Antipatros of Derbe, Akmoneia and Rome in a Notebook of William Mitchell Ramsay
Year 2020,
, 42 - 52, 15.12.2020
Marcus Chın
Leah Lazar
This article presents new readings in a late Hellenistic honorific inscription found at Uşak, recorded by William Mitchell Ramsay in 1914. The inscription, erected by an unidentified Phrygian community, honours Antipatros of Derbe, a Lycaonian dynast known from passages in Cicero and Strabo. After presenting a revised text and translation, the authors discuss the unpublished rea-dings and explore the historical significance of this fragmentary and enigmatic inscription. They build on previous discussions of Antipatros’ role as a supra-civic intermediary between Asia Minor and Rome but also explore what this text, somewhat unusual in its first century B.C. context for its honouring of a foreign individual, can tell about the development of civic culture in Phrygia in the late Hellenistic period.
We would especially like to thank Peter Thonemann (for initiating and supporting our study of Ramsay’s notebooks), Charles Crowther, Martin Hallmannsecker, Juliane Zachhuber, and audience members at the British Epigraphic Society Meeting in Cambridge in December 2018 for their comments and advice.
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- Grünewald 2004 T. Grünewald, Bandits in the Roman Empire. Myth and Reality, London and New York 2004.
- Jones 2017 C. P. Jones, Strabo and the “Petty Dynasts”, in L. Cavalier et al. (eds.), Auguste et l’Asie Mineure, Bordeaux 2017, 349–356.
- Keil – von Premerstein 1911 J. Keil – A. von Premerstein, Bericht über eine zweite Reise in Ly-dien, Vienna 1911.
- Mack 2015 W. Mack, Proxeny and Polis. Institutional Networks in the Ancient Greek World, Oxford 2015.
- Magie 1950 D. Magie, Roman rule in Asia Minor: to the end of the third century after Christ, Princeton 1950.
- Mitchell 2018 S. Mitchell, Dispelling Seleucid Phantoms: Macedonians in Western Asia Minor from Alexander to the Attalids, in K. Erickson (ed.), The Seleucid Empire, 281–222 BC. War within the Family, Swansea 2018, 11–35.
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- Ramsay 1883 W. M. Ramsay, The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia, JHS 4, 1883, 370–436.
- Robert 1980 L. Robert, À travers l’Asie Mineure: poètes et prosateurs, monnaies grecques, vo-yageurs et géographie. Paris – Athènes 1980.Syme 1939 R. Syme, Observations on the Province of Cilicia, in W. M. Calder and J. Keil (eds.), Anatolian Studies Presented to William Hepburn Buckler, Manchester 1939, 229–332.
- Thonemann 2010 P. Thonemann, The Women of Akmoneia, JRS 100, 2010, 163–178.
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William Mitchell Ramsay’in Not Defterinde Derbeli Antipatros, Akmoneia ve Roma
Year 2020,
, 42 - 52, 15.12.2020
Marcus Chın
Leah Lazar
Makalede Uşak’ta bulunan ve 1914 yılında William Mitchell Ramsay tarafından kaydedilen Geç Hellenistik Dönem tarihli bir onurlandırma yazıtındaki yeni okumalar sunulmaktadır. Phrygia’da kimliği tam olarak saptanamayan bir yerleşimin sakinleri tarafından dikilen yazıt, Cicero ve Strabon’un pasajlarından bilinen Lykaonia dinastı Derbeli Antipatros’u onurlandırmaktadır. Ya-zarlar yazıtın gözden geçirilmiş metnini ve çevirisini sunduktan sonra yeni okuma önerilerini tar-tışmakta ve fragman olarak korunan bu muammalı yazıtın tarihsel önemini irdelemektedirler. An-tipatros’un Küçük Asya ve Roma arasında kentler üstü bir aracı olarak rolüne ilişkin önceki tar-tışmalara dayanarak bunları geliştiren makalede İÖ 1. yüzyıl bağlamında yabancı bir bireyi onur-landırması açısından biraz sıra dışı olan bu metnin, Geç Helenistik Dönem Frigya’sında kent kül-türünün gelişimi hakkında ne ifade edebileceği de incelenmektedir.
- Coşkun 2018 A. Coşkun, Prolegomena to the Study of “Warlordism in Later Hellenistic Anatoli-a”, in T. Ñaco del Hoyo and F. López Sánchez (eds.), War, Warlords, and Interstate Relations in the Ancient Mediterranean, Leiden 2018, 204–230.
- Fröhlich 2002 P. Fröhlich, Les magistrats des cités grecques: image et réalité du pouvoir (IIe s. a.C. – Ier s. p.C.), in H. Inglebert (ed.), Les idéologies et valeurs civiques dans le monde romain. Hommage à Claude Lepelley, Paris 2002, 75–92.
- Fröhlich 2020 P. Fröhlich, Philanthropia in Context: Civic Virtues and Praise of Officials in the Poleis of Hellenistic Asia Minor, in O. Tekin et al. (eds.), Philanthropy in Anatolia through the Ages. Proceedings of the First International Suna & İnan Kıraç Symposium on Medi-terranean Civilizations (Antalya March 26–29.03 2019), Istanbul 2020, 13–28.
- Grünewald 2004 T. Grünewald, Bandits in the Roman Empire. Myth and Reality, London and New York 2004.
- Jones 2017 C. P. Jones, Strabo and the “Petty Dynasts”, in L. Cavalier et al. (eds.), Auguste et l’Asie Mineure, Bordeaux 2017, 349–356.
- Keil – von Premerstein 1911 J. Keil – A. von Premerstein, Bericht über eine zweite Reise in Ly-dien, Vienna 1911.
- Mack 2015 W. Mack, Proxeny and Polis. Institutional Networks in the Ancient Greek World, Oxford 2015.
- Magie 1950 D. Magie, Roman rule in Asia Minor: to the end of the third century after Christ, Princeton 1950.
- Mitchell 2018 S. Mitchell, Dispelling Seleucid Phantoms: Macedonians in Western Asia Minor from Alexander to the Attalids, in K. Erickson (ed.), The Seleucid Empire, 281–222 BC. War within the Family, Swansea 2018, 11–35.
- Mitchell 2019 S. Mitchell, Makedonen überall! Die makedonische Landnahme in Kleinasien, in M. Nollé et al. (eds.) Panegyrikoi Logoi. Festschrift für Johannes Nollé, Bonn 2019, 331–352.
- Ramsay 1883 W. M. Ramsay, The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia, JHS 4, 1883, 370–436.
- Robert 1980 L. Robert, À travers l’Asie Mineure: poètes et prosateurs, monnaies grecques, vo-yageurs et géographie. Paris – Athènes 1980.Syme 1939 R. Syme, Observations on the Province of Cilicia, in W. M. Calder and J. Keil (eds.), Anatolian Studies Presented to William Hepburn Buckler, Manchester 1939, 229–332.
- Thonemann 2010 P. Thonemann, The Women of Akmoneia, JRS 100, 2010, 163–178.
- Thonemann 2013 P. Thonemann, Phyrgia: an anarchist history, 950 BC–AD 100, in P. Thonemann (ed.), Roman Phrygia, Cambridge 2013, 1–40.
- Wright 2008 N. L. Wright, Anazarbos and the Tarkondimotid Kings of Kilikia, AS 58, 2008, 115–125.
- Wright 2012 N. L. Wright, The house of Tarkondimotos: a late Hellenistic dynasty between Rome and the East, AS 62, 2012, 69–88.