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Space Syntax: Graphicizing, Digitizing, Reading and Interpreting the Spatial Configuration

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 348 - 360, 15.09.2024


Space syntax is a method used to analyze the similarities or differences between spatial configurations. This study aims to reveal the details about the use of this method through an application. For this purpose, three assumed spatial configurations that are similar to each other but topologically different are included in the scope of the study. To create the necessary basis for the methodological examination, the details of drawing the permeability graph of the first spatial configuration were clarified. The calculation method, which includes the digitization of the same spatial configuration, is explained in detail. Permeability graphs of all spatial configurations were drawn and their syntactic values (TD, MD, RA, RRA, i (1/RA or 1/RRA), CV, H, and H*) were calculated. It was found that the syntactic properties of the spatial configurations examined were different from each other, configuration 1 was segregated and asymmetrical, and configuration 3 had a more integrated and symmetrical structure. When the exterior was not included, it was determined that spatial configuration 2 and 3 had a much more extroverted spatial structure compared to spatial configuration 1. It was also found that configuration 3 has a strong genetic structure (a low entropy value) in terms of relative difference factor. With the method used, differences between seemingly similar functional schemes were revealed.

Project Number



  • Alitajer, S., & Nojoumi, G.M. (2016). Privacy at home: Analysis of behavioral patterns in the spatial configuration of traditional and modern houses in the city of Hamedan based on the Notion of space syntax. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 5(3), 341-352.
  • Altan, İ. (1993). Mimarlıkta mekân kavramı. Psikoloji çalışmaları, 19, 75-88.
  • Amorim, L. (1997). The sector's paradigm: Understanding modern functionalism and its effects in configuring domestic space. Proceedings of First International Space Syntax Symposium, Vol. 2, pp. 18.1-18.14. London.
  • Amorim, L. (1999). The sectors' paradigm: A study of the spatial and functional nature of modernist housing in Northeast Brazil [PhD Thesis, University College London].
  • Asami, Y., Kubat, A. S., Kitagawa, K., & Iida, S. (2003). Introducing the third dimension on space syntax: Application on the historical Istanbul. Proceedings of Fourth International Space Syntax Symposium (pp. 48). London: University College London.
  • Bafna, S. (1999). The morphology of early modernist residential plans: Geometry & genotypical trends in Mies van der Rohe’s designs. Proceedings of Second International Space Syntax Symposium. I, pp. 01.1-01.12. Brasilia: Universidade de Brasilia.
  • Bafna, S. (2001). Geometrical intuitions of genotypes. Proceedings of Third International Space Syntax Symposium (s. 20.1-20.16). Atlanta: Georgia Institute of Technology.
  • Bafna, S. (2003). Space syntax: A brief introduction to its logic and analytical techniques. Environment and Behavior, 35(1), 17-29.
  • Bandyopadhyay, A., & Merchant, A. N. (2006). Space syntax analysis of colonial houses in India. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 33(6), 923-942.
  • Behbahani, P. A., Ostwald, M. J., & Gu, N. (2016). A syntactical comparative analysis of the spatial properties of Prairie style and Victorian domestic architecture. The Journal of Architecture, 21(3), 348-374.
  • Bellal, T. (2007). Spatial interface between inhabitants and visitors in M"zab Houses. Proceedings of Sixth International Space Syntax Symposium (pp. 61.1-61.13). Istanbul: I.T.U. Faculty of Architecture.
  • Bustard, W. (1999). Space, evolution, and function in the houses of Chaco Canyon. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 26(2), 219-240.
  • Cutting, M. (2003). The use of spatial analysis to study prehistoric settlement architecture. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 22(1), 1-21.
  • Çağdaş, G. (1995). Spatial organisations and functions in squatter dwellings: A case study in Istanbul. Open House International, 20(4), 40-45.
  • Çağdaş, G. (1996). A shape grammar: the language of traditional Turkish houses. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 23(4), 443-464.
  • Dawson, P. C. (2002). Space syntax analysis of Central Inuit snow houses. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 21(4), 464-480.
  • Ding, J., & Ma, S. (2020). Comparative analysis of habitation behavioral pattern in spatial configuration of traditional houses in Anhui, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang provinces of China. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 9(1), 54-66.
  • Djezzar, S., & Bada, Y. (2023). Decoding socio-spatial structural constants in syntactic analysis of a rural settlement: A case study of traditional settlements of the southern slope of the Aures Massif, Algeria. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development D: Planning Assessment, 11(3), 192-213.
  • Dursun, P., & Sağlamer, G. (2003). Spatial analysis of different home environments in the city of Trabzon, Turkey. Proceedings of Fourth International Space Syntax Symposium (pp. 54.1-54.18). London: University College London.
  • Edwards, M. J. (2013). The configuration of built space at Pataraya and Wari provincial administration in Nasca. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 32(4), 565-576.
  • Eren, B., & Bekleyen, A. (2017). Spatial analysis of Seyfi Arkan’s early housing design. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Design. pp. 153-166. Helsinki: ICNTAD Anka Press.
  • Ergün, R., & Özyılmaz, H. (2022). Mahremiyet kavramının geleneksel bina tasarımına etkisinin karşılaştırılması: Diyarbakır ve Erzurum konutları. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(3), 466-478.
  • Ergün, R., Kutlu, İ., & Kılınç, C. (2022). A comparative study of space syntax analysis between traditional Antakya houses and social housing complexes by TOKI. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 7(1), 284-297.
  • Giedion, S. (2008). Space, time and architecture: The growth of a new tradition. Harvard University Press.
  • Greenfield, H., & Jongsma, T. (2006). The intrasettlement spatial structure of early neolithic settlements in temperate southeastern Europe: A view from Blagotin, Serbia. In Space and Spatial Analysis in Archaeology (pp. 69-79). University of Calgary Press.
  • Güney, Y. İ., & Wineman, J. (2008). The evolving design of 20th-century apartments in Ankara. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 35(4), 627-646.
  • Gür, Ş. Ö. (2000). House culture: Eastern Black Sea Region as the case. YEM Publications.
  • Gür, Ş. Ö. (2023). Modern ve sonrası mimarlık tarihi boyunca mekân örgütlenmesinin evrimi. YEM Publications.
  • Gür, Ş. Ö., & Bekleyen, A. (2003). The failure of man- environment studies in influencing design decisions. In People, Places and Sustainability (pp. 94-106). Hogrefe and Huber Publishers.
  • Hanson, J. (1998). Decoding homes and houses. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hillier, B. (1996). Space is the machine: A configurational theory of architecture. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hillier, B., & Hanson, J. (1984). The Social Logic of Space. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hillier, B., & Hanson, J. (1997). The reasoning art: or, the need for an analytical theory of architecture. Proceedings of First International Space Syntax Symposium. I, pp. 01.1-01.5. London: University College London.
  • Hillier, B., Hanson, J., & Graham, H. (1987). Ideas are in things: an application of the space syntax method to discovering house genotypes. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 14(4), 363-385.
  • Hillier, B., Hanson, J., & Peponis, J. (1984). What do we mean by building function. In Designing for Building Utilisation (pp. 61-72). Spon.
  • Hillier, B., Hanson, J., & Peponis, J. (1987). Syntactic analysis of settlements. Architecture & Comportement / Architecture & Behaviour, 3(3), 217-231.
  • Hillier, B., Penn, A., Hanson, J., Grajevski T., Xu, J. (1993). Natural movement: Or, configuration and attraction in urban pedestrian movement. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 20(1), 29-66.
  • Jeong, S. K., & Ban, Y. U. (2011a). Developing a topological information extraction model for space syntax analysis. Building and Environment, 46(12), 2442-2453.
  • Jeong, S. K., & Ban, Y. U. (2011b). Computational algorithms to evaluate design solutions using space syntax. Computer-aided Desing, 43(6), 664-676.
  • Jeong, S. K., & Ban, Y. U. (2014). The spatial configurations in South Korean apartments built between 1972 and 2000. Habitat International, 42(2014), 90-102.
  • Johannsen, W. (1911). The genotype conception of heredity. The American Naturalist, 45(531), 129-159.
  • Kamelnia, H., Hanachi, P., & Moayedi, M. (2022). Exploring the spatial structure of Toon historical town courtyard houses: Topological characteristics of the courtyard based on a configuration approach. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, Ahead-of-print.
  • Keleş, B. N., Takva, Ç., & Çakıcı, F. Z. (2023). Accessibility analysis of public buildings with graph theory and the space syntax method: Government Houses. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 1-15.
  • Kırşan, Ç., & Çağdaş, G. (1998). The 19th century row-houses in İstanbul: A morphological analysis. Open House International, 23(3), 45-56.
  • Klarqvist, B. (1993). A space syntax glossary. Nordisk Arkitekturforskning (Nordic Journal of Architectural Research), 1993(2), 11-12.
  • Kornberger, M., & Clegg, S. (2003). The architecture of complexity. Culture and Organization, 9(2), 75-91.
  • Kubat, A. S. (1997). The morphological characteristics of Anatolian fortified towns. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 24(1), 95-123.
  • Major, M. D., & Sarris, N. (1999). Cloak and dagger theory: Manifestations of the mundane in the space of eight Peter Eisenman houses. Proceedings of Second International Space Syntax Symposium. I, pp. 20.1-20.14. Brasilia: Universidade de Brasilia.
  • Malhis, S. (2008). The new upper-middle class residential experience: A case study of apartment flats in Jordan using the Logics of Burden, Hillier and Hanson. Architectural Science Review, 51(1), 71-79.
  • March, L., Steadman, P. (1971). The geometry of environment: An introduction to spatial organization in design. RIBA Publications.
  • Mustafa, F. A., Hassan, A. S., & Baper, S. Y. (2010). Using space syntax analysis in detecting privacy: A comparative study of traditional and modern house layouts in Erbil City, Iraq. Asian Social Science, 6(8), 157-166.
  • Nevadomsky, J., Lawson, N., & Hazlett, K. (2014). An ethnographic and space syntax analysis of Benin Kingdom Nobility Architecture. African Archaeological Review, 31(1), 59-85.
  • Orhun, D., Hillier, B., & Hanson, J. (1996). Socialising spatial types in traditional Turkish houses. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 23(3), 329-351.
  • Ostwald, M. J. (2011a). A justified plan graph analysis of the early houses (1975-1982) of Glenn Murcutt. Nexus Network Journal, 13(3), 737-762.
  • Ostwald, M. J. (2011b). The mathematics of spatial configuration: revisiting, revising and critiquing justified plan graph theory. Nexus Network Journal, 445-470.
  • Ostwald, M. J. (2011c). Examining the relationship between topology and Geometry: A configurational analysis of the rural houses (1984-2005) of Glenn Murcutt. The Journal of Space Syntax, 2(2), 223-246.
  • Özdeniz, M. B., Bekleyen, A., Gönül, İ. A., Gönül, H., Sarıgöl, H., İlter, T., Dalkılıç, N., & Yıldırım, M. (1998). Vernacular domed houses of Harran, Turkey. Habitat International, 22(4), 477-485.
  • Pellegrino, P., & Jeanneret, E. P. (2009). Meaning of space and architecture of place. Semiotica, 175(1/4), 269-296.
  • Shapiro, J. (1997). Fingerprints in the landscape - Cultural evolution in the North Rio Grande. Proceeding of First International Space Syntax Symposium. Vol. 2, pp. 21.1-21.21. London: University College London.
  • Shoul, M. (1993). The spatial arrangements of ordinary English houses. Environment and Behavior, 25(1), 22-69.
  • Siramkaya, S. B., & Aydın, D. (2017). The effect of spatial configuration on social interaction: a syntactic evaluation of a faculty building. Global Journal of Arts Education, 7(3), 83-92.
  • Toker, U., & Toker, Z. (2003). Family structure and spatial configuration in Turkish house form in Anatolia from late nineteenth century to late twentieth century. Proceedings of 4th International Space Syntax Symposium (pp. 55.1-55.16). London: University College London.
  • URL-1. JASS: Justified Analysis of Spatial Systems, retrieved from diva2%3A1457064&dswid=3002 (last access: 18.02.2024)
  • URL-2. AGRAPH, retrieved from ad/spacesyntax (last access: 18.02.2024)
  • Van Dyke, R. M. (1999). Space Syntax Analysis at the Chacoan Outlier of Guadalupe. American Antiquity, 64(3), 461-473.
  • Zako, R. (2006). The Power of the veil: Gender inequality in the domestic setting of traditional courtyard houses. In Courtyard housing: past, present and future (pp. 65-75). Taylor and Francis.
  • Zolfagharkhani, M., & Ostwald, M. J. (2021). The spatial structure of Yazd Courtyard Houses: A space syntax analysis of the topological characteristics of the courtyard. Buildings, 11(6), article number: 262.

Mekân Dizimi: Mekânsal Örgütlenmeyi Grafikleştirme, Sayısallaştırma, Okuma ve Yorumlama

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 348 - 360, 15.09.2024


Mekân dizimi, mekânsal örgütlenmeler arasındaki benzerlik ya da farklılıkları analiz etmek için kullanılan bir yöntemdir. Bu çalışma, bu yöntemin kullanımına ilişkin detayları bir uygulama üzerinden ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaçla, birbirine benzer, ancak topolojik olarak farklı olan üç varsayılan mekânsal örgütlenme çalışma kapsamına dahil edilmiştir. Metodolojik inceleme için gerekli altlığın oluşturulması için ilk mekânsal örgütlenmenin geçirgenlik grafiğinin çizilmesine yönelik detaylar belirginleştirilmiştir. Aynı mekân örgütlenmesinin sayısallaştırılmasını içeren hesaplama yöntemi ayrıntılı olarak açıklanmıştır. Tüm mekân örgütlenmelerinin hem geçirgenlik grafikleri çizilmiş hem de sentaktik değerleri (TD, MD, RA, RRA, i (1/RA ya da 1/RRA), CV, H ve H*) hesaplanmıştır. İncelenen mekân örgütlenmelerinin sentaktik özelliklerinin birbirlerinden farklı olduğu, 1 numaralı örgütlenmenin ayrışmış ve asimetrik, 3 numaralı örgütlenmenin ise daha bütünleşmiş ve simetrik bir yapıya sahip olduğu bulunmuştur. Dış mekân dahil edilmediğinde 1 numaralı mekân örgütlenmesi ile karşılaştırıldığında 2 ve 3 numaralı mekân örgütlenmelerinin çok daha fazla dışa dönek bir mekânsal yapıya sahip oldukları belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca 3 numaralı örgütlenmenin görece fark faktörleri bakımından güçlü bir genetik yapıya (düşük bir entropi değerine) sahip olduğu bulunmuştur. Kullanılan metot ile benzer gibi görünen işlevsel şemalar arasındaki farklılıklar ortaya çıkarılmıştır.

Ethical Statement

Derleme makale, etik kurallara tamamen uygundur.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • Alitajer, S., & Nojoumi, G.M. (2016). Privacy at home: Analysis of behavioral patterns in the spatial configuration of traditional and modern houses in the city of Hamedan based on the Notion of space syntax. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 5(3), 341-352.
  • Altan, İ. (1993). Mimarlıkta mekân kavramı. Psikoloji çalışmaları, 19, 75-88.
  • Amorim, L. (1997). The sector's paradigm: Understanding modern functionalism and its effects in configuring domestic space. Proceedings of First International Space Syntax Symposium, Vol. 2, pp. 18.1-18.14. London.
  • Amorim, L. (1999). The sectors' paradigm: A study of the spatial and functional nature of modernist housing in Northeast Brazil [PhD Thesis, University College London].
  • Asami, Y., Kubat, A. S., Kitagawa, K., & Iida, S. (2003). Introducing the third dimension on space syntax: Application on the historical Istanbul. Proceedings of Fourth International Space Syntax Symposium (pp. 48). London: University College London.
  • Bafna, S. (1999). The morphology of early modernist residential plans: Geometry & genotypical trends in Mies van der Rohe’s designs. Proceedings of Second International Space Syntax Symposium. I, pp. 01.1-01.12. Brasilia: Universidade de Brasilia.
  • Bafna, S. (2001). Geometrical intuitions of genotypes. Proceedings of Third International Space Syntax Symposium (s. 20.1-20.16). Atlanta: Georgia Institute of Technology.
  • Bafna, S. (2003). Space syntax: A brief introduction to its logic and analytical techniques. Environment and Behavior, 35(1), 17-29.
  • Bandyopadhyay, A., & Merchant, A. N. (2006). Space syntax analysis of colonial houses in India. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 33(6), 923-942.
  • Behbahani, P. A., Ostwald, M. J., & Gu, N. (2016). A syntactical comparative analysis of the spatial properties of Prairie style and Victorian domestic architecture. The Journal of Architecture, 21(3), 348-374.
  • Bellal, T. (2007). Spatial interface between inhabitants and visitors in M"zab Houses. Proceedings of Sixth International Space Syntax Symposium (pp. 61.1-61.13). Istanbul: I.T.U. Faculty of Architecture.
  • Bustard, W. (1999). Space, evolution, and function in the houses of Chaco Canyon. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 26(2), 219-240.
  • Cutting, M. (2003). The use of spatial analysis to study prehistoric settlement architecture. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 22(1), 1-21.
  • Çağdaş, G. (1995). Spatial organisations and functions in squatter dwellings: A case study in Istanbul. Open House International, 20(4), 40-45.
  • Çağdaş, G. (1996). A shape grammar: the language of traditional Turkish houses. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 23(4), 443-464.
  • Dawson, P. C. (2002). Space syntax analysis of Central Inuit snow houses. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 21(4), 464-480.
  • Ding, J., & Ma, S. (2020). Comparative analysis of habitation behavioral pattern in spatial configuration of traditional houses in Anhui, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang provinces of China. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 9(1), 54-66.
  • Djezzar, S., & Bada, Y. (2023). Decoding socio-spatial structural constants in syntactic analysis of a rural settlement: A case study of traditional settlements of the southern slope of the Aures Massif, Algeria. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development D: Planning Assessment, 11(3), 192-213.
  • Dursun, P., & Sağlamer, G. (2003). Spatial analysis of different home environments in the city of Trabzon, Turkey. Proceedings of Fourth International Space Syntax Symposium (pp. 54.1-54.18). London: University College London.
  • Edwards, M. J. (2013). The configuration of built space at Pataraya and Wari provincial administration in Nasca. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 32(4), 565-576.
  • Eren, B., & Bekleyen, A. (2017). Spatial analysis of Seyfi Arkan’s early housing design. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Design. pp. 153-166. Helsinki: ICNTAD Anka Press.
  • Ergün, R., & Özyılmaz, H. (2022). Mahremiyet kavramının geleneksel bina tasarımına etkisinin karşılaştırılması: Diyarbakır ve Erzurum konutları. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(3), 466-478.
  • Ergün, R., Kutlu, İ., & Kılınç, C. (2022). A comparative study of space syntax analysis between traditional Antakya houses and social housing complexes by TOKI. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 7(1), 284-297.
  • Giedion, S. (2008). Space, time and architecture: The growth of a new tradition. Harvard University Press.
  • Greenfield, H., & Jongsma, T. (2006). The intrasettlement spatial structure of early neolithic settlements in temperate southeastern Europe: A view from Blagotin, Serbia. In Space and Spatial Analysis in Archaeology (pp. 69-79). University of Calgary Press.
  • Güney, Y. İ., & Wineman, J. (2008). The evolving design of 20th-century apartments in Ankara. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 35(4), 627-646.
  • Gür, Ş. Ö. (2000). House culture: Eastern Black Sea Region as the case. YEM Publications.
  • Gür, Ş. Ö. (2023). Modern ve sonrası mimarlık tarihi boyunca mekân örgütlenmesinin evrimi. YEM Publications.
  • Gür, Ş. Ö., & Bekleyen, A. (2003). The failure of man- environment studies in influencing design decisions. In People, Places and Sustainability (pp. 94-106). Hogrefe and Huber Publishers.
  • Hanson, J. (1998). Decoding homes and houses. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hillier, B. (1996). Space is the machine: A configurational theory of architecture. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hillier, B., & Hanson, J. (1984). The Social Logic of Space. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hillier, B., & Hanson, J. (1997). The reasoning art: or, the need for an analytical theory of architecture. Proceedings of First International Space Syntax Symposium. I, pp. 01.1-01.5. London: University College London.
  • Hillier, B., Hanson, J., & Graham, H. (1987). Ideas are in things: an application of the space syntax method to discovering house genotypes. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 14(4), 363-385.
  • Hillier, B., Hanson, J., & Peponis, J. (1984). What do we mean by building function. In Designing for Building Utilisation (pp. 61-72). Spon.
  • Hillier, B., Hanson, J., & Peponis, J. (1987). Syntactic analysis of settlements. Architecture & Comportement / Architecture & Behaviour, 3(3), 217-231.
  • Hillier, B., Penn, A., Hanson, J., Grajevski T., Xu, J. (1993). Natural movement: Or, configuration and attraction in urban pedestrian movement. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 20(1), 29-66.
  • Jeong, S. K., & Ban, Y. U. (2011a). Developing a topological information extraction model for space syntax analysis. Building and Environment, 46(12), 2442-2453.
  • Jeong, S. K., & Ban, Y. U. (2011b). Computational algorithms to evaluate design solutions using space syntax. Computer-aided Desing, 43(6), 664-676.
  • Jeong, S. K., & Ban, Y. U. (2014). The spatial configurations in South Korean apartments built between 1972 and 2000. Habitat International, 42(2014), 90-102.
  • Johannsen, W. (1911). The genotype conception of heredity. The American Naturalist, 45(531), 129-159.
  • Kamelnia, H., Hanachi, P., & Moayedi, M. (2022). Exploring the spatial structure of Toon historical town courtyard houses: Topological characteristics of the courtyard based on a configuration approach. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, Ahead-of-print.
  • Keleş, B. N., Takva, Ç., & Çakıcı, F. Z. (2023). Accessibility analysis of public buildings with graph theory and the space syntax method: Government Houses. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 1-15.
  • Kırşan, Ç., & Çağdaş, G. (1998). The 19th century row-houses in İstanbul: A morphological analysis. Open House International, 23(3), 45-56.
  • Klarqvist, B. (1993). A space syntax glossary. Nordisk Arkitekturforskning (Nordic Journal of Architectural Research), 1993(2), 11-12.
  • Kornberger, M., & Clegg, S. (2003). The architecture of complexity. Culture and Organization, 9(2), 75-91.
  • Kubat, A. S. (1997). The morphological characteristics of Anatolian fortified towns. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 24(1), 95-123.
  • Major, M. D., & Sarris, N. (1999). Cloak and dagger theory: Manifestations of the mundane in the space of eight Peter Eisenman houses. Proceedings of Second International Space Syntax Symposium. I, pp. 20.1-20.14. Brasilia: Universidade de Brasilia.
  • Malhis, S. (2008). The new upper-middle class residential experience: A case study of apartment flats in Jordan using the Logics of Burden, Hillier and Hanson. Architectural Science Review, 51(1), 71-79.
  • March, L., Steadman, P. (1971). The geometry of environment: An introduction to spatial organization in design. RIBA Publications.
  • Mustafa, F. A., Hassan, A. S., & Baper, S. Y. (2010). Using space syntax analysis in detecting privacy: A comparative study of traditional and modern house layouts in Erbil City, Iraq. Asian Social Science, 6(8), 157-166.
  • Nevadomsky, J., Lawson, N., & Hazlett, K. (2014). An ethnographic and space syntax analysis of Benin Kingdom Nobility Architecture. African Archaeological Review, 31(1), 59-85.
  • Orhun, D., Hillier, B., & Hanson, J. (1996). Socialising spatial types in traditional Turkish houses. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 23(3), 329-351.
  • Ostwald, M. J. (2011a). A justified plan graph analysis of the early houses (1975-1982) of Glenn Murcutt. Nexus Network Journal, 13(3), 737-762.
  • Ostwald, M. J. (2011b). The mathematics of spatial configuration: revisiting, revising and critiquing justified plan graph theory. Nexus Network Journal, 445-470.
  • Ostwald, M. J. (2011c). Examining the relationship between topology and Geometry: A configurational analysis of the rural houses (1984-2005) of Glenn Murcutt. The Journal of Space Syntax, 2(2), 223-246.
  • Özdeniz, M. B., Bekleyen, A., Gönül, İ. A., Gönül, H., Sarıgöl, H., İlter, T., Dalkılıç, N., & Yıldırım, M. (1998). Vernacular domed houses of Harran, Turkey. Habitat International, 22(4), 477-485.
  • Pellegrino, P., & Jeanneret, E. P. (2009). Meaning of space and architecture of place. Semiotica, 175(1/4), 269-296.
  • Shapiro, J. (1997). Fingerprints in the landscape - Cultural evolution in the North Rio Grande. Proceeding of First International Space Syntax Symposium. Vol. 2, pp. 21.1-21.21. London: University College London.
  • Shoul, M. (1993). The spatial arrangements of ordinary English houses. Environment and Behavior, 25(1), 22-69.
  • Siramkaya, S. B., & Aydın, D. (2017). The effect of spatial configuration on social interaction: a syntactic evaluation of a faculty building. Global Journal of Arts Education, 7(3), 83-92.
  • Toker, U., & Toker, Z. (2003). Family structure and spatial configuration in Turkish house form in Anatolia from late nineteenth century to late twentieth century. Proceedings of 4th International Space Syntax Symposium (pp. 55.1-55.16). London: University College London.
  • URL-1. JASS: Justified Analysis of Spatial Systems, retrieved from diva2%3A1457064&dswid=3002 (last access: 18.02.2024)
  • URL-2. AGRAPH, retrieved from ad/spacesyntax (last access: 18.02.2024)
  • Van Dyke, R. M. (1999). Space Syntax Analysis at the Chacoan Outlier of Guadalupe. American Antiquity, 64(3), 461-473.
  • Zako, R. (2006). The Power of the veil: Gender inequality in the domestic setting of traditional courtyard houses. In Courtyard housing: past, present and future (pp. 65-75). Taylor and Francis.
  • Zolfagharkhani, M., & Ostwald, M. J. (2021). The spatial structure of Yazd Courtyard Houses: A space syntax analysis of the topological characteristics of the courtyard. Buildings, 11(6), article number: 262.
There are 67 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Architectural Design
Journal Section Reviews

Ayhan Bekleyen 0000-0003-0020-5877

Project Number -
Publication Date September 15, 2024
Submission Date February 26, 2024
Acceptance Date May 15, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Bekleyen, A. (2024). Mekân Dizimi: Mekânsal Örgütlenmeyi Grafikleştirme, Sayısallaştırma, Okuma ve Yorumlama. PLANARCH - Design and Planning Research, 8(2), 348-360.

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