Research Article
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Antik Dönem’de Orman Yangınlarının Önemine Dair

Year 2016, Volume: Suppl. 1, 356 - 363, 31.08.2016


yazı, Antik Dünya üzerine şimdiye kadar büyük oranda göz ardı edilmiş bir konu
olan Eskiçağda or­man yangınları hakkında bir ön çalışma olarak
değerlendirilmelidir. Yazar yöntemsel ve teorik bir di­zi değerlendirmenin
ardından orman yangınlarına antik literatürde ne sıklıkta ve hangi kapsamda de­ği­nil­diği
sorusuna yanıt aramaktadır. Homeros’un dizelerinde büyük orman yangınları
genellikle savaş sah­ne­lerini dramatize etmek için biçemsel öğe olarak
kullanılmaktadır. Yunan polis’lerinde ise yangınla mü­cadele için alınmış somut
tedbirleri belirlemek bir hayli zordur. Yine de bundan bu temanın antik top­­­lumlarda
önemli bir sorun olmadığı sonucu çıkarılmaz. Atina’da “yangın önleme”ye sadece
Aris­­to­teles tarafından değinilmektedir. Diğer polis’lerdeyse memurların bu
görevle hangi kapsamda sorum­lu olduk­ları bilinmemektedir. Ağaçların
kendiliğinden tutuşmaları fenomeni Antik Dünya’da ilgi uyan­dırmış ve Hellenistik
Dönem doğa bilimlerinde ihtilaflı tartışmalara konu olmuştur. Her halükarda
Lucretius’un yangın sebepleri tipolojisinin bugün dahi geçerliliğini koruması
kayda değerdir. Bu ince­lemede söz konusu tipolojinin orman yangınlarına
ilişkin malzemenin ilerideki çalış­maları olanaklı kıla­cak bir sınıflandırmaya
uygun olduğu ortaya konmuştur.


  • Arianoutsou 2001 M. Arianoutsou, Landscape Changes in Mediterranean Ecosystems of Greece: Implications for Fire and Biodiversity Issues, Journal of Medi¬terranean Ecology 2, 2001, 165–178.
  • Blondel – Medail 2009 J. Blondel – F. Medail, Biodiversity and Conservation, in: J. C. Woodward (Hrsg.), The Physical Geography of the Mediterranean, Oxford 2009, 615–650.
  • Brandes 2008 R. Brandes, Wald und Waldbrände in Griechenland – eine Betrachtung aus vegetationsgeographischer Sicht, Hellenika N.F. 3, 2008, 70–90.
  • Broen 1983 R. D. Broen, Lucretian Ridicule of Anaxagoras, CQ 33.1, 1983, 146–160.
  • Calder 1984 W. M. Calder III, A Fragment of Anaxagoras in Thucydides? CQ 34.2, 1984, 485–486.
  • Freitag 2007 K. Freitag, Überlegungen zur Konstruktion von Grenzen im antiken Griechenland, in: P. Funke – R. Albertz (Hrsgg.), Grenzen und Räume in der Antike, München 2007, 49–70.
  • Gomme 1956 A. W. Gomme, An Historical Commentary on Thucydides, Vol. II: The Ten Years’ War Books II–III, Oxford 1956.
  • Hasel 1988 B. W. Hasel, Entwaldung in der Antike, Journal Geschichte 4, 1988, 12–23.
  • Hughes 2014 J. D. Hughes, Pan’s Travail: Environmental Problems of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, Baltimore 2014.
  • Kiechle 1977 F. Kiechle, Die Entwicklung von Brandwaffen in der Antike, Historia 27, 1977, 253–256.
  • Liacos 1973 L. G. Liacos, Present Studies and History of Burning in Greece, in: Pro¬ceedings of 13th Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference, Tallahassee/Florida 1973, 65–96.
  • Meier 2005 M. Meier, „Die größte Erschütterung für die Griechen“ – Krieg und Natur¬katastrophen im Geschichtswerk des Thukydides, Klio 87, 2005, 329–345.
  • Meiggs 1982 R. Meiggs, Trees and Timber in the Ancient Mediterranean World, Oxford 1982.
  • Nenninger 2001 J. Nenninger, Die Römer und der Wald: Untersuchungen zum Umgang mit einem Naturraum am Beispiel der römischen Westprovinzen, Stuttgart 2001.
  • Papanastasis et al. 2010 V. Papanastasis – M. Arianoutsou – K. Papanastasis, Environmental Conser¬vation in Classical Greece, Journal of Biological Research Thessaloniki 14, 2010, 123–135.
  • Pyttel et al. 2011 P. Pyttel – F. Xystrakis – J, Huss, Wald in Griechenland, AFZ-Der Wald 8, 2011, 49–53.
  • Radkau 2000 J. Radkau, Natur und Macht. Eine Weltgeschichte der Umwelt, München 2000.
  • Radkau 2007 J. Radkau, Holz. Wie ein Naturstoff Geschichte schreibt, München 2007.
  • Sallares 1991 R. Sallares, The Ecology of the Ancient Greek World, London 1991.
  • Semple 1919 E. C. Semple, Climatic and Geographical Influences on Ancient Mediterra¬nean Forests and the Lumber Trade, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 9, 1919, 13–40.
  • Sonnabend 1999 H. Sonnabend, Naturkatastrophen in der Antike: Wahrnehmung – Deutung – Management, Stuttgart 1999.
  • Sonnabend 2013 H. Sonnabend, Katastrophen in der Antike, Darmstadt/Mainz 2013.
  • Thommen 2009 L. Thommen, Umweltgeschichte der Antike, München 2009.
  • Westlake 1977 H. D. Westlake, Legetai in Thucydides, Mnemosyne 40, 1977, 345–362.

Zu Bedeutung von Waldbränden in der Antike

Year 2016, Volume: Suppl. 1, 356 - 363, 31.08.2016


The present paper should be
recognized as a preliminary study about forest fires in an­cient times, which
so far had been largely ignored in the studies of the ancient world. After some
basic methodological and theoretical considerations the question is how often
and in which con­text forest fires are mentioned in the ancient sources. In Homer’s
epics huge forest fires are often used as a stylistic element to dramatize the
description of battles. Furthermore it is difficult to cha­rac­­­terize the
impact of concrete firefighting measures in the Greek Poleis. However it is not
neces­sary to assume that the issue was not relevant in the ancient societies.
In Athens a “fire guard” is only mentioned by Aristotle, we do not known in
which context magistrates were responsible for this task in other Poleis. The
phenomenon of auto-ignition of trees found particular interest in the ancient
world and it was controversially discussed in the natural science in the
Hellenistic period. All in all it is remarkable that Lucretius’ typology of
causes of fire is still valid today. In the course of this study it has been
turned out that this typology is suitable to sort the material about forest
fires to enable further studies.


  • Arianoutsou 2001 M. Arianoutsou, Landscape Changes in Mediterranean Ecosystems of Greece: Implications for Fire and Biodiversity Issues, Journal of Medi¬terranean Ecology 2, 2001, 165–178.
  • Blondel – Medail 2009 J. Blondel – F. Medail, Biodiversity and Conservation, in: J. C. Woodward (Hrsg.), The Physical Geography of the Mediterranean, Oxford 2009, 615–650.
  • Brandes 2008 R. Brandes, Wald und Waldbrände in Griechenland – eine Betrachtung aus vegetationsgeographischer Sicht, Hellenika N.F. 3, 2008, 70–90.
  • Broen 1983 R. D. Broen, Lucretian Ridicule of Anaxagoras, CQ 33.1, 1983, 146–160.
  • Calder 1984 W. M. Calder III, A Fragment of Anaxagoras in Thucydides? CQ 34.2, 1984, 485–486.
  • Freitag 2007 K. Freitag, Überlegungen zur Konstruktion von Grenzen im antiken Griechenland, in: P. Funke – R. Albertz (Hrsgg.), Grenzen und Räume in der Antike, München 2007, 49–70.
  • Gomme 1956 A. W. Gomme, An Historical Commentary on Thucydides, Vol. II: The Ten Years’ War Books II–III, Oxford 1956.
  • Hasel 1988 B. W. Hasel, Entwaldung in der Antike, Journal Geschichte 4, 1988, 12–23.
  • Hughes 2014 J. D. Hughes, Pan’s Travail: Environmental Problems of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, Baltimore 2014.
  • Kiechle 1977 F. Kiechle, Die Entwicklung von Brandwaffen in der Antike, Historia 27, 1977, 253–256.
  • Liacos 1973 L. G. Liacos, Present Studies and History of Burning in Greece, in: Pro¬ceedings of 13th Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference, Tallahassee/Florida 1973, 65–96.
  • Meier 2005 M. Meier, „Die größte Erschütterung für die Griechen“ – Krieg und Natur¬katastrophen im Geschichtswerk des Thukydides, Klio 87, 2005, 329–345.
  • Meiggs 1982 R. Meiggs, Trees and Timber in the Ancient Mediterranean World, Oxford 1982.
  • Nenninger 2001 J. Nenninger, Die Römer und der Wald: Untersuchungen zum Umgang mit einem Naturraum am Beispiel der römischen Westprovinzen, Stuttgart 2001.
  • Papanastasis et al. 2010 V. Papanastasis – M. Arianoutsou – K. Papanastasis, Environmental Conser¬vation in Classical Greece, Journal of Biological Research Thessaloniki 14, 2010, 123–135.
  • Pyttel et al. 2011 P. Pyttel – F. Xystrakis – J, Huss, Wald in Griechenland, AFZ-Der Wald 8, 2011, 49–53.
  • Radkau 2000 J. Radkau, Natur und Macht. Eine Weltgeschichte der Umwelt, München 2000.
  • Radkau 2007 J. Radkau, Holz. Wie ein Naturstoff Geschichte schreibt, München 2007.
  • Sallares 1991 R. Sallares, The Ecology of the Ancient Greek World, London 1991.
  • Semple 1919 E. C. Semple, Climatic and Geographical Influences on Ancient Mediterra¬nean Forests and the Lumber Trade, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 9, 1919, 13–40.
  • Sonnabend 1999 H. Sonnabend, Naturkatastrophen in der Antike: Wahrnehmung – Deutung – Management, Stuttgart 1999.
  • Sonnabend 2013 H. Sonnabend, Katastrophen in der Antike, Darmstadt/Mainz 2013.
  • Thommen 2009 L. Thommen, Umweltgeschichte der Antike, München 2009.
  • Westlake 1977 H. D. Westlake, Legetai in Thucydides, Mnemosyne 40, 1977, 345–362.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language German
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Articles

Klaus Freitag This is me

Publication Date August 31, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: Suppl. 1


APA Freitag, K. (2016). Zu Bedeutung von Waldbränden in der Antike. PHILIA, Suppl. 1, 356-363.
AMA Freitag K. Zu Bedeutung von Waldbränden in der Antike. PHILIA. August 2016;Suppl. 1:356-363.
Chicago Freitag, Klaus. “Zu Bedeutung Von Waldbränden in Der Antike”. PHILIA Suppl. 1, August (August 2016): 356-63.
EndNote Freitag K (August 1, 2016) Zu Bedeutung von Waldbränden in der Antike. PHILIA Suppl. 1 356–363.
IEEE K. Freitag, “Zu Bedeutung von Waldbränden in der Antike”, PHILIA, vol. Suppl. 1, pp. 356–363, 2016.
ISNAD Freitag, Klaus. “Zu Bedeutung Von Waldbränden in Der Antike”. PHILIA SUPPL. 1 (August 2016), 356-363.
JAMA Freitag K. Zu Bedeutung von Waldbränden in der Antike. PHILIA. 2016;Suppl. 1:356–363.
MLA Freitag, Klaus. “Zu Bedeutung Von Waldbränden in Der Antike”. PHILIA, vol. Suppl. 1, 2016, pp. 356-63.
Vancouver Freitag K. Zu Bedeutung von Waldbränden in der Antike. PHILIA. 2016;Suppl. 1:356-63.