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Şema Geliştirmede Çoklu Tutum Perspektifi: İnşaat Sanayi Dönüşümü için Uygulanabilirlik

Year 2023, , 203 - 215, 01.09.2023


20. yüzyılın başından bu yana, endüstri, devam eden yapısal reformlara atfedilebilecek şekilde
istikrarlı bir şekilde büyümektedir. 1992’den bu yana, inşaat sektörlerinin büyümesi, girdilerdeki
niceliksel artışı geride bırakmış, ancak literatüre dayalı bir incelemede dinamik öncü sektörel
üretim fonksiyonunu tahmin ettiğimizde, verimliliğin çıktı büyümesine katkısı 2001’den sonra
düşmeye başlamıştır. Yapısal değişimin ülkelerin kalkınmasına ve üretim artışına önemli ölçüde
katkıda bulunduğunu ancak bu katkının zamanla azaldığını keşfetmek için bir analiz yöntemi
kullanıldı. Raporlara ve araştırma kanıtlarına göre, endüstriyel dönüşüm sürecinde faktör tahsis
etkinliğinin genel eğilimi ve sektörel değişkenliği, esas olarak faktör piyasalarındaki ve endüstriyel
yapıdaki reformlarla açıklanmaktadır. Bu nedenle, kamu politikasının, düşük vasıflı, taklit
temelli bir ekonomiden yüksek vasıflı, inovasyona dayalı, teknolojik ilerlemenin artık fikirlerin yerli
icat edilmesiyle geldiği bir ekonomiye doğru endüstriyel dönüşümü teşvik etmedeki önemi bu
çalışmada incelenmiştir. Taklit ve inovasyona dayalı ara mallara oranı olarak tanımlanan endüstriyel
yapı endeksindeki değişiklikler, endüstriyel dönüşümün sonucudur.


  • Abba, N., Hamid, A. R. A., & Hatem, Z. M. (2019). Provision and awareness of welfare facilities on construction sites. Proceeding of Civil Engi- neering UTM, 4(1), 133–140.
  • Ahsan, K. (2012). Determinants of the performance of public sector devel- opment projects. International Journal of Management, 29(1), 77. Alfadil, M. O., Kassem, M. A., Ali, K. N., & Alaghbari, W. (2022). Construction industry from perspective of force majeure and environmental risk compared to the COVID-19 outbreak: A systematic literature review. Sustainability, 14(3), 1135. [CrossRef]
  • Beach, R., Webster, M., & Campbell, K. M. (2005). An evaluation of partner- ship development in the construction industry. International Journal of Project Management, 23(8), 611–621. [CrossRef]
  • Becerik-Gerber, B., Gerber, D. J., & Ku, K. (2011). The pace of technological innovation in architecture, engineering, and construction education: Integrating recent trends into the curricula. Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), 16(24), 411–432.
  • Biernacki, R. (2001). Industrialization. In International encyclopedia of the social & Behavioral Sciences (pp. 7356–7360). Elsevier. [CrossRef]
  • Binagwaho, A., Birdsall, N., Broekmans, J., Chowdhury, M., Garau, P., Gupta,
  • G. R., Ibrahim, A. J., Juma, C., Kakabadse, Y., & Yee, L. (2005). Investing in development: A practical plan to achieve the millennium develop- ment goals: Overview. Millennium Project.
  • Biron, M., Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (2011). Performance management effectiveness: Lessons from world-leading firms. International Jour- nal of Human Resource Management, 22(6), 1294–1311 [CrossRef]
  • Bivens, J. (2012). Public investment: The next ‘new thing’ for powering eco- nomic growth. Economic Policy Institute. Bulgaria, Retrieved from invest- ment/2028750/ on 03 May 2023. CID: 20.500.12592/54pqq1.
  • Boateng, P., Chen, Z., Ogunlana, S., & Ikediashi, D. (2012). A system dynam- ics approach to risks description in megaprojects development. Organization, Technology and Management in Construction: An International Journal, 4(3), 593–603. [CrossRef]
  • Bonanomi, M. M., & Bonanomi, M. M. (2019). Digital transformation strate- gies of multidisciplinary design firms: Key-takeaways from experts’ interviews. In Digital transformation of multidisciplinary design firms: a systematic analysis-based methodology for organizational change management (pp. 13–23). [CrossRef]
  • Chung, S.-Y. (2000). On the construction of some capacity-approaching coding schemes (p. 241). Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Crespin-Mazet, F., Ingemansson Havenvid, M. I., & Linné, Å. (2015). Ante- cedents of project partnering in the construction industry—The impact of relationship history. Industrial Marketing Management, 50, 4–15. [CrossRef]
  • Czamanski, D. Z., & Czamanski, S. (1977). Industrial complexes: Their typol- ogy structure and relation to economic development. Papers of the Regional Science Association, 38(1), 93–111. [CrossRef]
  • Desai, R., & Heller, H. (2020). Revolutions: A twenty-first-century perspec- tive. Third World Quarterly, 41(8), 1261–1271. [CrossRef]
  • Dubois, A., & Gadde, L.-E. (2002). The construction industry as a loosely coupled system: Implications for productivity and innovation. Con- struction Management and Economics, 20(7), 621–631 [CrossRef]
  • Egbu, C. O. (2004). Managing knowledge and intellectual capital for improved organizational innovations in the construction industry: An examination of critical success factors. Engineering, Construc- tion and Architectural Management, 11(5), 301–315. [CrossRef]
  • Feller, I., Ailes, C. P., & Roessner, J. D. (2002). Impacts of research universi- ties on technological innovation in industry: Evidence from engi- neering research centers. Research Policy, 31(3), 457–474. [CrossRef]
  • Gasper, D. (2000). Evaluating the ‘logical framework approach’towards learning‐oriented development evaluation. Public Administration and Development, 20(1), 17–28. [CrossRef]
  • Geels, F. W. (2006). Multi-level perspective on system innovation: Rele- vance for industrial transformation. In Understanding industrial transformation (pp. 163–186). Kluwer Academic Publishers [CrossRef]
  • Ghaleb, H., Alhajlah, H. H., Bin Abdullah, A. A., Kassem, M. A., & Al-Sharafi, M. A. (2022) A Scientometric Analysis and Systematic Literature Review for Construction Project Complexity. Buildings, 12(4), 482. [CrossRef]
  • Hatem, Z. M. (2020). Management and maintenance of the welfare facili- ties at construction sites in Iraq. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. [CrossRef]
  • Hatem, Z. M., Hamid, A. R. A., & Abba, N. (2019). Factors that leads to poor welfare facilities implementation at construction sites in Iraq. Pro- ceeding of Civil Engineering UTM, 4(1), 72–79.
  • Hatem, Z. M., Kassem, M. A., Ali, K. N., & Khoiry, M. A. (2022). A new per- spective on the relationship between the construction industry per- formance and the economy outcome-A literature review. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34(2), 191–200. [CrossRef]
  • Herweijer, C., Combes, B., Johnson, L., McCargow, R., Bhardwaj, S., Jack- son, B., & Ramchandani, P. (2018). Enabling a sustainable Fourth Industrial Revolution: How G20 countries can create the conditions for emerging technologies to benefit people and the planet. Econom- ics Discussion Papers.
  • Jordan, P. W., Thomas, B., McClelland, I. L., & Weerdmeester, B. (1996). Usability evaluation in industry. CRC Press.
  • Jorgenson, D. W. (1963). Capital theory and investment behavior. Ameri- can Economic Review, 53(2), 247–259.
  • Kapliński, O. (2018). Innovative solutions in construction industry. Review of 2016–2018 events and trends. Engineering Structures and Tech- nologies, 10(1), 27–33. [CrossRef]
  • Kassem, M. A. (2022). Risk management assessment in oil and gas con- struction projects using structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Gases, 2(2), 33–60. [CrossRef]
  • Kassem, M. A. & Ali, K. N. (2023). Effective Risk Management as a Mediator to Enhance the Success of Construction Projects. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 584. Springer, Cham. [CrossRef]
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  • Lau, S. Y., Chen, T., Zhang, J., Xue, X., Lau, S. K., & Khoo, Y. S. (2019). A new approach for the project process: Prefabricated building technology integrated with photovoltaics based on the BIM system. IOP Confer- ence Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 294(1). [CrossRef]
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  • Li, X., Wang, C., Kassem, M. A., Wu, S.-Y., & Wei, T.-B. (2022a). Case study on carbon footprint life-cycle assessment for construction delivery stage in China. Sustainability, 14(9), 5180. [CrossRef]
  • Li, X., Wang, C., Mukhtar M. A, Bimenyimana, S. (2022b) Fairness Theory- Driven Incentive Model for Prefabricated Building Development. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 47(10), 13487–13498. [CrossRef]
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Multi-Attitude Perspective on Scheme Development: Applicability for Construction Industrial Transformation

Year 2023, , 203 - 215, 01.09.2023


Since the start of the 20th century, the industry has grown steadily which can be attributed to
ongoing structural reforms. Since 1992, the growth of the construction industries has outpaced
the quantitative increase of inputs, but contribution of productivity to output growth falls after
2001 when we estimate the dynamic frontier sectoral production function in a literature-based
review. An analysis method was used to discover that the structural change has significantly contributed
to countries’ development and production growth but that this contribution has been
declining with time. The general trend and sectoral variability of factor allocative efficiency during
the industrial transformation process are mainly accounted for by reforms in factor markets and
industrial structure according to reports and research evidence. Thus, the importance of public
policy in fostering industrial transformation from a low-skilled, imitation-based economy to a
high-skilled, innovation-based economy, where technological advancement now comes through
the domestic invention of ideas, is examined in this study. Changes in an index of industrial structure,
defined as the ratio of imitation- to innovation-based intermediate goods, are the results of
industrial transition.


  • Abba, N., Hamid, A. R. A., & Hatem, Z. M. (2019). Provision and awareness of welfare facilities on construction sites. Proceeding of Civil Engi- neering UTM, 4(1), 133–140.
  • Ahsan, K. (2012). Determinants of the performance of public sector devel- opment projects. International Journal of Management, 29(1), 77. Alfadil, M. O., Kassem, M. A., Ali, K. N., & Alaghbari, W. (2022). Construction industry from perspective of force majeure and environmental risk compared to the COVID-19 outbreak: A systematic literature review. Sustainability, 14(3), 1135. [CrossRef]
  • Beach, R., Webster, M., & Campbell, K. M. (2005). An evaluation of partner- ship development in the construction industry. International Journal of Project Management, 23(8), 611–621. [CrossRef]
  • Becerik-Gerber, B., Gerber, D. J., & Ku, K. (2011). The pace of technological innovation in architecture, engineering, and construction education: Integrating recent trends into the curricula. Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), 16(24), 411–432.
  • Biernacki, R. (2001). Industrialization. In International encyclopedia of the social & Behavioral Sciences (pp. 7356–7360). Elsevier. [CrossRef]
  • Binagwaho, A., Birdsall, N., Broekmans, J., Chowdhury, M., Garau, P., Gupta,
  • G. R., Ibrahim, A. J., Juma, C., Kakabadse, Y., & Yee, L. (2005). Investing in development: A practical plan to achieve the millennium develop- ment goals: Overview. Millennium Project.
  • Biron, M., Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (2011). Performance management effectiveness: Lessons from world-leading firms. International Jour- nal of Human Resource Management, 22(6), 1294–1311 [CrossRef]
  • Bivens, J. (2012). Public investment: The next ‘new thing’ for powering eco- nomic growth. Economic Policy Institute. Bulgaria, Retrieved from invest- ment/2028750/ on 03 May 2023. CID: 20.500.12592/54pqq1.
  • Boateng, P., Chen, Z., Ogunlana, S., & Ikediashi, D. (2012). A system dynam- ics approach to risks description in megaprojects development. Organization, Technology and Management in Construction: An International Journal, 4(3), 593–603. [CrossRef]
  • Bonanomi, M. M., & Bonanomi, M. M. (2019). Digital transformation strate- gies of multidisciplinary design firms: Key-takeaways from experts’ interviews. In Digital transformation of multidisciplinary design firms: a systematic analysis-based methodology for organizational change management (pp. 13–23). [CrossRef]
  • Chung, S.-Y. (2000). On the construction of some capacity-approaching coding schemes (p. 241). Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Crespin-Mazet, F., Ingemansson Havenvid, M. I., & Linné, Å. (2015). Ante- cedents of project partnering in the construction industry—The impact of relationship history. Industrial Marketing Management, 50, 4–15. [CrossRef]
  • Czamanski, D. Z., & Czamanski, S. (1977). Industrial complexes: Their typol- ogy structure and relation to economic development. Papers of the Regional Science Association, 38(1), 93–111. [CrossRef]
  • Desai, R., & Heller, H. (2020). Revolutions: A twenty-first-century perspec- tive. Third World Quarterly, 41(8), 1261–1271. [CrossRef]
  • Dubois, A., & Gadde, L.-E. (2002). The construction industry as a loosely coupled system: Implications for productivity and innovation. Con- struction Management and Economics, 20(7), 621–631 [CrossRef]
  • Egbu, C. O. (2004). Managing knowledge and intellectual capital for improved organizational innovations in the construction industry: An examination of critical success factors. Engineering, Construc- tion and Architectural Management, 11(5), 301–315. [CrossRef]
  • Feller, I., Ailes, C. P., & Roessner, J. D. (2002). Impacts of research universi- ties on technological innovation in industry: Evidence from engi- neering research centers. Research Policy, 31(3), 457–474. [CrossRef]
  • Gasper, D. (2000). Evaluating the ‘logical framework approach’towards learning‐oriented development evaluation. Public Administration and Development, 20(1), 17–28. [CrossRef]
  • Geels, F. W. (2006). Multi-level perspective on system innovation: Rele- vance for industrial transformation. In Understanding industrial transformation (pp. 163–186). Kluwer Academic Publishers [CrossRef]
  • Ghaleb, H., Alhajlah, H. H., Bin Abdullah, A. A., Kassem, M. A., & Al-Sharafi, M. A. (2022) A Scientometric Analysis and Systematic Literature Review for Construction Project Complexity. Buildings, 12(4), 482. [CrossRef]
  • Hatem, Z. M. (2020). Management and maintenance of the welfare facili- ties at construction sites in Iraq. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. [CrossRef]
  • Hatem, Z. M., Hamid, A. R. A., & Abba, N. (2019). Factors that leads to poor welfare facilities implementation at construction sites in Iraq. Pro- ceeding of Civil Engineering UTM, 4(1), 72–79.
  • Hatem, Z. M., Kassem, M. A., Ali, K. N., & Khoiry, M. A. (2022). A new per- spective on the relationship between the construction industry per- formance and the economy outcome-A literature review. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34(2), 191–200. [CrossRef]
  • Herweijer, C., Combes, B., Johnson, L., McCargow, R., Bhardwaj, S., Jack- son, B., & Ramchandani, P. (2018). Enabling a sustainable Fourth Industrial Revolution: How G20 countries can create the conditions for emerging technologies to benefit people and the planet. Econom- ics Discussion Papers.
  • Jordan, P. W., Thomas, B., McClelland, I. L., & Weerdmeester, B. (1996). Usability evaluation in industry. CRC Press.
  • Jorgenson, D. W. (1963). Capital theory and investment behavior. Ameri- can Economic Review, 53(2), 247–259.
  • Kapliński, O. (2018). Innovative solutions in construction industry. Review of 2016–2018 events and trends. Engineering Structures and Tech- nologies, 10(1), 27–33. [CrossRef]
  • Kassem, M. A. (2022). Risk management assessment in oil and gas con- struction projects using structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Gases, 2(2), 33–60. [CrossRef]
  • Kassem, M. A. & Ali, K. N. (2023). Effective Risk Management as a Mediator to Enhance the Success of Construction Projects. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 584. Springer, Cham. [CrossRef]
  • Kathawala, Y., & Abdou, K. (2003). Supply chain evaluation in the service industry: A framework development compared to manufacturing. Managerial Auditing Journal, 18(2), 140–149. [CrossRef] Klepper, S. (1997). Industry life cycles. Industrial and Corporate Change, 6(1), 145–182. [CrossRef]
  • Konno, Y., & Itoh, Y. (2018). Empirical analysis of R&D in the Japanese con- struction industry based on the structure conduct performance model. Cogent Business and Management, 5(1), 1–14. [CrossRef]
  • Lau, S. Y., Chen, T., Zhang, J., Xue, X., Lau, S. K., & Khoo, Y. S. (2019). A new approach for the project process: Prefabricated building technology integrated with photovoltaics based on the BIM system. IOP Confer- ence Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 294(1). [CrossRef]
  • Lewis, W. A. (2013). Theory of economic growth. Routledge.
  • Li, X., Chen, W., Wang, C., & Kassem, M. A. (2022). Study on evacuation behavior of urban underground complex in fire emergency based on system dynamics. Sustainability, 14(3), 1343. [CrossRef]
  • Li, X., Wang, C., Kassem, M. A. et al. (2022). Fairness Theory-Driven Incen- tive Model for Prefabricated Building Development. Arab J Sci Eng 47, 13487–13498). [CrossRef]
  • Li, X., Wang, C., Kassem, M. A., Wu, S.-Y., & Wei, T.-B. (2022a). Case study on carbon footprint life-cycle assessment for construction delivery stage in China. Sustainability, 14(9), 5180. [CrossRef]
  • Li, X., Wang, C., Mukhtar M. A, Bimenyimana, S. (2022b) Fairness Theory- Driven Incentive Model for Prefabricated Building Development. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 47(10), 13487–13498. [CrossRef]
  • London, K. A., & Kenley, R. (2001). An industrial organization economic supply chain approach for the construction industry: A review. Con- struction Management and Economics, 19(8), 777–788. [CrossRef]
  • Lopes, J. (2012). Construction in the economy and its role in socio-eco- nomic development: Role of construction in economic develop- ment. New Perspectives on Construction in Develops Countries, first edition, 41–71.
  • Luo, Y. Zhang, H., & Bu, J. (2019). Developed country MNEs investing in developing economies: Progress and prospect. Journal of Interna- tional Business Studies, 50, 633–667.
  • Wang, C., Tang, Y., Kassem, M. A., Ong, H. Y., Yap, J. B. H.,& Ali, K. N. (2022).
  • Novel Quality-Embedded Earned Value Performance Analysis Tool for Sustainable Project Portfolio Production. Sustainability, 14(13), 8174.
  • Marsili, O. (2001). The anatomy and evolution of industries: technological change and industrial dynamics. In The Anatomy and Evolution of Industries. Edward Elgar Publishing. Maskuriy, R., Selamat, A., Maresova, P., Krejcar, O., & Olalekan, O. O. (2019). Industry 4.0 for the construction industry: Review of management perspective. Economies, 7(3), 68. [CrossRef]
  • Mbachu, J. (2015). Quantity surveyors” Role in the Delivery of Construc- tion Projects: A Review. Quantity Surveyors (NZIQS), 25(1), 21.
  • McMichael, P. (2016). Development and social change: A global perspec- tive. Sage Publications.
  • Membrillo-Hernández, J., Ramírez-Cadena, M. J., Martínez-Acosta, M., Cruz-Gómez, E., Muñoz-Díaz, E., & Elizalde, H. (2019). Challenge based learning: The importance of world-leading companies as training partners. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 13(3), 1103–1113. [CrossRef]
  • Meng, B., & Chi, G. (2018). Evaluation index system of green industry based on maximum information content. Singapore Economic Review, 63(2), 229–248. [CrossRef]
  • Merrow, E. W., McDonnel, L., & Argüden, R. Y. (1988). Understanding the outcomes of megaprojects: A quantitative analysis of very large civil- ian projects.pdf (p. 104).
  • Mohammed Hatem, Z., Abdul Hamid, A. R., Kunle Elizah, O., Zahid, A., Allawi, A., & Almthailee, Y. (2021). Examining the practice of manage- ment aspects and maintenance implementations of welfare facilities in Iraq’s construction industry. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33(2), 7–17. [CrossRef]
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There are 68 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architecture (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Zaid Mohammed Hatem This is me 0000-0002-8045-5624

Mukhtar A. Kassem This is me 0000-0003-2466-8438

Publication Date September 1, 2023
Submission Date March 19, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Hatem, Z. M., & A. Kassem, M. (2023). Multi-Attitude Perspective on Scheme Development: Applicability for Construction Industrial Transformation. PLANARCH - Design and Planning Research, 7(2), 203-215.

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