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Soğuk-Kurak İklim Bölgesinde Enerji Etkin Bina Tasarımı için Parametrik bir Model Önerisi: Tebriz Örneği

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 334 - 347, 15.09.2024


Kentsel yerleşmeler, küresel enerji tüketiminin, sera gazı emisyonlarının ve çevresel sorunların önemli bölümlerinden sorumludurlar. Kentlerde, nüfusun hızla artışı nedeniyle konut ihtiyacının plansız yapılaşmaları bu sorunların ortaya çıkmasında göz ardı edilemeyecek paya sahiptir. Bu nedenle günümüzde, yeni geliştirilecek yerleşmelerin enerji etkin olarak tasarlanması artık güncel ve önemli bir yaklaşım haline gelmiştir. Bu da, tasarım öncesi bina enerji tüketim miktarını etkileyen faktörlerle ilgili alınan kararların dikkate alınmasını zorunlu kılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda, çalışmada soğuk-kurak iklime sahip Tebriz kentinde pencere oranı, balkon derinliği, malzeme türü, malzeme rengi, yalıtım kullanımı, kat sayısı, bodrum kat kullanımı, en boy oranı ve bina yönlendiriliş durumu gibi tasarım parametrelerinin enerji performansına etkileri Design Builder programı ile analiz edilmiş, enerji tüketimini düşürmek için uygun kriterler araştırılmıştır. Analizlerden elde edilen sonuçların karşılaştırılması ile bu parametrelere ilişkin uygun mimari kararların enerji tasarrufundaki etkisi çıkarılmış ve enerji performanslı bina tasarımına yönelik bir kılavuz oluşturulmuştur. En son aşamada, elde edilen kılavuz sayesinde bir model önerisi de sunulmuştur.


  • Abanda, F. H., and Byers, L., (2016). “An investigation of the impact of building orientation on energy consumption in a domestic building using emerging BIM (Building Information Modelling)” Energy 97: 517-527.
  • Alghoul, S. K., Rijabo, H. G., and Mashena, M. E. (2017). “Energy consumption in buildings: A correlation for the influence of window to wall ratio and window orientation in Tripoli, Libya” Journal of Building Engineering 11: 82-86.
  • An, R., Ji, M., and Zhang, S. (2018). “Global warming and obesity: a systematic review”. Obesity Reviews, 19(2): 150-163.
  • Ashmawy, R. E., and Azmy, N. Y. (2018). “Buildings orientation and its impact on the energy consumption.” First Proceedings of Al Azhar’s 14th International Conference On: Engineering, Architecture and Technology 2(3): 35–49.
  • Bai, L., Yang, L., and Song, B., (2020). “The impact of climate change on thermal climate zones and residential energy efficiency designs during the past decades in China.” Advances in Building Energy Research, 14(3): 389-402.
  • Capeluto, I. G., and Shaviv, E. (2001). “On the use of ‘solar volume’for determining the urban fabric.” Solar Energy 70(3): 275-280.
  • DeKay, M., and Brown, G. Z. (2014). Sun, Wind, and Light: Architectural Design Strategies. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, 330-332.
  • Ebert, H., P. (2015). “Functional materials for energy-efficient buildings” EPJ Web of Conferences 98: 14-28.
  • Hoseinzadeh, S. and Azadi, R. (2017). “Simulation and Optimization of a Solar-Assisted Heating and Cooling System for a House in Northern of Iran.” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 9(4): 045101.
  • Inanici, M. N., and Demirbilek, F. N. (2000). “Thermal performance optimization of building aspect ratio and south window size in five cities having different climatic characteristics of Turkey” Building and Environment 35(1): 41-52.
  • Kishore, R. A., Bianchi, M. V., Booten, C., Vidal, J., and Jackson, R. (2021). “Enhancing building energy performance by effectively using phase change material and dynamic insulation in walls.” Applied Energy 283: 116306.
  • Langner, M. R., Henze, G. P., Corbin, C. D., and Brandemuehl, M. J. (2012). “An investigation of design parameters that affect commercial high-rise office building energy consumption and demand.” Journal of Building Performance Simulation 5(5): 313-328.
  • McKeen, Philip, and Alan S. Fung. (2014). “The Effect of Building Aspect Ratio on Energy Efficiency: A Case Study for Multi-Unit Residential Buildings in Canada.” Buildings 4(3):336–54.
  • Mirabi, E., and Nasrollahi, N. (2019). “Balcony Typology and Energy Performance in Residential Buildings.” IJETR 9: 2454-4698.
  • Naveen Chakkaravarthy, A., Subathra, M. S. P., Jerin Pradeep, P., and Manoj Kumar, N., (2018). “Solar irradiance forecasting and energy optimization for achieving nearly net zero energy building.” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 10(3): 035103.
  • Nayak, B. K., Sansaniwal, S. K., Mathur, J., Chandra, T., and Garg, V. (2023). “Identifying building archetypes based on energy performance as the major criteria: a case of Jaipur, India.” Advances in Building Energy Research, 17(4): 440-465.
  • Oliveira, Caroline Carvalho, F. V. Alves, Paulo Gustavo Macedo De Almeida Martins, Nivaldo Karvatte, Gabriela Cavalcanti Alves, R. G. De Almeida, Ariadne Pegoraro Mastelaro, and Eliane Vianna Da Costa E Silva. (2019). “Vaginal Temperature as Indicative of Thermoregulatory Response in Nellore Heifers under Different Microclimatic Conditions.” PLOS ONE 14(10), 0223190.
  • Pang, Z., Xu, P., Lu, X., Qiu, S., Chen, L., and Hou, J. (2017). “Evaluation of the performance of a new solar ventilated window: Modeling and experimental verification.” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 9(6): 065101.
  • Pisello, A. L., Castaldo, V. L., Rosso, F., Piselli, C., Ferrero, M., and Cotana, F. (2016). “Traditional and innovative materials for energy efficiency in buildings.” Key Engineering Materials, 678: 14-34.
  • Ratti, C., Baker, N., and Steemers, K. (2005). “Energy consumption and urban texture.” Energy and buildings 37(7): 762-776.
  • Senarathne, L. R., Nanda, G., and Sundararajan, R. (2022). “Influence of building parameters on energy efficiency levels: A Bayesian network study.” Advances in Building Energy Research, 16(6): 780-805.
  • Shadmand, A., and Arslan Selçuk, S. (2022). “Lessons from traditional architecture in energy efficient building design: the case of traditional Tabriz houses.” International Journal of Environmental Studies, 79(2): 245-264.
  • Sharston, R., and Murray, S. (2020). “The combined effects of thermal mass and insulation on energy performance in concrete office buildings.” Advances in Building Energy Research, 14(3): 322-337.
  • Shaterian, R. (2001). Climate and Architecture. Iran: Simaye Danesh. 41, 56.
  • Siu, C. Y., O'Brien, W., Touchie, M., Armstrong, M., Laouadi, A., Gaur, A., Jandaghian, Z., and Macdonald, I. (2023). “Evaluating Thermal Resilience of Building Designs Using Building Performance Simulation – A Review of Existing Practices.” Building and Environment, 234:110124.
  • Troup, L., Phillips, R., Eckelman, M. J., and Fannon, D. (2019). “Effect of window-to-wall ratio on measured energy consumption in US office buildings.” Energy and Buildings, 203: 109434.
  • UN-Habitat. (2022). World Cities Report 2022: The Value of Sustainable Urbanization.
  • Van Esch, M. M. E., Looman, R. H. J., and De Bruin-Hordijk, G. J. (2012). “The effects of urban and building design parameters on solar access to the urban canyon and the potential for direct passive solar heating strategies.” Energy and Buildings, 47: 189-200.
  • Vermeulen, T., Luque-Ayala, A., Buser, M., Gill, B., and Roy, B. (2019). “Reconsidering Smart Cities through the Fab City Initiative: Combining Making Spaces, Data Flows, and Governance.” Canadian Journal of Communication, 44(3).
  • Vodenska, I., and Mignone, P. (2017). “The Emerging Renewable Energy Market.” International Advances in Economic Research, 23: 289-290.
  • Xu, J., Huang, J., Lou, M., Liu, J., and Jiang, Y., (2015). “Evaluation and optimization of a combined solar thermal system for providing both domestic hot water and space heating” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 7(6): 063103.
  • Zhu, Y., Li, H., and Zhang, X. (2020). “Parametric study on the performance of the building envelope design in relation to space heating in the Chinese hot summer and cold winter climate zone.” Advances in Building Energy Research 14(2): 251-268.

A Parametric Model Proposal for Energy-Efficient Building Design in the Cold-Arid Climate Region: A Case on Tabriz

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 334 - 347, 15.09.2024


Built environments are responsible for significant global energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and environmental problems. Due to the rapid increase in the population in cities, the unplanned construction of the housing need has a share that must be addressed in the emergence of these problems. Therefore, today, the energy-efficient design of new settlements has become a current and essential approach. It has made it necessary to consider the decisions taken regarding the factors affecting building energy consumption before the design. In this direction, the effects of design parameters such as window ratio, balcony depth, material type, material color, insulation used, number of floors, basement floor usage, aspect ratio, and building orientation status on energy performance in the city of Tabriz with a cold-arid climate were analyzed with the Design-Builder program. Then, suitable criteria to reduce energy consumption were searched. By comparing the results obtained from the analyses, the effect of the appropriate architectural decisions regarding these parameters on energy saving has been determined, a guide for designing energy-efficient buildings has been created, and a model proposal has been provided.


  • Abanda, F. H., and Byers, L., (2016). “An investigation of the impact of building orientation on energy consumption in a domestic building using emerging BIM (Building Information Modelling)” Energy 97: 517-527.
  • Alghoul, S. K., Rijabo, H. G., and Mashena, M. E. (2017). “Energy consumption in buildings: A correlation for the influence of window to wall ratio and window orientation in Tripoli, Libya” Journal of Building Engineering 11: 82-86.
  • An, R., Ji, M., and Zhang, S. (2018). “Global warming and obesity: a systematic review”. Obesity Reviews, 19(2): 150-163.
  • Ashmawy, R. E., and Azmy, N. Y. (2018). “Buildings orientation and its impact on the energy consumption.” First Proceedings of Al Azhar’s 14th International Conference On: Engineering, Architecture and Technology 2(3): 35–49.
  • Bai, L., Yang, L., and Song, B., (2020). “The impact of climate change on thermal climate zones and residential energy efficiency designs during the past decades in China.” Advances in Building Energy Research, 14(3): 389-402.
  • Capeluto, I. G., and Shaviv, E. (2001). “On the use of ‘solar volume’for determining the urban fabric.” Solar Energy 70(3): 275-280.
  • DeKay, M., and Brown, G. Z. (2014). Sun, Wind, and Light: Architectural Design Strategies. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, 330-332.
  • Ebert, H., P. (2015). “Functional materials for energy-efficient buildings” EPJ Web of Conferences 98: 14-28.
  • Hoseinzadeh, S. and Azadi, R. (2017). “Simulation and Optimization of a Solar-Assisted Heating and Cooling System for a House in Northern of Iran.” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 9(4): 045101.
  • Inanici, M. N., and Demirbilek, F. N. (2000). “Thermal performance optimization of building aspect ratio and south window size in five cities having different climatic characteristics of Turkey” Building and Environment 35(1): 41-52.
  • Kishore, R. A., Bianchi, M. V., Booten, C., Vidal, J., and Jackson, R. (2021). “Enhancing building energy performance by effectively using phase change material and dynamic insulation in walls.” Applied Energy 283: 116306.
  • Langner, M. R., Henze, G. P., Corbin, C. D., and Brandemuehl, M. J. (2012). “An investigation of design parameters that affect commercial high-rise office building energy consumption and demand.” Journal of Building Performance Simulation 5(5): 313-328.
  • McKeen, Philip, and Alan S. Fung. (2014). “The Effect of Building Aspect Ratio on Energy Efficiency: A Case Study for Multi-Unit Residential Buildings in Canada.” Buildings 4(3):336–54.
  • Mirabi, E., and Nasrollahi, N. (2019). “Balcony Typology and Energy Performance in Residential Buildings.” IJETR 9: 2454-4698.
  • Naveen Chakkaravarthy, A., Subathra, M. S. P., Jerin Pradeep, P., and Manoj Kumar, N., (2018). “Solar irradiance forecasting and energy optimization for achieving nearly net zero energy building.” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 10(3): 035103.
  • Nayak, B. K., Sansaniwal, S. K., Mathur, J., Chandra, T., and Garg, V. (2023). “Identifying building archetypes based on energy performance as the major criteria: a case of Jaipur, India.” Advances in Building Energy Research, 17(4): 440-465.
  • Oliveira, Caroline Carvalho, F. V. Alves, Paulo Gustavo Macedo De Almeida Martins, Nivaldo Karvatte, Gabriela Cavalcanti Alves, R. G. De Almeida, Ariadne Pegoraro Mastelaro, and Eliane Vianna Da Costa E Silva. (2019). “Vaginal Temperature as Indicative of Thermoregulatory Response in Nellore Heifers under Different Microclimatic Conditions.” PLOS ONE 14(10), 0223190.
  • Pang, Z., Xu, P., Lu, X., Qiu, S., Chen, L., and Hou, J. (2017). “Evaluation of the performance of a new solar ventilated window: Modeling and experimental verification.” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 9(6): 065101.
  • Pisello, A. L., Castaldo, V. L., Rosso, F., Piselli, C., Ferrero, M., and Cotana, F. (2016). “Traditional and innovative materials for energy efficiency in buildings.” Key Engineering Materials, 678: 14-34.
  • Ratti, C., Baker, N., and Steemers, K. (2005). “Energy consumption and urban texture.” Energy and buildings 37(7): 762-776.
  • Senarathne, L. R., Nanda, G., and Sundararajan, R. (2022). “Influence of building parameters on energy efficiency levels: A Bayesian network study.” Advances in Building Energy Research, 16(6): 780-805.
  • Shadmand, A., and Arslan Selçuk, S. (2022). “Lessons from traditional architecture in energy efficient building design: the case of traditional Tabriz houses.” International Journal of Environmental Studies, 79(2): 245-264.
  • Sharston, R., and Murray, S. (2020). “The combined effects of thermal mass and insulation on energy performance in concrete office buildings.” Advances in Building Energy Research, 14(3): 322-337.
  • Shaterian, R. (2001). Climate and Architecture. Iran: Simaye Danesh. 41, 56.
  • Siu, C. Y., O'Brien, W., Touchie, M., Armstrong, M., Laouadi, A., Gaur, A., Jandaghian, Z., and Macdonald, I. (2023). “Evaluating Thermal Resilience of Building Designs Using Building Performance Simulation – A Review of Existing Practices.” Building and Environment, 234:110124.
  • Troup, L., Phillips, R., Eckelman, M. J., and Fannon, D. (2019). “Effect of window-to-wall ratio on measured energy consumption in US office buildings.” Energy and Buildings, 203: 109434.
  • UN-Habitat. (2022). World Cities Report 2022: The Value of Sustainable Urbanization.
  • Van Esch, M. M. E., Looman, R. H. J., and De Bruin-Hordijk, G. J. (2012). “The effects of urban and building design parameters on solar access to the urban canyon and the potential for direct passive solar heating strategies.” Energy and Buildings, 47: 189-200.
  • Vermeulen, T., Luque-Ayala, A., Buser, M., Gill, B., and Roy, B. (2019). “Reconsidering Smart Cities through the Fab City Initiative: Combining Making Spaces, Data Flows, and Governance.” Canadian Journal of Communication, 44(3).
  • Vodenska, I., and Mignone, P. (2017). “The Emerging Renewable Energy Market.” International Advances in Economic Research, 23: 289-290.
  • Xu, J., Huang, J., Lou, M., Liu, J., and Jiang, Y., (2015). “Evaluation and optimization of a combined solar thermal system for providing both domestic hot water and space heating” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 7(6): 063103.
  • Zhu, Y., Li, H., and Zhang, X. (2020). “Parametric study on the performance of the building envelope design in relation to space heating in the Chinese hot summer and cold winter climate zone.” Advances in Building Energy Research 14(2): 251-268.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architectural Design, Sustainable Architecture
Journal Section Research Articles

Abbas Shadmand 0000-0003-1174-469X

Semra Arslan Selçuk 0000-0002-2128-2858

Publication Date September 15, 2024
Submission Date July 25, 2024
Acceptance Date September 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Shadmand, A., & Arslan Selçuk, S. (2024). A Parametric Model Proposal for Energy-Efficient Building Design in the Cold-Arid Climate Region: A Case on Tabriz. PLANARCH - Design and Planning Research, 8(2), 334-347.

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