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A Funerary Epigram with a Quotation from Odyssey I 4, Found at the Junction of the Asian–Galatian Border

Year 2022, Volume: 8, 88 - 97, 31.12.2022


This paper presents a new funerary epigram recorded in Özdenk village in Alpu District, Eskişehir during the survey of 2019. The stone was brought from a place called Ayvalı in Belkese village nearby. Twenty-one lines of the inscription have survived, but are worn to a certain extent and not completely legible. Interestingly, two verses are probably quoted from the Odyssey. Other Homeric reminiscences are present throughout the text. The inscription praises the virtues and deplores the ill fate of a deceased man who orphaned a son. It ends with an imprecation in prose. The vocabulary, phrasing and contents may point to the same authorship as in the case of two other verse epitaphs from the nearby imperial estate of the Choria Considiana. The date of the inscription is probably the second half of the first or first half of the second century C.E., based on parallels with other inscriptions from this area, and on the letter shapes.


The Eskişehir Province Mihalıççık Mahmudiye, Alpu, Çifteler, Beylikova and Sivrihisar Counties Epigraphic Survey Project had gained approval from the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism. We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and its representatives for their interest in and contribution to the successful outcome of the surveys. We thank Erman Yanık for all his help in recording the inscriptions during the surveys and the local people for their hospitality. We would also like to thank the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (grant agreement no. 754513), the Aarhus University Research Foundation and Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies for their support during Hale Güney’s fellowship. We also thank Adam Łajtar, Konstantinos Balamoshev, and Michail Konstantinou-Rizos from the University of Warsaw for consulting our readings and their suggestions for possible restorations. The authors take all the re-sponsibility for the final shape of the text, and possible errors.


  • Börker – Merkelbach 1980 Ch. Börker – R. Merkelbach, Die Inschriften von Ephesos, vol. 5: nos. 1446–2000, Bonn 1980.
  • Buckler – Calder 1939 W. H. Buckler – W. M. Calder, Monuments and Documents from Phrygia and Caria, vol. 6, Manchester 1939.
  • Corsten 1985 Th. Corsten, Die Inschriften von Kios, Bonn 1985.
  • Güney 2016 H. Güney, New Inscriptions from the Choria Considiana: Çalçak Roman Necropolis, Anatolian Studies 66, 2016, 125–139.
  • Güney 2021 H. Güney, Some More Inscriptions from Northeast Phrygia, Philia 7, 65–76.
  • Güney 2022 H. Güney, Provincial Boundaries in North-West Galatia in the light of New Epigraphic Evidence, Anatolica 48, 189–209.
  • Herrmann 1989 P. Herrmann, Tituli Asiae Minoris, vol. 5: Tituli Lydiae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, part 2: nos. 826–1414, Regio septentrionalis, ad occidentem vergens, Vienna 1989.
  • Forrest 1966 W. G. Forrest, Some Inscriptions of Chios, The Annual of the British School at Athens 61 (1966), 197–206.
  • Kaibel 1890 G. Kaibel, Inscriptiones Graecae, vol. 14: Inscriptiones Siciliae et Itali-ae, additis Galliae, Hispaniae, Britanniae, Germaniae inscriptionibus, Berlin 1890.
  • Kalinka 1930 E. Kalinka, Tituli Asiae Minoris, vol. 2: Tituli Lyciae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, fasc. 2: nos. 396–717, Regio quae ad Xanthum flumen pertinet praeter Xanthum oppidum, Vienna 1930.
  • Kalinka 1944 E. Kalinka, Tituli Asiae Minoris, vol. 2: Tituli Lyciae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, fasc. 3: nos. 718-1230, Regiones montanae a valle Xanthi fluminis ad oram orientalem, Vienna 1944.
  • Kirchner 1940 J. Kirchner, Inscriptiones Graecae II et III: Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores, part III, 2: nos. 5220-13247, Berlin 1940 (sec-ond edition).
  • LGPN 1 P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews, Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Aegean Islands, Cyprus, Cyrenaica, Oxford 1996.
  • LGPN 2 M.J. Osborne – S. G. Byrne, Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Attica (revised version), Oxford 1996.
  • LGPN 5a Th. Corsten – P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews – R. W. V. Catling – M. Ricl, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, vol 5a, Oxford 2010.
  • LGPN 5b P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews – J.-S. Balzat – R. W. V. Catling – E. Chiricat – F. Marchand – Th. Corsten, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, vol 5b: Coastal Asia Minor, Caria to Cilicia, Oxford 2013.
  • Macridy 1912 Th. Macridy, Antiquités de Notion II, Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes 15, 1912, 36–67.
  • Marek 1993 Ch. Marek, Ära und Territorium in Pontus-Bithynia und Nord-Galatia, Tübingen 1993.
  • Meritt – Traill 1974 B. D. Meritt – J. Traill, The Athenian Councillors, Princeton 1974.
  • Merkelbach 1995 R. Merkelbach, Grabepigramm und Vita des Bischofs Aberkios von Hie-rapolis, Epigraphica Anatolica 28 (1995), 125–139.
  • Paton 1899 W. R. Paton, Inscriptiones Graecae, vol. 12: Inscriptiones insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum, part 2: Inscriptiones Lesbi, Nesi, Tenedi, Berlin 1899.
  • Ramsay 1895 W. M. Ramsay, The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia: Being an Essay of the Local History of Phrygia from the Earliest Times to the Turkish Conquest, Oxford 1895.
  • Reynolds – Roueché – Bodard 2007 J. Reynolds – Ch. Roueché – G. Bodard, Inscriptions of Aphrodisias (2007), available at
  • Rehm 1958 A. Rehm, Didyma, vol. 2: Die Inschriften, Berlin 1958.
  • Robert – Robert 1954 J. Robert – L. Robert, La Carie, vol. 2: Le Plateau de Tabai et ses envi-rons, Paris 1954.
  • Robert 1963 L. Robert, Nouvelles inscriptions d’Iasos, Revue des Études Anciennes 65, 1963, 298–329.
  • Schwertheim 1987 E. Schwertheim, Die Inschriften von Hadrianoi und Hadrianeia, Bonn 1987.
  • Strubbe 1997 J. Strubbe, Arai Epitymbioi. Imprecations against desecrators of the grave in the Greek epitaphs of Asia Minor. A catalogue, Bonn 1987.
  • Talbert 2000 R. J. A. Talbert, The Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World with Map-By-Map Directory on CD-ROM. Princeton N.J. 2000.
  • Thonemann 2012 P. Thonemann, Abercius of Hierapolis: Christianisation and Social Memory in Late Antique Asia Minor, in: B. Dignas – R. R. R. Smith (ed.), Historical and Religious Memory in the Ancient World, Oxford 2012, 257–282.
Year 2022, Volume: 8, 88 - 97, 31.12.2022



  • Börker – Merkelbach 1980 Ch. Börker – R. Merkelbach, Die Inschriften von Ephesos, vol. 5: nos. 1446–2000, Bonn 1980.
  • Buckler – Calder 1939 W. H. Buckler – W. M. Calder, Monuments and Documents from Phrygia and Caria, vol. 6, Manchester 1939.
  • Corsten 1985 Th. Corsten, Die Inschriften von Kios, Bonn 1985.
  • Güney 2016 H. Güney, New Inscriptions from the Choria Considiana: Çalçak Roman Necropolis, Anatolian Studies 66, 2016, 125–139.
  • Güney 2021 H. Güney, Some More Inscriptions from Northeast Phrygia, Philia 7, 65–76.
  • Güney 2022 H. Güney, Provincial Boundaries in North-West Galatia in the light of New Epigraphic Evidence, Anatolica 48, 189–209.
  • Herrmann 1989 P. Herrmann, Tituli Asiae Minoris, vol. 5: Tituli Lydiae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, part 2: nos. 826–1414, Regio septentrionalis, ad occidentem vergens, Vienna 1989.
  • Forrest 1966 W. G. Forrest, Some Inscriptions of Chios, The Annual of the British School at Athens 61 (1966), 197–206.
  • Kaibel 1890 G. Kaibel, Inscriptiones Graecae, vol. 14: Inscriptiones Siciliae et Itali-ae, additis Galliae, Hispaniae, Britanniae, Germaniae inscriptionibus, Berlin 1890.
  • Kalinka 1930 E. Kalinka, Tituli Asiae Minoris, vol. 2: Tituli Lyciae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, fasc. 2: nos. 396–717, Regio quae ad Xanthum flumen pertinet praeter Xanthum oppidum, Vienna 1930.
  • Kalinka 1944 E. Kalinka, Tituli Asiae Minoris, vol. 2: Tituli Lyciae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, fasc. 3: nos. 718-1230, Regiones montanae a valle Xanthi fluminis ad oram orientalem, Vienna 1944.
  • Kirchner 1940 J. Kirchner, Inscriptiones Graecae II et III: Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores, part III, 2: nos. 5220-13247, Berlin 1940 (sec-ond edition).
  • LGPN 1 P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews, Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Aegean Islands, Cyprus, Cyrenaica, Oxford 1996.
  • LGPN 2 M.J. Osborne – S. G. Byrne, Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Attica (revised version), Oxford 1996.
  • LGPN 5a Th. Corsten – P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews – R. W. V. Catling – M. Ricl, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, vol 5a, Oxford 2010.
  • LGPN 5b P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews – J.-S. Balzat – R. W. V. Catling – E. Chiricat – F. Marchand – Th. Corsten, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, vol 5b: Coastal Asia Minor, Caria to Cilicia, Oxford 2013.
  • Macridy 1912 Th. Macridy, Antiquités de Notion II, Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes 15, 1912, 36–67.
  • Marek 1993 Ch. Marek, Ära und Territorium in Pontus-Bithynia und Nord-Galatia, Tübingen 1993.
  • Meritt – Traill 1974 B. D. Meritt – J. Traill, The Athenian Councillors, Princeton 1974.
  • Merkelbach 1995 R. Merkelbach, Grabepigramm und Vita des Bischofs Aberkios von Hie-rapolis, Epigraphica Anatolica 28 (1995), 125–139.
  • Paton 1899 W. R. Paton, Inscriptiones Graecae, vol. 12: Inscriptiones insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum, part 2: Inscriptiones Lesbi, Nesi, Tenedi, Berlin 1899.
  • Ramsay 1895 W. M. Ramsay, The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia: Being an Essay of the Local History of Phrygia from the Earliest Times to the Turkish Conquest, Oxford 1895.
  • Reynolds – Roueché – Bodard 2007 J. Reynolds – Ch. Roueché – G. Bodard, Inscriptions of Aphrodisias (2007), available at
  • Rehm 1958 A. Rehm, Didyma, vol. 2: Die Inschriften, Berlin 1958.
  • Robert – Robert 1954 J. Robert – L. Robert, La Carie, vol. 2: Le Plateau de Tabai et ses envi-rons, Paris 1954.
  • Robert 1963 L. Robert, Nouvelles inscriptions d’Iasos, Revue des Études Anciennes 65, 1963, 298–329.
  • Schwertheim 1987 E. Schwertheim, Die Inschriften von Hadrianoi und Hadrianeia, Bonn 1987.
  • Strubbe 1997 J. Strubbe, Arai Epitymbioi. Imprecations against desecrators of the grave in the Greek epitaphs of Asia Minor. A catalogue, Bonn 1987.
  • Talbert 2000 R. J. A. Talbert, The Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World with Map-By-Map Directory on CD-ROM. Princeton N.J. 2000.
  • Thonemann 2012 P. Thonemann, Abercius of Hierapolis: Christianisation and Social Memory in Late Antique Asia Minor, in: B. Dignas – R. R. R. Smith (ed.), Historical and Religious Memory in the Ancient World, Oxford 2012, 257–282.
Year 2022, Volume: 8, 88 - 97, 31.12.2022



  • Börker – Merkelbach 1980 Ch. Börker – R. Merkelbach, Die Inschriften von Ephesos, vol. 5: nos. 1446–2000, Bonn 1980.
  • Buckler – Calder 1939 W. H. Buckler – W. M. Calder, Monuments and Documents from Phrygia and Caria, vol. 6, Manchester 1939.
  • Corsten 1985 Th. Corsten, Die Inschriften von Kios, Bonn 1985.
  • Güney 2016 H. Güney, New Inscriptions from the Choria Considiana: Çalçak Roman Necropolis, Anatolian Studies 66, 2016, 125–139.
  • Güney 2021 H. Güney, Some More Inscriptions from Northeast Phrygia, Philia 7, 65–76.
  • Güney 2022 H. Güney, Provincial Boundaries in North-West Galatia in the light of New Epigraphic Evidence, Anatolica 48, 189–209.
  • Herrmann 1989 P. Herrmann, Tituli Asiae Minoris, vol. 5: Tituli Lydiae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, part 2: nos. 826–1414, Regio septentrionalis, ad occidentem vergens, Vienna 1989.
  • Forrest 1966 W. G. Forrest, Some Inscriptions of Chios, The Annual of the British School at Athens 61 (1966), 197–206.
  • Kaibel 1890 G. Kaibel, Inscriptiones Graecae, vol. 14: Inscriptiones Siciliae et Itali-ae, additis Galliae, Hispaniae, Britanniae, Germaniae inscriptionibus, Berlin 1890.
  • Kalinka 1930 E. Kalinka, Tituli Asiae Minoris, vol. 2: Tituli Lyciae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, fasc. 2: nos. 396–717, Regio quae ad Xanthum flumen pertinet praeter Xanthum oppidum, Vienna 1930.
  • Kalinka 1944 E. Kalinka, Tituli Asiae Minoris, vol. 2: Tituli Lyciae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, fasc. 3: nos. 718-1230, Regiones montanae a valle Xanthi fluminis ad oram orientalem, Vienna 1944.
  • Kirchner 1940 J. Kirchner, Inscriptiones Graecae II et III: Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores, part III, 2: nos. 5220-13247, Berlin 1940 (sec-ond edition).
  • LGPN 1 P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews, Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Aegean Islands, Cyprus, Cyrenaica, Oxford 1996.
  • LGPN 2 M.J. Osborne – S. G. Byrne, Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Attica (revised version), Oxford 1996.
  • LGPN 5a Th. Corsten – P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews – R. W. V. Catling – M. Ricl, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, vol 5a, Oxford 2010.
  • LGPN 5b P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews – J.-S. Balzat – R. W. V. Catling – E. Chiricat – F. Marchand – Th. Corsten, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, vol 5b: Coastal Asia Minor, Caria to Cilicia, Oxford 2013.
  • Macridy 1912 Th. Macridy, Antiquités de Notion II, Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes 15, 1912, 36–67.
  • Marek 1993 Ch. Marek, Ära und Territorium in Pontus-Bithynia und Nord-Galatia, Tübingen 1993.
  • Meritt – Traill 1974 B. D. Meritt – J. Traill, The Athenian Councillors, Princeton 1974.
  • Merkelbach 1995 R. Merkelbach, Grabepigramm und Vita des Bischofs Aberkios von Hie-rapolis, Epigraphica Anatolica 28 (1995), 125–139.
  • Paton 1899 W. R. Paton, Inscriptiones Graecae, vol. 12: Inscriptiones insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum, part 2: Inscriptiones Lesbi, Nesi, Tenedi, Berlin 1899.
  • Ramsay 1895 W. M. Ramsay, The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia: Being an Essay of the Local History of Phrygia from the Earliest Times to the Turkish Conquest, Oxford 1895.
  • Reynolds – Roueché – Bodard 2007 J. Reynolds – Ch. Roueché – G. Bodard, Inscriptions of Aphrodisias (2007), available at
  • Rehm 1958 A. Rehm, Didyma, vol. 2: Die Inschriften, Berlin 1958.
  • Robert – Robert 1954 J. Robert – L. Robert, La Carie, vol. 2: Le Plateau de Tabai et ses envi-rons, Paris 1954.
  • Robert 1963 L. Robert, Nouvelles inscriptions d’Iasos, Revue des Études Anciennes 65, 1963, 298–329.
  • Schwertheim 1987 E. Schwertheim, Die Inschriften von Hadrianoi und Hadrianeia, Bonn 1987.
  • Strubbe 1997 J. Strubbe, Arai Epitymbioi. Imprecations against desecrators of the grave in the Greek epitaphs of Asia Minor. A catalogue, Bonn 1987.
  • Talbert 2000 R. J. A. Talbert, The Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World with Map-By-Map Directory on CD-ROM. Princeton N.J. 2000.
  • Thonemann 2012 P. Thonemann, Abercius of Hierapolis: Christianisation and Social Memory in Late Antique Asia Minor, in: B. Dignas – R. R. R. Smith (ed.), Historical and Religious Memory in the Ancient World, Oxford 2012, 257–282.

Asia-Galatia Sınır Kavşağından Odyssea I 4’ü Alıntılayan Bir Mezar Epigramı

Year 2022, Volume: 8, 88 - 97, 31.12.2022


Bu Makalede 2019 yılı epigrafik yüzey araştırmaları sırasında Eskişehir İli Alpu İlçesi Özdenk Köyü’nde kaydedilen yeni bir mezar epigramı incelenmiştir. Taş, komşu Belkese Köyü Ayvalı Mevkii’nden getirilmiştir. Yazıtın yirmi bir satırı kısmen korunmuş olup aşınmalardan dolayı tümüyle okunamamaktadır. Şiirde Odysseia’dan iki mısranın alıntılanmış olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Metin boyunca Homeros’a başka göndermeler mevcuttur. Epigram, bir oğlunu yetim bırakan merhum bir adamın erdemlerini övmekte ve kötü kaderine üzülmektedir. Yazıt, düzyazı bir beddua formülü ile bitmektedir. Choria Considiana imparatorluk arazisinde ele gelen diğer iki mezar epigramında olduğu gibi, kelime dağarcığı, ifade tarzı ve içerikler aynı yazara işaret etmektedir. Yazıt, bu bölgedeki diğer yazıtlarla paralellikler göstermekte ve harf şekillerine göre muhtemelen MS 1. yüzyılın ikici yarısına ya da 2. yüzyılın ilk yarısına tarihlenmelidir.


  • Börker – Merkelbach 1980 Ch. Börker – R. Merkelbach, Die Inschriften von Ephesos, vol. 5: nos. 1446–2000, Bonn 1980.
  • Buckler – Calder 1939 W. H. Buckler – W. M. Calder, Monuments and Documents from Phrygia and Caria, vol. 6, Manchester 1939.
  • Corsten 1985 Th. Corsten, Die Inschriften von Kios, Bonn 1985.
  • Güney 2016 H. Güney, New Inscriptions from the Choria Considiana: Çalçak Roman Necropolis, Anatolian Studies 66, 2016, 125–139.
  • Güney 2021 H. Güney, Some More Inscriptions from Northeast Phrygia, Philia 7, 65–76.
  • Güney 2022 H. Güney, Provincial Boundaries in North-West Galatia in the light of New Epigraphic Evidence, Anatolica 48, 189–209.
  • Herrmann 1989 P. Herrmann, Tituli Asiae Minoris, vol. 5: Tituli Lydiae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, part 2: nos. 826–1414, Regio septentrionalis, ad occidentem vergens, Vienna 1989.
  • Forrest 1966 W. G. Forrest, Some Inscriptions of Chios, The Annual of the British School at Athens 61 (1966), 197–206.
  • Kaibel 1890 G. Kaibel, Inscriptiones Graecae, vol. 14: Inscriptiones Siciliae et Itali-ae, additis Galliae, Hispaniae, Britanniae, Germaniae inscriptionibus, Berlin 1890.
  • Kalinka 1930 E. Kalinka, Tituli Asiae Minoris, vol. 2: Tituli Lyciae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, fasc. 2: nos. 396–717, Regio quae ad Xanthum flumen pertinet praeter Xanthum oppidum, Vienna 1930.
  • Kalinka 1944 E. Kalinka, Tituli Asiae Minoris, vol. 2: Tituli Lyciae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, fasc. 3: nos. 718-1230, Regiones montanae a valle Xanthi fluminis ad oram orientalem, Vienna 1944.
  • Kirchner 1940 J. Kirchner, Inscriptiones Graecae II et III: Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores, part III, 2: nos. 5220-13247, Berlin 1940 (sec-ond edition).
  • LGPN 1 P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews, Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Aegean Islands, Cyprus, Cyrenaica, Oxford 1996.
  • LGPN 2 M.J. Osborne – S. G. Byrne, Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Attica (revised version), Oxford 1996.
  • LGPN 5a Th. Corsten – P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews – R. W. V. Catling – M. Ricl, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, vol 5a, Oxford 2010.
  • LGPN 5b P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews – J.-S. Balzat – R. W. V. Catling – E. Chiricat – F. Marchand – Th. Corsten, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, vol 5b: Coastal Asia Minor, Caria to Cilicia, Oxford 2013.
  • Macridy 1912 Th. Macridy, Antiquités de Notion II, Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes 15, 1912, 36–67.
  • Marek 1993 Ch. Marek, Ära und Territorium in Pontus-Bithynia und Nord-Galatia, Tübingen 1993.
  • Meritt – Traill 1974 B. D. Meritt – J. Traill, The Athenian Councillors, Princeton 1974.
  • Merkelbach 1995 R. Merkelbach, Grabepigramm und Vita des Bischofs Aberkios von Hie-rapolis, Epigraphica Anatolica 28 (1995), 125–139.
  • Paton 1899 W. R. Paton, Inscriptiones Graecae, vol. 12: Inscriptiones insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum, part 2: Inscriptiones Lesbi, Nesi, Tenedi, Berlin 1899.
  • Ramsay 1895 W. M. Ramsay, The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia: Being an Essay of the Local History of Phrygia from the Earliest Times to the Turkish Conquest, Oxford 1895.
  • Reynolds – Roueché – Bodard 2007 J. Reynolds – Ch. Roueché – G. Bodard, Inscriptions of Aphrodisias (2007), available at
  • Rehm 1958 A. Rehm, Didyma, vol. 2: Die Inschriften, Berlin 1958.
  • Robert – Robert 1954 J. Robert – L. Robert, La Carie, vol. 2: Le Plateau de Tabai et ses envi-rons, Paris 1954.
  • Robert 1963 L. Robert, Nouvelles inscriptions d’Iasos, Revue des Études Anciennes 65, 1963, 298–329.
  • Schwertheim 1987 E. Schwertheim, Die Inschriften von Hadrianoi und Hadrianeia, Bonn 1987.
  • Strubbe 1997 J. Strubbe, Arai Epitymbioi. Imprecations against desecrators of the grave in the Greek epitaphs of Asia Minor. A catalogue, Bonn 1987.
  • Talbert 2000 R. J. A. Talbert, The Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World with Map-By-Map Directory on CD-ROM. Princeton N.J. 2000.
  • Thonemann 2012 P. Thonemann, Abercius of Hierapolis: Christianisation and Social Memory in Late Antique Asia Minor, in: B. Dignas – R. R. R. Smith (ed.), Historical and Religious Memory in the Ancient World, Oxford 2012, 257–282.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics, Creative Arts and Writing
Journal Section Articles

Paweł Nowakowski This is me 0000-0003-4049-7181

Hale Güney This is me 0000-0002-8271-3498

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 8


APA Nowakowski, P., & Güney, H. (2022). A Funerary Epigram with a Quotation from Odyssey I 4, Found at the Junction of the Asian–Galatian Border. PHILIA, 8, 88-97.
AMA Nowakowski P, Güney H. A Funerary Epigram with a Quotation from Odyssey I 4, Found at the Junction of the Asian–Galatian Border. PHILIA. December 2022;8:88-97.
Chicago Nowakowski, Paweł, and Hale Güney. “A Funerary Epigram With a Quotation from Odyssey I 4, Found at the Junction of the Asian–Galatian Border”. PHILIA 8, December (December 2022): 88-97.
EndNote Nowakowski P, Güney H (December 1, 2022) A Funerary Epigram with a Quotation from Odyssey I 4, Found at the Junction of the Asian–Galatian Border. PHILIA 8 88–97.
IEEE P. Nowakowski and H. Güney, “A Funerary Epigram with a Quotation from Odyssey I 4, Found at the Junction of the Asian–Galatian Border”, PHILIA, vol. 8, pp. 88–97, 2022.
ISNAD Nowakowski, Paweł - Güney, Hale. “A Funerary Epigram With a Quotation from Odyssey I 4, Found at the Junction of the Asian–Galatian Border”. PHILIA 8 (December 2022), 88-97.
JAMA Nowakowski P, Güney H. A Funerary Epigram with a Quotation from Odyssey I 4, Found at the Junction of the Asian–Galatian Border. PHILIA. 2022;8:88–97.
MLA Nowakowski, Paweł and Hale Güney. “A Funerary Epigram With a Quotation from Odyssey I 4, Found at the Junction of the Asian–Galatian Border”. PHILIA, vol. 8, 2022, pp. 88-97.
Vancouver Nowakowski P, Güney H. A Funerary Epigram with a Quotation from Odyssey I 4, Found at the Junction of the Asian–Galatian Border. PHILIA. 2022;8:88-97.