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Cultural Diplomacy Initiatives of Turkic Republics

Year 2017, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 91 - 114, 01.04.2017


This paper’s aim is to shed light on cultural cooperation activities carried out among the Turkic republics over 25 years of independence and to analyse initiatives of cultural diplomacy which they have undertaken on a global level. The main argument put forward in this article is that the newly independent Turkic republics determined a culture-based policy for their state building. While this culture-based policy has contributed to the establishment of the nation-state and national identity on the domestic level, it has also contributed to the recognition of these republics as esteemed members of the international community. This paper is an attempt to disclose that as a regional cultural cooperation organization, TURKSOY has been a common platform which has played a key role in the revival of the national culture of the Turkic republics as well as in the promotion thereof on a global scale


  • Shireen T. Hunter, Islam in Russia, New York, CSIS, 2004, pp.17-21.
  • Michael Vlahos, “Culture and Foreign Policy”, Foreign Policy, No. 82 (Spring 1991), p. 59.
  • Umay Türkeş-Günay, “Türk Kültürünün Değerlendirmesi ile ilgili bir Öneri ve Kültür Değiştirme Alanında Önemli Bir Örnek: Kutad gu Bilig”, Türkler Ansiklopedisi, C.III, Ankara, Yeni Türkiye Yayınları, 2002, pp. 811-820.
  • “Basic texts of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions”, Edition, Paris: UNESCO, 2013, p. 5. images/0022/002253/225383E.pdf (last visited 14 January 2017).
  • “UNESCO Director General Irına Bokova Visited Turksoy Headquarters”, http:// turksoy_headquarters (last visited 14 January 2017).
  • “6. TÜRKSOY Üyesi Ülkeler UNESCO Milli Komisyonları ve Komiteleri Toplantısı İstanbul’da” (last visited 14 January 2017). Meetings of UNESCO National Commissions of TURKSOY member countries have been held in Ankara, Kazan, Eskisehir, Astana, Baku and Istanbul so far.
  • Murat Yılmaz (ed.), Türk Dünyası Kültürel Mirası Envanter Çalışması, Ankara, Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi, 2015, p.6.
  • The fifth meeting of UNESCO National Commissions and Committees of TURKSOY member countries took place in 2015 in Baku, Azerbaijan. For results of the meeting see (last visited 24 January 2017).
  • The establishment of the International La Francophonie Organization started with the signature of the founding agreement of the Agency of Cultural and Technical Cooperation by 21 states under the auspices of the Presidents of four ancient French colonies (Senegal, Niger, Morocco and Cambodia) on 20 March 1970; Cemil Doğaç İpek, “Türk Dünyası İçin Alternatif Bir Model: Frankofoni”, 2023, (September 2014), p. 13.
  • Council of Europe, (last visited 5 January 2017).
  • Fırat Purtaş, “TÜRKSOY”, in Turgut Demirtepe ve Murat Yılmaz (eds.), Türk Cumhuriyetleri ve Toplulukları Yıllığı-2013, Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk- Kazak Üniversitesi, Ankara, 2015, p. 594.
  • “TURKSOY International Youth Chamber Choir”, TURKSOY Journal, No. 47 (Winter 2015), p. 24.
  • Türk Dili Konuşan Ülkeler Devlet Başkanları 10. Zirve Toplantısının Bildirisi, Madde 17, (last visited 15 January 2017); Final Declaration of the 10th Summit of the Heads of State of Turkic Speaking Countries, Article 17, İstanbul, September 16th, 2010, the-heads-of-the-turkic-speaking-states-_istanbul_-16-september-2010_.en.mfa (last visited 15 January 2017).
  • Rimzil Valeev, “Sennost Turkvizyon-2014 Mı Poymöm Tolko togda, kagda vse uçastniki razyedutsya po domam (We will get aware the value of Turkvizion-2014 when all participants had already back to their home)”, at article/119188/ (last visited 23 January 2017).
  • Commemoration years of TURKSOY: 2010- Zeki Velidi Togan, 2011-Abdullah Tukay, 2012-Mirza Fatali Ahundzade, 2013-Mukan Tulebayev, 2014-Toktogul Satylganov and Magtymguly Pyragy, 2015-Haldun Taner and Simion Kadyshev, 2016-Yusuf Khass Hajib.
  • Liliya Sattarova (ed.), The Cultural Heritage and Museums of the Turkic World, Proceedings Book, Bursa, Bursa Kültür A.Ş. Publications, 2015.
  • Baku Declaration for the Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue- Final Declaration”, (last visited 15 February 2017).
  • Vugar Bektaş, “Baku Process”, (last visited 15 February 2017).
  • “Speech by the President of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev”, Baku International Humanitarian Forum, at ilham-aliyev-3/?fid=2254#speaker (last visited 12 February 2017).
  • UNAOC High Representative’s Remarks on the Baku Process, 2016, http://baku. (last visited 12 February 2017).
  • Arystanbek Mukhamediuly, “Congress of Religious Leaders is Result of Kazakh Leader’s Initiative”, The Astana Times, 10 June 2015.
  • Speech of Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at the opening ceremony of the V Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, at lang,english/ (last visited 2 February 2017).
  • Secretary-General’s remarks to Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions: “Promoting Dialogue for Peace and Prosperity in Turbulent Times”, sg/statements/index.asp?nid=8717 (last visited 22 February 2017).
  • The opening ceremony of the “International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures” was held within the framework of an international forum in Astana on 23 August 2012. The ceremony took place in the presence of high-level guests from more than 20 countries including UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova, the High Representative of the United Nations for the Alliance of Civilizations Nassir Abdulaziz Al Nasser and Nobel Prize holders.
  • Konsepsiya Kulturnoi Politiki v Respublike Kazahstana, Astana, MKK, 2014, p.14.
  • Alisher Khamidov, Kyrgyzstan Hosts First “World Nomad Games,” But Can They Unite the Nation?, at (last visited 12 February 2017).
  • Türk Konseyi İkinci Zirvesi Bildirisi, Bişkek, Biskek_Bildirisi_Turkce_imzali_20140418_102501.pdf (last visited 12 February 2017).
  • “Kyrgyzstan leads the UN Ranking Among Countries Awaiting Tourism Boom”, Kabar, (last visited 12 February 2017).
  • Cholpon Orozobekova, “Daniiar Mukashev on the World Nomad Games”, The Diplomat, 16 May 2016.
  • Annagurban Aşırov Mahtumkulu, Çev. Abdurrahman Güzel vd., Ankara, TÜRKSOY Yayınları, 2014, p. 7.
  • The Turkmenistan Parklocated in Ankara features a statue of Magtymguly Pyragy. This statue was inaugurated by the Presidents of the Republics of Turkey and Turkmenistan together on 28 February 2012.
  • Address by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of the Opening Ceremony of the International Conference, “Magtymguly Pyragy and Universal Human Cultural Values”, (last visited 28 January 2017).
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, culture (last visited 15 September 2016).
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, (last visited 15 September 2016).
  • Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, uluslararasi-toplum-ve-kuruluslarin-en-fazla-sorumluluk-ustlenmesi-gereken- bir-surecten-geciyoruz.html (last visited 28 January 2017); Turkmenistan, http:// (15 October 2016).
  • Afet İnan, “Gazi M. Kemal Ataturk, Kültür Dünyası, No. 28-29 (September-October 1956), p.5. Afet Inan recounts notes she took during Atatuürk’s speeches on the meaning and importance of culture: “Culture is a process/movement which shows the entire historical evolution of a nation. Nations living today work to prove and maintain their existence. However, their basis will not be sound unless it is rooted in a culture of their own…The basis of the Republic of Turkey is culture…”
  • Atatürk bequeathed part of his property to the Institution of Turkish History and the Institution of Turkish Language, of which he was the founder; this bears testimony to the importance he attached to history and culture.
Year 2017, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 91 - 114, 01.04.2017



  • Shireen T. Hunter, Islam in Russia, New York, CSIS, 2004, pp.17-21.
  • Michael Vlahos, “Culture and Foreign Policy”, Foreign Policy, No. 82 (Spring 1991), p. 59.
  • Umay Türkeş-Günay, “Türk Kültürünün Değerlendirmesi ile ilgili bir Öneri ve Kültür Değiştirme Alanında Önemli Bir Örnek: Kutad gu Bilig”, Türkler Ansiklopedisi, C.III, Ankara, Yeni Türkiye Yayınları, 2002, pp. 811-820.
  • “Basic texts of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions”, Edition, Paris: UNESCO, 2013, p. 5. images/0022/002253/225383E.pdf (last visited 14 January 2017).
  • “UNESCO Director General Irına Bokova Visited Turksoy Headquarters”, http:// turksoy_headquarters (last visited 14 January 2017).
  • “6. TÜRKSOY Üyesi Ülkeler UNESCO Milli Komisyonları ve Komiteleri Toplantısı İstanbul’da” (last visited 14 January 2017). Meetings of UNESCO National Commissions of TURKSOY member countries have been held in Ankara, Kazan, Eskisehir, Astana, Baku and Istanbul so far.
  • Murat Yılmaz (ed.), Türk Dünyası Kültürel Mirası Envanter Çalışması, Ankara, Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi, 2015, p.6.
  • The fifth meeting of UNESCO National Commissions and Committees of TURKSOY member countries took place in 2015 in Baku, Azerbaijan. For results of the meeting see (last visited 24 January 2017).
  • The establishment of the International La Francophonie Organization started with the signature of the founding agreement of the Agency of Cultural and Technical Cooperation by 21 states under the auspices of the Presidents of four ancient French colonies (Senegal, Niger, Morocco and Cambodia) on 20 March 1970; Cemil Doğaç İpek, “Türk Dünyası İçin Alternatif Bir Model: Frankofoni”, 2023, (September 2014), p. 13.
  • Council of Europe, (last visited 5 January 2017).
  • Fırat Purtaş, “TÜRKSOY”, in Turgut Demirtepe ve Murat Yılmaz (eds.), Türk Cumhuriyetleri ve Toplulukları Yıllığı-2013, Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk- Kazak Üniversitesi, Ankara, 2015, p. 594.
  • “TURKSOY International Youth Chamber Choir”, TURKSOY Journal, No. 47 (Winter 2015), p. 24.
  • Türk Dili Konuşan Ülkeler Devlet Başkanları 10. Zirve Toplantısının Bildirisi, Madde 17, (last visited 15 January 2017); Final Declaration of the 10th Summit of the Heads of State of Turkic Speaking Countries, Article 17, İstanbul, September 16th, 2010, the-heads-of-the-turkic-speaking-states-_istanbul_-16-september-2010_.en.mfa (last visited 15 January 2017).
  • Rimzil Valeev, “Sennost Turkvizyon-2014 Mı Poymöm Tolko togda, kagda vse uçastniki razyedutsya po domam (We will get aware the value of Turkvizion-2014 when all participants had already back to their home)”, at article/119188/ (last visited 23 January 2017).
  • Commemoration years of TURKSOY: 2010- Zeki Velidi Togan, 2011-Abdullah Tukay, 2012-Mirza Fatali Ahundzade, 2013-Mukan Tulebayev, 2014-Toktogul Satylganov and Magtymguly Pyragy, 2015-Haldun Taner and Simion Kadyshev, 2016-Yusuf Khass Hajib.
  • Liliya Sattarova (ed.), The Cultural Heritage and Museums of the Turkic World, Proceedings Book, Bursa, Bursa Kültür A.Ş. Publications, 2015.
  • Baku Declaration for the Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue- Final Declaration”, (last visited 15 February 2017).
  • Vugar Bektaş, “Baku Process”, (last visited 15 February 2017).
  • “Speech by the President of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev”, Baku International Humanitarian Forum, at ilham-aliyev-3/?fid=2254#speaker (last visited 12 February 2017).
  • UNAOC High Representative’s Remarks on the Baku Process, 2016, http://baku. (last visited 12 February 2017).
  • Arystanbek Mukhamediuly, “Congress of Religious Leaders is Result of Kazakh Leader’s Initiative”, The Astana Times, 10 June 2015.
  • Speech of Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at the opening ceremony of the V Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, at lang,english/ (last visited 2 February 2017).
  • Secretary-General’s remarks to Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions: “Promoting Dialogue for Peace and Prosperity in Turbulent Times”, sg/statements/index.asp?nid=8717 (last visited 22 February 2017).
  • The opening ceremony of the “International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures” was held within the framework of an international forum in Astana on 23 August 2012. The ceremony took place in the presence of high-level guests from more than 20 countries including UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova, the High Representative of the United Nations for the Alliance of Civilizations Nassir Abdulaziz Al Nasser and Nobel Prize holders.
  • Konsepsiya Kulturnoi Politiki v Respublike Kazahstana, Astana, MKK, 2014, p.14.
  • Alisher Khamidov, Kyrgyzstan Hosts First “World Nomad Games,” But Can They Unite the Nation?, at (last visited 12 February 2017).
  • Türk Konseyi İkinci Zirvesi Bildirisi, Bişkek, Biskek_Bildirisi_Turkce_imzali_20140418_102501.pdf (last visited 12 February 2017).
  • “Kyrgyzstan leads the UN Ranking Among Countries Awaiting Tourism Boom”, Kabar, (last visited 12 February 2017).
  • Cholpon Orozobekova, “Daniiar Mukashev on the World Nomad Games”, The Diplomat, 16 May 2016.
  • Annagurban Aşırov Mahtumkulu, Çev. Abdurrahman Güzel vd., Ankara, TÜRKSOY Yayınları, 2014, p. 7.
  • The Turkmenistan Parklocated in Ankara features a statue of Magtymguly Pyragy. This statue was inaugurated by the Presidents of the Republics of Turkey and Turkmenistan together on 28 February 2012.
  • Address by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of the Opening Ceremony of the International Conference, “Magtymguly Pyragy and Universal Human Cultural Values”, (last visited 28 January 2017).
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, culture (last visited 15 September 2016).
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, (last visited 15 September 2016).
  • Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, uluslararasi-toplum-ve-kuruluslarin-en-fazla-sorumluluk-ustlenmesi-gereken- bir-surecten-geciyoruz.html (last visited 28 January 2017); Turkmenistan, http:// (15 October 2016).
  • Afet İnan, “Gazi M. Kemal Ataturk, Kültür Dünyası, No. 28-29 (September-October 1956), p.5. Afet Inan recounts notes she took during Atatuürk’s speeches on the meaning and importance of culture: “Culture is a process/movement which shows the entire historical evolution of a nation. Nations living today work to prove and maintain their existence. However, their basis will not be sound unless it is rooted in a culture of their own…The basis of the Republic of Turkey is culture…”
  • Atatürk bequeathed part of his property to the Institution of Turkish History and the Institution of Turkish Language, of which he was the founder; this bears testimony to the importance he attached to history and culture.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Fırat Purtaş This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 22 Issue: 1


APA Purtaş, F. (2017). Cultural Diplomacy Initiatives of Turkic Republics. PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs, 22(1), 91-114.
AMA Purtaş F. Cultural Diplomacy Initiatives of Turkic Republics. PERCEPTIONS. April 2017;22(1):91-114.
Chicago Purtaş, Fırat. “Cultural Diplomacy Initiatives of Turkic Republics”. PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs 22, no. 1 (April 2017): 91-114.
EndNote Purtaş F (April 1, 2017) Cultural Diplomacy Initiatives of Turkic Republics. PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs 22 1 91–114.
IEEE F. Purtaş, “Cultural Diplomacy Initiatives of Turkic Republics”, PERCEPTIONS, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 91–114, 2017.
ISNAD Purtaş, Fırat. “Cultural Diplomacy Initiatives of Turkic Republics”. PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs 22/1 (April 2017), 91-114.
JAMA Purtaş F. Cultural Diplomacy Initiatives of Turkic Republics. PERCEPTIONS. 2017;22:91–114.
MLA Purtaş, Fırat. “Cultural Diplomacy Initiatives of Turkic Republics”. PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs, vol. 22, no. 1, 2017, pp. 91-114.
Vancouver Purtaş F. Cultural Diplomacy Initiatives of Turkic Republics. PERCEPTIONS. 2017;22(1):91-114.