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Two New Milestones of Nerva and Trajan/Carus on the Road from Caesarea to Melitene

Year 2020, , 35 - 41, 15.12.2020


The article presents two new milestones of Nerva and Trajan from Cappadocia. The first milestone, dated to the reign of Nerva, bears a Greek inscription, while the second one with a Latin text is dated to the reign of Trajan. The new Nervan milestone is the second one in the territory of Hierapolis having a Greek inscription. The Traianic milestone was reused under the reign of Carus. Both monuments were found on the so called «Bağdat Yolu» and provide further evidence for the route of the road between Caesarea, the capital of the province, and Melitene, the base of the Legio XII Fulminata. Although both milestones have been erected in the territory of Comana/Hierapolis, they do not mention the name of that city. Instead, they give a distance from the capital of the province. The author considers that the new milestones provide the earliest evidence for the repair of roads on the territory of Hierapolis.


  • Ando 2000 C. Ando, Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire, Berkeley – Los Angeles 2000.
  • Baz 2012 F. Baz, Zwei neue Meilensteine Gordians III aus Kappadokien, Gephyra 9, 2012, 74–80.
  • Baz 2016 F. Baz, Zwei neue Meilensteine aus Kappadokien aus der Zeit des Maximinus Thrax, Philia 2, 2016, 131–136.
  • Bender 1975 H. Bender, Römische Straßen und Straßenstationen, Stuttgart 1975.
  • Eck 1995 W. Eck, Die Verwaltung des römischen Reiches in der hohen Kaiserzeit. Ausgewählte und erweiterte Beiträge I. Band, Basel 1995.
  • Eck 2000 W. Eck, Latein als Sprache politischer Kommunikation in Städten der östlichen Provinzen, Chiron 30, 2000, 641–660.
  • French 1980 D. French, The Roman Road System of Asia Minor, ANRW II 7 2, 1980, 698–729.
  • French 1988 D. French, Roman Roads and Milestones of Asia Minor, Fasc. 2,1–2: An Interim Catalogue of Milestones, Ankara 1988.
  • French 2012 D. French, Roman Roads & Milestones of Asia Minor vol. 3. Milestones. Fasc. 3.3 Cappadocia (BIAA Electronic Monograph 4), [London] 2012.
  • Grothe 1911 H. Grothe, Meine Vorderasienexpedition I, Leipzig 1911.
  • Harper 1972 R. P. Harper, Inscriptions of Roman Cappadocia, TTK 7, 1972, 160–165.
  • Herzig 1974 H. E. Herzig, Probleme des römischen Straßenwesens: Untersuchungen zu Geschichte und Recht, ANRW II 1, 1974, 593–648.
  • Hild 1977 F. Hild, Das byzantinische Straßensystem in Kappadokien, Vienna 1977.
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  • Hogarth – Munro 1893 D. G. Hogarth – J. A. R. Munro, Modern and Ancient Roads in Eastern Asia Minor, London 1893.
  • IKomana F. Baz (ed.), Die Inschriften von Komana (Hierapolis) in Kappadokien, İstanbul 2007.
  • Kienast – Eck – Heil 2017 D. Kienast – W. Eck – M. Heil (edd.), Römische Kaisertabelle: Grundzüge einer römischen Kaiserchronologie, Darmstadt 62017.
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  • Mitchell 1978 St. Mitchell, R.E.C.A.M. Notes and Studies No. 3: A Latin Inscription from Galatia, AS 28, 1978, 93–96.
  • Mitchell 1993 St. Mitchell, Anatolia. Land, Men and Gods in Asia Minor Anatolia 1. The Celts in Anatolia and the Impact of Roman Rule, Oxford 1993.
  • Mitford 1974 T. B. Mitford, Some Inscriptions from the Cappadocian Limes, JRS 64, 1974, 160–175.
  • Mitford 1977 T. B. Mitford, Euphrates Frontier in Cappadocia, in D. Haupt – H. Horn (ed.), Studien zu den Militärgrenzen Roms II. Vorträge des 10. Internationalen Limeskongress in der Germania Inferior, Bonn 1977, 501–514.
  • Mitford 1980 T. B. Mitford, Cappadocia and Armenia Minor: Historical Setting of the Limes, ANRW II 7 2, Berlin 1980, 1169–1228.
  • Pekary 1968 Th. Pekary, Untersuchungen zu den römischen Reichsstraßen, Bonn 1968.
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  • Rémy 1989 B. Rémy, Les carrières sénatoriales dans les provinces romaines ďAnatolie au haut-empire (31 av. J. C. –284 ap. J. C.) (Pont-Bithynie, Galatie, Cappa¬doce, Lycie-Pamphylie et Cilicie), Istanbul – Paris 1989.
  • Schmitt 1983 R. Schmitt, Die Sprachverhältnisse in den östlichen Provinzen des römischen Reiches, ANRW II 29 2, 1983, 554–586.
  • Schneider 1924 K. Schneider, Miliarium, RE Suppl. VI, 1924, 395–431.
  • Sherk 1951 R. K. Sherk, The Legates of Galatia from Augustus to Diocletian, Baltimore 1951.
  • Sherk 1980 R. K. Sherk, Roman Galatia: The Governors from 25 B.C., to A.D. 114, ANRW II 7 2, 1980, 954–1052.
  • Sterrett 1885 J. R. S. Sterrett, Preliminary Report of an Archaeological Journey made in Asia Minor during the Summer of 1884, Boston 1885.
  • Sterrett 1888 J. R. S. Sterrett, An epigraphical journey in Asia Minor, Boston 1888.
  • Takmer – Baz 2017 B. Takmer – F. Baz, The Gravestone of C. Iulius, optio of the Legio XII Fulminata, Philia 3, 2017, 176–187.
  • Untermann 1995 J. Untermann, Die Sprache in der Provinz, in H. v. Hesberg (ed.). Was ist ei¬gentlich Provinz? Zur Beschreibung eines Bewußtseins, Köln 1995, 73–89.
  • Witschel 2002 Chr. Witschel, Meilensteine als historische Quelle? Das Beispiel Aquileia, Chiron 32, 2002, 325–393.

Kaisareia-Melitene Yolu Üzerinde Nerva ve Traianus/Carus Dönemlerine ait İki Yeni Miltaşı

Year 2020, , 35 - 41, 15.12.2020


Makalede Kappadokia’dan imparatorlar Nerva ve Traianus/Carus dönemlerine tarihlenen iki yeni miltaşı tanıtılmaktadır. İmparator Nerva (Ms. 96–98) Dönemi’ne ait ilk miltaşı Yunanca bir yazıt taşırken, Latince yazıta sahip ikinci miltaşı ise Trainus’un hükümdarlığına aittir. Nerva Dönemi miltaşı Hierapolis teritoryumunda bulunan Yunanca yazıtlı ikinci miltaşıdır. Traianus Dönemi miltaşı Carus’un egemenliği sırasında yeniden kullanılmıştır. Her iki miltaşı da Bağdat Yolu olarak bilinen mevkide bulunmuştur ve eyalet başkenti olan Kaisareia ile Legio XII Fulminata’nın üssü olan Melitene arasındaki yolun güzergahı için yeni veriler sunmaktadır. Miltaşları Hierapolis kent teritoryumunda bulunmuş olmalarına rağmen kentin adını anmamaktadırlar. Bunun yerine mesafeyi doğrudan eyalet başkentinden vermektedirler. Yazar, yeni miltaşlarının Hierapolis’in egemenlik sınırlarında kalan yolların onarımı için en erken veriler olduklarını düşünmektedir.


  • Ando 2000 C. Ando, Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire, Berkeley – Los Angeles 2000.
  • Baz 2012 F. Baz, Zwei neue Meilensteine Gordians III aus Kappadokien, Gephyra 9, 2012, 74–80.
  • Baz 2016 F. Baz, Zwei neue Meilensteine aus Kappadokien aus der Zeit des Maximinus Thrax, Philia 2, 2016, 131–136.
  • Bender 1975 H. Bender, Römische Straßen und Straßenstationen, Stuttgart 1975.
  • Eck 1995 W. Eck, Die Verwaltung des römischen Reiches in der hohen Kaiserzeit. Ausgewählte und erweiterte Beiträge I. Band, Basel 1995.
  • Eck 2000 W. Eck, Latein als Sprache politischer Kommunikation in Städten der östlichen Provinzen, Chiron 30, 2000, 641–660.
  • French 1980 D. French, The Roman Road System of Asia Minor, ANRW II 7 2, 1980, 698–729.
  • French 1988 D. French, Roman Roads and Milestones of Asia Minor, Fasc. 2,1–2: An Interim Catalogue of Milestones, Ankara 1988.
  • French 2012 D. French, Roman Roads & Milestones of Asia Minor vol. 3. Milestones. Fasc. 3.3 Cappadocia (BIAA Electronic Monograph 4), [London] 2012.
  • Grothe 1911 H. Grothe, Meine Vorderasienexpedition I, Leipzig 1911.
  • Harper 1972 R. P. Harper, Inscriptions of Roman Cappadocia, TTK 7, 1972, 160–165.
  • Herzig 1974 H. E. Herzig, Probleme des römischen Straßenwesens: Untersuchungen zu Geschichte und Recht, ANRW II 1, 1974, 593–648.
  • Hild 1977 F. Hild, Das byzantinische Straßensystem in Kappadokien, Vienna 1977.
  • Hild – Restle 1981 F. Hild – M. Restle, Tabula Imperii Byzantini 2: Kappadokien (Kappadokia, Charsianon, Sebasteia und Lykandos), Vienna 1981.
  • Hogarth – Munro 1893 D. G. Hogarth – J. A. R. Munro, Modern and Ancient Roads in Eastern Asia Minor, London 1893.
  • IKomana F. Baz (ed.), Die Inschriften von Komana (Hierapolis) in Kappadokien, İstanbul 2007.
  • Kienast – Eck – Heil 2017 D. Kienast – W. Eck – M. Heil (edd.), Römische Kaisertabelle: Grundzüge einer römischen Kaiserchronologie, Darmstadt 62017.
  • Kissel 1995 T. K. Kissel, Untersuchungen zur Logistik des römischen Heeres in den Provinzen des griechischen Ostens (27 v. Chr.–235 n. Chr.), St. Katherina 1995.
  • Kolb 2000 A. Kolb, Transport und Nachrichtentransfer im römischen Reich, Berlin 2000.
  • Mitchell 1978 St. Mitchell, R.E.C.A.M. Notes and Studies No. 3: A Latin Inscription from Galatia, AS 28, 1978, 93–96.
  • Mitchell 1993 St. Mitchell, Anatolia. Land, Men and Gods in Asia Minor Anatolia 1. The Celts in Anatolia and the Impact of Roman Rule, Oxford 1993.
  • Mitford 1974 T. B. Mitford, Some Inscriptions from the Cappadocian Limes, JRS 64, 1974, 160–175.
  • Mitford 1977 T. B. Mitford, Euphrates Frontier in Cappadocia, in D. Haupt – H. Horn (ed.), Studien zu den Militärgrenzen Roms II. Vorträge des 10. Internationalen Limeskongress in der Germania Inferior, Bonn 1977, 501–514.
  • Mitford 1980 T. B. Mitford, Cappadocia and Armenia Minor: Historical Setting of the Limes, ANRW II 7 2, Berlin 1980, 1169–1228.
  • Pekary 1968 Th. Pekary, Untersuchungen zu den römischen Reichsstraßen, Bonn 1968.
  • Rathmann 2003 M. Rathmann, Untersuchungen zu den Reichsstraßen in den westlichen Provinzen des Imperium Romanum, Bonn 2003.
  • Rémy 1989 B. Rémy, Les carrières sénatoriales dans les provinces romaines ďAnatolie au haut-empire (31 av. J. C. –284 ap. J. C.) (Pont-Bithynie, Galatie, Cappa¬doce, Lycie-Pamphylie et Cilicie), Istanbul – Paris 1989.
  • Schmitt 1983 R. Schmitt, Die Sprachverhältnisse in den östlichen Provinzen des römischen Reiches, ANRW II 29 2, 1983, 554–586.
  • Schneider 1924 K. Schneider, Miliarium, RE Suppl. VI, 1924, 395–431.
  • Sherk 1951 R. K. Sherk, The Legates of Galatia from Augustus to Diocletian, Baltimore 1951.
  • Sherk 1980 R. K. Sherk, Roman Galatia: The Governors from 25 B.C., to A.D. 114, ANRW II 7 2, 1980, 954–1052.
  • Sterrett 1885 J. R. S. Sterrett, Preliminary Report of an Archaeological Journey made in Asia Minor during the Summer of 1884, Boston 1885.
  • Sterrett 1888 J. R. S. Sterrett, An epigraphical journey in Asia Minor, Boston 1888.
  • Takmer – Baz 2017 B. Takmer – F. Baz, The Gravestone of C. Iulius, optio of the Legio XII Fulminata, Philia 3, 2017, 176–187.
  • Untermann 1995 J. Untermann, Die Sprache in der Provinz, in H. v. Hesberg (ed.). Was ist ei¬gentlich Provinz? Zur Beschreibung eines Bewußtseins, Köln 1995, 73–89.
  • Witschel 2002 Chr. Witschel, Meilensteine als historische Quelle? Das Beispiel Aquileia, Chiron 32, 2002, 325–393.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Articles

Ferit Baz This is me 0000-0003-0090-1004

Publication Date December 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Baz, F. (2020). Two New Milestones of Nerva and Trajan/Carus on the Road from Caesarea to Melitene. PHILIA, 6, 35-41.
AMA Baz F. Two New Milestones of Nerva and Trajan/Carus on the Road from Caesarea to Melitene. PHILIA. December 2020;6:35-41. doi:10.36991/PHILIA.202002
Chicago Baz, Ferit. “Two New Milestones of Nerva and Trajan/Carus on the Road from Caesarea to Melitene”. PHILIA 6, December (December 2020): 35-41.
EndNote Baz F (December 1, 2020) Two New Milestones of Nerva and Trajan/Carus on the Road from Caesarea to Melitene. PHILIA 6 35–41.
IEEE F. Baz, “Two New Milestones of Nerva and Trajan/Carus on the Road from Caesarea to Melitene”, PHILIA, vol. 6, pp. 35–41, 2020, doi: 10.36991/PHILIA.202002.
ISNAD Baz, Ferit. “Two New Milestones of Nerva and Trajan/Carus on the Road from Caesarea to Melitene”. PHILIA 6 (December 2020), 35-41.
JAMA Baz F. Two New Milestones of Nerva and Trajan/Carus on the Road from Caesarea to Melitene. PHILIA. 2020;6:35–41.
MLA Baz, Ferit. “Two New Milestones of Nerva and Trajan/Carus on the Road from Caesarea to Melitene”. PHILIA, vol. 6, 2020, pp. 35-41, doi:10.36991/PHILIA.202002.
Vancouver Baz F. Two New Milestones of Nerva and Trajan/Carus on the Road from Caesarea to Melitene. PHILIA. 2020;6:35-41.