Research Article
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Yeni Hitit Yazı Araç-Gereçleri

Year 2016, Volume: Suppl. 1, 863 - 873, 31.08.2016


Yeni Hitit taş kabarmaları üzerinde betimlenen yazı
araç-gereçleri balmumu yazı tabletleri, sivri uçlu kalemler (styli) ve bir
kalem çantasından oluşmaktadır. Sunulan çalışmanın konusunu oluşturan bu yazı
araç-gereçleri, arkeolojik buluntular ve yazılı kaynaklardaki eksiklikler
nedeniyle, Yeni Hitit dönemi toplumsal yaşamı ve materyal kültür araştırmaları
açısından kendilerine özel bir yer tahsis etmektedirler. Makalede, öncül
araştırmalardan farklı olarak Yeni Hitit yontuculuk ürünleri içerisinde kendilerine
temsil değeri bulan söz konusu yazı araç-gereçleri bir araya getirilmiş ve salt
ikonografik açıdan değil fakat yakın ve uzak benzerleri aracığıyla biçim,
işlev, içerik ve bağlam yönünden analiz edilmiştir. Metin, malzeme ve buluntu
yerlerini tanıtan kısa br girişin ardından yazı tableti, kalem ve kalem
kutusundan oluşan Yeni Hitit yazı takımı birbiriyle bağlantılı üç başlık
altında ele almaktadır.


  • Akurgal 1962 E. Akurgal, The Art of the Hittites, Yhames and Hudson, Londra 1962.
  • Akurgal 1968 E. Akurgal, The Birth of the Greek Art. The Mediterranean and the Near East, Londra 1968.
  • Aro 2003 S. Aro, Art and Arhitecture, şurada: C. Melchert (ed.), The Luwians, Leiden – Boston 2003, 281–337.
  • Bellamy 1989 R. Bellamy, Bellorophon’s Tablet, Classical Journal 84/4, 1989, 289–307.
  • Banti 1960 L. Banti, Die Welt der Etrusker, Darmstadt 1960.
  • Bass et all. 1989 G. Bass – C. Pulak – D. Collon – J. Weinstein, The Bronze Age Shipwreck at Ulu Burun: 1986 Campaign, AJA 93/1, 1989, 1–29.
  • Boehmer 1972 M. R. Boehmer, Die Kleinfunde von Bogazköy aus den Grabungskampagnen 1931–1939 und 1952–1969, Berlin 1972.
  • Bonatz 2000 D. Bonatz, Das syro-hethitische Grabdenkmal. Untersuchungen zur Entstehung einer neuen Bildgattung in der Eisenzeit im nordsyrisch-südostanatolischen Raum, Mainz 2000.
  • Bonatz 2014 D. Bonantz, Art, şurada: H. Niehr (ed.), The Arameans in Ancient Syria, Leiden 2013, 205–242.
  • Breasted 1916 J. H. Breasted, The Physical process of Writing in the Early Orient and Their Relation to the Origin of the Alphabet, AJSL 32/4, 1916, 230–249.
  • Brown 2008 B. A. Brown, Monumentalizing Identities: North Syrian Urbanism, 1200–800 BCE (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, California Üniversitesi 2008).
  • Bryce 1999 T. R. Bryce, Anatolian Scribes in Mycenaen Greece, Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 48/3, 1999, 257-264.
  • Bryce 2012 T. R. Bryce, The World of the Neo-Hittite Kingdoms: A Political and Military History, Oxford – New York 2012.
  • Carr 2008 D. M. Carr, Writing on the Tablet of the Heart: Origins of Scripture and Literature, Oxford 2008.
  • Charpin 2010 D. Charpin, Writing, Law and Kingship in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia, Londra 2010.
  • Darga 1994 M. Darga, Hitit Sanatı, İstanbul 1994.
  • Davidson 1952 G. R. Davidson, Corinth XII, The Minor Objects, Princeton 1952.
  • Furtwänger – Reichhold 1932 A. Furtwängler – K. Reichhold, Griechische Vasenmalerei, Serie III, Münih 1932.
  • Genge 1979 H. Genge, Nordsyrisch-südanatolische Reliefs: eine archäologisch-historische Untersuchung: Datierung und Bestimmung, Munksgaard 1979.
  • Gilibert 2011 A. Gilibert, Syro-Hittite Monumental Art and the Archaeology of Performance. The Stone Reliefs at Carchemish and Zincirli in the Earlier First Millenium BCE, Berlin 2011.
  • Glenville 1932 S. R. K. Glenville, Scribes’ Palette in th British Museum. Part 1, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 18.1/2, 1932, 53–61.
  • Hawkins 1982 J. D. Hawkins, The Neo Hitittes in Syria and Antolia, J. Board-man (ed.), Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. III/1, Cambridge 1982, 65–92.
  • Hawkins 2000 J. D. Hawkins, Corpus og Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions, Vol. 1: Inscriptions of the Iron Age, Berlin – New York 2000.
  • Hawkins 2008 J. D. Hawkins, The Disappearance of Writing Systems: Hieroglyphic Luwian, şurada: J. Baines – J. Bennet – S. Houston (ed.), The Disappearance of Writing Systems: Perspectives on Literacy and Communication, Londran 2008.
  • Howard 1955 M. Howard, Technical Description of the Ivory Writing-Boards from Nimrud, Iraq 17.1, 1955, 14–20.
  • Hunger 1972–1975 H. Hunger, Holztafel, RIA IV, 1972–1975, 458.
  • Karageorgis 1999 J. Karageorgis, Female costume in ancient Cyprus (5000 B.C.–3rd century A.D.), şurada: H. L. Louki (ed.), Female Costume in Cyprus from Antiquity to the Present Day, Nicosia 1999, 5–12.
  • Klengel-Brandt 1975 E. Klengel-Brandt, Eine Schreibtafel aus Assur, Altorientalische Forschungen 3, 1975, 169–171.
  • Kühn 2014 D. Kühn, Society, Institutions, Economy and Law, şurada: H. Niehr (ed.), The Arameans in Ancient Syria, Leiden–Boston 2014, 37–70.
  • Lafranchi 2007 G. Lafranchi, The Luwian-Phoenician Bilingual of Çineköy and the Annexation of Cilicia to the Assyrian Empire, şurada: A. Luther – R. Rollinger – J. Wiesehöfer (ed.), Getrennte Wege? Kommunikation, Raum und Wahrnehmung in der Alten Orient (Oikumene. Studien zur antiken Weltgeschichte, Band 2), , Frankfurt am Main, 2007, 179–216.
  • Liverani 2013 M. Liverani, The Ancient Near East: History, Society and Economy. Londra – New York 2013.
  • MacGinnis 2002 J. MacGinnis, “The Use of Writing Boards in the Neo-Babylonian Temple Administration at Sippar”, Iraq 64, 2002, 217–236.
  • Madhloom 1971 T. A. Madhloom, Chronology of Neo-Assyrian , Londra 1971.
  • Mallowan 1954 M. A. E. Mallowan, The Excavations at Nimrud (Kalḫu), 1953, Iraq 16.1, 1954, 59–114.
  • Marantidou 2009 P. Marantidou, The Standing Draped Female Figure in the Archaic Art of Cyprus and the Eastern Aegean: A Comparative Study, şurada: V. Karegeorgis (ed.), Cyprus and the East Aegean. Intercultural Contacts from 3000 to 500 BC., Nicosia 2009.
  • Nemet – Nejat 2000 K. Nemet-Nejat, “An Administrative Text About Writing Boards (557 B.C.E.), Baghdader Mitteilungen 31, 2000, 249–258.
  • Orthmann 1971 W. Orthmann, Untersuchungen zur Spaethethitische Bildkunst, Saarbrücken 1971.
  • Payne 2006 A.Payne, Multilingual Inscriptions and Their Audiences: Cilicia and Lycia, şurada, S.L. Sanders (Ed.), Margins of Writing. Origins of Culture (OIS 2), Chicago, 2006, 121–136.
  • Payne 2010 A. Payne, Writing in Hieroglyphic Luwian, şurada: I. Singer (ed.), ipamati kistamati pari tumatimis: Luwian and Hittite Studies Presented to J. D. Hawkins on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Tel Aviv 2010, 182–187.
  • Payton 1991 R. Payton, The Uluburun Writing-Board Set, AS 41, 1991, 99–106.
  • Pearce 1995 L.E. Pearce, The Scribes and Scholars of Anciet Mezopotamia, şurada: J. M. Sasson (ed.), Civilizations of Ancient Near East, Vol. IV, New York 1995, 2265–2278.
  • Pulak 1994 C. Pulak, 1994 Excavation at Uluburun: Final Campaign, INA Quarterly 21/4, 7–16.
  • Radner 2009 K. Radner, The Assyrian King and his Scholar: The Syro-Anatolian and Egyptian Schools, şurada: M. Luukko – S. Svärd – R. Mattila (ed.), Of God(s), Trees, Kings, and Scholars: Neo-Assyrian and Related Studies in Honour of Simo Parpola. Studia Orientalia 106 (Helsinki 2009) 221–238.
  • Richardson 1986 E. Richardson, An Archaeological Introduction to Etruscan Language, şurada: L. Banti (ed.), Etruscan Life and Afterlife: A Handbook of Etruscan Studies, Detroit 1986, 215–231.
  • Rowe 2009 G. Rowe, Epigraphical Cultures of the Classical Mediterranean: Greek, Latin, and Beyond, şurada: A. Erskine (ed.), A Companion to the Ancient History, Chichester 2009.
  • Schmidt 1968 G. Schmidt, Kyprische Bildwerke aus der Heraion von Samos (Samos, VII), Bonn 1968.
  • Seidl 1989 U. Seidl, Die babylonischen Kudurru-Reliefs: Symbole mesopotamischer Gottheiten (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 87), Göttingen 1989.
  • Seidl 2007 U. Seidl, Ashurbanipals Griffel, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 97, 119–124.
  • Shear 1998 I. M. Shear, Bellerophon Talets from the Mycenaean World? A Tale of Seven Bronze Hinges, Journal of Hellenic Studies 118, 187–189.
  • Symmington 1991 D. Symmington, Late Bronze Age Writing-Boards and Their Uses: Textual Evidence from Anatolia and Syria, AS 41, 1991, 111–123.
  • Tekoğlu – Lemaire 2000 R. Tekoglu – A. Lemaire, La bilingue royale louvito-phénicienne de Çineköy, CRAI 144.3, 2000, 961–1007.
  • Tiryaki 2010 S. G. Tiryaki, Erken Demirçağ Gurgum/Marqas (Kahramanmaraş) Malı Mezar Taşları (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi 2010).
  • Trisch 1968 F. J. Trisch, Tirynthia Semata, Kadmos 7/2, 1968, 124–137.
  • Ussishkin 1972 D. Ussishkin, The Neo-Hitite Base From Cyprus, Archaeology 25, 1972, 304–305.
  • von Luschan 1911 F. von Luschan, Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli IV (Mittheilungen aus den orientalischen Sammlungen), Berlin 1911.
  • Vernus 1984 P. Vernus, Schreibmaterial, Reallexikon der Ägyptologie V, Wiesbaden 1984, 700–709.
  • Waal 2011 H. Waal, They Wrote on Wood. The Case For a Hieroglyphic Scribal Tradition on Wooden Writing Boards in Hittite Anatolia, AS 61, 2011, 21–34.
  • Wiseman 1955 D. J. Wiseman, Assyrian Writing-Boards, Iraq 17.1, 1955, 3–13.

Yeni Hitit Yazı Araç-Gereçleri

Year 2016, Volume: Suppl. 1, 863 - 873, 31.08.2016


The writing instruments depicted on Neo-Hittite
stone reliefs consist of the waxed tablets, pointed styli and a pen case.
Technomically these confirm that beside the different type of mediae the
perishable materials were in widely use for everyday documents during the
Neo-Hittite period. Contrary to the general presumption, on the other hand, it
is argued here that their socio-technical character do not necessarily need to
indicate the profession of the associated figure like “the scribe” or “the
augur”, but may refer solely to the literacy possessed by the figure such as
non-adults representations on the commemorative stelae. In addition to that the
writing implements discussed here are powerful ideotechnical elements
conditioned with the renewed historical and socio-cultural context of the Early
Iron Age. In this respect, the multicultural and multilingual discourse of the
Neo-Hittite kingdoms may have reached to the outside of the royal-courts and
become appreciable for the provincial elites to a degree, as well.


  • Akurgal 1962 E. Akurgal, The Art of the Hittites, Yhames and Hudson, Londra 1962.
  • Akurgal 1968 E. Akurgal, The Birth of the Greek Art. The Mediterranean and the Near East, Londra 1968.
  • Aro 2003 S. Aro, Art and Arhitecture, şurada: C. Melchert (ed.), The Luwians, Leiden – Boston 2003, 281–337.
  • Bellamy 1989 R. Bellamy, Bellorophon’s Tablet, Classical Journal 84/4, 1989, 289–307.
  • Banti 1960 L. Banti, Die Welt der Etrusker, Darmstadt 1960.
  • Bass et all. 1989 G. Bass – C. Pulak – D. Collon – J. Weinstein, The Bronze Age Shipwreck at Ulu Burun: 1986 Campaign, AJA 93/1, 1989, 1–29.
  • Boehmer 1972 M. R. Boehmer, Die Kleinfunde von Bogazköy aus den Grabungskampagnen 1931–1939 und 1952–1969, Berlin 1972.
  • Bonatz 2000 D. Bonatz, Das syro-hethitische Grabdenkmal. Untersuchungen zur Entstehung einer neuen Bildgattung in der Eisenzeit im nordsyrisch-südostanatolischen Raum, Mainz 2000.
  • Bonatz 2014 D. Bonantz, Art, şurada: H. Niehr (ed.), The Arameans in Ancient Syria, Leiden 2013, 205–242.
  • Breasted 1916 J. H. Breasted, The Physical process of Writing in the Early Orient and Their Relation to the Origin of the Alphabet, AJSL 32/4, 1916, 230–249.
  • Brown 2008 B. A. Brown, Monumentalizing Identities: North Syrian Urbanism, 1200–800 BCE (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, California Üniversitesi 2008).
  • Bryce 1999 T. R. Bryce, Anatolian Scribes in Mycenaen Greece, Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 48/3, 1999, 257-264.
  • Bryce 2012 T. R. Bryce, The World of the Neo-Hittite Kingdoms: A Political and Military History, Oxford – New York 2012.
  • Carr 2008 D. M. Carr, Writing on the Tablet of the Heart: Origins of Scripture and Literature, Oxford 2008.
  • Charpin 2010 D. Charpin, Writing, Law and Kingship in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia, Londra 2010.
  • Darga 1994 M. Darga, Hitit Sanatı, İstanbul 1994.
  • Davidson 1952 G. R. Davidson, Corinth XII, The Minor Objects, Princeton 1952.
  • Furtwänger – Reichhold 1932 A. Furtwängler – K. Reichhold, Griechische Vasenmalerei, Serie III, Münih 1932.
  • Genge 1979 H. Genge, Nordsyrisch-südanatolische Reliefs: eine archäologisch-historische Untersuchung: Datierung und Bestimmung, Munksgaard 1979.
  • Gilibert 2011 A. Gilibert, Syro-Hittite Monumental Art and the Archaeology of Performance. The Stone Reliefs at Carchemish and Zincirli in the Earlier First Millenium BCE, Berlin 2011.
  • Glenville 1932 S. R. K. Glenville, Scribes’ Palette in th British Museum. Part 1, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 18.1/2, 1932, 53–61.
  • Hawkins 1982 J. D. Hawkins, The Neo Hitittes in Syria and Antolia, J. Board-man (ed.), Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. III/1, Cambridge 1982, 65–92.
  • Hawkins 2000 J. D. Hawkins, Corpus og Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions, Vol. 1: Inscriptions of the Iron Age, Berlin – New York 2000.
  • Hawkins 2008 J. D. Hawkins, The Disappearance of Writing Systems: Hieroglyphic Luwian, şurada: J. Baines – J. Bennet – S. Houston (ed.), The Disappearance of Writing Systems: Perspectives on Literacy and Communication, Londran 2008.
  • Howard 1955 M. Howard, Technical Description of the Ivory Writing-Boards from Nimrud, Iraq 17.1, 1955, 14–20.
  • Hunger 1972–1975 H. Hunger, Holztafel, RIA IV, 1972–1975, 458.
  • Karageorgis 1999 J. Karageorgis, Female costume in ancient Cyprus (5000 B.C.–3rd century A.D.), şurada: H. L. Louki (ed.), Female Costume in Cyprus from Antiquity to the Present Day, Nicosia 1999, 5–12.
  • Klengel-Brandt 1975 E. Klengel-Brandt, Eine Schreibtafel aus Assur, Altorientalische Forschungen 3, 1975, 169–171.
  • Kühn 2014 D. Kühn, Society, Institutions, Economy and Law, şurada: H. Niehr (ed.), The Arameans in Ancient Syria, Leiden–Boston 2014, 37–70.
  • Lafranchi 2007 G. Lafranchi, The Luwian-Phoenician Bilingual of Çineköy and the Annexation of Cilicia to the Assyrian Empire, şurada: A. Luther – R. Rollinger – J. Wiesehöfer (ed.), Getrennte Wege? Kommunikation, Raum und Wahrnehmung in der Alten Orient (Oikumene. Studien zur antiken Weltgeschichte, Band 2), , Frankfurt am Main, 2007, 179–216.
  • Liverani 2013 M. Liverani, The Ancient Near East: History, Society and Economy. Londra – New York 2013.
  • MacGinnis 2002 J. MacGinnis, “The Use of Writing Boards in the Neo-Babylonian Temple Administration at Sippar”, Iraq 64, 2002, 217–236.
  • Madhloom 1971 T. A. Madhloom, Chronology of Neo-Assyrian , Londra 1971.
  • Mallowan 1954 M. A. E. Mallowan, The Excavations at Nimrud (Kalḫu), 1953, Iraq 16.1, 1954, 59–114.
  • Marantidou 2009 P. Marantidou, The Standing Draped Female Figure in the Archaic Art of Cyprus and the Eastern Aegean: A Comparative Study, şurada: V. Karegeorgis (ed.), Cyprus and the East Aegean. Intercultural Contacts from 3000 to 500 BC., Nicosia 2009.
  • Nemet – Nejat 2000 K. Nemet-Nejat, “An Administrative Text About Writing Boards (557 B.C.E.), Baghdader Mitteilungen 31, 2000, 249–258.
  • Orthmann 1971 W. Orthmann, Untersuchungen zur Spaethethitische Bildkunst, Saarbrücken 1971.
  • Payne 2006 A.Payne, Multilingual Inscriptions and Their Audiences: Cilicia and Lycia, şurada, S.L. Sanders (Ed.), Margins of Writing. Origins of Culture (OIS 2), Chicago, 2006, 121–136.
  • Payne 2010 A. Payne, Writing in Hieroglyphic Luwian, şurada: I. Singer (ed.), ipamati kistamati pari tumatimis: Luwian and Hittite Studies Presented to J. D. Hawkins on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Tel Aviv 2010, 182–187.
  • Payton 1991 R. Payton, The Uluburun Writing-Board Set, AS 41, 1991, 99–106.
  • Pearce 1995 L.E. Pearce, The Scribes and Scholars of Anciet Mezopotamia, şurada: J. M. Sasson (ed.), Civilizations of Ancient Near East, Vol. IV, New York 1995, 2265–2278.
  • Pulak 1994 C. Pulak, 1994 Excavation at Uluburun: Final Campaign, INA Quarterly 21/4, 7–16.
  • Radner 2009 K. Radner, The Assyrian King and his Scholar: The Syro-Anatolian and Egyptian Schools, şurada: M. Luukko – S. Svärd – R. Mattila (ed.), Of God(s), Trees, Kings, and Scholars: Neo-Assyrian and Related Studies in Honour of Simo Parpola. Studia Orientalia 106 (Helsinki 2009) 221–238.
  • Richardson 1986 E. Richardson, An Archaeological Introduction to Etruscan Language, şurada: L. Banti (ed.), Etruscan Life and Afterlife: A Handbook of Etruscan Studies, Detroit 1986, 215–231.
  • Rowe 2009 G. Rowe, Epigraphical Cultures of the Classical Mediterranean: Greek, Latin, and Beyond, şurada: A. Erskine (ed.), A Companion to the Ancient History, Chichester 2009.
  • Schmidt 1968 G. Schmidt, Kyprische Bildwerke aus der Heraion von Samos (Samos, VII), Bonn 1968.
  • Seidl 1989 U. Seidl, Die babylonischen Kudurru-Reliefs: Symbole mesopotamischer Gottheiten (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 87), Göttingen 1989.
  • Seidl 2007 U. Seidl, Ashurbanipals Griffel, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 97, 119–124.
  • Shear 1998 I. M. Shear, Bellerophon Talets from the Mycenaean World? A Tale of Seven Bronze Hinges, Journal of Hellenic Studies 118, 187–189.
  • Symmington 1991 D. Symmington, Late Bronze Age Writing-Boards and Their Uses: Textual Evidence from Anatolia and Syria, AS 41, 1991, 111–123.
  • Tekoğlu – Lemaire 2000 R. Tekoglu – A. Lemaire, La bilingue royale louvito-phénicienne de Çineköy, CRAI 144.3, 2000, 961–1007.
  • Tiryaki 2010 S. G. Tiryaki, Erken Demirçağ Gurgum/Marqas (Kahramanmaraş) Malı Mezar Taşları (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi 2010).
  • Trisch 1968 F. J. Trisch, Tirynthia Semata, Kadmos 7/2, 1968, 124–137.
  • Ussishkin 1972 D. Ussishkin, The Neo-Hitite Base From Cyprus, Archaeology 25, 1972, 304–305.
  • von Luschan 1911 F. von Luschan, Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli IV (Mittheilungen aus den orientalischen Sammlungen), Berlin 1911.
  • Vernus 1984 P. Vernus, Schreibmaterial, Reallexikon der Ägyptologie V, Wiesbaden 1984, 700–709.
  • Waal 2011 H. Waal, They Wrote on Wood. The Case For a Hieroglyphic Scribal Tradition on Wooden Writing Boards in Hittite Anatolia, AS 61, 2011, 21–34.
  • Wiseman 1955 D. J. Wiseman, Assyrian Writing-Boards, Iraq 17.1, 1955, 3–13.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Articles

S. Gökhan Tiryaki

Publication Date August 31, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: Suppl. 1


APA Tiryaki, S. G. (2016). Yeni Hitit Yazı Araç-Gereçleri. PHILIA, Suppl. 1, 863-873.
AMA Tiryaki SG. Yeni Hitit Yazı Araç-Gereçleri. PHILIA. August 2016;Suppl. 1:863-873.
Chicago Tiryaki, S. Gökhan. “Yeni Hitit Yazı Araç-Gereçleri”. PHILIA Suppl. 1, August (August 2016): 863-73.
EndNote Tiryaki SG (August 1, 2016) Yeni Hitit Yazı Araç-Gereçleri. PHILIA Suppl. 1 863–873.
IEEE S. G. Tiryaki, “Yeni Hitit Yazı Araç-Gereçleri”, PHILIA, vol. Suppl. 1, pp. 863–873, 2016.
ISNAD Tiryaki, S. Gökhan. “Yeni Hitit Yazı Araç-Gereçleri”. PHILIA SUPPL. 1 (August 2016), 863-873.
JAMA Tiryaki SG. Yeni Hitit Yazı Araç-Gereçleri. PHILIA. 2016;Suppl. 1:863–873.
MLA Tiryaki, S. Gökhan. “Yeni Hitit Yazı Araç-Gereçleri”. PHILIA, vol. Suppl. 1, 2016, pp. 863-7.
Vancouver Tiryaki SG. Yeni Hitit Yazı Araç-Gereçleri. PHILIA. 2016;Suppl. 1:863-7.