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Stratonikeian Incerta.** I.Stratonikeia 1504: a fragment of a letter to the Chrysaoreis

Year 2022, Volume: 8, 155 - 164, 31.12.2022


An attempt is made here to reconstruct the text and to make sense of a tantalising small Hellenistic fragment from Stratonikeia in Karia (I. Stratonikeia 1504). It is argued that the fragment most probably belongs to a letter written by an agent of the Antigonid king Philip V to the league of the Chrysaoreis and that it was inscribed in the sanctuary of Chrysaorian Zeus.


My thanks go to Paola Ceccarelli, Roberta Fabiani, Patrice Hamon, Manuela Mari and Poul Pederson for incisive comments, suggestions, and helpful information


  • Ceccarelli 2013 P. Ceccarelli, Ancient Greek Letter writing. A Cultural History (600 BC–150 BC), Oxford 2013.
  • Culasso Gastaldi – Mari 2019 E. Culasso Gastaldi, M. Mari, Una lettera di Filipp V agli Ateniesi di Efestio (Lemno), Axon 3 (2019) 194 – 224.
  • Carless Unwin 2016 N. Carless Unwin, Mylasa and Krete: the context of the Mylasan ‘Kretan Dossier’, REA 118, 2016, 413–442.
  • D’Alessandro 2011 A. D’Alessandro, Il collegio degli hieromnamones all’epoca di Alessandro il Molosso: il complesso equilibrio tra ethne e basileus nell’Epiro antico, in G. De Sensi Sestito, M. Intrieri (eds) Sulla rotta per la Sicilia: l’Epiro, Corcira e l’Occidente, Pisa 2011, 109–125.
  • Errington 1986 M. Errington, Antiochos III, Zeuxis und Euromos. EA 8, 1986, 1–8.
  • Errington 1993 M. Errington, Inschriften von Euromos. EA 21, 1993,15–32.
  • Hatzopoulos 1996 M. Hatzopoulos, Macedonian Institutions under the Kings. A Historical and Epigraphic Study. 2 vols. Athens 1996. Hatzopoulos 2014 M. Hatzopoulos, Philippe V d’après Polybe et d’après ses propres écrits’, JS 2014, 99–120.
  • Hepding 1913 H. Hepding, s.v. Hieromnemones, RE VIII 2, 1913, 1490–1496.
  • Holleaux 1952 M. Holleaux, Études d’épigraphie et d’histoire grecques. IV: Rome, la Macédoine et l’Orient grec, Paris 1952.
  • Le Bohec 1995 S. Le Bohec, Les Philoi des Rois Antigonides. REG 98, 1985. 93–124.
  • Le Bohec-Bouhet 2015 S. Le Bohec-Bouhet, Philippe V de Macédoine, un roi respectueux des dieux ou un roi calculateur et sacrilège? SE, 29, 2015, 89–110.
  • Lefèvre 1998 F. Lefèvre, L’Amphictionie pyléo-delphique: histoire et institutions. Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome 298. Athens – Paris, 1998.
  • Kızıl et al. 2018 A. Kızıl, K. Konuk, T. Doğan, d. Laroche, E. Le Quéré, V. Lung, F. Prost, B. Vergnaud, Eurômos: Rapport préliminaire sur les travaux réalisés en 2017, Anatolia Antiqua 26 (2018), 165–208.
  • Mari 2018 M. Mari, Powers in Dialogue. The Letters and diagrammata of Macedo-nian Kings to Local Communities, in P. Ceccarelli, L. Doering, T. Fögen, I. Gildenhard (eds), Letters and Communities. Studies in the Socio-political Dimensions of Ancient Epistolography, Oxford 2018, 121–146.
  • Meadows 1996 A. Meadows, Four Rhodian Decrees. Rhodes, Iasos and Philip V, Chiron 16, 1996, 251–266.
  • Savalli-Lestrade 2012 I. Savalli-Lestrade, Intervenants étrangers dans la justice des cités hel-lénis¬tiques, Cahiers Glotz 23, 2012, 141–179.
  • Tziafalias – Helly 2010 A. Tziafalias, B. Helly, Inscriptions de la Tripolis de Perrhébie. Lettres royales de Démétrios II et Antigone Dôsôn, SE 24, 2010, 71–125.
  • Van Bremen 2017 R. van Bremen, Labraunda and the Ptolemies: a reinterpretation of three documents from the sanctuary of Zeus (I.Labraunda 51, 45 and 44), SE 31, 2017, 223–259.
  • Van Bremen 2020 R. van Bremen, A hellenistic stratēgoi dedication from Stratonikeia in Karia and the defence of the city, EA 53, 2020, 21–44.
  • Wiemer 2002 U. Wiemer, Krieg, Handel und Piraterie. Untersuchungen zur Geschich-te des hellenistischen Rhodos, Klio Beihefte n.F. 6, Berlin 2002.
  • Wörrle 1988 M. Wörrle, Inschriften von Herakleia am Latmos I: Antiochos III., Zeu-xis und Herakleia, Chiron 18, 421–476.
  • Wörrle 2010 M. Wörrle, Epigraphische Forschungen zur Geschichte Lykiens VIII. Ein ptolemäisches Prostagma aus Limyra über Mißstände beim Steuerein-zug, Chiron 40, 2010, 359–396.
Year 2022, Volume: 8, 155 - 164, 31.12.2022



  • Ceccarelli 2013 P. Ceccarelli, Ancient Greek Letter writing. A Cultural History (600 BC–150 BC), Oxford 2013.
  • Culasso Gastaldi – Mari 2019 E. Culasso Gastaldi, M. Mari, Una lettera di Filipp V agli Ateniesi di Efestio (Lemno), Axon 3 (2019) 194 – 224.
  • Carless Unwin 2016 N. Carless Unwin, Mylasa and Krete: the context of the Mylasan ‘Kretan Dossier’, REA 118, 2016, 413–442.
  • D’Alessandro 2011 A. D’Alessandro, Il collegio degli hieromnamones all’epoca di Alessandro il Molosso: il complesso equilibrio tra ethne e basileus nell’Epiro antico, in G. De Sensi Sestito, M. Intrieri (eds) Sulla rotta per la Sicilia: l’Epiro, Corcira e l’Occidente, Pisa 2011, 109–125.
  • Errington 1986 M. Errington, Antiochos III, Zeuxis und Euromos. EA 8, 1986, 1–8.
  • Errington 1993 M. Errington, Inschriften von Euromos. EA 21, 1993,15–32.
  • Hatzopoulos 1996 M. Hatzopoulos, Macedonian Institutions under the Kings. A Historical and Epigraphic Study. 2 vols. Athens 1996. Hatzopoulos 2014 M. Hatzopoulos, Philippe V d’après Polybe et d’après ses propres écrits’, JS 2014, 99–120.
  • Hepding 1913 H. Hepding, s.v. Hieromnemones, RE VIII 2, 1913, 1490–1496.
  • Holleaux 1952 M. Holleaux, Études d’épigraphie et d’histoire grecques. IV: Rome, la Macédoine et l’Orient grec, Paris 1952.
  • Le Bohec 1995 S. Le Bohec, Les Philoi des Rois Antigonides. REG 98, 1985. 93–124.
  • Le Bohec-Bouhet 2015 S. Le Bohec-Bouhet, Philippe V de Macédoine, un roi respectueux des dieux ou un roi calculateur et sacrilège? SE, 29, 2015, 89–110.
  • Lefèvre 1998 F. Lefèvre, L’Amphictionie pyléo-delphique: histoire et institutions. Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome 298. Athens – Paris, 1998.
  • Kızıl et al. 2018 A. Kızıl, K. Konuk, T. Doğan, d. Laroche, E. Le Quéré, V. Lung, F. Prost, B. Vergnaud, Eurômos: Rapport préliminaire sur les travaux réalisés en 2017, Anatolia Antiqua 26 (2018), 165–208.
  • Mari 2018 M. Mari, Powers in Dialogue. The Letters and diagrammata of Macedo-nian Kings to Local Communities, in P. Ceccarelli, L. Doering, T. Fögen, I. Gildenhard (eds), Letters and Communities. Studies in the Socio-political Dimensions of Ancient Epistolography, Oxford 2018, 121–146.
  • Meadows 1996 A. Meadows, Four Rhodian Decrees. Rhodes, Iasos and Philip V, Chiron 16, 1996, 251–266.
  • Savalli-Lestrade 2012 I. Savalli-Lestrade, Intervenants étrangers dans la justice des cités hel-lénis¬tiques, Cahiers Glotz 23, 2012, 141–179.
  • Tziafalias – Helly 2010 A. Tziafalias, B. Helly, Inscriptions de la Tripolis de Perrhébie. Lettres royales de Démétrios II et Antigone Dôsôn, SE 24, 2010, 71–125.
  • Van Bremen 2017 R. van Bremen, Labraunda and the Ptolemies: a reinterpretation of three documents from the sanctuary of Zeus (I.Labraunda 51, 45 and 44), SE 31, 2017, 223–259.
  • Van Bremen 2020 R. van Bremen, A hellenistic stratēgoi dedication from Stratonikeia in Karia and the defence of the city, EA 53, 2020, 21–44.
  • Wiemer 2002 U. Wiemer, Krieg, Handel und Piraterie. Untersuchungen zur Geschich-te des hellenistischen Rhodos, Klio Beihefte n.F. 6, Berlin 2002.
  • Wörrle 1988 M. Wörrle, Inschriften von Herakleia am Latmos I: Antiochos III., Zeu-xis und Herakleia, Chiron 18, 421–476.
  • Wörrle 2010 M. Wörrle, Epigraphische Forschungen zur Geschichte Lykiens VIII. Ein ptolemäisches Prostagma aus Limyra über Mißstände beim Steuerein-zug, Chiron 40, 2010, 359–396.
Year 2022, Volume: 8, 155 - 164, 31.12.2022



  • Ceccarelli 2013 P. Ceccarelli, Ancient Greek Letter writing. A Cultural History (600 BC–150 BC), Oxford 2013.
  • Culasso Gastaldi – Mari 2019 E. Culasso Gastaldi, M. Mari, Una lettera di Filipp V agli Ateniesi di Efestio (Lemno), Axon 3 (2019) 194 – 224.
  • Carless Unwin 2016 N. Carless Unwin, Mylasa and Krete: the context of the Mylasan ‘Kretan Dossier’, REA 118, 2016, 413–442.
  • D’Alessandro 2011 A. D’Alessandro, Il collegio degli hieromnamones all’epoca di Alessandro il Molosso: il complesso equilibrio tra ethne e basileus nell’Epiro antico, in G. De Sensi Sestito, M. Intrieri (eds) Sulla rotta per la Sicilia: l’Epiro, Corcira e l’Occidente, Pisa 2011, 109–125.
  • Errington 1986 M. Errington, Antiochos III, Zeuxis und Euromos. EA 8, 1986, 1–8.
  • Errington 1993 M. Errington, Inschriften von Euromos. EA 21, 1993,15–32.
  • Hatzopoulos 1996 M. Hatzopoulos, Macedonian Institutions under the Kings. A Historical and Epigraphic Study. 2 vols. Athens 1996. Hatzopoulos 2014 M. Hatzopoulos, Philippe V d’après Polybe et d’après ses propres écrits’, JS 2014, 99–120.
  • Hepding 1913 H. Hepding, s.v. Hieromnemones, RE VIII 2, 1913, 1490–1496.
  • Holleaux 1952 M. Holleaux, Études d’épigraphie et d’histoire grecques. IV: Rome, la Macédoine et l’Orient grec, Paris 1952.
  • Le Bohec 1995 S. Le Bohec, Les Philoi des Rois Antigonides. REG 98, 1985. 93–124.
  • Le Bohec-Bouhet 2015 S. Le Bohec-Bouhet, Philippe V de Macédoine, un roi respectueux des dieux ou un roi calculateur et sacrilège? SE, 29, 2015, 89–110.
  • Lefèvre 1998 F. Lefèvre, L’Amphictionie pyléo-delphique: histoire et institutions. Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome 298. Athens – Paris, 1998.
  • Kızıl et al. 2018 A. Kızıl, K. Konuk, T. Doğan, d. Laroche, E. Le Quéré, V. Lung, F. Prost, B. Vergnaud, Eurômos: Rapport préliminaire sur les travaux réalisés en 2017, Anatolia Antiqua 26 (2018), 165–208.
  • Mari 2018 M. Mari, Powers in Dialogue. The Letters and diagrammata of Macedo-nian Kings to Local Communities, in P. Ceccarelli, L. Doering, T. Fögen, I. Gildenhard (eds), Letters and Communities. Studies in the Socio-political Dimensions of Ancient Epistolography, Oxford 2018, 121–146.
  • Meadows 1996 A. Meadows, Four Rhodian Decrees. Rhodes, Iasos and Philip V, Chiron 16, 1996, 251–266.
  • Savalli-Lestrade 2012 I. Savalli-Lestrade, Intervenants étrangers dans la justice des cités hel-lénis¬tiques, Cahiers Glotz 23, 2012, 141–179.
  • Tziafalias – Helly 2010 A. Tziafalias, B. Helly, Inscriptions de la Tripolis de Perrhébie. Lettres royales de Démétrios II et Antigone Dôsôn, SE 24, 2010, 71–125.
  • Van Bremen 2017 R. van Bremen, Labraunda and the Ptolemies: a reinterpretation of three documents from the sanctuary of Zeus (I.Labraunda 51, 45 and 44), SE 31, 2017, 223–259.
  • Van Bremen 2020 R. van Bremen, A hellenistic stratēgoi dedication from Stratonikeia in Karia and the defence of the city, EA 53, 2020, 21–44.
  • Wiemer 2002 U. Wiemer, Krieg, Handel und Piraterie. Untersuchungen zur Geschich-te des hellenistischen Rhodos, Klio Beihefte n.F. 6, Berlin 2002.
  • Wörrle 1988 M. Wörrle, Inschriften von Herakleia am Latmos I: Antiochos III., Zeu-xis und Herakleia, Chiron 18, 421–476.
  • Wörrle 2010 M. Wörrle, Epigraphische Forschungen zur Geschichte Lykiens VIII. Ein ptolemäisches Prostagma aus Limyra über Mißstände beim Steuerein-zug, Chiron 40, 2010, 359–396.

Stratonikeia incerta, I.Stratonikeia 1504: Khrysaoreis Birliğine Yazılan Bir Mektubun Fragmanı

Year 2022, Volume: 8, 155 - 164, 31.12.2022


Makalede Karia kenti Stratonikeia’da ele geçen ve daha önce yayınlanmış resmi içerikli küçük bir metin fragmanı (I. Stratonikeia 1504) yeniden ele alınarak içeriğine anlam kazandırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Yapılan incelemede bu metnin büyük olasılıkla Antigonos Hanedanlığı kralı V. Philippos’un bir temsilcisi tarafından Khrysaoreis Birliği’ne yazılan bir mektuba ait olduğu ve söz konusu birliğe ait Zeus Khrysaoreus tapınağında kaleme alındığı önerilmektedir.


  • Ceccarelli 2013 P. Ceccarelli, Ancient Greek Letter writing. A Cultural History (600 BC–150 BC), Oxford 2013.
  • Culasso Gastaldi – Mari 2019 E. Culasso Gastaldi, M. Mari, Una lettera di Filipp V agli Ateniesi di Efestio (Lemno), Axon 3 (2019) 194 – 224.
  • Carless Unwin 2016 N. Carless Unwin, Mylasa and Krete: the context of the Mylasan ‘Kretan Dossier’, REA 118, 2016, 413–442.
  • D’Alessandro 2011 A. D’Alessandro, Il collegio degli hieromnamones all’epoca di Alessandro il Molosso: il complesso equilibrio tra ethne e basileus nell’Epiro antico, in G. De Sensi Sestito, M. Intrieri (eds) Sulla rotta per la Sicilia: l’Epiro, Corcira e l’Occidente, Pisa 2011, 109–125.
  • Errington 1986 M. Errington, Antiochos III, Zeuxis und Euromos. EA 8, 1986, 1–8.
  • Errington 1993 M. Errington, Inschriften von Euromos. EA 21, 1993,15–32.
  • Hatzopoulos 1996 M. Hatzopoulos, Macedonian Institutions under the Kings. A Historical and Epigraphic Study. 2 vols. Athens 1996. Hatzopoulos 2014 M. Hatzopoulos, Philippe V d’après Polybe et d’après ses propres écrits’, JS 2014, 99–120.
  • Hepding 1913 H. Hepding, s.v. Hieromnemones, RE VIII 2, 1913, 1490–1496.
  • Holleaux 1952 M. Holleaux, Études d’épigraphie et d’histoire grecques. IV: Rome, la Macédoine et l’Orient grec, Paris 1952.
  • Le Bohec 1995 S. Le Bohec, Les Philoi des Rois Antigonides. REG 98, 1985. 93–124.
  • Le Bohec-Bouhet 2015 S. Le Bohec-Bouhet, Philippe V de Macédoine, un roi respectueux des dieux ou un roi calculateur et sacrilège? SE, 29, 2015, 89–110.
  • Lefèvre 1998 F. Lefèvre, L’Amphictionie pyléo-delphique: histoire et institutions. Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome 298. Athens – Paris, 1998.
  • Kızıl et al. 2018 A. Kızıl, K. Konuk, T. Doğan, d. Laroche, E. Le Quéré, V. Lung, F. Prost, B. Vergnaud, Eurômos: Rapport préliminaire sur les travaux réalisés en 2017, Anatolia Antiqua 26 (2018), 165–208.
  • Mari 2018 M. Mari, Powers in Dialogue. The Letters and diagrammata of Macedo-nian Kings to Local Communities, in P. Ceccarelli, L. Doering, T. Fögen, I. Gildenhard (eds), Letters and Communities. Studies in the Socio-political Dimensions of Ancient Epistolography, Oxford 2018, 121–146.
  • Meadows 1996 A. Meadows, Four Rhodian Decrees. Rhodes, Iasos and Philip V, Chiron 16, 1996, 251–266.
  • Savalli-Lestrade 2012 I. Savalli-Lestrade, Intervenants étrangers dans la justice des cités hel-lénis¬tiques, Cahiers Glotz 23, 2012, 141–179.
  • Tziafalias – Helly 2010 A. Tziafalias, B. Helly, Inscriptions de la Tripolis de Perrhébie. Lettres royales de Démétrios II et Antigone Dôsôn, SE 24, 2010, 71–125.
  • Van Bremen 2017 R. van Bremen, Labraunda and the Ptolemies: a reinterpretation of three documents from the sanctuary of Zeus (I.Labraunda 51, 45 and 44), SE 31, 2017, 223–259.
  • Van Bremen 2020 R. van Bremen, A hellenistic stratēgoi dedication from Stratonikeia in Karia and the defence of the city, EA 53, 2020, 21–44.
  • Wiemer 2002 U. Wiemer, Krieg, Handel und Piraterie. Untersuchungen zur Geschich-te des hellenistischen Rhodos, Klio Beihefte n.F. 6, Berlin 2002.
  • Wörrle 1988 M. Wörrle, Inschriften von Herakleia am Latmos I: Antiochos III., Zeu-xis und Herakleia, Chiron 18, 421–476.
  • Wörrle 2010 M. Wörrle, Epigraphische Forschungen zur Geschichte Lykiens VIII. Ein ptolemäisches Prostagma aus Limyra über Mißstände beim Steuerein-zug, Chiron 40, 2010, 359–396.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics, Creative Arts and Writing
Journal Section Articles

Riet Van Bremen This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 8


APA Van Bremen, R. (2022). Stratonikeian Incerta.** I.Stratonikeia 1504: a fragment of a letter to the Chrysaoreis. PHILIA, 8, 155-164.
AMA Van Bremen R. Stratonikeian Incerta.** I.Stratonikeia 1504: a fragment of a letter to the Chrysaoreis. PHILIA. December 2022;8:155-164.
Chicago Van Bremen, Riet. “Stratonikeian Incerta.** I.Stratonikeia 1504: A Fragment of a Letter to the Chrysaoreis”. PHILIA 8, December (December 2022): 155-64.
EndNote Van Bremen R (December 1, 2022) Stratonikeian Incerta.** I.Stratonikeia 1504: a fragment of a letter to the Chrysaoreis. PHILIA 8 155–164.
IEEE R. Van Bremen, “Stratonikeian Incerta.** I.Stratonikeia 1504: a fragment of a letter to the Chrysaoreis”, PHILIA, vol. 8, pp. 155–164, 2022.
ISNAD Van Bremen, Riet. “Stratonikeian Incerta.** I.Stratonikeia 1504: A Fragment of a Letter to the Chrysaoreis”. PHILIA 8 (December 2022), 155-164.
JAMA Van Bremen R. Stratonikeian Incerta.** I.Stratonikeia 1504: a fragment of a letter to the Chrysaoreis. PHILIA. 2022;8:155–164.
MLA Van Bremen, Riet. “Stratonikeian Incerta.** I.Stratonikeia 1504: A Fragment of a Letter to the Chrysaoreis”. PHILIA, vol. 8, 2022, pp. 155-64.
Vancouver Van Bremen R. Stratonikeian Incerta.** I.Stratonikeia 1504: a fragment of a letter to the Chrysaoreis. PHILIA. 2022;8:155-64.