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Phrygia’da bir İmparator Azatlısı’nın Adak Yazıtı

Year 2016, Volume: Suppl. 1, 523 - 528, 31.08.2016


Yazar makalesinde bir imparator azatlısı olan Flavius Helius
ve eşi Sextilia Hedone tarafından Zeus Ben­nios’a sunulan ve birbirlerine büyük
oranda benzeyen iki adak yazıtı aracılığıyla Helius’un resmi un­vanı olan eirenophylaks
τῆς παρχείας’ı yorumlamaktadır. Görevleri genel
olarak Roma hukukunu uygulamak ve düzeni sağlamak olan eirenophylaks’lar, bir
eyalet procurator’unun altında görev yapmakta ve ofisleri conventus merkezi
olan bir kentte yer almaktaydı. Yazıtların kazındığı stellerin 2.85 m yük­sek­­liği
ve özenli işciliğiyle, Phrygia Bölgesi’ndeki pek çok kutsal alanda ele geçen
gösterişsiz ve sade stel­ler­den ayrıldığını, şekil ve büyüklük bakımından daha
çok Hermos Vadisi’nde üretilen mezar ve adak stel­lerine benzediğini vurgulayan
yazar, bu doğrultuda Helius’un çalışma ofisinin daha önceki görüşün ak­sine
Synnada’da değil Hermos Vadisi içinde, Sardis ya da daha az olasılıkla Aizanoi conventus
mer­kezinde olabileceğini önermektedir. Yazıtların çevirileri ise aşağıdaki

1) Vespasianus Caesar 9. kez, Titus Caesar ise 7. kez
konsülken, Vespasianus Caesar’ın azatlısı, eyaletin eirenophylaks’ı Agrostea (Köyü’nden)
Timaios torunu Glykon oğlu Titus Flavius Helius, Augustus’lar, kendisi, eşi
Publius kızı Sextilia Hedone ve oğlu Titus Flavius Sextilianus Helius için
kendi vatanı Agrostea ve Zboura’nın Zeus Bennios’una ve geleneksel tanrılara
adağı sundu.

Vespasianus Caesar 9. kez, Titus Caesar ise 7. kez konsülken, Publius kızı
Sextilia Hedone, Augustus’lar, kendisi, eyaletin eirenophylaks’ı, Agrostea
(köyünden) Timaios torunu Glykon oğlu olan kocası Titus Flavius Helius ve oğlu
Titus Flavius Sextilianus Helius için kendi vatanı Agrostea ve Zboura’nın Zeus
Bennios’una ve geleneksel tanrılara adağı sundu.


  • Brélaz 2005 C. Brélaz, La sécurité publique en Asie Mineure sous le Principat (Ier-IIIème s. ap. J.-C.): Institutions municipales et institutions impériales dans l’Orient romain, Basel 2005.
  • Broux – Clarysse 2009 Y. Broux – W. Clarysse, Two Greek Funerary Stelae from Lydia and the Antonine Plague, Tyche 24, 2009, 27–33.
  • Burton 1975 G. P. Burton, Proconsuls, Assizes and the Administration of Justice under the Empire, JRS 65, 1975, 92–106.
  • Burton 2000 G. P. Burton, The Resolution of Territorial Disputes in the Provinces of the Roman Empire, Chiron 30, 2000, 195–215.
  • Burton 2001 G. P. Burton, The imperial state and its impact on the role and status of local magistrates and councillors in the provinces of the empire, in: L. de Blois (ed.), Administration, Prosopography and Appointment Policies in the Roman Empire, Amsterdam 2001, 202–214.
  • Burton 2002 G. P. Burton, The Roman Imperial State (A.D. 14–235): Evidence and Reality, Chiron 32, 2002, 249–280.
  • Dignas 2002 B. Dignas, Economy of the Sacred in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor, Oxford 2002.
  • Drew-Bear – Naour 1990 Th. Drew-Bear - Chr. Naour, Divinites de Phrygie, ANRW II 18.3, Berlin 1990, 1907–2044.
  • Drew-Bear et al. 1999 Th. Drew-Bear – Chr. M. Thomas – M. Yıldızturan, Phrygian Votive Steles, Ankara 1999 (Turkish Republic, Ministry of Culture, Museum of Anatolian Civilizations).
  • Herrmann – Malay 2007 P. Herrmann – H. Malay, New Documents from Lydia, Vienna 2007.
  • Kantor 2013 G. Kantor, Law in Roman Phrygia: rules and jurisdictions, in: P. Thone¬mann (ed.), Roman Phrygia. Culture and Society, Cambridge 2013, 143–167.
  • Kearsley 2001 R. A. Kearsley, Greeks and Romans in Imperial Asia. Mixed Language In¬scrip¬tions and Linguistic Evidence for Cultural Interaction until the end of AD III, Bonn 2001 (Inschriften aus Kleinasien der griechische Städte, vol. 59).
  • Lehmler – Wörrle 2006 C. Lehmler – M. Wörrle, Neue Inschriftenfunde aus Aizanoi IV: Aizanitica Minora II, Chiron 36, 2006, 45–111.
  • Malay – Gül 1981 H. Malay – Y. Gül, New Inscriptions from Saittai, ZPE 44, 1981, 81–90.
  • MAMA IX B. Levick – S. Mitchell – J. Potter – M. Waelkens, Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua IX: Monuments from the Aezanitis, London 1988.
  • MAMA X B. Levick – S. Mitchell – J. Potter – M. Waelkens, Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua X: Monuments from Appia and the Upper Tembris Valley, Cotiaeum, Cadi, Synaus, Ancyra Sidera and Tiberiopolis, London 1993.
  • Mitchell 1993 S. Mitchell, Anatolia: Land, Men, and Gods in Asia Minor, Volume I: The Celts in Anatolia and the Impact of Roman Rule, Oxford 1993.
  • Mitchell 1999 S. Mitchell, The Administration of Roman Asia from 133 BC to AD 250, in: W. Eck – E. Müller-Luckner (eds.), Lokale Autonomie und römische Ordnungsmacht in den kaiserzeitlichen Provinzen vom 1. bis 3 Jahrhundert, Munich 1999, 17–46.
  • Naour 1981 Chr. Naour, Inscriptions du Moyen Hermos, ZPE 44, 1981, 11–44.
  • Rheidt 2010 K. Rheidt (ed.), Aizanoi und Anatolien. Neue Entdeckungen zur Geschichte und Archäologie im Hochland des westlichen Kleinasien, Mainz 2010.
  • Thonemann 2013 P. Thonemann, Phrygia: An Anarchist History, 950 BC – AD 100, in: P. Thonemann (ed.), Roman Phrygia. Culture and Society, Cambridge 2013, 1–40.
  • Welles 1934 C. B. Welles, Royal Correspondence in the Hellenistic Period: a Study in Greek Epigraphy, New Haven 1934.
  • Yannakopulos 2003 N. Yannakopulos, Preserving the Pax Romana: The Peace Functionaries in the Roman East, Mediterraneo Antico, VI/2, 2003 [2004], 825–906.

An Imperial Freedman’s Dedication in Phrygia

Year 2016, Volume: Suppl. 1, 523 - 528, 31.08.2016


members of the imperial familia lived within the Greek communities of Asia
primarily to administer and enforce Roman law, the surviving epigraphic
evidence for their pres­ence mainly relates to their interaction with local
society. The dedications made to Zeus Bennios by Flavius Helius and his wife
preserve substantial information about their cultural and religious
connections. The interpretation of Helius’ official designation, eirenophylax
τῆς παρχείας, is aided by consideration
of the shape and decoration of the stelai on which the texts were engraved.


  • Brélaz 2005 C. Brélaz, La sécurité publique en Asie Mineure sous le Principat (Ier-IIIème s. ap. J.-C.): Institutions municipales et institutions impériales dans l’Orient romain, Basel 2005.
  • Broux – Clarysse 2009 Y. Broux – W. Clarysse, Two Greek Funerary Stelae from Lydia and the Antonine Plague, Tyche 24, 2009, 27–33.
  • Burton 1975 G. P. Burton, Proconsuls, Assizes and the Administration of Justice under the Empire, JRS 65, 1975, 92–106.
  • Burton 2000 G. P. Burton, The Resolution of Territorial Disputes in the Provinces of the Roman Empire, Chiron 30, 2000, 195–215.
  • Burton 2001 G. P. Burton, The imperial state and its impact on the role and status of local magistrates and councillors in the provinces of the empire, in: L. de Blois (ed.), Administration, Prosopography and Appointment Policies in the Roman Empire, Amsterdam 2001, 202–214.
  • Burton 2002 G. P. Burton, The Roman Imperial State (A.D. 14–235): Evidence and Reality, Chiron 32, 2002, 249–280.
  • Dignas 2002 B. Dignas, Economy of the Sacred in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor, Oxford 2002.
  • Drew-Bear – Naour 1990 Th. Drew-Bear - Chr. Naour, Divinites de Phrygie, ANRW II 18.3, Berlin 1990, 1907–2044.
  • Drew-Bear et al. 1999 Th. Drew-Bear – Chr. M. Thomas – M. Yıldızturan, Phrygian Votive Steles, Ankara 1999 (Turkish Republic, Ministry of Culture, Museum of Anatolian Civilizations).
  • Herrmann – Malay 2007 P. Herrmann – H. Malay, New Documents from Lydia, Vienna 2007.
  • Kantor 2013 G. Kantor, Law in Roman Phrygia: rules and jurisdictions, in: P. Thone¬mann (ed.), Roman Phrygia. Culture and Society, Cambridge 2013, 143–167.
  • Kearsley 2001 R. A. Kearsley, Greeks and Romans in Imperial Asia. Mixed Language In¬scrip¬tions and Linguistic Evidence for Cultural Interaction until the end of AD III, Bonn 2001 (Inschriften aus Kleinasien der griechische Städte, vol. 59).
  • Lehmler – Wörrle 2006 C. Lehmler – M. Wörrle, Neue Inschriftenfunde aus Aizanoi IV: Aizanitica Minora II, Chiron 36, 2006, 45–111.
  • Malay – Gül 1981 H. Malay – Y. Gül, New Inscriptions from Saittai, ZPE 44, 1981, 81–90.
  • MAMA IX B. Levick – S. Mitchell – J. Potter – M. Waelkens, Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua IX: Monuments from the Aezanitis, London 1988.
  • MAMA X B. Levick – S. Mitchell – J. Potter – M. Waelkens, Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua X: Monuments from Appia and the Upper Tembris Valley, Cotiaeum, Cadi, Synaus, Ancyra Sidera and Tiberiopolis, London 1993.
  • Mitchell 1993 S. Mitchell, Anatolia: Land, Men, and Gods in Asia Minor, Volume I: The Celts in Anatolia and the Impact of Roman Rule, Oxford 1993.
  • Mitchell 1999 S. Mitchell, The Administration of Roman Asia from 133 BC to AD 250, in: W. Eck – E. Müller-Luckner (eds.), Lokale Autonomie und römische Ordnungsmacht in den kaiserzeitlichen Provinzen vom 1. bis 3 Jahrhundert, Munich 1999, 17–46.
  • Naour 1981 Chr. Naour, Inscriptions du Moyen Hermos, ZPE 44, 1981, 11–44.
  • Rheidt 2010 K. Rheidt (ed.), Aizanoi und Anatolien. Neue Entdeckungen zur Geschichte und Archäologie im Hochland des westlichen Kleinasien, Mainz 2010.
  • Thonemann 2013 P. Thonemann, Phrygia: An Anarchist History, 950 BC – AD 100, in: P. Thonemann (ed.), Roman Phrygia. Culture and Society, Cambridge 2013, 1–40.
  • Welles 1934 C. B. Welles, Royal Correspondence in the Hellenistic Period: a Study in Greek Epigraphy, New Haven 1934.
  • Yannakopulos 2003 N. Yannakopulos, Preserving the Pax Romana: The Peace Functionaries in the Roman East, Mediterraneo Antico, VI/2, 2003 [2004], 825–906.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Articles

Rosalinde A. Kearsley This is me

Publication Date August 31, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: Suppl. 1


APA Kearsley, R. A. (2016). An Imperial Freedman’s Dedication in Phrygia. PHILIA, Suppl. 1, 523-528.
AMA Kearsley RA. An Imperial Freedman’s Dedication in Phrygia. PHILIA. August 2016;Suppl. 1:523-528.
Chicago Kearsley, Rosalinde A. “An Imperial Freedman’s Dedication in Phrygia”. PHILIA Suppl. 1, August (August 2016): 523-28.
EndNote Kearsley RA (August 1, 2016) An Imperial Freedman’s Dedication in Phrygia. PHILIA Suppl. 1 523–528.
IEEE R. A. Kearsley, “An Imperial Freedman’s Dedication in Phrygia”, PHILIA, vol. Suppl. 1, pp. 523–528, 2016.
ISNAD Kearsley, Rosalinde A. “An Imperial Freedman’s Dedication in Phrygia”. PHILIA SUPPL. 1 (August 2016), 523-528.
JAMA Kearsley RA. An Imperial Freedman’s Dedication in Phrygia. PHILIA. 2016;Suppl. 1:523–528.
MLA Kearsley, Rosalinde A. “An Imperial Freedman’s Dedication in Phrygia”. PHILIA, vol. Suppl. 1, 2016, pp. 523-8.
Vancouver Kearsley RA. An Imperial Freedman’s Dedication in Phrygia. PHILIA. 2016;Suppl. 1:523-8.