it at a later time.
Today, some Islamic jurists and many al-aḥwāl al-shakhsiyya laws in practice have abandoned the general view and adopted the view that muḍâf ṭalâq is not valid. al-Aḥwāl al-shakhsiyya laws state that divorce cannot be time-bound or invalidate the muḍâf ṭalâq by bringing the condition of being before the court.There is a change in the judgment of this issue compared to the general opinion. Shiite al-aḥwāl al-shakhsiyya laws also do not consider muḍâf ṭalâq valid in accordance with the Jâfarî sect.It is seen that Shiite and some Sunni laws of al-aḥwāl al-shakhsiyya have come to a common point in this regard.
Divorce and marriage should be evaluated in relation to each other, just as marriage cannot be tied to a future time, divorce also should not be tied to a future time. With muḍâf ṭalâq, the marriage is tied to a temporary period, which is another version of the temporary marriage. While divorce is a process that can be applied when there is a need for separation, connecting to the future time shows that you do not need divorce at that moment. While the woman is waiting for the divorce day by day on the one hand, on the other hand, the duty of husband and wife is expected from her, which is a torture for the woman. This type of divorce undermines the importance of marriage.
There is no evidence in the Qur'an and Sunnah that muḍâf ṭalâq is valid. Since it emerged after the Prophet and does not comply with the Sunni divorce procedure, a divorce made at a later time falls within the scope of bid'î ṭalâq.
The view that muḍaf ṭalâq is valid is not suitable for fulfilling the Sunni divorce requirements, and it is not compatible with the purposes of the Shari'ah regarding marriage and divorce, and it harms the institution of the family. For this reason, it is necessary to protect the family from methods of divorce such as muḍâf ṭalâq'. The view that this divorce is not valid is for the benefit of the family and provides the opportunity to fulfill the requirements of the Qur'an and Sunnah.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Islamic Law |
Journal Section | Araştırma Makalesi |
Authors | |
Early Pub Date | December 27, 2023 |
Publication Date | December 31, 2023 |
Submission Date | August 3, 2023 |
Published in Issue | Year 2023 |