Research Article
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New Christian Epitaphs from Yozgat

Year 2019, Volume: 5, 149 - 165, 24.12.2019


From the 1920’s onwards in Yozgat and its vicinity in the interior of Asia Minor field surveys and excavations have been increasingly undertaken. One recent project is an archaeological survey of the whole province of Yozgat which began in 2017 with the participation of many academics from different universities and disciplines. Through this survey, which covers a large area, research in just a few regions has been completed. In this article, seventeen Christian epitaphs discovered at and around the village of Güneşli (east of Tavium), Aydıncık, Basilika Therma (Sarıkaya) and Çayıralan, mostly dating from the Vth–VIth centuries A.D. are presented. Three of them are fragmentary and a few are badly damaged. A carved bilingual Latin/Greek inscription records the «running» metaphor frequently employed by the Apostle Paul, all the other inscriptions introduced are Greek. There are interesting differences and analogies for the motifs on these gravestones and for the formulas employed in the epitaphs within the surrounding region.


  • Acts Christian Martyrs H. Musurillo, The Acts of the Christian Martyrs. Introduction, Texts and Translations, Oxford 2000.
  • Anderson 1899 J. G. C. Anderson, Exploration in Galatia cis Halym, JHS 19, 1899, 280–318.
  • Bodel 1992 J. Bodel, Thirteen Latin Funerary Inscriptions at Harvard University, AJA 96/1, 1992, 71–100.
  • Bull. ép Bulletin épigraphique.
  • CIG Corpus inscriptionum graecarum. 4 vols. Berlin 1828–1877.
  • Drew-Bear 1981 Th. Drew-Bear, Les voyages d’Aurélius Gaius, soldat de Dioclétien, in: La Géographie administrative et politique d’Alexandre à Mahomet: Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg 14–16 juin 1979, Strasbourg 1981, 93–142.
  • Feissel 1995 D. Feissel, Notes d’épigraphie chrétienne (X), BCH 119, 1995, 375–389.
  • Felle 2014 A. E. Felle, Expressions of Hope Quoted from Biblical Texts in Christian Funerary Inscriptions (3rd–7th cent. C.E.), in: W. Kraus – S. Kreuzer (eds.), Die Septuaginta – Text, Wirkung, Rezeption: 4. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal 19.–22. Juli 2012, Tübingen 2014, 775–824.
  • French 1990 D. French, Roma Yolları, Miltașları ve Yazıtları Araștırması, AST 8, 1990, 229–240.
  • French 2007 D. French, Inscriptions from Cappadocia II. Museums of Yozgat, Kırşehir, Hacıbektaş, Nevşehir, Ürgüp, Aksaray, Konya Ereğlisi, Kayseri, Sivas, EA 40, 2007, 67–108.
  • Gignac 1976 F. T. Gignac, A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and Byzantine Periods: Phonology, vol. I, Milan 1976.
  • Hicks 1891 E. L. Hicks, Inscriptions from Western Cilicia, JHS 12, 1891, 225–273.
  • Hornickel 1930 O. Hornickel, Ehren und Rangprädikate in den Papyrusurkunden. Ein Beitrag zum römischen und byzantinischen Titelwesen, Gießen 1930.
  • Hübner 2005 S. Hübner, Der Klerus in der Gesellschaft des spätantiken Kleinasiens, Munich 2015.
  • I.Ankara St. Mitchell – D. French, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ankara (Ancyra). Vol. I: From Augustus to the end of the third century AD, Munich 2012; Vol. II: Late Roman, Byzantine and Other Texts, Munich 2019.
  • I.Milet VI/2 P. Herrmann. Inschriften von Milet. Teil 2, Inschriften n. 407–1019. Milet. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen seit dem Jahre 1899, VI/2. Berlin, New York 1998.
  • I.Nikaia S. Şahin, Katalog der antiken Inschriften des Museums von Iznik (Nikaia). 2 vols. in 3 parts, Bonn 1979, 1981–1982.
  • I.Perinthos-Herakleia M. H. Sayar, Perinthos-Herakleia (Marmara Ereğlisi) und Umgebung. Geschichte, Testimonien, griechische und lateinische Inschriften, Vienna 1998.
  • I.Smyrna G. Petzl. Die Inschriften von Smyrna: Teil I. Grabschriften, postume Ehrungen, Grabepigramme, Bonn 1982.
  • I.Yozgat Ch. Wallner, Die Inschriften des Museums in Yozgat, Vienna 2011.
  • İçten – Engelmann 1998 Ç. İçten – H. Engelmann, Inschriften aus Ephesos und Kolophon, ZPE 120, 1998, 83–91.
  • ICUR A. Silvagni, Inscriptiones christianae urbis Romae septimo saeculo antiquiores, Rome 1935.
  • IGLSyr 4 L. Jalabert – R. Mouterde, Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie, IV. Laodicée. Apamène, Paris 1955.
  • IJO W. Ameling, Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis, vol. II. Kleinasien, Tübingen 2004.
  • Jacopi 1937 G. Jacopi, Esplorazioni e studi in Paflagonia e Cappadocia. Relazione sulla seconda campagna esplorativa, Agosto–Ottobre 1936–XIV, Rome 1937.
  • Jarry 1970 J. Jarry, Inscriptions arabes, syriaques et grecques du massif du Bélus en Syrie du nord, Annales Islamologiques 9, 1970, 187–214.
  • Jerphanion – Jalabert 1908 P. G. de Jerphanion – P. L. Jalabert, Inscriptions d’Asie Mineure (Pont, Cappadoce, Cilicie), Melanges de l’Universite Saint–Joseph 3, 1908, 437–478.
  • Jerphanion 1935 G. de Jerphanion, Inscriptions Grecques de la Région d’Alishar (Asie Mineure), Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph XIX (1935) 67–98.
  • JIWE II D. Noy, Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe. vol. II. The City of Rome, Cambridge 1995.
  • Kajanto 1963 I. Kajanto, Onomastic Studies in the Early Christian Inscriptions of Rome and Carthage, Helsinki 1963.
  • Laminger-Pascher 1992 G. Laminger-Pascher, Die kaiserzeitlichen Inschriften Lykaoniens, vol I. Vienna 1992.
  • Lampe 1961 G. W. H. Lampe, A Patristic Greek Lexicon, Oxford 1961.
  • Le Guen-Pollet 1989 B. Le Guen-Pollet, Sebastopolis du Pont (Sulusaray), EA 13, 1989, 51–86.
  • LGPN A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, vol I (1987); II (1994); IIIa (1997); IIIb (2000); IV (2005); Va (2010); Vb (2014); Vc (2018) Oxford.
  • Malay – Üreten 2015 H. Malay – H. Üreten, A New Funerary Inscription for a Physician from Merzifon, NW of Amaseia, EA 48, 2015, 137–138.
  • MAMA Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua.
  • Marek – Adak 2016 Ch. Marek – M. Adak, Epigraphische Forschungen in Bithynien, Paphlagonien, Galatien und Pontos, İstanbul 2016.
  • Mendel 1912 G. Mendel, Catalogue de Sculptures Grecques, Romaines et Byzantines, Constantinople 1912.
  • Mitchell 1982 S. Mitchell, The Life of Saint Theodotus of Ancyra, AS 32, 1982, 93–113.
  • Mitford 1991 T. B. Mitford, Inscriptiones Ponticae – Sebastopolis, ZPE 87, 1991, 181–243.
  • Nollé 1985 J. Nollé, Grabepigramme und Reliefdarstellungen aus Kleinasien, ZPE 60, 1985, 117–135.
  • Nollé 1988 J. Nollé, Epigraphische und numismatiche notizen, EA 12, 1988, 129–142.
  • Pape – Benseler W. Pape – G. E. Benseler, Wörterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen, Bra-un¬schweig 1911.
  • Pfitzner 1967 V. C. Pfitzner, Paul and the Agon Motif, Leiden 1967.
  • Ramsay W. M. Ramsay, The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia, Being an Essay of the Local History of Phrygia from the Earliest Times to the Turkish Conquest, vol. I, parts I–II, Oxford 1895–1897.
  • RECAM St. Mitchell, Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor II: The Ankara District, The Inscriptions of North Galatia. Oxford 1982.
  • RRMAM D. French, Roman Roads & Milestones of Asia Minor.
  • Sancaktar et al. 2019 H. Sancaktar – R. Tamsü Polat – Y. Polat – M. B. Şenocak – A. Dokuzboy – K. Sezgin, Yozgat İli ve İlçeleri Arkeolojik Yüzey Araştırması: 2017 Yılı Çalışmaları, AST 36, 2019, 141–164.
  • SB Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Aegypten, 1915ff.
  • Schiemann 2006 G. Schiemann, Notary, BNP 9, 2006, 827.
  • SERP W. M. Ramsay, Studies in the History and Art of the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire, written for the quatercentenary of the University of Aberdeen by seven of its graduates, Aberdeen 1906.
  • Sijpesteijn 1984 P. J. Sijpesteijn, Drei Wiener Papyri aus byzantinischer Zeit, Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinischen Gesellschaft 34, 1984, 43–47.
  • SP III J. G. C. Anderson – F. Cumont – H. Gregoire, Studia Pontica. III. Recueil des inscriptions grecques et latines du Pont et de l’Armenie, Bruxelles 1910.
  • Sterrett 1888 J. R. S. Sterrett, An Epigraphical Journey in Asia Minor, Boston 1888.
  • Strobel – Gerber 2000 K. Strobel – Ch. Gerber, Tavium (Büyüknefes, Provinz Yozgat). Ein regionales Zentrum Anatoliens. Bericht über den Stand der Forschungen nach den ersten drei Kampagnen (1997–1999), Ist. Mitt. 50, 2000, 215–265.
  • TAM V/1 P. Herrmann, Tituli Asiae Minoris, vol. V. Tituli Lydiae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, fasc. 1, nos. 1–825, Vienna 1981.
  • Trombley 1993 F. R. Trombley, Hellenic Religion and Christianization c. 370–529, vol. I–II, Leiden 1993.
  • Van Dam 2003 R. Van Dam, Becoming Christian: The Conversion of Roman Cappadocia, Philadelphia 2003.
  • Wachter 1992 R. Wachter, Der Informationsgehalt von Schreibfehlern in griechischen und lateinischen Inschriften, WJA 18, 1992, 17–31.
  • Waelkens 1986 M. Waelkens, Die kleinasiatischen Türsteine: typologische und epigraphische Untersuchungen der kleinasiatischen Grabreliefs mit Scheintür, Mainz am Rhein 1986.
  • Wallner 2015 Ch. Wallner, Die Inschriften des Museums in Yozgat – Addenda, Tyche 30, 2015, 173–191.
  • Wallner 2017 Ch. Wallner, Die Grabinschrift für Palladion aus Tavium, EA 50, 2017, 27–43.
  • Walser 2013 A. V. Walser, Kaiserzeitlische und frühbyzantinishe Inschriften aus der Region von Germia in Nordwestgalatien, Chiron 43, 2013, 527–619.

Yozgat İlinden Yeni Hıristiyan Mezar Yazıtları

Year 2019, Volume: 5, 149 - 165, 24.12.2019


Yozgat ve çevresindeki arkeoloji yüzey araştırmaları ve kazılar çalışmaları 1920’li yıllardan itibaren artış göstererek devam etmektedir. Bu bağlamda son projelerden bir tanesi de farklı üniversitelerden ve disiplinlerden pek çok akademisyenin katılımıyla 2017 yılında başlatılan ve Yozgat ilinin tamamını kapsayan arkeolojik yüzey araştırmalarıdır. Tüm il sınırlarını kapsayan bu araştırmadaki sistematik çalışmalar bazı bölgelerde tamamlanmış durumdadır. Makalede ise Güneşli Köyü, Aydıncık, Sarıkaya ve Çayıralan’da bulunan ve çoğunluğu MS V.–VI. yüzyıllara tarihlenen Hıristiyan mezar yazıtları tanıtılmaktadır. Yazıtlarının bir kısmı sadece fragman halinde ele geçmişken, bazıları ise oldukça tahrip olmuş durumdadır. Bunlardan birisinin üzerine, Aziz Paulus’un sıkça dile getirdiği «koşmak» metaforu Latince ve Yunanca çift dilli olarak kazınmıştır. Diğer yazıtların tamamı Yunancadır. Söz konusu mezar taşları üzerindeki betimlemelerin ve mezar yazıtlarındaki formüllerin bölgeler arasındaki farklılıkları ise ilgi çekicidir.


  • Acts Christian Martyrs H. Musurillo, The Acts of the Christian Martyrs. Introduction, Texts and Translations, Oxford 2000.
  • Anderson 1899 J. G. C. Anderson, Exploration in Galatia cis Halym, JHS 19, 1899, 280–318.
  • Bodel 1992 J. Bodel, Thirteen Latin Funerary Inscriptions at Harvard University, AJA 96/1, 1992, 71–100.
  • Bull. ép Bulletin épigraphique.
  • CIG Corpus inscriptionum graecarum. 4 vols. Berlin 1828–1877.
  • Drew-Bear 1981 Th. Drew-Bear, Les voyages d’Aurélius Gaius, soldat de Dioclétien, in: La Géographie administrative et politique d’Alexandre à Mahomet: Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg 14–16 juin 1979, Strasbourg 1981, 93–142.
  • Feissel 1995 D. Feissel, Notes d’épigraphie chrétienne (X), BCH 119, 1995, 375–389.
  • Felle 2014 A. E. Felle, Expressions of Hope Quoted from Biblical Texts in Christian Funerary Inscriptions (3rd–7th cent. C.E.), in: W. Kraus – S. Kreuzer (eds.), Die Septuaginta – Text, Wirkung, Rezeption: 4. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal 19.–22. Juli 2012, Tübingen 2014, 775–824.
  • French 1990 D. French, Roma Yolları, Miltașları ve Yazıtları Araștırması, AST 8, 1990, 229–240.
  • French 2007 D. French, Inscriptions from Cappadocia II. Museums of Yozgat, Kırşehir, Hacıbektaş, Nevşehir, Ürgüp, Aksaray, Konya Ereğlisi, Kayseri, Sivas, EA 40, 2007, 67–108.
  • Gignac 1976 F. T. Gignac, A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and Byzantine Periods: Phonology, vol. I, Milan 1976.
  • Hicks 1891 E. L. Hicks, Inscriptions from Western Cilicia, JHS 12, 1891, 225–273.
  • Hornickel 1930 O. Hornickel, Ehren und Rangprädikate in den Papyrusurkunden. Ein Beitrag zum römischen und byzantinischen Titelwesen, Gießen 1930.
  • Hübner 2005 S. Hübner, Der Klerus in der Gesellschaft des spätantiken Kleinasiens, Munich 2015.
  • I.Ankara St. Mitchell – D. French, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ankara (Ancyra). Vol. I: From Augustus to the end of the third century AD, Munich 2012; Vol. II: Late Roman, Byzantine and Other Texts, Munich 2019.
  • I.Milet VI/2 P. Herrmann. Inschriften von Milet. Teil 2, Inschriften n. 407–1019. Milet. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen seit dem Jahre 1899, VI/2. Berlin, New York 1998.
  • I.Nikaia S. Şahin, Katalog der antiken Inschriften des Museums von Iznik (Nikaia). 2 vols. in 3 parts, Bonn 1979, 1981–1982.
  • I.Perinthos-Herakleia M. H. Sayar, Perinthos-Herakleia (Marmara Ereğlisi) und Umgebung. Geschichte, Testimonien, griechische und lateinische Inschriften, Vienna 1998.
  • I.Smyrna G. Petzl. Die Inschriften von Smyrna: Teil I. Grabschriften, postume Ehrungen, Grabepigramme, Bonn 1982.
  • I.Yozgat Ch. Wallner, Die Inschriften des Museums in Yozgat, Vienna 2011.
  • İçten – Engelmann 1998 Ç. İçten – H. Engelmann, Inschriften aus Ephesos und Kolophon, ZPE 120, 1998, 83–91.
  • ICUR A. Silvagni, Inscriptiones christianae urbis Romae septimo saeculo antiquiores, Rome 1935.
  • IGLSyr 4 L. Jalabert – R. Mouterde, Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie, IV. Laodicée. Apamène, Paris 1955.
  • IJO W. Ameling, Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis, vol. II. Kleinasien, Tübingen 2004.
  • Jacopi 1937 G. Jacopi, Esplorazioni e studi in Paflagonia e Cappadocia. Relazione sulla seconda campagna esplorativa, Agosto–Ottobre 1936–XIV, Rome 1937.
  • Jarry 1970 J. Jarry, Inscriptions arabes, syriaques et grecques du massif du Bélus en Syrie du nord, Annales Islamologiques 9, 1970, 187–214.
  • Jerphanion – Jalabert 1908 P. G. de Jerphanion – P. L. Jalabert, Inscriptions d’Asie Mineure (Pont, Cappadoce, Cilicie), Melanges de l’Universite Saint–Joseph 3, 1908, 437–478.
  • Jerphanion 1935 G. de Jerphanion, Inscriptions Grecques de la Région d’Alishar (Asie Mineure), Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph XIX (1935) 67–98.
  • JIWE II D. Noy, Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe. vol. II. The City of Rome, Cambridge 1995.
  • Kajanto 1963 I. Kajanto, Onomastic Studies in the Early Christian Inscriptions of Rome and Carthage, Helsinki 1963.
  • Laminger-Pascher 1992 G. Laminger-Pascher, Die kaiserzeitlichen Inschriften Lykaoniens, vol I. Vienna 1992.
  • Lampe 1961 G. W. H. Lampe, A Patristic Greek Lexicon, Oxford 1961.
  • Le Guen-Pollet 1989 B. Le Guen-Pollet, Sebastopolis du Pont (Sulusaray), EA 13, 1989, 51–86.
  • LGPN A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, vol I (1987); II (1994); IIIa (1997); IIIb (2000); IV (2005); Va (2010); Vb (2014); Vc (2018) Oxford.
  • Malay – Üreten 2015 H. Malay – H. Üreten, A New Funerary Inscription for a Physician from Merzifon, NW of Amaseia, EA 48, 2015, 137–138.
  • MAMA Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua.
  • Marek – Adak 2016 Ch. Marek – M. Adak, Epigraphische Forschungen in Bithynien, Paphlagonien, Galatien und Pontos, İstanbul 2016.
  • Mendel 1912 G. Mendel, Catalogue de Sculptures Grecques, Romaines et Byzantines, Constantinople 1912.
  • Mitchell 1982 S. Mitchell, The Life of Saint Theodotus of Ancyra, AS 32, 1982, 93–113.
  • Mitford 1991 T. B. Mitford, Inscriptiones Ponticae – Sebastopolis, ZPE 87, 1991, 181–243.
  • Nollé 1985 J. Nollé, Grabepigramme und Reliefdarstellungen aus Kleinasien, ZPE 60, 1985, 117–135.
  • Nollé 1988 J. Nollé, Epigraphische und numismatiche notizen, EA 12, 1988, 129–142.
  • Pape – Benseler W. Pape – G. E. Benseler, Wörterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen, Bra-un¬schweig 1911.
  • Pfitzner 1967 V. C. Pfitzner, Paul and the Agon Motif, Leiden 1967.
  • Ramsay W. M. Ramsay, The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia, Being an Essay of the Local History of Phrygia from the Earliest Times to the Turkish Conquest, vol. I, parts I–II, Oxford 1895–1897.
  • RECAM St. Mitchell, Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor II: The Ankara District, The Inscriptions of North Galatia. Oxford 1982.
  • RRMAM D. French, Roman Roads & Milestones of Asia Minor.
  • Sancaktar et al. 2019 H. Sancaktar – R. Tamsü Polat – Y. Polat – M. B. Şenocak – A. Dokuzboy – K. Sezgin, Yozgat İli ve İlçeleri Arkeolojik Yüzey Araştırması: 2017 Yılı Çalışmaları, AST 36, 2019, 141–164.
  • SB Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Aegypten, 1915ff.
  • Schiemann 2006 G. Schiemann, Notary, BNP 9, 2006, 827.
  • SERP W. M. Ramsay, Studies in the History and Art of the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire, written for the quatercentenary of the University of Aberdeen by seven of its graduates, Aberdeen 1906.
  • Sijpesteijn 1984 P. J. Sijpesteijn, Drei Wiener Papyri aus byzantinischer Zeit, Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinischen Gesellschaft 34, 1984, 43–47.
  • SP III J. G. C. Anderson – F. Cumont – H. Gregoire, Studia Pontica. III. Recueil des inscriptions grecques et latines du Pont et de l’Armenie, Bruxelles 1910.
  • Sterrett 1888 J. R. S. Sterrett, An Epigraphical Journey in Asia Minor, Boston 1888.
  • Strobel – Gerber 2000 K. Strobel – Ch. Gerber, Tavium (Büyüknefes, Provinz Yozgat). Ein regionales Zentrum Anatoliens. Bericht über den Stand der Forschungen nach den ersten drei Kampagnen (1997–1999), Ist. Mitt. 50, 2000, 215–265.
  • TAM V/1 P. Herrmann, Tituli Asiae Minoris, vol. V. Tituli Lydiae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, fasc. 1, nos. 1–825, Vienna 1981.
  • Trombley 1993 F. R. Trombley, Hellenic Religion and Christianization c. 370–529, vol. I–II, Leiden 1993.
  • Van Dam 2003 R. Van Dam, Becoming Christian: The Conversion of Roman Cappadocia, Philadelphia 2003.
  • Wachter 1992 R. Wachter, Der Informationsgehalt von Schreibfehlern in griechischen und lateinischen Inschriften, WJA 18, 1992, 17–31.
  • Waelkens 1986 M. Waelkens, Die kleinasiatischen Türsteine: typologische und epigraphische Untersuchungen der kleinasiatischen Grabreliefs mit Scheintür, Mainz am Rhein 1986.
  • Wallner 2015 Ch. Wallner, Die Inschriften des Museums in Yozgat – Addenda, Tyche 30, 2015, 173–191.
  • Wallner 2017 Ch. Wallner, Die Grabinschrift für Palladion aus Tavium, EA 50, 2017, 27–43.
  • Walser 2013 A. V. Walser, Kaiserzeitlische und frühbyzantinishe Inschriften aus der Region von Germia in Nordwestgalatien, Chiron 43, 2013, 527–619.
There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Articles

Fatih Yılmaz 0000-0002-5820-3754

Publication Date December 24, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 5


APA Yılmaz, F. (2019). New Christian Epitaphs from Yozgat. PHILIA, 5, 149-165.
AMA Yılmaz F. New Christian Epitaphs from Yozgat. PHILIA. December 2019;5:149-165. doi:10.36991/PHILIA.201914
Chicago Yılmaz, Fatih. “New Christian Epitaphs from Yozgat”. PHILIA 5, December (December 2019): 149-65.
EndNote Yılmaz F (December 1, 2019) New Christian Epitaphs from Yozgat. PHILIA 5 149–165.
IEEE F. Yılmaz, “New Christian Epitaphs from Yozgat”, PHILIA, vol. 5, pp. 149–165, 2019, doi: 10.36991/PHILIA.201914.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Fatih. “New Christian Epitaphs from Yozgat”. PHILIA 5 (December 2019), 149-165.
JAMA Yılmaz F. New Christian Epitaphs from Yozgat. PHILIA. 2019;5:149–165.
MLA Yılmaz, Fatih. “New Christian Epitaphs from Yozgat”. PHILIA, vol. 5, 2019, pp. 149-65, doi:10.36991/PHILIA.201914.
Vancouver Yılmaz F. New Christian Epitaphs from Yozgat. PHILIA. 2019;5:149-65.