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Seventeenth Century European Travel Accounts of İzmir: Narrating Orient Before Orientalism

Year 2024, , 38 - 45, 25.03.2024


From the 17th century onward, Europe’s curiosity about and developing relations with its nearest “other,” the Ottoman Empire, prompted European envoys, delegates, merchants, and other travelers to visit these lands. The journeys to the Orient, and the subsequent publication of accounts of these journeys, laid the foundations for the accumulation of a body of knowledge and representations of the Orient. İzmir, as a flourishing commercial center on the Mediterranean, became a place included in the itinerary of European travelers during their journey to the Orient. The travelogues provided descriptions of İzmir’s urban life, daily routine, demography, and social structure as well as its physical environment, geographical features, and architectural scenery. This article aims to reveal these 17th century narratives, particularly those of British and French travelers, in terms of their individual, unique perspectives as well as their common aspects. In addition, this article asks whether the 17th century view of the Orient-as evidenced by the textual and visual representations of İzmir in these travel accounts-can be seen as a prelude to the Orientalism of the 18th and 19th centuries.


  • Abdel-Malek, A. (1963). Orientalism in crisis. Diogenes, 11(44), 103–140.
  • Ahmad, A. (1991). Between orientalism and historicism: Anthropological knowledge of India. Studies in History, 7(1), 135–163.
  • Anderson, S. (1989/2001). An English consul in Turkey. Paul Rycaut at Smyrna, 1667–1678. Clarendon Press.
  • Avcıoğlu, N., & Flood, F. B. (2010). Introduction: Globalizing cultures: Art and mobility in the eighteenth century. Ars Orientalis, 39, 7–38.
  • Beaulieu, J., & Roberts, M. (Eds.) (2002). Orientalism’s interlocutors: Painting, architecture, photography. Duke University Press.
  • Behdad, A. (2008). The politics of adventure. Theories of travel discourses of power. In J. Kuehn & P. Smethurst (Eds.). Travel writing, form and empire. The poetics and politics of mobility (pp. 80–94). Routledge.
  • Behdad, A., & Gartlan, L. (Eds.) (2013). Photography’s orientalism. New essays on colonial representation. Getty Publications.
  • Chishull, E. (1747). Travels in Turkey and back to England. W. Bowyer.
  • Duffy, A. (2021). Reorienting orientalism: Ottoman historiography and the representation of seventeenth-century French travelogues. Tarih Dergisi, (73), 53–76.
  • Ersoy, A. (2013). Giriş / introduction. Oryantalizmin 1001 yüzü / In 1001 Faces of orientalism (pp.11–19). Sakıp Sabancı Museum.
  • Frangakis-Syrett, E. (1985). The Ottoman port of İzmir in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, 1695–1820. Revue de l’Occident Musulman et de la Méditerranée, 39(1), 149–162.
  • Frangakis-Syrett, E. (1992). The commerce of Smyrna in the eighteenth century. Centre for Asia Minor Studies.
  • Gharipour, M., & Özlü, N. (Eds.) (2015). The city in the Muslim world. Depictions by Western travel writers. Routledge.
  • Goffman, D. (1990). İzmir and the Levantine world, 1550–1650. University of Washington Press.
  • Goffman, D. (1999). İzmir: From village to colonial port city. In E. Eldem, D. Goffman & B. Masters (Eds.). The Ottoman city between East and West: Aleppo, İzmir and İstanbul (pp. 215–227). Cambridge University Press.
  • Hulme, P., & Youngs, T. (Eds.) (2002). The Cambridge companion to travel writing. Cambridge University Press.
  • Irwin, R. (2006). Dangerous knowledge: Orientalism and its discontent. Overlook Press.
  • Kuehn, J., & Smethurst, P. (Eds.) (2008). Travel writing, form and empire. The poetics and politics of mobility. Routledge.
  • Lewis, B. (1982). The question of orientalism. New York Review of Books.
  • Lewis, B. (1993). Islam and the West. Oxford University Press.
  • Lithgow, W. (1640). The totall discourse, of the rare adventures, and painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares travayles, from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica. I. Okes.
  • Longino, M. (2015). French travel writing in the Ottoman Empire. Marseille to Constantinople, 1650–1700. Routledge.
  • Lowe, L. (1991). Critical terrains: French and British orientalisms. Cornell University Press.
  • Macfie, A. L. (Ed.) (2002). Orientalism: A reader. Longman.
  • MacKenzie, J. (1995). Orientalism: History, theory and the arts. Manchaster University Press.
  • MacLean, G. (2007). Looking East English writing and the Ottoman Empire before 1800. Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Mansel, P. (2011). Levant, splendour and catastrophe on the Mediterranean. Yale University Press.
  • McJannet, L. (2011). Purchas his pruning: Refashioning the Ottomans in seventeenth-century travel narratives. Huntington Library Quarterly, 74(2), 219–242.
  • Nelson, H. F., & Alker, S. (2009/2010). From Scotland to the Holy Land: Renegotiating Scottish identity in the pilgrim narrative of William Lithgow. Connotations, 19(1–3), 176–202.
  • Pınar, İ. (2001). Hacılar, seyyahlar, misyonerler ve İzmir, yabancıların gözüyle Osmanlı döneminde İzmir 1608-1918 [Pilgrims, travelers, missionaries and İzmir, İzmir through the Eyes of foreigners during the Ottoman period 1608–1918]. İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kültür Yayınları.
  • Pratt, M. L. (1992). Imperial eyes: Travel writing and transculturation. Routledge.
  • Richardson, M. (1990). Enough Said: Reflections on orientalism. Anthropology Today, 6(4), 16–19.
  • Sadik Jalal al-’Azm (1981). Orientalism and orientalism in reverse. Khamsin, 8, 5–26.
  • Said, E. (1978/2003). Orientalism. Penguin Books.
  • Spon, J. (1679). Voyage d’italie, de Dalmatie, de grece et du Levant. Chez Henry and Theodore boom.
  • Sundeen, G. (2003). Thévenot the tourist: A Frenchman abroad in the Ottoman Empire. In G. S. Ames & R. S. Love (Eds.). Distant lands and diverse cultures (pp. 1–19). Praeger.
  • Tavernier, J. B. (1678). The six voyages of John Baptiste Tavernier, a nobleman of France now living, through Turkey into Persia and the East- Indies, finished in the year 1670 giving an account of the state of those countries: Illustrated with divers sculptures; together with a new relation of the present Grand Seignor’s seraglio, by the same author/ made English by J. P. London.
  • Thévenot, J. (1687). The travels of Monsiuer de Thévenot into the Levant (A. Lovell, Trans.). Printed by H. Clark, for H. Faithorne, J. Adamson, C. Skegnes, and T. Newborough.
  • Thévenot, J. (2009). Thévenot Seyahatnamesi [travelbook of Thévenot]. In S. Yerasimos (Ed.) A. Berktay (Trans.). Kitap Yayınevi.
  • Tibawi, A. L. (1965). English-speaking orientalists: A critique of their approach to Islam and Arab nationalism. Islamic Centre.
  • Tournefort, J. P. (1717). Relation d'un voyage du Levant, fait par ordre du Roy: Contenant l'histoire ancienne & moderne de plusieurs isles de l'archipel, de Constantinople, de côtes de la Mer Noire, de l'Arménie, de la Géorgie, des frontières de perse & de l'Asie Mineure. Amsterdam.
  • Tournefort, J. P. (1741). A voyage into the Levant: performe’d by command of the late French king. D. Midwinter, R. Wars, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J and P Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, S. Austen, J. Wood, and J. & H. Pemberton.
  • Üçel-Aybet, G. (2003/2010). Avrupalı seyyahların gözünden Osmanlı dünyası ve insanları (1530–1699) [Ottoman world and people through the eyes of European travelers]. İletişim Yayınları.
  • Ülker, N. (1974). The rise of İzmir, 1688–1740 (PhD Diss.). University of Michigan.
  • Varisco, D. M. (2007). Reading orientalism: Said and the unsaid. University of Seattle Press.
  • Watenpaugh, H. Z. (2003). A French humanist in the Islamic city: The Chevalier d'Arvieux (1635–1702), merchant and consul in Aleppo. Thresholds, 27, 18–22.
  • Wheler, G. (1682). A journey into Greece by George Wheler Esq; -in com- pany of Dr. Spon of Lyons, in Six Books. William Cademan, Robert Kettlewell and Awnsham Churchill.
  • Yıldız, A. (Ed.) (2007). Oryantalizm tartışma metinleri [Orientalism discussion texts] (p. 28). Doğu Batı Yayınları.
  • York, A. (2003). Travels in India: Jean Baptiste Tavernier. In G. S. Ames & R. S. Love (Eds.). Distant lands and diverse cultures (pp. 135–145). Praeger.

On Yedinci Yüzyıl Avrupa Seyahatnamelerinde İzmir: Oryantalizmden Önce Doğu'yu Anlatmak

Year 2024, , 38 - 45, 25.03.2024


On yedinci yüzyıldan itibaren Avrupa'nın en yakınındaki “öteki” olan Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'na duyduğu merak ve bu ülkeyle gelişen ilişkileri, Avrupalı elçileri, temsilcileri, tüccarları ve gezginleri bu toprakları ziyaret etmeye teşvik etti. Doğu'ya yapılan yolculuklar ve bu yolculuklara dair anlatıların yayınlanması, Doğu'ya dair bir bilgi birikimi ve temsillerin temellerini attı. Akdeniz'de gelişen bir ticaret merkezi olarak İzmir, Avrupalı seyyahların Doğu'ya yaptıkları yolculuklarda güzergahlarına dahil ettikleri bir yer haline geldi. Seyahatnamelerde İzmir'in kentsel yaşamı, günlük rutini, demografisi ve sosyal yapısının yanı sıra fiziksel çevresi, coğrafi özellikleri ve mimari manzarası da betimlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, on yedinci yüzyıla ait bu anlatıları, özellikle de İngiliz ve Fransız seyyahların anlatılarını, ortak yönlerinin yanı sıra bireysel ve özgün bakış açıları açısından ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Buna ek olarak, çalışmada, on yedinci yüzyıldaki Doğu'ya bakışın - İzmir'in bu seyahatnamelerdeki metinsel ve görsel temsillerinin kanıtladığı üzere - on sekizinci ve on dokuzuncu yüzyıl Oryantalizminin bir başlangıcı olarak görülüp görülemeyeceği sorgulanmaktadır.


  • Abdel-Malek, A. (1963). Orientalism in crisis. Diogenes, 11(44), 103–140.
  • Ahmad, A. (1991). Between orientalism and historicism: Anthropological knowledge of India. Studies in History, 7(1), 135–163.
  • Anderson, S. (1989/2001). An English consul in Turkey. Paul Rycaut at Smyrna, 1667–1678. Clarendon Press.
  • Avcıoğlu, N., & Flood, F. B. (2010). Introduction: Globalizing cultures: Art and mobility in the eighteenth century. Ars Orientalis, 39, 7–38.
  • Beaulieu, J., & Roberts, M. (Eds.) (2002). Orientalism’s interlocutors: Painting, architecture, photography. Duke University Press.
  • Behdad, A. (2008). The politics of adventure. Theories of travel discourses of power. In J. Kuehn & P. Smethurst (Eds.). Travel writing, form and empire. The poetics and politics of mobility (pp. 80–94). Routledge.
  • Behdad, A., & Gartlan, L. (Eds.) (2013). Photography’s orientalism. New essays on colonial representation. Getty Publications.
  • Chishull, E. (1747). Travels in Turkey and back to England. W. Bowyer.
  • Duffy, A. (2021). Reorienting orientalism: Ottoman historiography and the representation of seventeenth-century French travelogues. Tarih Dergisi, (73), 53–76.
  • Ersoy, A. (2013). Giriş / introduction. Oryantalizmin 1001 yüzü / In 1001 Faces of orientalism (pp.11–19). Sakıp Sabancı Museum.
  • Frangakis-Syrett, E. (1985). The Ottoman port of İzmir in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, 1695–1820. Revue de l’Occident Musulman et de la Méditerranée, 39(1), 149–162.
  • Frangakis-Syrett, E. (1992). The commerce of Smyrna in the eighteenth century. Centre for Asia Minor Studies.
  • Gharipour, M., & Özlü, N. (Eds.) (2015). The city in the Muslim world. Depictions by Western travel writers. Routledge.
  • Goffman, D. (1990). İzmir and the Levantine world, 1550–1650. University of Washington Press.
  • Goffman, D. (1999). İzmir: From village to colonial port city. In E. Eldem, D. Goffman & B. Masters (Eds.). The Ottoman city between East and West: Aleppo, İzmir and İstanbul (pp. 215–227). Cambridge University Press.
  • Hulme, P., & Youngs, T. (Eds.) (2002). The Cambridge companion to travel writing. Cambridge University Press.
  • Irwin, R. (2006). Dangerous knowledge: Orientalism and its discontent. Overlook Press.
  • Kuehn, J., & Smethurst, P. (Eds.) (2008). Travel writing, form and empire. The poetics and politics of mobility. Routledge.
  • Lewis, B. (1982). The question of orientalism. New York Review of Books.
  • Lewis, B. (1993). Islam and the West. Oxford University Press.
  • Lithgow, W. (1640). The totall discourse, of the rare adventures, and painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares travayles, from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica. I. Okes.
  • Longino, M. (2015). French travel writing in the Ottoman Empire. Marseille to Constantinople, 1650–1700. Routledge.
  • Lowe, L. (1991). Critical terrains: French and British orientalisms. Cornell University Press.
  • Macfie, A. L. (Ed.) (2002). Orientalism: A reader. Longman.
  • MacKenzie, J. (1995). Orientalism: History, theory and the arts. Manchaster University Press.
  • MacLean, G. (2007). Looking East English writing and the Ottoman Empire before 1800. Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Mansel, P. (2011). Levant, splendour and catastrophe on the Mediterranean. Yale University Press.
  • McJannet, L. (2011). Purchas his pruning: Refashioning the Ottomans in seventeenth-century travel narratives. Huntington Library Quarterly, 74(2), 219–242.
  • Nelson, H. F., & Alker, S. (2009/2010). From Scotland to the Holy Land: Renegotiating Scottish identity in the pilgrim narrative of William Lithgow. Connotations, 19(1–3), 176–202.
  • Pınar, İ. (2001). Hacılar, seyyahlar, misyonerler ve İzmir, yabancıların gözüyle Osmanlı döneminde İzmir 1608-1918 [Pilgrims, travelers, missionaries and İzmir, İzmir through the Eyes of foreigners during the Ottoman period 1608–1918]. İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kültür Yayınları.
  • Pratt, M. L. (1992). Imperial eyes: Travel writing and transculturation. Routledge.
  • Richardson, M. (1990). Enough Said: Reflections on orientalism. Anthropology Today, 6(4), 16–19.
  • Sadik Jalal al-’Azm (1981). Orientalism and orientalism in reverse. Khamsin, 8, 5–26.
  • Said, E. (1978/2003). Orientalism. Penguin Books.
  • Spon, J. (1679). Voyage d’italie, de Dalmatie, de grece et du Levant. Chez Henry and Theodore boom.
  • Sundeen, G. (2003). Thévenot the tourist: A Frenchman abroad in the Ottoman Empire. In G. S. Ames & R. S. Love (Eds.). Distant lands and diverse cultures (pp. 1–19). Praeger.
  • Tavernier, J. B. (1678). The six voyages of John Baptiste Tavernier, a nobleman of France now living, through Turkey into Persia and the East- Indies, finished in the year 1670 giving an account of the state of those countries: Illustrated with divers sculptures; together with a new relation of the present Grand Seignor’s seraglio, by the same author/ made English by J. P. London.
  • Thévenot, J. (1687). The travels of Monsiuer de Thévenot into the Levant (A. Lovell, Trans.). Printed by H. Clark, for H. Faithorne, J. Adamson, C. Skegnes, and T. Newborough.
  • Thévenot, J. (2009). Thévenot Seyahatnamesi [travelbook of Thévenot]. In S. Yerasimos (Ed.) A. Berktay (Trans.). Kitap Yayınevi.
  • Tibawi, A. L. (1965). English-speaking orientalists: A critique of their approach to Islam and Arab nationalism. Islamic Centre.
  • Tournefort, J. P. (1717). Relation d'un voyage du Levant, fait par ordre du Roy: Contenant l'histoire ancienne & moderne de plusieurs isles de l'archipel, de Constantinople, de côtes de la Mer Noire, de l'Arménie, de la Géorgie, des frontières de perse & de l'Asie Mineure. Amsterdam.
  • Tournefort, J. P. (1741). A voyage into the Levant: performe’d by command of the late French king. D. Midwinter, R. Wars, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J and P Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, S. Austen, J. Wood, and J. & H. Pemberton.
  • Üçel-Aybet, G. (2003/2010). Avrupalı seyyahların gözünden Osmanlı dünyası ve insanları (1530–1699) [Ottoman world and people through the eyes of European travelers]. İletişim Yayınları.
  • Ülker, N. (1974). The rise of İzmir, 1688–1740 (PhD Diss.). University of Michigan.
  • Varisco, D. M. (2007). Reading orientalism: Said and the unsaid. University of Seattle Press.
  • Watenpaugh, H. Z. (2003). A French humanist in the Islamic city: The Chevalier d'Arvieux (1635–1702), merchant and consul in Aleppo. Thresholds, 27, 18–22.
  • Wheler, G. (1682). A journey into Greece by George Wheler Esq; -in com- pany of Dr. Spon of Lyons, in Six Books. William Cademan, Robert Kettlewell and Awnsham Churchill.
  • Yıldız, A. (Ed.) (2007). Oryantalizm tartışma metinleri [Orientalism discussion texts] (p. 28). Doğu Batı Yayınları.
  • York, A. (2003). Travels in India: Jean Baptiste Tavernier. In G. S. Ames & R. S. Love (Eds.). Distant lands and diverse cultures (pp. 135–145). Praeger.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Urban History, Architectural History, Theory and Criticism
Journal Section Research Articles

Çağla Caner Yüksel 0000-0001-6602-0205

Ceren Katipoğlu Özmen 0000-0003-4448-5161

Early Pub Date March 28, 2024
Publication Date March 25, 2024
Submission Date July 19, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Caner Yüksel, Ç., & Katipoğlu Özmen, C. (2024). On Yedinci Yüzyıl Avrupa Seyahatnamelerinde İzmir: Oryantalizmden Önce Doğu’yu Anlatmak. PLANARCH - Design and Planning Research, 8(1), 38-45.

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