Research Article
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New Inscriptions from Idyma

Year 2022, Volume: 8, 145 - 154, 31.12.2022


This article presents four new inscriptions from the Karian city of Idyma. The inscriptions were found during the surveys and excavations on the site between the years 2019 and 2022. Two of the inscriptions (nos 1 and 2) are from an artificial terrace on the southern slope of Küçük Asar hill, which may have been an important part of the urban centre of Idyma in the Hellenistic period. The inscription no. 1 belongs to an al-tar of Arsinoe II Philadelphos. It shows that Idyma was under Ptolemaic control in the early 260s BC. The epidosis list no. 2 provides direct evidence that the city was part of the Rhodian Peraia in 175 BC. It is dated by the Rhodian eponymous priest and the board of prytaneis of Idyma. The subscription aimed to finance a palaistra. Among the fifteen subscribers whose names are preserved there are also the Rhodian governor in charge of the city (epistates) and two Rhodian military officials (hegemones). The fragmentary inscriptions nos 3 and no. 4 were excavated in the ruins of the medieval castle at İnişdibi. The inscription no. 3 is a dedication of the κοινὸν τῶν ἐρανι[σ|τῶν Δω]ριῶν? for Artemi[doros]. The association was possibly named after its founder (Doros?). The designation of this private association as κοινὸν τῶν ἐρανιστῶν indicates Rhodian influence. The last inscription is very fragmentary. It probably contains a decree of the city in honour of an unknown Rhodian.


The study was performed within the scope of the Idyma Excavations and with the permission of the directory of the Idyma Excavations, which are being undertaken on behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University under the decision of the Presidency, dated 03.06.2021 and numbered 4065. I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir Baran, the director of the Idyma Excavations, for permission to study the inscriptions. Additionally, I am thankful to Hakan Dinç and Halil Kocaman, the archaeologists of Muğla Museum, for their assistance and cooperativeness during my studies at the Museum.


  • Bean – Cook 1957 G. E. Bean – J. Cook, The Carian Coast III, BSA 52, I957, 58–146.
  • Berthold 1984 R. M. Berthold, Rhodes in the Hellenistic Age. Ithaca 1984.
  • Bresson et al. 2021 A. Bresson – R. Descat – E. Varinlioğlu, Décret des Mogōreis pour le stratège ptolémaïque Moschiôn de Théra, in: P. Brun – L. Capdetrey – P. Fröhlich (eds.), L’Asie Mineure occidentale au IIIe siècle a. C., Bordeaux 2021, 141–171.
  • Blümel 2016 W. Blümel, Addenda und Corrigenda zu IK 38 (Rhodische Peraia), EA 49, 2016, 85–105.
  • Caneva 2012 S. Caneva, Queens and Ruler Cults in Early Hellenism. Festivals, Ad-ministration, and Ideology, Kernos 25, 2012, 75–101.
  • Gabrielsen 2000 V. Gabrielsen, The Rhodian Peraia in the Third and Second Centuries BC. Classica et Mediaevalia, 51, 2000, 129–183.
  • HTCarie A. Bresson – P. Brun – E. Varinlioğlu, Les inscriptions grecques et latines, in: P. Debord – E. Varinlioglu (eds.) Les hautes terres de Carie. Bordeaux 2001, 81–311.
  • Habicht 2003 Chr. Habicht, Rhodian amphora stamps and Rhodian eponyms, REA 105/2, 2003, 541–578.
  • I.Kaunos Chr. Marek, Die Inschriften von Kaunos, Munich 2006.
  • I.Peraia W. Blümel, Die Inschriften der Rhodischen Peraia. Inschriften griechi-scher Städte aus Kleinasien, Bd. 38, Bonn.
  • I.Pér.rhod. A. Bresson, Recueil des Inscriptions de la Pérée rhodienne (Péree intégrée), Annales Littéraires de l’Université de Besançon 445, París 1991.
  • İren 2013 K. İren, Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Field Survey in Idy-ma and its Vicinity, in: L. Cavalier – K. Konuk – F. Prost (eds.), Actes du colloque Euploia. Carie et Lycie méditerranéennes: échanges et identi-tés, Bordeaux, 5–7 novembre 2009, Bordeaux 2013, 344–356.
  • İren – Gürbüzer 2005 K. İren – M. Gürbüzer, Idyma İlkçağ Kenti ve Çevresi 2004 Yılı Arkeolojik Envanteri ve Yüzey Araştırması, Journal of Cultural Inven-tory, TÜBA Kültür Envanteri Dergisi 4, 2005, 7–31.
  • İren – Gürbüzer 2006 K. İren – M. Gürbüzer, Idyma İlkçağ Kenti ve Çevresi 2005 Yılı Arkeolojik Envanteri ve Yüzey Araştırması, Journal of Cultural Inven-tory, TÜBA Kültür Envanteri Dergisi 5, 2006, 7–22.
  • LGPN VB J. S. Balzat – R. W. V. Catling – É. Chiricat – F. Marchand, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Vol. V, B, Coastal Asia Minor: Caria to Cilicia. Oxford 2013.
  • Lindos II Chr. Blinkenberg, Lindos II. Inscriptions, Berlin – Kopenhagen 1941 (Lindos. Fouilles et Recherches 1902–1914).
  • Parker 2018 R. Parker, Caria and Polis Religion, in: A. Kavoulaki (ed.), Πλειών. Pa-pers in memory of Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood, Rethymnon 2018, 31–55.
  • Pugliese Carratelli 1939–1940 G. Pugliese Carratelli, Per la storia delle associazioni in Rodi antica, ASAtene 22, 1939/40, 147–200.
  • Reger 1999 G. Reger, The Relations between Rhodes and Caria from 246 to 167 BC, in: V. Gabrielsen et al. (eds.), Hellenistic Rhodes: Politics, Culture, and Society, Aarhus 1999, 76–97. Robert 1937 L. Robert, Études anatoliennes. Recherches sur les inscriptions grec-ques de l’Asie Mineure, Paris 1937 (reprint Amsterdam 1970).
  • Robert 1966 L. Robert, Sur un décret d’Ilion et sur un papyrus concernant des cultes royaux, in: A. Samuel (ed.), Essays in Honor of C. B. Welles, New Haven 1966, 175–210 (= OMS VII, 599–635).
  • Robert 1983 L. Robert, Fouilles d’ Amyzon en Carie, Paris 1983.
  • Ünver – Çörtük 2021 G. Ünver – U. Çörtük, Muğla Müzesi’nden Yeni Bir Onurlandırma Yazıtı, Arkhaia Anatolika 4, 2021, 341–352.
  • Ünver – Yaman 2013 G. Ünver – A. Yaman, New Funerary Stelae from the Territory of Idyma, Gephyra 10, 2013, 135–142.
  • Varinlioglu et al. 1992 E. Varinlioğlu – A. Bresson – P. Brun – P. Debord – R. Descat, Ouranion en Carie, REA 94, 1992, 155–174.
  • Van Bremen 2003 R. van Bremen, Ptolemy at Panamara, EA 35, 2003, 9–14.
  • Van Bremen 2004 R. van Bremen, Laodikeia in Karia, Chiron 34, 2004, 367–398.
  • Van Bremen 2007 R. van Bremen, Networks of Rhodians in Karia, Mediterranean Histori-cal Review 22/1, 2007, 113–132 (a revised version in: I. Malkin – C. Constantakopoulou – K. Panagopoulou (eds.), Greek and Roman Net-works in the Mediterranean, London 2009, 109–143).
  • Wiemer 2002 H.-U. Wiemer, Krieg, Handel und Piraterie: Untersuchungen zur Ge-schichte des Hellenistischen Rhodos. Berlin 2002.
  • Wiemer 2010 H.-U. Wiemer, Structure and development of the Rhodian Peraia: Evi-dence and Models, in: R. van Bremen – J.M. Carbon (eds.), Hellenistic Karia. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hellenistic Karia, Oxford, 29 June – 2 July 2006, Bordeaux 2010, 415–434.
Year 2022, Volume: 8, 145 - 154, 31.12.2022



  • Bean – Cook 1957 G. E. Bean – J. Cook, The Carian Coast III, BSA 52, I957, 58–146.
  • Berthold 1984 R. M. Berthold, Rhodes in the Hellenistic Age. Ithaca 1984.
  • Bresson et al. 2021 A. Bresson – R. Descat – E. Varinlioğlu, Décret des Mogōreis pour le stratège ptolémaïque Moschiôn de Théra, in: P. Brun – L. Capdetrey – P. Fröhlich (eds.), L’Asie Mineure occidentale au IIIe siècle a. C., Bordeaux 2021, 141–171.
  • Blümel 2016 W. Blümel, Addenda und Corrigenda zu IK 38 (Rhodische Peraia), EA 49, 2016, 85–105.
  • Caneva 2012 S. Caneva, Queens and Ruler Cults in Early Hellenism. Festivals, Ad-ministration, and Ideology, Kernos 25, 2012, 75–101.
  • Gabrielsen 2000 V. Gabrielsen, The Rhodian Peraia in the Third and Second Centuries BC. Classica et Mediaevalia, 51, 2000, 129–183.
  • HTCarie A. Bresson – P. Brun – E. Varinlioğlu, Les inscriptions grecques et latines, in: P. Debord – E. Varinlioglu (eds.) Les hautes terres de Carie. Bordeaux 2001, 81–311.
  • Habicht 2003 Chr. Habicht, Rhodian amphora stamps and Rhodian eponyms, REA 105/2, 2003, 541–578.
  • I.Kaunos Chr. Marek, Die Inschriften von Kaunos, Munich 2006.
  • I.Peraia W. Blümel, Die Inschriften der Rhodischen Peraia. Inschriften griechi-scher Städte aus Kleinasien, Bd. 38, Bonn.
  • I.Pér.rhod. A. Bresson, Recueil des Inscriptions de la Pérée rhodienne (Péree intégrée), Annales Littéraires de l’Université de Besançon 445, París 1991.
  • İren 2013 K. İren, Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Field Survey in Idy-ma and its Vicinity, in: L. Cavalier – K. Konuk – F. Prost (eds.), Actes du colloque Euploia. Carie et Lycie méditerranéennes: échanges et identi-tés, Bordeaux, 5–7 novembre 2009, Bordeaux 2013, 344–356.
  • İren – Gürbüzer 2005 K. İren – M. Gürbüzer, Idyma İlkçağ Kenti ve Çevresi 2004 Yılı Arkeolojik Envanteri ve Yüzey Araştırması, Journal of Cultural Inven-tory, TÜBA Kültür Envanteri Dergisi 4, 2005, 7–31.
  • İren – Gürbüzer 2006 K. İren – M. Gürbüzer, Idyma İlkçağ Kenti ve Çevresi 2005 Yılı Arkeolojik Envanteri ve Yüzey Araştırması, Journal of Cultural Inven-tory, TÜBA Kültür Envanteri Dergisi 5, 2006, 7–22.
  • LGPN VB J. S. Balzat – R. W. V. Catling – É. Chiricat – F. Marchand, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Vol. V, B, Coastal Asia Minor: Caria to Cilicia. Oxford 2013.
  • Lindos II Chr. Blinkenberg, Lindos II. Inscriptions, Berlin – Kopenhagen 1941 (Lindos. Fouilles et Recherches 1902–1914).
  • Parker 2018 R. Parker, Caria and Polis Religion, in: A. Kavoulaki (ed.), Πλειών. Pa-pers in memory of Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood, Rethymnon 2018, 31–55.
  • Pugliese Carratelli 1939–1940 G. Pugliese Carratelli, Per la storia delle associazioni in Rodi antica, ASAtene 22, 1939/40, 147–200.
  • Reger 1999 G. Reger, The Relations between Rhodes and Caria from 246 to 167 BC, in: V. Gabrielsen et al. (eds.), Hellenistic Rhodes: Politics, Culture, and Society, Aarhus 1999, 76–97. Robert 1937 L. Robert, Études anatoliennes. Recherches sur les inscriptions grec-ques de l’Asie Mineure, Paris 1937 (reprint Amsterdam 1970).
  • Robert 1966 L. Robert, Sur un décret d’Ilion et sur un papyrus concernant des cultes royaux, in: A. Samuel (ed.), Essays in Honor of C. B. Welles, New Haven 1966, 175–210 (= OMS VII, 599–635).
  • Robert 1983 L. Robert, Fouilles d’ Amyzon en Carie, Paris 1983.
  • Ünver – Çörtük 2021 G. Ünver – U. Çörtük, Muğla Müzesi’nden Yeni Bir Onurlandırma Yazıtı, Arkhaia Anatolika 4, 2021, 341–352.
  • Ünver – Yaman 2013 G. Ünver – A. Yaman, New Funerary Stelae from the Territory of Idyma, Gephyra 10, 2013, 135–142.
  • Varinlioglu et al. 1992 E. Varinlioğlu – A. Bresson – P. Brun – P. Debord – R. Descat, Ouranion en Carie, REA 94, 1992, 155–174.
  • Van Bremen 2003 R. van Bremen, Ptolemy at Panamara, EA 35, 2003, 9–14.
  • Van Bremen 2004 R. van Bremen, Laodikeia in Karia, Chiron 34, 2004, 367–398.
  • Van Bremen 2007 R. van Bremen, Networks of Rhodians in Karia, Mediterranean Histori-cal Review 22/1, 2007, 113–132 (a revised version in: I. Malkin – C. Constantakopoulou – K. Panagopoulou (eds.), Greek and Roman Net-works in the Mediterranean, London 2009, 109–143).
  • Wiemer 2002 H.-U. Wiemer, Krieg, Handel und Piraterie: Untersuchungen zur Ge-schichte des Hellenistischen Rhodos. Berlin 2002.
  • Wiemer 2010 H.-U. Wiemer, Structure and development of the Rhodian Peraia: Evi-dence and Models, in: R. van Bremen – J.M. Carbon (eds.), Hellenistic Karia. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hellenistic Karia, Oxford, 29 June – 2 July 2006, Bordeaux 2010, 415–434.
Year 2022, Volume: 8, 145 - 154, 31.12.2022



  • Bean – Cook 1957 G. E. Bean – J. Cook, The Carian Coast III, BSA 52, I957, 58–146.
  • Berthold 1984 R. M. Berthold, Rhodes in the Hellenistic Age. Ithaca 1984.
  • Bresson et al. 2021 A. Bresson – R. Descat – E. Varinlioğlu, Décret des Mogōreis pour le stratège ptolémaïque Moschiôn de Théra, in: P. Brun – L. Capdetrey – P. Fröhlich (eds.), L’Asie Mineure occidentale au IIIe siècle a. C., Bordeaux 2021, 141–171.
  • Blümel 2016 W. Blümel, Addenda und Corrigenda zu IK 38 (Rhodische Peraia), EA 49, 2016, 85–105.
  • Caneva 2012 S. Caneva, Queens and Ruler Cults in Early Hellenism. Festivals, Ad-ministration, and Ideology, Kernos 25, 2012, 75–101.
  • Gabrielsen 2000 V. Gabrielsen, The Rhodian Peraia in the Third and Second Centuries BC. Classica et Mediaevalia, 51, 2000, 129–183.
  • HTCarie A. Bresson – P. Brun – E. Varinlioğlu, Les inscriptions grecques et latines, in: P. Debord – E. Varinlioglu (eds.) Les hautes terres de Carie. Bordeaux 2001, 81–311.
  • Habicht 2003 Chr. Habicht, Rhodian amphora stamps and Rhodian eponyms, REA 105/2, 2003, 541–578.
  • I.Kaunos Chr. Marek, Die Inschriften von Kaunos, Munich 2006.
  • I.Peraia W. Blümel, Die Inschriften der Rhodischen Peraia. Inschriften griechi-scher Städte aus Kleinasien, Bd. 38, Bonn.
  • I.Pér.rhod. A. Bresson, Recueil des Inscriptions de la Pérée rhodienne (Péree intégrée), Annales Littéraires de l’Université de Besançon 445, París 1991.
  • İren 2013 K. İren, Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Field Survey in Idy-ma and its Vicinity, in: L. Cavalier – K. Konuk – F. Prost (eds.), Actes du colloque Euploia. Carie et Lycie méditerranéennes: échanges et identi-tés, Bordeaux, 5–7 novembre 2009, Bordeaux 2013, 344–356.
  • İren – Gürbüzer 2005 K. İren – M. Gürbüzer, Idyma İlkçağ Kenti ve Çevresi 2004 Yılı Arkeolojik Envanteri ve Yüzey Araştırması, Journal of Cultural Inven-tory, TÜBA Kültür Envanteri Dergisi 4, 2005, 7–31.
  • İren – Gürbüzer 2006 K. İren – M. Gürbüzer, Idyma İlkçağ Kenti ve Çevresi 2005 Yılı Arkeolojik Envanteri ve Yüzey Araştırması, Journal of Cultural Inven-tory, TÜBA Kültür Envanteri Dergisi 5, 2006, 7–22.
  • LGPN VB J. S. Balzat – R. W. V. Catling – É. Chiricat – F. Marchand, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Vol. V, B, Coastal Asia Minor: Caria to Cilicia. Oxford 2013.
  • Lindos II Chr. Blinkenberg, Lindos II. Inscriptions, Berlin – Kopenhagen 1941 (Lindos. Fouilles et Recherches 1902–1914).
  • Parker 2018 R. Parker, Caria and Polis Religion, in: A. Kavoulaki (ed.), Πλειών. Pa-pers in memory of Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood, Rethymnon 2018, 31–55.
  • Pugliese Carratelli 1939–1940 G. Pugliese Carratelli, Per la storia delle associazioni in Rodi antica, ASAtene 22, 1939/40, 147–200.
  • Reger 1999 G. Reger, The Relations between Rhodes and Caria from 246 to 167 BC, in: V. Gabrielsen et al. (eds.), Hellenistic Rhodes: Politics, Culture, and Society, Aarhus 1999, 76–97. Robert 1937 L. Robert, Études anatoliennes. Recherches sur les inscriptions grec-ques de l’Asie Mineure, Paris 1937 (reprint Amsterdam 1970).
  • Robert 1966 L. Robert, Sur un décret d’Ilion et sur un papyrus concernant des cultes royaux, in: A. Samuel (ed.), Essays in Honor of C. B. Welles, New Haven 1966, 175–210 (= OMS VII, 599–635).
  • Robert 1983 L. Robert, Fouilles d’ Amyzon en Carie, Paris 1983.
  • Ünver – Çörtük 2021 G. Ünver – U. Çörtük, Muğla Müzesi’nden Yeni Bir Onurlandırma Yazıtı, Arkhaia Anatolika 4, 2021, 341–352.
  • Ünver – Yaman 2013 G. Ünver – A. Yaman, New Funerary Stelae from the Territory of Idyma, Gephyra 10, 2013, 135–142.
  • Varinlioglu et al. 1992 E. Varinlioğlu – A. Bresson – P. Brun – P. Debord – R. Descat, Ouranion en Carie, REA 94, 1992, 155–174.
  • Van Bremen 2003 R. van Bremen, Ptolemy at Panamara, EA 35, 2003, 9–14.
  • Van Bremen 2004 R. van Bremen, Laodikeia in Karia, Chiron 34, 2004, 367–398.
  • Van Bremen 2007 R. van Bremen, Networks of Rhodians in Karia, Mediterranean Histori-cal Review 22/1, 2007, 113–132 (a revised version in: I. Malkin – C. Constantakopoulou – K. Panagopoulou (eds.), Greek and Roman Net-works in the Mediterranean, London 2009, 109–143).
  • Wiemer 2002 H.-U. Wiemer, Krieg, Handel und Piraterie: Untersuchungen zur Ge-schichte des Hellenistischen Rhodos. Berlin 2002.
  • Wiemer 2010 H.-U. Wiemer, Structure and development of the Rhodian Peraia: Evi-dence and Models, in: R. van Bremen – J.M. Carbon (eds.), Hellenistic Karia. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hellenistic Karia, Oxford, 29 June – 2 July 2006, Bordeaux 2010, 415–434.

Idyma’dan Yeni Yazıtlar

Year 2022, Volume: 8, 145 - 154, 31.12.2022


Makalede bir Karia kenti olan Idyma’dan dört yeni yazıt tanıtılmaktadır. Yazıtlar kentte yürütülen kazılar sırasında 2019–2022 yılları arasında ele geçmiştir. İlk iki yazıt (no. 1 ve 2) Küçük Asar Tepe’nin güney yamacında, Idyma’nın Hellenistik Dönem kent merkezi olması muhtemel bir yapay teras üzerinde bulunmuştur. Yazıt no. 1, Arsinoe Philadelphos’un altarına aittir ve Idyma’nın MÖ 260’lı yılların başlarında Ptolemaios egemenliği altında olduğunu göstermektedir. Bir bağış listesi olan no. 2, kentin MÖ 175 yılında Rhodos Peraia’sının bir parçası olduğuna ilişkin doğrudan kanıt sunmaktadır. Yazıt, Rhodoslu eponym rahip ve Idymalı prytanlar kurulu ile tarihlenmiştir. Bağış çağrısı bir palaistra’yı finanse etmek için yapılmıştır. İsimleri korunmuş onbeş bağışçı arasında kentin Rhodoslu yöneticisi (epistates) ve iki hegemon da yer almaktadır. Sonraki iki yazıt (no. 3 ve no. 4) İnişdibi’nde bulunan Ortaçağ Kalesi’nin kalıntılarında ele geçmiş ve parçalı bir şekilde korunmuşlardır. Yazıt no. 3, bir adak yazıtıdır ve κοινὸν τῶν ἐρανι[σ|τῶν Δω]ριῶν? tarafından Artemi[doros] için dikilmiştir. Söz konusu dernek olasılıkla kurucusunun adıyla (Doros?) isimlendirilmiştir. Bu özel derneğin κοινὸν τῶν ἐρανιστῶν olarak tanımlanması Rhodos etkisine işaret etmektedir. Son yazıt kısmen okunabilmektedir; olasılıkla kentin, bilinmeyen bir Rodosluyu onurlandırdığı bir kararnamedir.


  • Bean – Cook 1957 G. E. Bean – J. Cook, The Carian Coast III, BSA 52, I957, 58–146.
  • Berthold 1984 R. M. Berthold, Rhodes in the Hellenistic Age. Ithaca 1984.
  • Bresson et al. 2021 A. Bresson – R. Descat – E. Varinlioğlu, Décret des Mogōreis pour le stratège ptolémaïque Moschiôn de Théra, in: P. Brun – L. Capdetrey – P. Fröhlich (eds.), L’Asie Mineure occidentale au IIIe siècle a. C., Bordeaux 2021, 141–171.
  • Blümel 2016 W. Blümel, Addenda und Corrigenda zu IK 38 (Rhodische Peraia), EA 49, 2016, 85–105.
  • Caneva 2012 S. Caneva, Queens and Ruler Cults in Early Hellenism. Festivals, Ad-ministration, and Ideology, Kernos 25, 2012, 75–101.
  • Gabrielsen 2000 V. Gabrielsen, The Rhodian Peraia in the Third and Second Centuries BC. Classica et Mediaevalia, 51, 2000, 129–183.
  • HTCarie A. Bresson – P. Brun – E. Varinlioğlu, Les inscriptions grecques et latines, in: P. Debord – E. Varinlioglu (eds.) Les hautes terres de Carie. Bordeaux 2001, 81–311.
  • Habicht 2003 Chr. Habicht, Rhodian amphora stamps and Rhodian eponyms, REA 105/2, 2003, 541–578.
  • I.Kaunos Chr. Marek, Die Inschriften von Kaunos, Munich 2006.
  • I.Peraia W. Blümel, Die Inschriften der Rhodischen Peraia. Inschriften griechi-scher Städte aus Kleinasien, Bd. 38, Bonn.
  • I.Pér.rhod. A. Bresson, Recueil des Inscriptions de la Pérée rhodienne (Péree intégrée), Annales Littéraires de l’Université de Besançon 445, París 1991.
  • İren 2013 K. İren, Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Field Survey in Idy-ma and its Vicinity, in: L. Cavalier – K. Konuk – F. Prost (eds.), Actes du colloque Euploia. Carie et Lycie méditerranéennes: échanges et identi-tés, Bordeaux, 5–7 novembre 2009, Bordeaux 2013, 344–356.
  • İren – Gürbüzer 2005 K. İren – M. Gürbüzer, Idyma İlkçağ Kenti ve Çevresi 2004 Yılı Arkeolojik Envanteri ve Yüzey Araştırması, Journal of Cultural Inven-tory, TÜBA Kültür Envanteri Dergisi 4, 2005, 7–31.
  • İren – Gürbüzer 2006 K. İren – M. Gürbüzer, Idyma İlkçağ Kenti ve Çevresi 2005 Yılı Arkeolojik Envanteri ve Yüzey Araştırması, Journal of Cultural Inven-tory, TÜBA Kültür Envanteri Dergisi 5, 2006, 7–22.
  • LGPN VB J. S. Balzat – R. W. V. Catling – É. Chiricat – F. Marchand, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Vol. V, B, Coastal Asia Minor: Caria to Cilicia. Oxford 2013.
  • Lindos II Chr. Blinkenberg, Lindos II. Inscriptions, Berlin – Kopenhagen 1941 (Lindos. Fouilles et Recherches 1902–1914).
  • Parker 2018 R. Parker, Caria and Polis Religion, in: A. Kavoulaki (ed.), Πλειών. Pa-pers in memory of Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood, Rethymnon 2018, 31–55.
  • Pugliese Carratelli 1939–1940 G. Pugliese Carratelli, Per la storia delle associazioni in Rodi antica, ASAtene 22, 1939/40, 147–200.
  • Reger 1999 G. Reger, The Relations between Rhodes and Caria from 246 to 167 BC, in: V. Gabrielsen et al. (eds.), Hellenistic Rhodes: Politics, Culture, and Society, Aarhus 1999, 76–97. Robert 1937 L. Robert, Études anatoliennes. Recherches sur les inscriptions grec-ques de l’Asie Mineure, Paris 1937 (reprint Amsterdam 1970).
  • Robert 1966 L. Robert, Sur un décret d’Ilion et sur un papyrus concernant des cultes royaux, in: A. Samuel (ed.), Essays in Honor of C. B. Welles, New Haven 1966, 175–210 (= OMS VII, 599–635).
  • Robert 1983 L. Robert, Fouilles d’ Amyzon en Carie, Paris 1983.
  • Ünver – Çörtük 2021 G. Ünver – U. Çörtük, Muğla Müzesi’nden Yeni Bir Onurlandırma Yazıtı, Arkhaia Anatolika 4, 2021, 341–352.
  • Ünver – Yaman 2013 G. Ünver – A. Yaman, New Funerary Stelae from the Territory of Idyma, Gephyra 10, 2013, 135–142.
  • Varinlioglu et al. 1992 E. Varinlioğlu – A. Bresson – P. Brun – P. Debord – R. Descat, Ouranion en Carie, REA 94, 1992, 155–174.
  • Van Bremen 2003 R. van Bremen, Ptolemy at Panamara, EA 35, 2003, 9–14.
  • Van Bremen 2004 R. van Bremen, Laodikeia in Karia, Chiron 34, 2004, 367–398.
  • Van Bremen 2007 R. van Bremen, Networks of Rhodians in Karia, Mediterranean Histori-cal Review 22/1, 2007, 113–132 (a revised version in: I. Malkin – C. Constantakopoulou – K. Panagopoulou (eds.), Greek and Roman Net-works in the Mediterranean, London 2009, 109–143).
  • Wiemer 2002 H.-U. Wiemer, Krieg, Handel und Piraterie: Untersuchungen zur Ge-schichte des Hellenistischen Rhodos. Berlin 2002.
  • Wiemer 2010 H.-U. Wiemer, Structure and development of the Rhodian Peraia: Evi-dence and Models, in: R. van Bremen – J.M. Carbon (eds.), Hellenistic Karia. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hellenistic Karia, Oxford, 29 June – 2 July 2006, Bordeaux 2010, 415–434.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics, Creative Arts and Writing
Journal Section Articles

Güray Ünver This is me 0000-0002-9397-7712

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 8


APA Ünver, G. (2022). New Inscriptions from Idyma. PHILIA, 8, 145-154.
AMA Ünver G. New Inscriptions from Idyma. PHILIA. December 2022;8:145-154.
Chicago Ünver, Güray. “New Inscriptions from Idyma”. PHILIA 8, December (December 2022): 145-54.
EndNote Ünver G (December 1, 2022) New Inscriptions from Idyma. PHILIA 8 145–154.
IEEE G. Ünver, “New Inscriptions from Idyma”, PHILIA, vol. 8, pp. 145–154, 2022.
ISNAD Ünver, Güray. “New Inscriptions from Idyma”. PHILIA 8 (December 2022), 145-154.
JAMA Ünver G. New Inscriptions from Idyma. PHILIA. 2022;8:145–154.
MLA Ünver, Güray. “New Inscriptions from Idyma”. PHILIA, vol. 8, 2022, pp. 145-54.
Vancouver Ünver G. New Inscriptions from Idyma. PHILIA. 2022;8:145-54.