The Evaluation of the Possible Results of Brand Hate in Terms of Brand Avoidance
Year 2021,
Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 61 - 81, 03.02.2021
Melis Kaytaz Yıgıt
Müge İrfanoğlu
While today’s marketing world prioritizes the importance of creating and managing brand love, the concept of brand hate appears as a relatively overlooked issue which theoreticians and practitioners do not concentrate on. From this perspective, this study aims to investigate the mediating effect of brand hate on the relationship between the experiential, moral, and identity dimensions of brand avoidance and brand revenge and brand rejection behaviors. A total of 202 usable questionnaires were collected to test the developed model, and the model was tested through SEM. As a result of the research, while it has been proved that brand hate has a mediating effect on the relationship between experiential and identity avoidance and brand revenge and brand rejection behaviors, it has also been presented that brand hate has a mediating role in the relationship between moral avoidance and brand rejection behavior.
- Alba, J.W. & Lutz, R.J. (2013). Broadening (and Narrowing) The Scope of Brand Relationships, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(2), 265-268.
- Albert, N., Merunka, D., &Valette-Florence, P. (2008). When Consumers Love Their Brands: Exploring The Concept and Its Dimensions, Journal of Business Research, 61(10), 1062–1075.
- Allport, G. W. (1950). A Psychological Approach to The Study of Love and Hate. In P. A. Sorokin (Ed.), Explorations in altruistic love and behavior (pp. 145–164). Boston: Beacon Press.
- Alvarez, C. & Fournier, S. (2016). Consumers’ Relationships with Brands, Current Opinion in Psychology, 10, 129-135.
- Bagozzi, R. & Yi, Y. (1988). The Role of Emotions in Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27(2), 184-206
- Baron, R.M. & Kenny, D.A. (1986).The Moderator Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6), 1173-1182
- Batra, R., Ahuvia, A., &Bagozzi, R. P. (2012). (2012), Brand Love, Journal of Marketing, 76(2), 1–16.
- Ben-Ze’ev, A. (2000). The Subtlety of Emotions.Psycoloquy,12(7), 1-18
- Blum, H. P. (1997). Clinical and Developmental Dimensions of Hate, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 45, 359–375.
- Bosse, J. (2014). Ten Things I Hate About You: Company Factors and Their Influence on Brand Hate. Master’s Thesis, University of Twente, Enschede.
- Breivik, E. &Thorbjørnsen, H. (2008). Consumer Brand Relationships: An Investigation of Two Alternative Models,Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36(4), 443-472.
- Brewer, M. B. (1999). The Psychology of Prejudice: Ingroup Love or Outgroup Hate? Journal of Social Issues, 55, 429–444
- Bryson, D., Atwal, G., &Hulten, P. (2013). Towards the Conceptualization of The Antecedents of Extreme Negative Affect Towards Luxury Brands, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 16(4), 393–405.
- Byrne, B. M. (2016). Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS (3rd Ed.). New York: Routledge.
- Carroll, B. A., &Ahuvia, A. C. (2006). Some Antecedents and Outcomes of Brand Love, Marketing Letters, 17(2), 79–89.
- Fehr, B., & Russell, J. A. (1984). Concept of Emotion Viewed from A Prototype Perspective, Journal of experimental psychology: General, 113(3), 464.
- Fetscherin, M. & Heinrich, D. (2014). Consumer Brand Relationships Landscape, Journal of Brand Management, 21(5), 366-371.
- Fornell, C., &Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error, Journal of Marketing Research, 3950.
- Fournier, S. (1998). Consumers and Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Research, 24, 343-353.
- Gültekin, B., &Ülkü, M. (2015). The Critical Role of Brand Love in Clothing Brands, Journal of Business, Economics & Finance, 4(1), 126-152.
- Günaydın, R. &Yıldız, E. (2020). Determining the Motives and Behaviors of Brand Hate, In Christiansen, B. &Skrinjaric, T. (Eds) Handbook of Research on Applied AI for International Business and Marketing Applications, IGI Global.
- Grégoire, Y., Laufer, D., & Tripp, T. M. (2010). A Comprehensive Model of Customer Direct and Indirect Revenge: Understanding the Effects of Perceived Greed and Customer Power, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38(6), 738–758.
- Grégoire, Y., Tripp, T., &Legoux, R. (2009). When Customer Love Turns into Lasting Hate: The Effects of Relationship Strength and Time on Customer Revenge and Avoidance, Journal of Marketing, 73(November), 18–32.
- Hayes, A. F. (2018).Introductionto Mediation, Moderation and Conditional Process Analysis: A Regression-Based Approach, (2nd Ed.) New York:The Guilford Press.
- Hegner, S.M., Beldad, A.D. &Kamphuis op Heghuis, S. (2014). How Company Responses and Trusting Relationships Protect Brand Equity in Times of Crises,Journal of Brand Management, 21(5), 429-445.
- Hegner, S.M., Fetscherin, M. & van Delzen M. (2017). Determinants and Outcomes of Brand Hate, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 26(1), 13-15.
- Johnson, A., Matear, M., & Thomson, M. (2011). A Coal in The Heart: Self-Relevance as A Post Exit Predictor of Consumer Anti-Brand Actions, Journal of Consumer Research, 38,108-125.
- Joreskog, K.G. &Sorbom, D. (1993). Lisrel 8: Structural Equation Modeling with The SIMPLIS Command Language, IL: Scientific International Software, Chicago.
- Kernberg, O. (1995). Hatred as A Core Affect of Aggression. In S. Akhtar, S. Kramer, & H. Parens (Eds.), The birth of hatred: Developmental, Clinical, And Technical Aspects of Intense Aggression(pp. 55–82). Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson
- Khan, M. & Lee, M. (2014). Prepurchase Determinants of Brand Avoidance: The Moderating Role of Country-Of-Origin Familiarity, Journal of Global Marketing, 27, 329-343.
- Kline, R.B. (1998). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling, The Guilford Pres, New York.
- Laros, F. J. M., & Steenkamp, J. B. E. M. (2005). Emotions in Consumer Behavior: A Hierarchical Approach, Journal of Business Research, 58(10), 1437–1445.
- Lee, M.S.W., Motion, J. & Conroy, D. (2009). Anti-Consumption and Brand Avoidance, Journal of Business Research, 62(2), 169-180.
- McDevitt, J., Levin, J., & Bennett, S. (2001). Hate Crime Offenders: An Expanded Typology, Journal of Social Issues, 58, 303–317.
- Monga, A. (2002). Brand as A Relationship Partner: Gender Differences in Perspectives, Advances in Consumer Research, 29 (1), 36-41.
- Oliva, Terence A., Richard L. Oliver, & Ian C. MacMillan (1992). A Catastrophe Model for Developing Service Satisfaction Strategies, Journal of Marketing, 56 (3), 83-95.
- Park, C., Eisingerich, A. & Park, J. (2013). Attachment– Aversion (AA) Model of Customer–Brand Relationships, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23, 229-248.
- Platania, S., Morando, M., &Santisi, G. (2017). The Phenomenon of Brand Hate: Analysis of Predictors and Outcomes, Quality-access to success, 18(S1), 342-347.
- Portwood-Stacer, L. (2012). Anti-Consumption as Tactical Resistance: Anarchists, Subculture, And Activist Strategy, Journal of Consumer Culture, 12(1), 87–105.
- Rempel, J. K., & Burris, C. T. (2005). Let Me Count the Ways: An Integrative Theory of Love and Hate, Personal Relationships, 12(2), 297-313.
- Richins, M. (1983). Negative Word-Of-Mouth by Dissatisfied Consumers: a pilot study, TheJournal of Marketing, 47(1), 68–78.
- Romani, S., Grappi, S. &Dalli, D. (2012). Emotions That Drive Consumers Away from Brands: Measuring Negative Emotions Toward Brands and Their Behavioral Effects, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29, 55-67.
- Roseman, I. (1984). Cognitive Determinants of Emotion: A Structural Theory, Review of Personality and Social Psychology,5, 11-36.
- Royzman, E. (2004). From Plato to Putnam: Four Ways to Think About Hate, American Psychological Association, 3–35.
- Salvatori, E. (2007). Brand Hate: The Dark Side of Consumer Attitudes Towards a Brand, International Economics and Management, 32.
- Shaver, P., Schwartz, J., Kirson, D. & O’Connor, C. (1987). Emotion Knowledge: Further Exploration of A Prototype Approach, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, 1061-1086.
- Sinha, N., Ahuja, V., &Medury, Y. (2011). Corporate Blogs and Internet Marketing – Using Consumer Knowledge and Emotion as Strategic Variables to Develop Consumer Engagement, Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, 18(3), 185–199.
- Sonnemans, J., &Frijda, N. (1994). The Structure of Subjective Emotional Intensity, Cognition & Emotion, 8(4), 329–350.
- Şimşek, Ö.F. (2007). YapısalEşitlikModellemesineGiriş: TemelİlkelerveLisrelUygulamaları, EkinoksYayınları, Ankara.
- Tabachnick, B.G., Fidell, L.S. (2001). Using Multivariate Statistics (4th ed.). Boston, London: HarperCollins
- Thomson, M., Whelan, J., & Johnson, A. R. (2012). Why Brands Should Fear Fearful Consumers: How Attachment Style Predicts Retaliation, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22(2), 289–298.
- Yasin, M. and Shamim, A. (2013), Brand Love: Mediating Role in PurchaseIntentions and Word-Of-Mouth, Journal of Business and Management, 7(2), p.101-109.
- Van Delzen, M. v. (2014). Identifying The Motives and Behaviors of Brand Hate. Master’s thesis, University of Twente, Enschede
- Zarantonello, L., Romani, S., Grappi, S. &Bagozzi, R. (2016). Brand hate, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 25(1),11-25.
- Zourrig, H., Chebat, J. C., &Toffoli, R. (2009). Consumer Revenge Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, Journal of Business Research, 62(10), 995–1001.
- Weingarten, K. (2006). On Hating to Hate. Family process, 45(3), 277–88.
The Evaluation of the Possible Results of Brand Hate in Terms of Brand Avoidance
Year 2021,
Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 61 - 81, 03.02.2021
Melis Kaytaz Yıgıt
Müge İrfanoğlu
While today’s marketing world prioritizes the importance of creating and managing brand love, the concept of brand hate appears as a relatively overlooked issue which theoreticians and practitioners do not concentrate on. From this perspective, this study aims to investigate the mediating effect of brand hate on the relationship between the experiential, moral, and identity dimensions of brand avoidance and brand revenge and brand rejection behaviors. A total of 202 usable questionnaires were collected to test the developed model, and the model was tested through SEM. As a result of the research, while it has been proved that brand hate has a mediating effect on the relationship between experiential and identity avoidance and brand revenge and brand rejection behaviors, it has also been presented that brand hate has a mediating role in the relationship between moral avoidance and brand rejection behavior.
- Alba, J.W. & Lutz, R.J. (2013). Broadening (and Narrowing) The Scope of Brand Relationships, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(2), 265-268.
- Albert, N., Merunka, D., &Valette-Florence, P. (2008). When Consumers Love Their Brands: Exploring The Concept and Its Dimensions, Journal of Business Research, 61(10), 1062–1075.
- Allport, G. W. (1950). A Psychological Approach to The Study of Love and Hate. In P. A. Sorokin (Ed.), Explorations in altruistic love and behavior (pp. 145–164). Boston: Beacon Press.
- Alvarez, C. & Fournier, S. (2016). Consumers’ Relationships with Brands, Current Opinion in Psychology, 10, 129-135.
- Bagozzi, R. & Yi, Y. (1988). The Role of Emotions in Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27(2), 184-206
- Baron, R.M. & Kenny, D.A. (1986).The Moderator Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6), 1173-1182
- Batra, R., Ahuvia, A., &Bagozzi, R. P. (2012). (2012), Brand Love, Journal of Marketing, 76(2), 1–16.
- Ben-Ze’ev, A. (2000). The Subtlety of Emotions.Psycoloquy,12(7), 1-18
- Blum, H. P. (1997). Clinical and Developmental Dimensions of Hate, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 45, 359–375.
- Bosse, J. (2014). Ten Things I Hate About You: Company Factors and Their Influence on Brand Hate. Master’s Thesis, University of Twente, Enschede.
- Breivik, E. &Thorbjørnsen, H. (2008). Consumer Brand Relationships: An Investigation of Two Alternative Models,Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36(4), 443-472.
- Brewer, M. B. (1999). The Psychology of Prejudice: Ingroup Love or Outgroup Hate? Journal of Social Issues, 55, 429–444
- Bryson, D., Atwal, G., &Hulten, P. (2013). Towards the Conceptualization of The Antecedents of Extreme Negative Affect Towards Luxury Brands, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 16(4), 393–405.
- Byrne, B. M. (2016). Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS (3rd Ed.). New York: Routledge.
- Carroll, B. A., &Ahuvia, A. C. (2006). Some Antecedents and Outcomes of Brand Love, Marketing Letters, 17(2), 79–89.
- Fehr, B., & Russell, J. A. (1984). Concept of Emotion Viewed from A Prototype Perspective, Journal of experimental psychology: General, 113(3), 464.
- Fetscherin, M. & Heinrich, D. (2014). Consumer Brand Relationships Landscape, Journal of Brand Management, 21(5), 366-371.
- Fornell, C., &Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error, Journal of Marketing Research, 3950.
- Fournier, S. (1998). Consumers and Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Research, 24, 343-353.
- Gültekin, B., &Ülkü, M. (2015). The Critical Role of Brand Love in Clothing Brands, Journal of Business, Economics & Finance, 4(1), 126-152.
- Günaydın, R. &Yıldız, E. (2020). Determining the Motives and Behaviors of Brand Hate, In Christiansen, B. &Skrinjaric, T. (Eds) Handbook of Research on Applied AI for International Business and Marketing Applications, IGI Global.
- Grégoire, Y., Laufer, D., & Tripp, T. M. (2010). A Comprehensive Model of Customer Direct and Indirect Revenge: Understanding the Effects of Perceived Greed and Customer Power, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38(6), 738–758.
- Grégoire, Y., Tripp, T., &Legoux, R. (2009). When Customer Love Turns into Lasting Hate: The Effects of Relationship Strength and Time on Customer Revenge and Avoidance, Journal of Marketing, 73(November), 18–32.
- Hayes, A. F. (2018).Introductionto Mediation, Moderation and Conditional Process Analysis: A Regression-Based Approach, (2nd Ed.) New York:The Guilford Press.
- Hegner, S.M., Beldad, A.D. &Kamphuis op Heghuis, S. (2014). How Company Responses and Trusting Relationships Protect Brand Equity in Times of Crises,Journal of Brand Management, 21(5), 429-445.
- Hegner, S.M., Fetscherin, M. & van Delzen M. (2017). Determinants and Outcomes of Brand Hate, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 26(1), 13-15.
- Johnson, A., Matear, M., & Thomson, M. (2011). A Coal in The Heart: Self-Relevance as A Post Exit Predictor of Consumer Anti-Brand Actions, Journal of Consumer Research, 38,108-125.
- Joreskog, K.G. &Sorbom, D. (1993). Lisrel 8: Structural Equation Modeling with The SIMPLIS Command Language, IL: Scientific International Software, Chicago.
- Kernberg, O. (1995). Hatred as A Core Affect of Aggression. In S. Akhtar, S. Kramer, & H. Parens (Eds.), The birth of hatred: Developmental, Clinical, And Technical Aspects of Intense Aggression(pp. 55–82). Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson
- Khan, M. & Lee, M. (2014). Prepurchase Determinants of Brand Avoidance: The Moderating Role of Country-Of-Origin Familiarity, Journal of Global Marketing, 27, 329-343.
- Kline, R.B. (1998). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling, The Guilford Pres, New York.
- Laros, F. J. M., & Steenkamp, J. B. E. M. (2005). Emotions in Consumer Behavior: A Hierarchical Approach, Journal of Business Research, 58(10), 1437–1445.
- Lee, M.S.W., Motion, J. & Conroy, D. (2009). Anti-Consumption and Brand Avoidance, Journal of Business Research, 62(2), 169-180.
- McDevitt, J., Levin, J., & Bennett, S. (2001). Hate Crime Offenders: An Expanded Typology, Journal of Social Issues, 58, 303–317.
- Monga, A. (2002). Brand as A Relationship Partner: Gender Differences in Perspectives, Advances in Consumer Research, 29 (1), 36-41.
- Oliva, Terence A., Richard L. Oliver, & Ian C. MacMillan (1992). A Catastrophe Model for Developing Service Satisfaction Strategies, Journal of Marketing, 56 (3), 83-95.
- Park, C., Eisingerich, A. & Park, J. (2013). Attachment– Aversion (AA) Model of Customer–Brand Relationships, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23, 229-248.
- Platania, S., Morando, M., &Santisi, G. (2017). The Phenomenon of Brand Hate: Analysis of Predictors and Outcomes, Quality-access to success, 18(S1), 342-347.
- Portwood-Stacer, L. (2012). Anti-Consumption as Tactical Resistance: Anarchists, Subculture, And Activist Strategy, Journal of Consumer Culture, 12(1), 87–105.
- Rempel, J. K., & Burris, C. T. (2005). Let Me Count the Ways: An Integrative Theory of Love and Hate, Personal Relationships, 12(2), 297-313.
- Richins, M. (1983). Negative Word-Of-Mouth by Dissatisfied Consumers: a pilot study, TheJournal of Marketing, 47(1), 68–78.
- Romani, S., Grappi, S. &Dalli, D. (2012). Emotions That Drive Consumers Away from Brands: Measuring Negative Emotions Toward Brands and Their Behavioral Effects, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29, 55-67.
- Roseman, I. (1984). Cognitive Determinants of Emotion: A Structural Theory, Review of Personality and Social Psychology,5, 11-36.
- Royzman, E. (2004). From Plato to Putnam: Four Ways to Think About Hate, American Psychological Association, 3–35.
- Salvatori, E. (2007). Brand Hate: The Dark Side of Consumer Attitudes Towards a Brand, International Economics and Management, 32.
- Shaver, P., Schwartz, J., Kirson, D. & O’Connor, C. (1987). Emotion Knowledge: Further Exploration of A Prototype Approach, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, 1061-1086.
- Sinha, N., Ahuja, V., &Medury, Y. (2011). Corporate Blogs and Internet Marketing – Using Consumer Knowledge and Emotion as Strategic Variables to Develop Consumer Engagement, Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, 18(3), 185–199.
- Sonnemans, J., &Frijda, N. (1994). The Structure of Subjective Emotional Intensity, Cognition & Emotion, 8(4), 329–350.
- Şimşek, Ö.F. (2007). YapısalEşitlikModellemesineGiriş: TemelİlkelerveLisrelUygulamaları, EkinoksYayınları, Ankara.
- Tabachnick, B.G., Fidell, L.S. (2001). Using Multivariate Statistics (4th ed.). Boston, London: HarperCollins
- Thomson, M., Whelan, J., & Johnson, A. R. (2012). Why Brands Should Fear Fearful Consumers: How Attachment Style Predicts Retaliation, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22(2), 289–298.
- Yasin, M. and Shamim, A. (2013), Brand Love: Mediating Role in PurchaseIntentions and Word-Of-Mouth, Journal of Business and Management, 7(2), p.101-109.
- Van Delzen, M. v. (2014). Identifying The Motives and Behaviors of Brand Hate. Master’s thesis, University of Twente, Enschede
- Zarantonello, L., Romani, S., Grappi, S. &Bagozzi, R. (2016). Brand hate, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 25(1),11-25.
- Zourrig, H., Chebat, J. C., &Toffoli, R. (2009). Consumer Revenge Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, Journal of Business Research, 62(10), 995–1001.
- Weingarten, K. (2006). On Hating to Hate. Family process, 45(3), 277–88.