Research Article
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Mimari Bağlamda Walt Disney Konser Binası

Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 57 - 67, 21.12.2022


Dekonstrüktivizm akımının en etkili uygulayıcılarından biri olan Frank Owen Gehry, dünyanın farklı
coğrafyalarında gerçekleştirmiş olduğu eserleri ile mimarlık dünyasında ön planda yer almaktadır.
Gehry tasarımlarını gerçekleştirirken teknoloji ve malzemeyi esnek biçimde kullanmakta, fomları
bir heykeltıraş gibi akışkan ve farklı biçimsel geçişler sağlayan bir tasarım yaklaşımıyla elde
etmektedir. Gehry’nin bu yaklaşımla tasarlamış olduğu en önemli yapılarından biri “Walt Disney
Konser Binası”dır. Müzikal etkinliklerin sahnelendiği bu yapıda, Gehry hem form hem de yapısal
açıdan etkileyici bir tasarım yaklaşımı sergileyerek yapının popüler sosyo-kültür alanında önemli
bir yer edinmesini sağlamıştır. Bu çalışma kapsamında, Gehry’nin mimari anlayışının malzeme
ve form açısından ön plana çıktığı, üzüm bağı formlu konser salonuna sahip olan “Walt Disney
Konser Binası” değerlendirilmiştir. Konser binasında; kentsel-yakın çevre ve mekânsal bağlam,
yapım teknolojisi ve fiziksel çevre ve fuaye ve salon tasarımı açısından analizler gerçekleştirilmiş
ve değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, Walt Disney Konser Binasının form, fonksiyon
ve yapım teknolojisi açısından önem taşıyan özellikleri ortaya konulmuştur. Bu bağlamda, bina
formunun teknolojik tasarım ve malzeme ile bütünleşerek Los Angeles bölgesi için hem ekonomik
hem de prestij açısından önemli olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Atre, S. (2022). Architecture and context. California Polytechnic State University. Retrieved from https ://ww w.aca demia .edu/ 23749 560/ARCHIT ECTUR E_AND CONT EXT.
  • Bastiaan, B., & Rullkötter, H. (2005). Zwischen Skulptur und Konstruktion. In Frank Gehry MARTa Herford (pp. 41–51). Birkhäuser.
  • Beranek, L. L. (2016). Concert hall acoustics: Recent findings. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(4), 1548.
  • Bielefeld, B., & Khouli, S. E. (2017). In V. Atmaca (Çev.) Tasarım fikirleri (5. Baskı), Yem Yayın.
  • Dancing Haouse. (2022, 11 Ekim). https ://en .wiki arqui tectu m/building /danc ing-h ouse/ .
  • Disney Hall: Inside and out. (2021, 10 Nisan). https ://gr aphic imes. com/s toryb oard- disne y-hal l-ins ide-a nd-ou t/.
  • Facts About LA. (2021, 20 Mayıs). https ://ww w.dis cover losan geles .com/media /fact s-abo ut-la .
  • Frank Gehry. (2022, 12 Nisan). https ://ww w.mim arita sarim akade misi. com/f rank- gehry /.
  • González, M. F. (2018). Jay Pritzker pavilion/Gehry partners.
  • Google Earth. (2021). https ://ww gle.c om/ea rth/.
  • Hoteit, A. (2015). Deconstructivism: Translation from philosophy to architecture. Canadian Social Science, 11(7), 117–129.
  • Kahmann, U., & Förderer eV, M. F. (2005). Frank Gehry Marta Herford. Birkhäuser.
  • Kavraz, M. (2020). Salonların mimari ve Akustik açıdan tasarım Süreçleri (1. Basım). Gece Yayınları.
  • Kavraz, M. (2022). M. Kavraz Fotoğraf arşivi.
  • Kırcı, Ş. (2019). Geleceğin sinemasını kuruyor: Refik Anadol. http: //www .raillife. com.t r/gel ecegi n-sin emasi ni-ku ruyor -refi k-ana dol/.
  • Kumar, J., & Rana, R. (2016). Walt Disney Concert Hall (case study). Retrieved from https ://ww w.sli desha t/Raj atRan a3/wa lt-di sneyconcert-ha ll-ca se-st udy.
  • Lambert, T. Early Los Angeles. (2021). http: //www .loca lhist ories .org/ losangeles .html .
  • LAPhil, Walt Disney Concert Hall fact sheet. Retrieved from https ://ucarecd /eb88 aef5- 1cb2- 462f- a48a- b8799 2b977 b9/-/ inlin e/yes /.
  • LeFevre, C. (2012). Return engagement. Architecture Minnesota (pp. 1–7). Retrieved from http: //www .cami llele fevre .org/ uploa ds/1/ 2/5/6 /12564482/ weism an02. pdf.
  • Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection. (2021, 5 Mayıs). https ://calisph ere.o rg/co llect ions/ 26094 /?rq= walt% 20dis ney%2 0conc ert%20hall .
  • Los Angeles. (2021, 9 Nisan). https ://ww w.his tory. com/t opics /us-s tates /los- angel es-ca lifor nia.
  • Los Angeles. Wikipedia. (2021, 5 Mayıs). https ://tr .wiki pedia .org/ wiki/ Los_Angele s.
  • Mattie, E. (Ed.) (2015). The Colours of...: Frank O. Gehry, Jean Nouvel, Wang Shu and Other Architects. Birkhäuser.
  • Nagata Acoustic (2019). Walt Disney Concert Hall. Retrieved from https ://ww w.nag ata-i .com/ wp-co ntent /uplo ads/2 019/0 6/Wal tDisn ey_NAGATA. pdf.
  • Nero, I. (2004). Computers, cladding, and curves: The techno-morphismof Frank Gehry's Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao [PhD Thesis]. The Florida State University.
  • Neuer Zolhof. (2022, 11 Nisan). https ://ww w.bau kunst -nrw. de/ob jekte /Neue r-Zol lhof- am-Me dienh afen- Gehry -Baut en--1 m.
  • Prasertsuk, S. (2009). Media review: Sketches of Frank Gehry. Journal of Archi tectu ral/P lanni ng Research and Studies (JARS), 6(3), 137–143.
  • Rada, J. (2008). American modernist and postmodernist architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright and Frank Gehry, (Bachelor’s Diploma Thesis). Masaryk University Faculty of Arts, Czechia.
  • Refik Anadol Walt Disney Concert Hall’un Dış Cephesini Ele geçiriyor. (2022, 25 Mart). https ://bi gumig /habe r/ref​ik-an adol- waltdisney-con cert- hallu n-dis -ceph esini -ele- gecir iyor/ .
  • Samdanis, M., & Lee, S. H. (2017). White space and digital remediation of design practice in architecture: A case study of Frank O. Gehry, Information and Organization, 27(2), 73–86. [CrossRef]
  • Sanghvi, N. (2017). Context in architecture. International Journal on Emerging Technologies, 8(1), 76–79.
  • Shearer, K. (2017). The. Postmodern geographies of Frank Gehry's Los Angeles [Senior Thesis]. Claremont Colleges.
  • Structural Systems in the Walt Disney Concert Hall Google. (2021, 10 Nisan). https ://si tes.g oogle .com/ site/ ae390 assig nment a2gro up7/h ome/s truct ural- syste m.
  • Suk, J. Y. (2007). Post-treatment analysis of the glare remediation of the Walt Disney Concert Hall [Master Thesis]. University of Southern California.
  • Şener, Y. (2022). Refik Anadol: “En değerli veri hatıralarımız ve bir gün onlara dokunabileceğimizi düşünüyorum!” Refik Anadol ile Söyleşi. Milliyet Mimarlık, 2(14), 12–15.
  • Terry, R. M. (2006). Why architecture matters: A study on design inspired planning for the 21 st century American city [Master Thesis]. California State University, Dominguez Hills.
  • Trisno, R., & Lianto, F. (2019). Relationship between function-form in the expression of architectural creation. Preprint. https://www.academia. edu/48445309/Relationship_Between_Function_Form_in_TheExpr.
  • ULI (2014). New York by Gehry at 8 spruce street. https ://ca sestu dies. uli.o rg/wp -cont ent/u pload s/201 4/11/ New-Y ork-b y-Geh ryPDF .pdf.
  • Walt Disney Concert Hall. (2021, 30 Mayıs). https ://en .wiki arqui tectu lding /walt -disn ey-co ncert -hall /#.
  • Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles. (2021, 30 Mayıs). https ://i. /orig inals /76/f 1/f6/ 76f1f 651a1 87c58 140f9 40f92 07f14 g.
  • Walt Disney Konser Salonu. (2021, 10 Nisan). https ://ww w.ark itekt uel.c om/wa lt-di sney- konse r-sal onu/.
  • Walt Disney Concert Hall. Google. (2021, 10 Nisan). https ://si tes.g site/ ae390 assig nment a2gro up7/.
  • Walt Disney Concert Hall. (2021, 5 Mayıs). http: //wdc h10.l aphil .com/ wdch/archi tectu ml.
  • Walt Disney Concert Hall. Wikipedia. (2021, 10 Nisan). https ://en .wiki wiki/ Walt_ Disne y_Con cert_ Hall.
  • Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles, California, United States, (2021).
Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 57 - 67, 21.12.2022



  • Atre, S. (2022). Architecture and context. California Polytechnic State University. Retrieved from https ://ww w.aca demia .edu/ 23749 560/ARCHIT ECTUR E_AND CONT EXT.
  • Bastiaan, B., & Rullkötter, H. (2005). Zwischen Skulptur und Konstruktion. In Frank Gehry MARTa Herford (pp. 41–51). Birkhäuser.
  • Beranek, L. L. (2016). Concert hall acoustics: Recent findings. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(4), 1548.
  • Bielefeld, B., & Khouli, S. E. (2017). In V. Atmaca (Çev.) Tasarım fikirleri (5. Baskı), Yem Yayın.
  • Dancing Haouse. (2022, 11 Ekim). https ://en .wiki arqui tectu m/building /danc ing-h ouse/ .
  • Disney Hall: Inside and out. (2021, 10 Nisan). https ://gr aphic imes. com/s toryb oard- disne y-hal l-ins ide-a nd-ou t/.
  • Facts About LA. (2021, 20 Mayıs). https ://ww w.dis cover losan geles .com/media /fact s-abo ut-la .
  • Frank Gehry. (2022, 12 Nisan). https ://ww w.mim arita sarim akade misi. com/f rank- gehry /.
  • González, M. F. (2018). Jay Pritzker pavilion/Gehry partners.
  • Google Earth. (2021). https ://ww gle.c om/ea rth/.
  • Hoteit, A. (2015). Deconstructivism: Translation from philosophy to architecture. Canadian Social Science, 11(7), 117–129.
  • Kahmann, U., & Förderer eV, M. F. (2005). Frank Gehry Marta Herford. Birkhäuser.
  • Kavraz, M. (2020). Salonların mimari ve Akustik açıdan tasarım Süreçleri (1. Basım). Gece Yayınları.
  • Kavraz, M. (2022). M. Kavraz Fotoğraf arşivi.
  • Kırcı, Ş. (2019). Geleceğin sinemasını kuruyor: Refik Anadol. http: //www .raillife. com.t r/gel ecegi n-sin emasi ni-ku ruyor -refi k-ana dol/.
  • Kumar, J., & Rana, R. (2016). Walt Disney Concert Hall (case study). Retrieved from https ://ww w.sli desha t/Raj atRan a3/wa lt-di sneyconcert-ha ll-ca se-st udy.
  • Lambert, T. Early Los Angeles. (2021). http: //www .loca lhist ories .org/ losangeles .html .
  • LAPhil, Walt Disney Concert Hall fact sheet. Retrieved from https ://ucarecd /eb88 aef5- 1cb2- 462f- a48a- b8799 2b977 b9/-/ inlin e/yes /.
  • LeFevre, C. (2012). Return engagement. Architecture Minnesota (pp. 1–7). Retrieved from http: //www .cami llele fevre .org/ uploa ds/1/ 2/5/6 /12564482/ weism an02. pdf.
  • Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection. (2021, 5 Mayıs). https ://calisph ere.o rg/co llect ions/ 26094 /?rq= walt% 20dis ney%2 0conc ert%20hall .
  • Los Angeles. (2021, 9 Nisan). https ://ww w.his tory. com/t opics /us-s tates /los- angel es-ca lifor nia.
  • Los Angeles. Wikipedia. (2021, 5 Mayıs). https ://tr .wiki pedia .org/ wiki/ Los_Angele s.
  • Mattie, E. (Ed.) (2015). The Colours of...: Frank O. Gehry, Jean Nouvel, Wang Shu and Other Architects. Birkhäuser.
  • Nagata Acoustic (2019). Walt Disney Concert Hall. Retrieved from https ://ww w.nag ata-i .com/ wp-co ntent /uplo ads/2 019/0 6/Wal tDisn ey_NAGATA. pdf.
  • Nero, I. (2004). Computers, cladding, and curves: The techno-morphismof Frank Gehry's Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao [PhD Thesis]. The Florida State University.
  • Neuer Zolhof. (2022, 11 Nisan). https ://ww w.bau kunst -nrw. de/ob jekte /Neue r-Zol lhof- am-Me dienh afen- Gehry -Baut en--1 m.
  • Prasertsuk, S. (2009). Media review: Sketches of Frank Gehry. Journal of Archi tectu ral/P lanni ng Research and Studies (JARS), 6(3), 137–143.
  • Rada, J. (2008). American modernist and postmodernist architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright and Frank Gehry, (Bachelor’s Diploma Thesis). Masaryk University Faculty of Arts, Czechia.
  • Refik Anadol Walt Disney Concert Hall’un Dış Cephesini Ele geçiriyor. (2022, 25 Mart). https ://bi gumig /habe r/ref​ik-an adol- waltdisney-con cert- hallu n-dis -ceph esini -ele- gecir iyor/ .
  • Samdanis, M., & Lee, S. H. (2017). White space and digital remediation of design practice in architecture: A case study of Frank O. Gehry, Information and Organization, 27(2), 73–86. [CrossRef]
  • Sanghvi, N. (2017). Context in architecture. International Journal on Emerging Technologies, 8(1), 76–79.
  • Shearer, K. (2017). The. Postmodern geographies of Frank Gehry's Los Angeles [Senior Thesis]. Claremont Colleges.
  • Structural Systems in the Walt Disney Concert Hall Google. (2021, 10 Nisan). https ://si tes.g oogle .com/ site/ ae390 assig nment a2gro up7/h ome/s truct ural- syste m.
  • Suk, J. Y. (2007). Post-treatment analysis of the glare remediation of the Walt Disney Concert Hall [Master Thesis]. University of Southern California.
  • Şener, Y. (2022). Refik Anadol: “En değerli veri hatıralarımız ve bir gün onlara dokunabileceğimizi düşünüyorum!” Refik Anadol ile Söyleşi. Milliyet Mimarlık, 2(14), 12–15.
  • Terry, R. M. (2006). Why architecture matters: A study on design inspired planning for the 21 st century American city [Master Thesis]. California State University, Dominguez Hills.
  • Trisno, R., & Lianto, F. (2019). Relationship between function-form in the expression of architectural creation. Preprint. https://www.academia. edu/48445309/Relationship_Between_Function_Form_in_TheExpr.
  • ULI (2014). New York by Gehry at 8 spruce street. https ://ca sestu dies. uli.o rg/wp -cont ent/u pload s/201 4/11/ New-Y ork-b y-Geh ryPDF .pdf.
  • Walt Disney Concert Hall. (2021, 30 Mayıs). https ://en .wiki arqui tectu lding /walt -disn ey-co ncert -hall /#.
  • Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles. (2021, 30 Mayıs). https ://i. /orig inals /76/f 1/f6/ 76f1f 651a1 87c58 140f9 40f92 07f14 g.
  • Walt Disney Konser Salonu. (2021, 10 Nisan). https ://ww w.ark itekt uel.c om/wa lt-di sney- konse r-sal onu/.
  • Walt Disney Concert Hall. Google. (2021, 10 Nisan). https ://si tes.g site/ ae390 assig nment a2gro up7/.
  • Walt Disney Concert Hall. (2021, 5 Mayıs). http: //wdc h10.l aphil .com/ wdch/archi tectu ml.
  • Walt Disney Concert Hall. Wikipedia. (2021, 10 Nisan). https ://en .wiki wiki/ Walt_ Disne y_Con cert_ Hall.
  • Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles, California, United States, (2021).
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Architectural Design
Journal Section Research Articles

Ebru Şanlı This is me 0000-0002-4853-5894

Mustafa Kavraz This is me 0000-0001-9556-1916

Publication Date December 21, 2022
Submission Date April 26, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Şanlı, E., & Kavraz, M. (2022). Mimari Bağlamda Walt Disney Konser Binası. PLANARCH - Design and Planning Research, 6(2), 57-67.

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