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Doğu Roma İmparatorluğunda Elit Tabakasından olmayan Hayırhahlar: Azatlı, Köle, Esnaf ve Zanaatkarlar ile Tüccarların İmar Faaliyetleri

Year 2016, Volume: Suppl. 1, 471 - 493, 31.08.2016


Yazar makalesinde Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi’nden
günümüze kadar gelen yapıların inşasında, alışı­la­geldiği gibi kentin yerel
seçkinlerininin ve Romalı yöneticilerin değil, bilakis kent katmanlaşmasının
diğer basamaklarında yer alan, orta sınıftan önde gelenler, dernekler, esnaf ve
zanaatkarlar, tüccarlar, Roma­lı negotiatorlar, varlıklı imparatorluk
azatlıları ve hatta kölelerin oynadığı rolü Asia Minor kentle­rin­den elde
edilen epigrafik veriler ışığında örneklendirmektedir. Örneklendirmelerini kent
ve kırsal, Asia Minor’un iç bölgeleri ve batı bölgeleri şeklinde gruplandıran
yazar, imparatorluk azatlıları ve köle­le­rinin kentlerdeki bu faaliyetlerinin
kent gelişimi açısından değerlendirildiğinde tahmin edilenden daha önemli bir
rol oynadığını vurgulamaktadır. Kentin ticari hayatına yön veren tüccarlar,
esnaf ve za­naat­karlar, Romalı negotiatorların, kentin ticari yaşamına fayda
sağlayacak dükkanlar, atölyeler, depolar gibi çeşitli yapılar yaptırdıklarına
da değinmektedir. Şüphesiz bu tarz yapı faaliyetleri, kendi mali gücü­nü
gösterebilmenin en iyi yollarından biriydi. Bu örnekler, son olarak, makalede
yukarıda bahsedilen gruplandırmalar dahilinde tablolarla açıklanmıştır.


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Non-elite Benefactors in the Roman East: Building Activity by Freedmen, Slaves, Craftsmen and Traders

Year 2016, Volume: Suppl. 1, 471 - 493, 31.08.2016


Building activity was undoubtedly the most
visible way of self-celebration and of dis­playing financial power. Although
that most monuments in the Roman East were constructed by the ruling elite,
civic authorities and the emperor, under the Principate, leading members of the
middle classes and professional associations, local craftsmen and artisans,
traders and merchants, Ro­man negotiatores, well-to-do imperial freedmen and
even slaves, in their attempt to imitate aris­to­­cratic practices of their
time, undertook some building projects by supervising, commissioning and
financing sacred, public and semi-private monuments. Certainly the cases of
this non-elite build­ing euergetism are not numerous, but, when seen in
relation to other forms of social mobil­ity, such as the entry of low-born
persons and freedmen into the local councils, may indicate social chan­ges. The
aim of this paper is to gather the epigraphic testimonies and to interpret the
building acti­vities of these atypical benefactors in the context of urban
development and daily life.


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There are 79 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Articles

Maria Kantirea This is me

Publication Date August 31, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: Suppl. 1


APA Kantirea, M. (2016). Non-elite Benefactors in the Roman East: Building Activity by Freedmen, Slaves, Craftsmen and Traders. PHILIA, Suppl. 1, 471-493.
AMA Kantirea M. Non-elite Benefactors in the Roman East: Building Activity by Freedmen, Slaves, Craftsmen and Traders. PHILIA. August 2016;Suppl. 1:471-493.
Chicago Kantirea, Maria. “Non-Elite Benefactors in the Roman East: Building Activity by Freedmen, Slaves, Craftsmen and Traders”. PHILIA Suppl. 1, August (August 2016): 471-93.
EndNote Kantirea M (August 1, 2016) Non-elite Benefactors in the Roman East: Building Activity by Freedmen, Slaves, Craftsmen and Traders. PHILIA Suppl. 1 471–493.
IEEE M. Kantirea, “Non-elite Benefactors in the Roman East: Building Activity by Freedmen, Slaves, Craftsmen and Traders”, PHILIA, vol. Suppl. 1, pp. 471–493, 2016.
ISNAD Kantirea, Maria. “Non-Elite Benefactors in the Roman East: Building Activity by Freedmen, Slaves, Craftsmen and Traders”. PHILIA SUPPL. 1 (August 2016), 471-493.
JAMA Kantirea M. Non-elite Benefactors in the Roman East: Building Activity by Freedmen, Slaves, Craftsmen and Traders. PHILIA. 2016;Suppl. 1:471–493.
MLA Kantirea, Maria. “Non-Elite Benefactors in the Roman East: Building Activity by Freedmen, Slaves, Craftsmen and Traders”. PHILIA, vol. Suppl. 1, 2016, pp. 471-93.
Vancouver Kantirea M. Non-elite Benefactors in the Roman East: Building Activity by Freedmen, Slaves, Craftsmen and Traders. PHILIA. 2016;Suppl. 1:471-93.