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Kappadokia Komana’sı Geç Roma Seramikleri

Year 2016, Volume: Suppl. 1, 529 - 551, 31.08.2016


Kappadokia Komanası, antik dönemde Anadolu’daki
önemli tapınak devletleri arasında sayılmaktadır. Bugün Adana’nın Tufanbeyli
İlçesi’ndeki Şarköy’e lokalize edilmektedir. Makalenin konusu, 2002 yılında
Adana ve çevresinde yürütülen yüzey araştırmalarında, Şarköy ve çevresinden
toplanan Geç Roma dönemine ait seramiklerdir. Komana’da en erken arkeolojik
veriler, seramik buluntularla M.Ö. 4. yüzyıl ortalarını işaret etmektedir.
Seramiklerle Hellenistik ve Erken Roma Dönemleri boyunca kesintisiz bir
yerleşimin olduğu anlaşılmış ve bu dönemlerde kentte yerel bir seramik
üretiminin varlığı, önemli verilerle tespit edilmiştir. Komana’da Geç Roma
dönemine ait seramikler, az sayıdadır ve bunlar kâseler, tabaklar ve
amphoralardan oluşmaktadır. İthal örneklere rastlanmamıştır. Geç Roma
formlarının kendine has özellikleri, astar ve bezeme karakterindeki Erken Roma
özelliklerinin devamlılığı ve bozuk üretim parçalar Komana’da yerel seramik
üretiminin Geç Roma döneminde de sürdüğüne işaret etmektedir. Bununla birlikte
az sayıdaki epigrafik veri ve mimari kalıntılarla paralel olarak seramik
buluntular, Komana’daki yaşamın M.S. 7. yüzyıla kadar devam ettiğini


  • Adamsheck 1979 B. Adamsheck, Kenchreai Eastern Port of Corinth, IV. The pottery, Leiden 1979.
  • Alkaç 2012 E. Alkaç, Korykos (Kilikia) Yüzey Araştırmalarında Bulunan LR 1 Amphoraları, Olba XX, 2012, 323–344.
  • Anderson-Stajanovic 1992 V. R. Anderson-Stajanovic, Stobi. The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery, Princeton 1992.
  • Autret et al. 2010 C. Autret – R. Yağcı – N. Rauh, Soli/Pompeipolis’te LRA 1 Amphora Fırın Alanı, Anmed 8, 2010, 203–207.
  • Ballet 2007 P. Ballet, Les Amphores, Kellia II. L’Ermitage Copte QR 195, 2. La Céramique, les Inscriptions, les Décors, IFAO 49, 2007, 92–93.
  • Baly 1962 T. J. C. Baly, The Pottery, şurada: H. I. Dunsconbe (ed.), In Excavations at Nessana I, Princeton 1962, 270–311.
  • Baz 2007 F. Baz, Die Inschriften von Komana (Hierapolis) in Kappadokien, İstanbul 2007.
  • Bilgin 2004 M. Bilgin, Konya-Karaman İlleri Hellenistik ve Roma Çağı Keramikleri, Konya 2004 (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).
  • Bonifay – Pieri 1995 M. Bonifay, – D. Pieri, Amphores du Ve au VIIe s. A Marseille: Nouvelles Donnees sur la Typologie et le Contenu, JRA 8, 1995, 94–120.
  • Böttger 1992 B. Böttger, Die kaiserzeitlichen und spätantiken Ampohren aus dem Kerameikos, MDAI 107, 1992, 315–381, Taf. 96–102, Abb. 1–3.
  • Burragato et al. 2007 F. Burragato – M. Nezza – A. F. Ferrazzoli – M. Ricci, Late Roman 1 Amphora Types Produced at Elaiussa Sebaste, şurada: M. Bonifay – J. C. Treglia (edd.), Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking. Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry 2, Marseille and Arles 13–16 April 2005, Oxford 2007, 689–700 (BAR IntSer 1662).
  • Çapar 1995 Ö. Çapar, Yerli bir Anadolu Tanrıçası: Ma, DTCFD 37, Sayı 1–2, 1995, 583–598.
  • Demesticha 2003 S. Demesticha, Amphora Productions on Cyprus during the late Roman Period, şurada: Ch. Bakirtzis, Actes VIIe Congrés International sur la Céramique Médiévale en Méditeranée, Thessaloniki 11–16 October 1999, Atina 2003, 469–476.
  • Empereur – Picon 1989 J. Y. Empereur – M. Picon, Les Régions de Production d’Amphores Impériales en Méditerranée Orientale, Anfore Romane e Storia Economica: un Decenio di Richerce, Rome 1989, 224–248 (Collection de l’Ecole Française de Rome 114).
  • Ferrazzoli – Ricci 2007 A. F. Ferrazzoli – M. Ricci, Elaiussa Sebaste: Produzioni e Consumi di una Città della Cilicia tra Ve VII Secolo, şurada: M. Bonifay – J. C. Treglia (edd.), Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking. Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry 2, Marseille and Arles 13–16 April 2005, Oxford 2007, 671–688 (BAR IntSer. 1662).
  • Ferrazzoli – Ricci 2009 A. F. Ferrazzoli – M. Ricci, Cilician Ceramic Production from Roman to Byzantine Age. New data from Elaiussa Sebaste, Olba XVII, 2009, 33–44.
  • Fırat 1999 N. Fırat, Perge Konut Alanı Keramiği, İstanbul 1999 (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi).
  • Fulford – Peacock 1984 M. G. Fulford – D. P. S. Peacock, Excavations at Carthage: The British Mission. The Avenue du President Habib Bourguiba, Salammbo: The Pottery and Other Ceramic Objects from the Site, Vol. I, 2, Sheffield 1984.
  • Gassner 1997 V. Gassner, Das Südtor der Tetragonos-Agora. Keramik und Kleinfunde, Viyana 1997.
  • Ghaly 1992 H. Ghaly, Pottery Workshops of Saint-Jeremia (Saqqara), Cahires de la Ceramique Egyptienne 3, 1992, 161–171.
  • Girginer 2004 K. S. Girginer, 2002 Yılı Adana İli ve Çevresi Yüzey Araştırmaları (Tufanbeyli) ve Kizzuwatna Araştırmaları I, AST 21/1, 2004, 311–324.
  • Harper – Bayburtluoğlu 1968a R. P. Harper – İ. Bayburtluoğlu, Preliminary Report on Excavatios at Şar, Komana Capadokia, in 1967, TürkAD 16.2, 1968, 107–112.
  • Harper – Bayburtluoğlu 1968b R. P. Harper – İ. Bayburtluoğlu, Preliminary Report on Excavatios at Şar, Komana Capadokia in 1968, AS 18, 1968, 149–158.
  • Harrison 1993 R. M. Harrison, Amorium 1991, KST 14.2, 1993, 247–259.
  • Hayes 1972 J. W. Hayes, Late Roman pottery, London 1972.
  • Hayes 1976 J. W. Hayes, Pottery: Stratified Groups and Typology, şurada: J. H. Humphrey (ed.), Excavations at Carthage 1975: Vol. I, Tunis 1976, 47–123.
  • Hayes 1978 J. W. Hayes, Pottery report–1976, şurada: J. H. Humphrey (ed.), Excavations at Carthage 1976: Vol. IV, Ann Arbor 1978, 23–98.
  • Hayes 1980 J. W. Hayes, A Supplement to Late Roman Pottery, Londra 1980.
  • Hayes 1985 J. W. Hayes, Sigillate orientali. Atlante delle forme ceramiche II. Ceramice Fine Romana nel Bacino Mediterraneo (Tardo Ellenismo e Primo İmpero) Enciclopedia dell’Arte Antica Classica e Orientale, Supp. 2, 1985, 1–96.
  • Hayes 1991 J. W. Hayes, Paphos III. The Hellenistic and Roman pottery, Nicosia 1991.
  • Hayes 1992 J. W. Hayes, Excavations at Saraçhane in İstanbul: The pottery, Princeton 1992.
  • Hayes 2008 J. W. Hayes, Roman Pottery: Fine-ware Imports, Princeton 2008 (The Athenian Agora 32).
  • Hild – Restle 1981 F. Hild – M. Restle, Kappadokien (Kappadokia, Charsianon, Sebasteia und Lykandros), Viyana 1981 (TIB 2).
  • Jacobsen 2004 K. W. Jacobsen, Reginol Distribution of Transport Amphorae in Cyprus in the Late Roman Period, J. Eiring – J. Lund (edd.), Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean, Acts of the International Colloqium at the Danish Institute at Athens September 26–29 2002, Atina 2004, 143–148 (Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 5).
  • Jones 1950 F. F. Jones, The Pottery, şurada: H. Goldman (ed.), Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus I, Princeton 1950, 149–296.
  • Kaya 2007 İ. Kaya, Demre Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi Kazılarında Ele Geçen Terra Sigillata ve Red Slip (Kırmızı Astarlı) Seramikler (1998–2004), Ankara 2007 (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).
  • Kenrick 1985 P. M. Kenrick, Excavations at Sidi Khrebish Benghazi (Berenice), Vol III, Part 1: The Fine Pottery, Tripli 1985 (Supplements to Libya Antiqua 5).
  • Körsulu 2011 H. Körsulu, Kappadokia-Komana’sı Hellenistik ve Roma Dönemi Seramikleri, Mersin 2011 (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi).
  • Körsulu 2013 H. Körsulu, Kappadokia-Komanası Sigillataları, Olba XXI, 2013, 181–313.
  • Kramer 2004 N. Kramer, Gindaros: Geschichte und Archaeologie einer Siedliung im nordwestlichen Syrien von hellenistischer bis in frühbyzantinische Zeit, Rahden 2004 (Internationale Archeaologie 41).
  • Lang 1976 M. Lang, Graffiti and Dipinti, Princeton 1976 (The Athenian Agora 21).
  • Majcherek 1993 G. Majcherek, Roman Ampohrae from Marina el-Alamein, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaeologischen Abteilung Kairo 49, 1993, 215–220.
  • Manning et al. 2000 S. W. Manning – S. I. Monks – D. A. Sewell – S. Demesticha, Late Roman Type 1a Amphora Production at the Late Roman Site of Zygi-Petrini, Cyprus, RDAC, 2000, 233–256.
  • Marchand – Dixneuf 2007 S. Marchand – D. Dixneuf, Amphores et Conteneurs Egyptiens et Importés du VIIe siècle apr. J.-C. Sondages Récents de Baouît (2003–2004), CCE 8, 2007, 309–343.
  • Michaelides 1996 D. Michaelides, The Developement of the Cypriote Economy from the Prehistoric Period to the Present Day, şurada: V. Karageorghis – D. Michaelides (edd.), The Economy of Cyprus during the Hellenistic and Roman Periods, Nicosia 1996, 139–152.
  • Nacef 2007 J. Nacef, Nouvelles Données sur l’Atelier de Potiers de Henchir ech Chekaf (Ksour Essef, Tunisie), şurada: M. Bonifay – J. C. Treglia (edd.), Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking. Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry 2, Marseille and Arles 13–16 April 2005, Oxford 2007, 581–591 (BAR Int Ser 1662).
  • Newett – Jackson 2007 L. Newett – M. P. C. Jackson, Hellenistic Ceramics and Lamps, surada: N. Postgate – D. Thomas (edd.), Excavations at Kilisetepe 1994–98: From Bronze Age to Byzantine in Western Cilicia. Vol 1, Londra 2007, 379–430, Fig. 410–430 (British Instıtute At Ankara Monograph 30).
  • Opait 2004 A. Opait, The Eastern Mediterranean Amphorae in the Province of Scythia, şurada: J. Eiring – J. Lund (edd.), Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean, Acts of the International Colloqium at the Danish Institute at Athens September 26–29 2002, Atina 2004, 293–308, (Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 5).
  • Pacetti 1995 F. Pacetti, Appunti su Alcuni Tipi di Anfore Orientali della Prima età Bizantina Centri di Produzione, Contenuti, Cronologia e Distribuzione, L. Quilici – S. Quilici-Gigli (edd.), Agricoltura e Commerce Nell’Italia Antica Atlente Tematico di Topografia Antica, Suppl. I , Roma 1995, 273–294.
  • Pieri 2005 D. Pieri, Le commerce du Vin Oriental, A l’Epoque Byzantine (Ve– VIIe siècles), Le Temoignage des Amphores en Gaule, Paris 2005.
  • Pieri 2007 D. Pieri, Les Centres de Production d’Amphores en Mediterranée Orientale Durant l’Antiquité Tardive: Quelques Remarques, şurada: M. Bonifay – J. C. Treglia (edd.), Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking. Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry 2, Marseille and Arles 13–16 April 2005, Oxford 2007, 611–625 (BAR IntSer 1662).
  • Poblome 1999 J. Poblome, Sagalassos Red Slip Ware: Typology and Chronology, Turnhout 1999 (Studies in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology 2).
  • Ricci 2007 M. Ricci, Elaiussa Sebaste: Context, Production & Commerce, şurada: B. Böhlendorf-Arslan – A. O. Uysal (edd.), Çanak, Late Antique and Medieval Pottery and Tiles in Mediterranean Archaeological Contexts, Proceedings of the First International Symposium an Late Antique, Byzantine, Seljuk and Otoman Pottery and Tiles Archaeological Context, Çanakkale 1–3 June 2005, Istanbul 2007, 169–180 (Byzas 7).
  • Riley 1975 J. A. Riley, The Pottery from the First Session of Excavation in the Caesarea Hippodrome, BASOR 218, 1975, 25–63.
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  • Riley 1982 J. A. Riley, New Light on Relations between the Eastern Mediterranean and Carthage in the Vandal and Byzantine Periods: the Evidence from the University of Michigan Excavations. Actes Colloque sur la Ceramique Antique Carthage, Carthage 23–24 Juni 1980, Carthage 1982,111–122.
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  • Schneider 2008 E. E. Schneider, Elaiussa Sebaste: A Port City Between East West, İstanbul 2008.
  • Sazanov 1999 A. Sazanov, Les Amphores “La 1 Carthage” Dans la Region de la Mer Noire, şurada: Y. Garlan (ed.), Production et Commerce des Amphores Anciennes en mer Noire (İstanbul 25–28 Mai 1994), Aix-en-Provence 1999, 265–279.
  • Şenol 2000 A. K. Şenol, İskenderiye Kazılarında Ele Geçen Amphoralar Işığında Kentin Roma Dönemi Şarap, Zeytinyağı, Salamura, Balık ve Sos Ticareti, İzmir 2000 (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi).
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Kappadokia Komana’sı Geç Roma Seramikleri

Year 2016, Volume: Suppl. 1, 529 - 551, 31.08.2016


Comana in Cappadocia is considered to be one of the
important temple states of ancient Anatolia. Today, Comana is situated near
Şarköy in the Tufanbeyli district of Adana province. This article focuses on
late Roman pottery discovered during a survey conducted in Şarköy and the
surrounding area in 2002. The earliest ceramics finds from Comana date back to
the mid fourth century BC. It is believed that there had been a continuous
settlement in the Hellenistic and Early Roman periods, there was also a local ceramics
production in the city. Ceramics (such as bowls, plates and amphorae) from the
late Roman period of Comana are scarce. Imported ceramics have not been found
to date. The peculiar properties of late Roman shapes, the continuity of early
Rome ornamental features and the corrupted production parts suggest that the
local ceramics production continued into the late Roman period. As a matter of
fact, the ceramic artifacts as well as the epigraphic data and the
archi-tectural remains suggest that life in Comana continued until the 7th


  • Adamsheck 1979 B. Adamsheck, Kenchreai Eastern Port of Corinth, IV. The pottery, Leiden 1979.
  • Alkaç 2012 E. Alkaç, Korykos (Kilikia) Yüzey Araştırmalarında Bulunan LR 1 Amphoraları, Olba XX, 2012, 323–344.
  • Anderson-Stajanovic 1992 V. R. Anderson-Stajanovic, Stobi. The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery, Princeton 1992.
  • Autret et al. 2010 C. Autret – R. Yağcı – N. Rauh, Soli/Pompeipolis’te LRA 1 Amphora Fırın Alanı, Anmed 8, 2010, 203–207.
  • Ballet 2007 P. Ballet, Les Amphores, Kellia II. L’Ermitage Copte QR 195, 2. La Céramique, les Inscriptions, les Décors, IFAO 49, 2007, 92–93.
  • Baly 1962 T. J. C. Baly, The Pottery, şurada: H. I. Dunsconbe (ed.), In Excavations at Nessana I, Princeton 1962, 270–311.
  • Baz 2007 F. Baz, Die Inschriften von Komana (Hierapolis) in Kappadokien, İstanbul 2007.
  • Bilgin 2004 M. Bilgin, Konya-Karaman İlleri Hellenistik ve Roma Çağı Keramikleri, Konya 2004 (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).
  • Bonifay – Pieri 1995 M. Bonifay, – D. Pieri, Amphores du Ve au VIIe s. A Marseille: Nouvelles Donnees sur la Typologie et le Contenu, JRA 8, 1995, 94–120.
  • Böttger 1992 B. Böttger, Die kaiserzeitlichen und spätantiken Ampohren aus dem Kerameikos, MDAI 107, 1992, 315–381, Taf. 96–102, Abb. 1–3.
  • Burragato et al. 2007 F. Burragato – M. Nezza – A. F. Ferrazzoli – M. Ricci, Late Roman 1 Amphora Types Produced at Elaiussa Sebaste, şurada: M. Bonifay – J. C. Treglia (edd.), Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking. Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry 2, Marseille and Arles 13–16 April 2005, Oxford 2007, 689–700 (BAR IntSer 1662).
  • Çapar 1995 Ö. Çapar, Yerli bir Anadolu Tanrıçası: Ma, DTCFD 37, Sayı 1–2, 1995, 583–598.
  • Demesticha 2003 S. Demesticha, Amphora Productions on Cyprus during the late Roman Period, şurada: Ch. Bakirtzis, Actes VIIe Congrés International sur la Céramique Médiévale en Méditeranée, Thessaloniki 11–16 October 1999, Atina 2003, 469–476.
  • Empereur – Picon 1989 J. Y. Empereur – M. Picon, Les Régions de Production d’Amphores Impériales en Méditerranée Orientale, Anfore Romane e Storia Economica: un Decenio di Richerce, Rome 1989, 224–248 (Collection de l’Ecole Française de Rome 114).
  • Ferrazzoli – Ricci 2007 A. F. Ferrazzoli – M. Ricci, Elaiussa Sebaste: Produzioni e Consumi di una Città della Cilicia tra Ve VII Secolo, şurada: M. Bonifay – J. C. Treglia (edd.), Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking. Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry 2, Marseille and Arles 13–16 April 2005, Oxford 2007, 671–688 (BAR IntSer. 1662).
  • Ferrazzoli – Ricci 2009 A. F. Ferrazzoli – M. Ricci, Cilician Ceramic Production from Roman to Byzantine Age. New data from Elaiussa Sebaste, Olba XVII, 2009, 33–44.
  • Fırat 1999 N. Fırat, Perge Konut Alanı Keramiği, İstanbul 1999 (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi).
  • Fulford – Peacock 1984 M. G. Fulford – D. P. S. Peacock, Excavations at Carthage: The British Mission. The Avenue du President Habib Bourguiba, Salammbo: The Pottery and Other Ceramic Objects from the Site, Vol. I, 2, Sheffield 1984.
  • Gassner 1997 V. Gassner, Das Südtor der Tetragonos-Agora. Keramik und Kleinfunde, Viyana 1997.
  • Ghaly 1992 H. Ghaly, Pottery Workshops of Saint-Jeremia (Saqqara), Cahires de la Ceramique Egyptienne 3, 1992, 161–171.
  • Girginer 2004 K. S. Girginer, 2002 Yılı Adana İli ve Çevresi Yüzey Araştırmaları (Tufanbeyli) ve Kizzuwatna Araştırmaları I, AST 21/1, 2004, 311–324.
  • Harper – Bayburtluoğlu 1968a R. P. Harper – İ. Bayburtluoğlu, Preliminary Report on Excavatios at Şar, Komana Capadokia, in 1967, TürkAD 16.2, 1968, 107–112.
  • Harper – Bayburtluoğlu 1968b R. P. Harper – İ. Bayburtluoğlu, Preliminary Report on Excavatios at Şar, Komana Capadokia in 1968, AS 18, 1968, 149–158.
  • Harrison 1993 R. M. Harrison, Amorium 1991, KST 14.2, 1993, 247–259.
  • Hayes 1972 J. W. Hayes, Late Roman pottery, London 1972.
  • Hayes 1976 J. W. Hayes, Pottery: Stratified Groups and Typology, şurada: J. H. Humphrey (ed.), Excavations at Carthage 1975: Vol. I, Tunis 1976, 47–123.
  • Hayes 1978 J. W. Hayes, Pottery report–1976, şurada: J. H. Humphrey (ed.), Excavations at Carthage 1976: Vol. IV, Ann Arbor 1978, 23–98.
  • Hayes 1980 J. W. Hayes, A Supplement to Late Roman Pottery, Londra 1980.
  • Hayes 1985 J. W. Hayes, Sigillate orientali. Atlante delle forme ceramiche II. Ceramice Fine Romana nel Bacino Mediterraneo (Tardo Ellenismo e Primo İmpero) Enciclopedia dell’Arte Antica Classica e Orientale, Supp. 2, 1985, 1–96.
  • Hayes 1991 J. W. Hayes, Paphos III. The Hellenistic and Roman pottery, Nicosia 1991.
  • Hayes 1992 J. W. Hayes, Excavations at Saraçhane in İstanbul: The pottery, Princeton 1992.
  • Hayes 2008 J. W. Hayes, Roman Pottery: Fine-ware Imports, Princeton 2008 (The Athenian Agora 32).
  • Hild – Restle 1981 F. Hild – M. Restle, Kappadokien (Kappadokia, Charsianon, Sebasteia und Lykandros), Viyana 1981 (TIB 2).
  • Jacobsen 2004 K. W. Jacobsen, Reginol Distribution of Transport Amphorae in Cyprus in the Late Roman Period, J. Eiring – J. Lund (edd.), Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean, Acts of the International Colloqium at the Danish Institute at Athens September 26–29 2002, Atina 2004, 143–148 (Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 5).
  • Jones 1950 F. F. Jones, The Pottery, şurada: H. Goldman (ed.), Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus I, Princeton 1950, 149–296.
  • Kaya 2007 İ. Kaya, Demre Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi Kazılarında Ele Geçen Terra Sigillata ve Red Slip (Kırmızı Astarlı) Seramikler (1998–2004), Ankara 2007 (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).
  • Kenrick 1985 P. M. Kenrick, Excavations at Sidi Khrebish Benghazi (Berenice), Vol III, Part 1: The Fine Pottery, Tripli 1985 (Supplements to Libya Antiqua 5).
  • Körsulu 2011 H. Körsulu, Kappadokia-Komana’sı Hellenistik ve Roma Dönemi Seramikleri, Mersin 2011 (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi).
  • Körsulu 2013 H. Körsulu, Kappadokia-Komanası Sigillataları, Olba XXI, 2013, 181–313.
  • Kramer 2004 N. Kramer, Gindaros: Geschichte und Archaeologie einer Siedliung im nordwestlichen Syrien von hellenistischer bis in frühbyzantinische Zeit, Rahden 2004 (Internationale Archeaologie 41).
  • Lang 1976 M. Lang, Graffiti and Dipinti, Princeton 1976 (The Athenian Agora 21).
  • Majcherek 1993 G. Majcherek, Roman Ampohrae from Marina el-Alamein, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaeologischen Abteilung Kairo 49, 1993, 215–220.
  • Manning et al. 2000 S. W. Manning – S. I. Monks – D. A. Sewell – S. Demesticha, Late Roman Type 1a Amphora Production at the Late Roman Site of Zygi-Petrini, Cyprus, RDAC, 2000, 233–256.
  • Marchand – Dixneuf 2007 S. Marchand – D. Dixneuf, Amphores et Conteneurs Egyptiens et Importés du VIIe siècle apr. J.-C. Sondages Récents de Baouît (2003–2004), CCE 8, 2007, 309–343.
  • Michaelides 1996 D. Michaelides, The Developement of the Cypriote Economy from the Prehistoric Period to the Present Day, şurada: V. Karageorghis – D. Michaelides (edd.), The Economy of Cyprus during the Hellenistic and Roman Periods, Nicosia 1996, 139–152.
  • Nacef 2007 J. Nacef, Nouvelles Données sur l’Atelier de Potiers de Henchir ech Chekaf (Ksour Essef, Tunisie), şurada: M. Bonifay – J. C. Treglia (edd.), Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking. Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry 2, Marseille and Arles 13–16 April 2005, Oxford 2007, 581–591 (BAR Int Ser 1662).
  • Newett – Jackson 2007 L. Newett – M. P. C. Jackson, Hellenistic Ceramics and Lamps, surada: N. Postgate – D. Thomas (edd.), Excavations at Kilisetepe 1994–98: From Bronze Age to Byzantine in Western Cilicia. Vol 1, Londra 2007, 379–430, Fig. 410–430 (British Instıtute At Ankara Monograph 30).
  • Opait 2004 A. Opait, The Eastern Mediterranean Amphorae in the Province of Scythia, şurada: J. Eiring – J. Lund (edd.), Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean, Acts of the International Colloqium at the Danish Institute at Athens September 26–29 2002, Atina 2004, 293–308, (Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 5).
  • Pacetti 1995 F. Pacetti, Appunti su Alcuni Tipi di Anfore Orientali della Prima età Bizantina Centri di Produzione, Contenuti, Cronologia e Distribuzione, L. Quilici – S. Quilici-Gigli (edd.), Agricoltura e Commerce Nell’Italia Antica Atlente Tematico di Topografia Antica, Suppl. I , Roma 1995, 273–294.
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There are 68 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Articles

Hatice Körsulu

Publication Date August 31, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: Suppl. 1


APA Körsulu, H. (2016). Kappadokia Komana’sı Geç Roma Seramikleri. PHILIA, Suppl. 1, 529-551.
AMA Körsulu H. Kappadokia Komana’sı Geç Roma Seramikleri. PHILIA. August 2016;Suppl. 1:529-551.
Chicago Körsulu, Hatice. “Kappadokia Komana’sı Geç Roma Seramikleri”. PHILIA Suppl. 1, August (August 2016): 529-51.
EndNote Körsulu H (August 1, 2016) Kappadokia Komana’sı Geç Roma Seramikleri. PHILIA Suppl. 1 529–551.
IEEE H. Körsulu, “Kappadokia Komana’sı Geç Roma Seramikleri”, PHILIA, vol. Suppl. 1, pp. 529–551, 2016.
ISNAD Körsulu, Hatice. “Kappadokia Komana’sı Geç Roma Seramikleri”. PHILIA SUPPL. 1 (August 2016), 529-551.
JAMA Körsulu H. Kappadokia Komana’sı Geç Roma Seramikleri. PHILIA. 2016;Suppl. 1:529–551.
MLA Körsulu, Hatice. “Kappadokia Komana’sı Geç Roma Seramikleri”. PHILIA, vol. Suppl. 1, 2016, pp. 529-51.
Vancouver Körsulu H. Kappadokia Komana’sı Geç Roma Seramikleri. PHILIA. 2016;Suppl. 1:529-51.