Aim & Scope

Periodicum Iuris is an international, biannually published, and peer-reviewed journal. All manuscripts are subjected to initial appraisal by the editorial board and when find suitable evaluated through at least a double-blind peer-review process.

The main object of the journal is to contribute to national and international legal literature by means of publishing original and scientific articles that are in the field of law and a diverse cross-section of topics related to law.

The journal can publish research articles, review articles, case-reviews, translations, technical notes, and book-reviews. The Journal is primarily published in Turkish and English. However, it can also publish articles in German, French, and Italian.

The manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original work, should not be published elsewhere or be under review process in any other journal. The authors are expected to submit a written statement and comply with their commitment in this regard.

Periodicum Iuris is committed to academic publishing principles and values and adheres to COPE publication ethics directives and best practice guidelines.

Period Months
January July