The House of Hermogenes of Kagrai: The Rural Elites and the Micro-Economy in the Upper Melas Valley
Year 2019,
Volume: 5, 87 - 106, 24.12.2019
Burak Takmer
On the basis of a recently published inscription over the entrance of Karadağ Cave the author deals with the most prominent family of Kagrai and presents addenda et corrigenda for four published inscriptions. The Karadağ inscription implies that some economic activities took place inside the cave. The owners, Rhodon III and his son Musaios IV, were members of the most distinguished family of Kagrai which after migrating from Selge dominated the political and economic life of the settlement for at least four generations. Through various construction activities they contributed also to the development of Kagrai from a village to an autonomous demos. An old inscription from the Emerye Tower set up by the members of the same family indicates that the economic basis of their wealth was certainly landed property and agricultural production. Two published inscriptions in Gedefi Cave in the territory of Kasai indicate that some family members immortalized themselves by erecting statues, one of which was erected by Rhodon III for his father Musaios II. This evidence reveals not only the expansion of the field of activity of this Kagraian family up to Kasai, but also the importance of self-representation for the members of the family even far away from their homeland. The epigraphic documentation shows that the circle of rural elites in the micro-poleis of the region was extremely limited.
Supporting Institution
The field surveys were supported by the Akdeniz University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit
Project Number
- Adak 2018 M. Adak, Die Melas-Brücke bei Kotenna und die Familie des Stanamoas, Adalya 21, 2018, 211–228.
- Adak – Takmer – Arca 2015 M. Adak – B. Takmer – E. Akdoğu Arca, İlkçağ’da Akseki Bölgesi, in: K. Demirtaş – Ü. Durak – C. Güzelyürek (ed.), Ben Akseki’yim, İstanbul 2015, 251–275.
- Aydaş – Doğanay 2019 M. Aydaş – O. Doğanay, New Inscriptions from Isauria, ZPE 209, 2019, 145–151.
- Bean – Mitford 1970 G. E. Bean – T. B. Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia 1964–1968 (ETAM 3 = Denkschr. ÖAW, phil.-hist. Kl. 102), Vienna 1970.
- Bechtel 1917 F. Bechtel, Die historische Personennamen des Griechischen bis zur Kaiserzeit, Halle 1917.
- Bernand 1989 A. Bernand, De Thèbes à Syène, Paris 1989.
- Bernand 1993 É. Bernand, Tόπος dans les inscriptions grecques d’Egypte, ZPE 98, 1993, 103–110.
- BGU Berliner Griechische Urkunden (Ägyptische Urkunden aus den Königlichen Museen zu Berlin), Berlin 1895ff.
- Bilabel 1931 F. Bilabel (ed.), Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten, Wiesbaden 1931.
- van Bremen 1996 R. van Bremen, The Limits of Participation. Women and Civic Life in the Greek East in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods, Amsterdam 1996.
- Chaniotis 1997 A. Chaniotis, New Inscriptions from Old Books: Inscriptions of Aigion, Delphi and Lesbos copied by Nicholas Biddle and Stavros Táxis, Tekmeria 3, 1997, 7–21.
- Chuvin – Yoyotte 1986 P. Chuvin – J. Yoyotte, Documents relatifs au culte Pélusien de Zeus Casios, RA NS fasc. 1, 1986, 41–63.
- Çevik 1999–2000 N. Çevik, Tarih ve Arkeolojisiyle Melas Vadisi. Melas Vadisin’de Arkeo-lojik Gözlem ve Yeni Bulgular, Adalya 4, 1999–2000, 91–114.
- Hall 1971 A. S. Hall, The Gorgoromeis, AS 21, 1971, 125–166.
- Hellenkemper – Hild 2004 H. Hellenkemper – F. Hild, Tabula Imperii Byzantini 8: Lykien und Pam-phylien, (Denkschriften ÖAW, phil.-hist. Kl. 320), Vienna 2004.
- Hopwood 1986 K. Hopwood, Towers, Territory and Terror: How the East was Held, in: P. Freeman – D. Kennedy (ed.), The Defence of the Roman and Byzantine East. Proceedings of a colloquium held at the University of Sheffield in April 1986, vols. I–II, Oxford 1986, [I] 343–356.
- Hopwood 1991 K. Hopwood, The Links between the Coastal Cities of Western Rough Cilicia and the Interior during the Roman Period, Anatolia Antiqua 1, 1991, 305–309.
- IBubon C. Kokkinia (ed.), Boubon: The Inscriptions and Archaeological Remains. A Survey 2004-2006 (Meletemata 60), Athens 2008.
- IEphesos H. Engelmann – D. Knibbe – R. Merkelbach, IK 13: Die Inschriften von Ephesos III (Nr. 600–1000), Bonn 1980.
- IFayoum É. Bernand, Recueil des inscriptions grecques du Fayoum I – III, Leiden, Paris 1975–1981.
- IMagnesia O. Kern, Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Maeander, Berlin 1900.
- IPerge S. Şahin, IK 51, 61: Die Inschriften von Perge I–II, Bonn 1999–2001.
- IPrusa T. Corsten, IK 39: Die Inschriften von Prusa ad Olympum I, Bonn 1991.
- ISelge J. Nollé – F. Schindler, IK 37: Die Inschriften von Selge, Bonn 1991.
- ISmyrna G. Petzl, IK 23, 24.1–2: Die Inschriften von Smyrna, Bonn 1982–1990.
- ITermessos III B. İplikçioğlu – G. Çelgin – A. V. Çelgin, Epigraphische Forschungen in Termessos und seinem Territorium III, Vienna 1994.
- Levick 1967 B. Levick, Roman Colonies in Southern Asia Minor, Oxford 1967.
- Maier 1959 F. G. Maier, Griechische Mauerbauinschriften I: Texte und Kommentare, Hei-delberg 1959.
- Naour 1985 C. Naour, Nouveaux documents du Moyen Hermos, EA 5, 1985, 37–76.
- Nollé 1992 J. Nollé, Zur Geschichte der Stadt Etenna in Pisidien. Mit einem Exkurs zur Interpretation von Götterdarstellungen auf den kaiserzeitlichen Stadtmünzen Kleinasiens, in: E. Schwertheim (ed.), Forschungen in Pisidien (AMS 6), Bonn 1992, 61–141.
- Nollé – Şahin – Vorster 1985 J. Nollé – S. Şahin – C. Vorster, Katalog der Inschriften im Museum von Alanya, EA 5, 1985, 126–146.
- Ormerod 1922 H. A. Ormerod, The Campaigns of Servilius Isauricus against the Pirates. JRS 12, 1922, 35–56.
- Parker 2000 R. Parker, Theophoric Names and the History of Greek Religion, in: ed. S. Hornblower – E. Matthews (ed.), Greek Personal Names. Their Value as Evidence, Oxford 2000, 53–79.
- Pennacchietti 1967 F. A. Pennacchietti, Nuove iscrizioni di Hierapolis di Frigia, Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 101, 1967, 287–328.
- Petersen – von Luschan 1889 E. Petersen – F. von Luschan, Reisen in Lykien Milyas und Kibyratis (Reisen im südwestlichen Kleinasien II), Vienna 1889.
- Preisigke 1915 F. Preisigke (ed.), Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten I, Strassburg 1915.
- Ramsay 1890 W. M. Ramsay, The Historical Geography of Asia Minor (Royal Geographic Society, vol. 4), London 1890.
- Ramsay 1906 W. M. Ramsay, Studies in the History and Art of the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire, Aberdeen 1906.
- Robert 1960 L. Robert, Hellenica XI–XII, Paris 1960.
- Robert 1963 L. Robert, Noms indigènes dans l’Asie Mineure gréco-romaine, Paris 1963.
- Robert 1965 L. Robert, Hellenica XIII, Paris 1965.
- Robert – Robert 1975 J. Robert – L. Robert, La persistance de la toponymie antique dans l’Ana-tolie. Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg 12–14 juin 1975, 11–63 (Opera Minora Selectae VI, Amsterdam 1989, 469–521).
- SE M. Alpers – H. Halfmann (ed.), Supplementum Ephesium, Hamburg 1995.
- Schuler 1998 Ch. Schuler, Ländliche Siedlungen und Gemeinden im hellenistischen und römischen Kleinasien (Vestigia 50), Münich 1998.
- Sterrett 1888 J. R. S. Sterrett, The Wolfe Expedition to Asia Minor, Boston 1888.
- Tomaschitz 1993 K. Tomaschitz, Terence B. Mitfords Reisen in Kilikien 1969–1975, in: G. Dobesch – G. Rehrenböck (ed.), Die epigraphische und altertumskundliche Erforschung Kleinasiens: Hundert Jahre Kleinasiatische Kommission der ÖAW. Akten des Symposiums vom 23. bis 25. Oktober 1990, Vienna 1993, 349–356.
- Yılmaz – Doğanay 2012 M. Yılmaz – O. Doğanay, Akseki, İbradı ve Gündoğmuş (Antalya) Çevresi Arkeolojik Araştırmaları, in: B. Söğüt (ed.), From Stratonikeia to Lagina. Festschrift in Honour of Ahmet Adil Tırpan, İstanbul 2012, 701–717.
- Zgusta 1964 L. Zgusta, Kleinasiatische Personennamen, Prag 1964.
- Zgusta 1984 L. Zgusta, Kleinasiatische Ortsnamen, Heidelberg 1984.
Kagrai’da İkamet Eden Hermogenes Soyu: Yukarı Melas Vadisi’nde Taşra Eşrafı ve Mikro-Ekonomi
Year 2019,
Volume: 5, 87 - 106, 24.12.2019
Burak Takmer
Yazar, Karadağ Mağarası’nın girişi üzerinde duran ve kısa süre önce yayımlanan bir yazıt temelinde Kagrai’ın en seçkin ailesini irdelemekte; ayrıca yayımlı dört yazıt için addenda et corrigenda vermektedir. Karadağ yazıtı mağaranın içinde bir tür ekonomik faaliyetin söz konusu olduğunu düşündürmektedir. Mağaranın sahipleri olan Rhodon III ile oğlu Musaios IV Kagrai’ın Selge’den buraya göç ettikten sonra yerleşimin siyasi ve ekonomik yaşamında en az dört kuşak boyunca baskın olan en seçkin ailesine mensuptular. Aile üyeleri ayrıca çeşitli imar faaliyetleriyle yerleşimin küçük bir köy kimliğinden bağımsız bir demos statüsüne yükselmesine de katkıda bulunmuşlardır. Bu ailenin üyeleri tarafından inşa ettirilen Emerye Kulesi’nin daha önce yayımlanmış inşa yazıtı ailenin zenginliğinin kesinlikle büyük toprak sahipliğinden ve tarımsal üretimden kaynaklandığını göstermektedir. Kasai kentinin teritoryumunda yer alan Gedefi İni’ndeki iki ayrı yazıt, ailenin bazı üyelerinin heykel dikmek suretiyle kendilerini ölümsüzleştirdiklerini belgelemektedir. Bunlardan biri Rhodon III tarafından babası Musaios II için dikilmiştir. Bu veri bir yandan Kagrailı ailenin etkinlik sahasının Kasai’a kadar uzandığını; öte yandan da «kendini tasvir»in, memleketlerinden bu kadar uzakta dahi, aile üyeleri için taşıdığı önemi ortaya koymaktadır. Epigrafik belgeler bölgedeki mikro-kentlerin eşraf tabakasının sayıca son derece sınırlı olduğunu belgelemektedir.
Project Number
- Adak 2018 M. Adak, Die Melas-Brücke bei Kotenna und die Familie des Stanamoas, Adalya 21, 2018, 211–228.
- Adak – Takmer – Arca 2015 M. Adak – B. Takmer – E. Akdoğu Arca, İlkçağ’da Akseki Bölgesi, in: K. Demirtaş – Ü. Durak – C. Güzelyürek (ed.), Ben Akseki’yim, İstanbul 2015, 251–275.
- Aydaş – Doğanay 2019 M. Aydaş – O. Doğanay, New Inscriptions from Isauria, ZPE 209, 2019, 145–151.
- Bean – Mitford 1970 G. E. Bean – T. B. Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia 1964–1968 (ETAM 3 = Denkschr. ÖAW, phil.-hist. Kl. 102), Vienna 1970.
- Bechtel 1917 F. Bechtel, Die historische Personennamen des Griechischen bis zur Kaiserzeit, Halle 1917.
- Bernand 1989 A. Bernand, De Thèbes à Syène, Paris 1989.
- Bernand 1993 É. Bernand, Tόπος dans les inscriptions grecques d’Egypte, ZPE 98, 1993, 103–110.
- BGU Berliner Griechische Urkunden (Ägyptische Urkunden aus den Königlichen Museen zu Berlin), Berlin 1895ff.
- Bilabel 1931 F. Bilabel (ed.), Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten, Wiesbaden 1931.
- van Bremen 1996 R. van Bremen, The Limits of Participation. Women and Civic Life in the Greek East in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods, Amsterdam 1996.
- Chaniotis 1997 A. Chaniotis, New Inscriptions from Old Books: Inscriptions of Aigion, Delphi and Lesbos copied by Nicholas Biddle and Stavros Táxis, Tekmeria 3, 1997, 7–21.
- Chuvin – Yoyotte 1986 P. Chuvin – J. Yoyotte, Documents relatifs au culte Pélusien de Zeus Casios, RA NS fasc. 1, 1986, 41–63.
- Çevik 1999–2000 N. Çevik, Tarih ve Arkeolojisiyle Melas Vadisi. Melas Vadisin’de Arkeo-lojik Gözlem ve Yeni Bulgular, Adalya 4, 1999–2000, 91–114.
- Hall 1971 A. S. Hall, The Gorgoromeis, AS 21, 1971, 125–166.
- Hellenkemper – Hild 2004 H. Hellenkemper – F. Hild, Tabula Imperii Byzantini 8: Lykien und Pam-phylien, (Denkschriften ÖAW, phil.-hist. Kl. 320), Vienna 2004.
- Hopwood 1986 K. Hopwood, Towers, Territory and Terror: How the East was Held, in: P. Freeman – D. Kennedy (ed.), The Defence of the Roman and Byzantine East. Proceedings of a colloquium held at the University of Sheffield in April 1986, vols. I–II, Oxford 1986, [I] 343–356.
- Hopwood 1991 K. Hopwood, The Links between the Coastal Cities of Western Rough Cilicia and the Interior during the Roman Period, Anatolia Antiqua 1, 1991, 305–309.
- IBubon C. Kokkinia (ed.), Boubon: The Inscriptions and Archaeological Remains. A Survey 2004-2006 (Meletemata 60), Athens 2008.
- IEphesos H. Engelmann – D. Knibbe – R. Merkelbach, IK 13: Die Inschriften von Ephesos III (Nr. 600–1000), Bonn 1980.
- IFayoum É. Bernand, Recueil des inscriptions grecques du Fayoum I – III, Leiden, Paris 1975–1981.
- IMagnesia O. Kern, Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Maeander, Berlin 1900.
- IPerge S. Şahin, IK 51, 61: Die Inschriften von Perge I–II, Bonn 1999–2001.
- IPrusa T. Corsten, IK 39: Die Inschriften von Prusa ad Olympum I, Bonn 1991.
- ISelge J. Nollé – F. Schindler, IK 37: Die Inschriften von Selge, Bonn 1991.
- ISmyrna G. Petzl, IK 23, 24.1–2: Die Inschriften von Smyrna, Bonn 1982–1990.
- ITermessos III B. İplikçioğlu – G. Çelgin – A. V. Çelgin, Epigraphische Forschungen in Termessos und seinem Territorium III, Vienna 1994.
- Levick 1967 B. Levick, Roman Colonies in Southern Asia Minor, Oxford 1967.
- Maier 1959 F. G. Maier, Griechische Mauerbauinschriften I: Texte und Kommentare, Hei-delberg 1959.
- Naour 1985 C. Naour, Nouveaux documents du Moyen Hermos, EA 5, 1985, 37–76.
- Nollé 1992 J. Nollé, Zur Geschichte der Stadt Etenna in Pisidien. Mit einem Exkurs zur Interpretation von Götterdarstellungen auf den kaiserzeitlichen Stadtmünzen Kleinasiens, in: E. Schwertheim (ed.), Forschungen in Pisidien (AMS 6), Bonn 1992, 61–141.
- Nollé – Şahin – Vorster 1985 J. Nollé – S. Şahin – C. Vorster, Katalog der Inschriften im Museum von Alanya, EA 5, 1985, 126–146.
- Ormerod 1922 H. A. Ormerod, The Campaigns of Servilius Isauricus against the Pirates. JRS 12, 1922, 35–56.
- Parker 2000 R. Parker, Theophoric Names and the History of Greek Religion, in: ed. S. Hornblower – E. Matthews (ed.), Greek Personal Names. Their Value as Evidence, Oxford 2000, 53–79.
- Pennacchietti 1967 F. A. Pennacchietti, Nuove iscrizioni di Hierapolis di Frigia, Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 101, 1967, 287–328.
- Petersen – von Luschan 1889 E. Petersen – F. von Luschan, Reisen in Lykien Milyas und Kibyratis (Reisen im südwestlichen Kleinasien II), Vienna 1889.
- Preisigke 1915 F. Preisigke (ed.), Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten I, Strassburg 1915.
- Ramsay 1890 W. M. Ramsay, The Historical Geography of Asia Minor (Royal Geographic Society, vol. 4), London 1890.
- Ramsay 1906 W. M. Ramsay, Studies in the History and Art of the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire, Aberdeen 1906.
- Robert 1960 L. Robert, Hellenica XI–XII, Paris 1960.
- Robert 1963 L. Robert, Noms indigènes dans l’Asie Mineure gréco-romaine, Paris 1963.
- Robert 1965 L. Robert, Hellenica XIII, Paris 1965.
- Robert – Robert 1975 J. Robert – L. Robert, La persistance de la toponymie antique dans l’Ana-tolie. Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg 12–14 juin 1975, 11–63 (Opera Minora Selectae VI, Amsterdam 1989, 469–521).
- SE M. Alpers – H. Halfmann (ed.), Supplementum Ephesium, Hamburg 1995.
- Schuler 1998 Ch. Schuler, Ländliche Siedlungen und Gemeinden im hellenistischen und römischen Kleinasien (Vestigia 50), Münich 1998.
- Sterrett 1888 J. R. S. Sterrett, The Wolfe Expedition to Asia Minor, Boston 1888.
- Tomaschitz 1993 K. Tomaschitz, Terence B. Mitfords Reisen in Kilikien 1969–1975, in: G. Dobesch – G. Rehrenböck (ed.), Die epigraphische und altertumskundliche Erforschung Kleinasiens: Hundert Jahre Kleinasiatische Kommission der ÖAW. Akten des Symposiums vom 23. bis 25. Oktober 1990, Vienna 1993, 349–356.
- Yılmaz – Doğanay 2012 M. Yılmaz – O. Doğanay, Akseki, İbradı ve Gündoğmuş (Antalya) Çevresi Arkeolojik Araştırmaları, in: B. Söğüt (ed.), From Stratonikeia to Lagina. Festschrift in Honour of Ahmet Adil Tırpan, İstanbul 2012, 701–717.
- Zgusta 1964 L. Zgusta, Kleinasiatische Personennamen, Prag 1964.
- Zgusta 1984 L. Zgusta, Kleinasiatische Ortsnamen, Heidelberg 1984.