Year 2019,
Volume: 12 Issue: 23, 21 - 54, 01.06.2019
Özge Sığırcı
A. Ercan Gegez
The main and interaction effects of customer identification-based differentiated pricing, customer group, and the price refund policy of the company on consumer fairness perceptions are examined. 2x2x3 between groups factorial design is used and scenarios are designed to manipulate independent variables. 12 different scenarios are read by different respondent groups, then the perceived fairness of these groups is measured and group differences are compared. The fairness of offering higher prices either to new or former customers are perceived differently by new or former customer groups. The tactic of offering prices to former customers higher than the new ones are perceived unfair by former customers as much as it is perceived unfair by the advantaged price group; new customers. Money refunds on the other hand are found to have no significant effect on the fairness perception of customers
- Ackerman, D. ve Perner, L. (2004). Did You Hear What My Friend Paid Examining the Consequences of Social Comparisons of Prices. Advances in Consumer Research, 31: 586-592.
- Adams, J.S. (1965). Inequity in Social Exchange. L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology içinde. New York: Academic Press, 267- 299.
- Antón, C., Camarero, C. ve Carrero, M. (2007). The Mediating Effect of Satisfaction on Consumers’ Switching Intention”. Psychology & Marketing, 24 (6): 511–38.
- Armstrong, G. ve Kotler, P. (2000). Marketing: An Introduction (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
- Baker, W., Marn, M. ve Zawada, C. (2001). Price Smarter on the Net’. Harvard Business Review, 79(2): 122-127.
- Barone M. J, Roy T. (2010). Does Exclusivity Always Pay Off? Exclusive Price Promotions and Consumer Response. Journal of Marketing, 74 (2): 121– 132.
- Batur, A. (2012). Fitnes Sektörü 70 Milyar Dolara Ulaştı, Türkiye’nin Payı yüzde 0.5’te Kaldı. Hürriyet Ekonomi, ekonomi/20777189.asp (1 Kasım 2017).
- Beldona, S. ve Namasivayan, K. (2006). Gender and Demand-Based Pricing: Differences in Perceived (Un)Fairness and Repatronage Intentions. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 14 (4): 89-107.
- Bertini, M. ve Gourville, J. T. (2012). Pricing to Create Shared Value. Harvard Business Review, 90 (60): 97-104.
- Bitner, M.J., Booms, B.H. ve Tetreault, M.S. (1990). The Service Encounter: Diagnosing Favorable and Unfavorable Incidents. Journal of Marketing, 54 (1): 71-84.
- Blodgett, J.G., Hill, D.J. ve Tax, S.S. (1997). The Effects of Distributive, Procedural, and Interactional Justice on Postcomplaint Behavior. Journal of Retailing, 73 (2): 185–210.
- Bolton, L.E., Warlop, L. ve Alba, J.W., (2003). Consumer Perception of Price (Un)Fairness. Journal of Consumer Research, 29 (4): 474–491.
- Campbell, M. (2007). Says Who? How the Source of Price Information and Affect Influence Perceived Price (Un)Fairness. Journal of Marketing Research, 44 (2): 261-271.
- Campbell, M. C. (1999). Perceptions of Price Unfairness: Antecedents and Consequences. Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (2): 187–199.
- Carroll, K. ve Coates, D. (1999). Teaching Price Discrimination: Some Clarification. Southern Economic Journal, 66 (2): 466-480.
- Chen, Shih-Fen S., Monroe, K. M. ve Lou, Y-C. (1998). The Effects of Framing Price Promotion Messages on Consumers’ Perceptions and Purchase Intentions. Journal of Retailing, 74 (3): 353-372.
- Cox, J.L. (2001). Can differential price be fair?. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 10 (5): 264–275.
- Daily Mail (2011). Tesco Refuses to Honour Nintendo 3DS Priced £40 Cheaper than its Competitors. Tesco-confirms-Nintendo-3DS-price-error.html (1 Kasım 2017).
- Darke P. R. ve Dahl D. W. (2003). Fairness and Discounts: The Subjective Value of a Bargain. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13 (3): 328–338.
- Deutsch M. (1975) Equity, Equality and Need: What Determines Which Value Will Be Used as the Basis of Distributive Justice?. Journal of Social Issues, 31 (3): 137–149.
- Dickson, P. R. ve Kalapurakal, R. (1994). The Use and Perceived Fairness of Price-Setting rules in the Bulk Electricity Market. Journal of Economic Psychology, 15 (3): 427–448.
- Estelami, H., Bergstein, H. (2006). The Impact of Market Price Volatility on Consumer Satisfaction with Lowest-Price Refunds. Journal of Services Marketing, 20 (3): 169 – 177.
- Feinberg, F.M., Krishna, A., Zhang, Z.J. (2002). Do We Care What Others Get? A Behaviorist Approach to Targeted Promotions. Journal of Marketing Research, 39 (3): 277–291.
- Field, A. (2009). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. 3. Baskı, Sage Publication.
- Finkel, N. J. (2001). Not Fair The Typology of Commonsense Unfairness, 1. Baskı, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Folger, R. (1987). Distributive and Procedural Justice in the Workplace. Social Justice Research, 1 (2): 143–159.
- Garbarino, E. ve Lee, O. F. (2003). Dynamic Pricing in Internet Retail: Effects on Consumer Trust. Psychology & Marketing, 20 (6): 495–513.
- Gelbrich, K. (2011). I Have Paid Less Than You The Emotional and Behavioral Consequences of Advantaged Price Inequality. Journal of Retailing, 87 (2): 207-224.
- Greenberg, J., Tyler, T.R. (1987). Why Procedural Justice in Organizations?. Social Justice Research, 1 (2): 127–142.
- Grewal, D., Hardesty, D. M., Iyer, G. R. (2004). The Effects of Buyer Identification and Purchase Timing On Consumers’ Perceptions of Trust, Price Fairness, and Repurchase Intentions. Journal of Interactive Marketing,18 (4): 87-100.
- Grewal, D., Roggeveen, A.L. and Tsiros, M. (2008). The Effect of Compensation on Repurchase Intentions in Service Recovery. Journal of Retailing, 84 (4): 424-434.
- Haws, K. L., Bearden, W. O. (2006). Dynamic Pricing and Consumer Fairness Perceptions. Journal of Consumer Research, 33(3): 304-311.
- Heyman J. E, Mellers B. A. (2008). Perceptions of fair pricing. Haugtvedt C. P., Herr P. M., Kardes F. R. (Ed.), Handbook of consumer psychology içinde. New York, NY: Psychology Press; 2008. 683–97.
- Hoffman, K. D., Turley, L. W. ve Kelley, S. W. (2002). Pricing Retail Services. Journal of Business Research, 55 (12): 1015–1023.
- Homburg, C., Fürst, A. (2005). How Organizational Complaint Handling Drives Customer Loyalty: An Analysis of the Mechanistic and the Organic Approach. Journal of Marketing, 69 (3): 95-114.
- Homburg, C., Hoyer, W.D. ve Koshcate, N. (2005). Customers’ Reactions to Price Increases: Do Customer Satisfaction and Perceived Motive Fairness Matter. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33 (1): 36-49.
- Huang, J.H., Chang, C.T., Chen, C. Y-H (2005). Perceived Fairness of Pricing on the Internet. Journal of Economic Psychology, 26 (3): 343-361.
- Huang, W-H. and Lin, T-D. (2011). Developing effective service compensation strategies: Is a Price Reduction More Effective Than A Free Gift?. Journal of Service Management, 22 (2): 202-216.
- Huppertz, J. W., Sidney J. A. ve Richard H. E. (1978). An Application of Equity Theory to Buyer–Seller Exchange Situations. Journal of Marketing Research, 15(2): 250–260.
- Jasso, G. (2006). The theory of Comparison Processes, P. J. Burke (Ed.), Contemporary Social Psychological Theories içinde, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 165–193.
- Jin, L., He, Y., Zhang, Y. (2014). How Power States Influence Consumers’ Perceptions of Price Unfairness. Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (5): 818-833.
- Kahneman, D., Knetsch, J.L. ve Thaler, R., R. (1986a). Fairness as a Constraint on Profit Seeking: Entitlements in the Market. The American Economic Review, 76 (4): 728–741.
- Kahneman, D., Knetsch, J. L. ve Thaler, R. H. (1986b). Fairness and the Assumptions of Economics. Journal of Business, 59 (4): 285–300.
- Kimes, S.E. (1994). Perceived fairness of yield management. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 35 (1): 22–29.
- Klaus P.H. (2013). The case of Towards a conceptual framework of Online Customer Service Experience (OCSE) Using Emerging Consensus Technique (ECT), Journal of Services Marketing, 27 (6): 443-457.
- Kuburlu, C. (2014). Spor salonlarına 375 milyon $ gidiyor”, Hürriyet, http://www., (1 Kasım 2017).
- Kukar-Kinney, M. Xia, L. ve Monroe, K. B. (2007). Consumers’ Perceptions of the Fairness of Price-Matching Refund Policies. Journal of Retailing, 83 (3): 325–337.
- Kung, M., Monroe, K. B., Cox, J. L. (2002). Pricing on the Internet. Journal of Product&Brand Management, 11 (5): 274-287.
- Leventhal GS. (1980). What Should Be Done with Equity Theory?, New York: Plenum Press.
- Lii, Y-S., Lee, M. (2012). The joint effects of compensation frames and price levels on Service Recovery of Online Pricing Error. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 22 (1): 4-20.
- Lii, Y. S., Sy, E. (2009). Internet Differential Pricing: Effects on Consumer Price Perception, Emotions, and Behavioral Responses. Computers in Human Behavior, 25 (3): 770-777.
- Lind E. A., Tyler T. R. (1988). The Social Psychology of Procedural Justice. Plenum Press, New York, USA.
- Martin, W. C., Ponder, N. ve Lueg, J. E. (2009). Price Fairness Perceptions and Customer Loyalty in a Retail Context. Journal of Business Research, 62 (6): 588-593.
- Martins, M. ve Kent B. Monroe (1994). Perceived Price Fairness: A New Look at an Old Construct. Chris T. Allen and Deborah Roedder John (Ed.), Advances in Consumer Research. Volume 21, içinde, Provo, UT : Association for Consumer Research, 75-78.
- Martins, Marielza (1995). An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Perceived Price Fairness on Perceptions of Sacrifice and Value, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
- Maxham, James G. III ve Netemeyer, R. G. (2002). Modeling Customer Perceptions of Complaint Handling Over Time: The Effects of Perceived Justice on Satisfaction and Intent. Journal of Retailing, 78 (4): 239–252.
- Maxwell, S., (2002). Rule-Based Price Fairness and Its Effect on Willingness to Purchase. Journal of Economic Psychology, 23 (2): 191–212.
- Maxwell, S., Nye, P. ve Maxwell, N. (1999). Less Pain, Some Gain: The Effects of Priming Fairness in Price Negotiations”, Psychology & Marketing, 16 (7): 545-562.
- Mo, Y.C. (2011). Apple Inc Tops Taipei’s Consumer Complaints List”, Taipei Times,, (1 Kasım, 2017).
- Murphy, S. (2010). Ensuring the Price is Right”, Chain Store Age, 86 (2): 32-3.
- Nagle,T.T. ve Holden,R.K. (1995). The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: a Guide to Profitable Decision Making, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
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- Özer, Ö., Philips, R. (2012), Introduction, Özer, Özalp; Philips, Robert (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Pricing Management içinde, Oxford University Press, UK.
- Ramasastry, A. (2005). Web Sites Change Prices Based on Customers’ Habits., June 24, 2005,, 1 Kasım, 2017).
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Year 2019,
Volume: 12 Issue: 23, 21 - 54, 01.06.2019
Özge Sığırcı
A. Ercan Gegez
Çalışmada, eski ya da yeni müşterilere daha yüksek fiyat sunmak şeklinde uygulanan bir müşteri kimliği bazlı fiyat farklılaştırmasının, müşterilerin avantajlı ya da dezavantajlı fiyat alması ve işletmenin para iadesi politikası göz önüne alınarak tüketicilerin adalet algıları üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. 2x2x3 gruplararası faktöryel tasarım kullanılmış ve bağımsız değişkenleri manipüle edebilmek için senaryolar tasarlanmıştır. Tasarlanan 12 farklı senaryo farklı cevaplayıcı grupları tarafından okunmuş ve ardından bu grupların adalet algıları ölçülmüş ve gruplar arası farklılıklar analiz edilmiştir. İşletmelerin yeni ya da eski müşterilere daha yüksek fiyat sunma uygulamalarının adaletini eski ve yeni müşteri grupları farklı algılamaktadır. Eski müşterilere yeni müşterilerden daha yüksek fiyat sunulması uygulaması eski müşteriler tarafından adaletsiz algılandığı kadar avantajlı tarafta olan yeni müşteriler tarafından da adaletsiz algılanmaktadır. Para iadesi sunmak şeklinde yapılan telafinin ise müşteri adalet algıları üzerinde istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir etkisi bulunmamaktadır
- Ackerman, D. ve Perner, L. (2004). Did You Hear What My Friend Paid Examining the Consequences of Social Comparisons of Prices. Advances in Consumer Research, 31: 586-592.
- Adams, J.S. (1965). Inequity in Social Exchange. L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology içinde. New York: Academic Press, 267- 299.
- Antón, C., Camarero, C. ve Carrero, M. (2007). The Mediating Effect of Satisfaction on Consumers’ Switching Intention”. Psychology & Marketing, 24 (6): 511–38.
- Armstrong, G. ve Kotler, P. (2000). Marketing: An Introduction (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
- Baker, W., Marn, M. ve Zawada, C. (2001). Price Smarter on the Net’. Harvard Business Review, 79(2): 122-127.
- Barone M. J, Roy T. (2010). Does Exclusivity Always Pay Off? Exclusive Price Promotions and Consumer Response. Journal of Marketing, 74 (2): 121– 132.
- Batur, A. (2012). Fitnes Sektörü 70 Milyar Dolara Ulaştı, Türkiye’nin Payı yüzde 0.5’te Kaldı. Hürriyet Ekonomi, ekonomi/20777189.asp (1 Kasım 2017).
- Beldona, S. ve Namasivayan, K. (2006). Gender and Demand-Based Pricing: Differences in Perceived (Un)Fairness and Repatronage Intentions. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 14 (4): 89-107.
- Bertini, M. ve Gourville, J. T. (2012). Pricing to Create Shared Value. Harvard Business Review, 90 (60): 97-104.
- Bitner, M.J., Booms, B.H. ve Tetreault, M.S. (1990). The Service Encounter: Diagnosing Favorable and Unfavorable Incidents. Journal of Marketing, 54 (1): 71-84.
- Blodgett, J.G., Hill, D.J. ve Tax, S.S. (1997). The Effects of Distributive, Procedural, and Interactional Justice on Postcomplaint Behavior. Journal of Retailing, 73 (2): 185–210.
- Bolton, L.E., Warlop, L. ve Alba, J.W., (2003). Consumer Perception of Price (Un)Fairness. Journal of Consumer Research, 29 (4): 474–491.
- Campbell, M. (2007). Says Who? How the Source of Price Information and Affect Influence Perceived Price (Un)Fairness. Journal of Marketing Research, 44 (2): 261-271.
- Campbell, M. C. (1999). Perceptions of Price Unfairness: Antecedents and Consequences. Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (2): 187–199.
- Carroll, K. ve Coates, D. (1999). Teaching Price Discrimination: Some Clarification. Southern Economic Journal, 66 (2): 466-480.
- Chen, Shih-Fen S., Monroe, K. M. ve Lou, Y-C. (1998). The Effects of Framing Price Promotion Messages on Consumers’ Perceptions and Purchase Intentions. Journal of Retailing, 74 (3): 353-372.
- Cox, J.L. (2001). Can differential price be fair?. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 10 (5): 264–275.
- Daily Mail (2011). Tesco Refuses to Honour Nintendo 3DS Priced £40 Cheaper than its Competitors. Tesco-confirms-Nintendo-3DS-price-error.html (1 Kasım 2017).
- Darke P. R. ve Dahl D. W. (2003). Fairness and Discounts: The Subjective Value of a Bargain. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13 (3): 328–338.
- Deutsch M. (1975) Equity, Equality and Need: What Determines Which Value Will Be Used as the Basis of Distributive Justice?. Journal of Social Issues, 31 (3): 137–149.
- Dickson, P. R. ve Kalapurakal, R. (1994). The Use and Perceived Fairness of Price-Setting rules in the Bulk Electricity Market. Journal of Economic Psychology, 15 (3): 427–448.
- Estelami, H., Bergstein, H. (2006). The Impact of Market Price Volatility on Consumer Satisfaction with Lowest-Price Refunds. Journal of Services Marketing, 20 (3): 169 – 177.
- Feinberg, F.M., Krishna, A., Zhang, Z.J. (2002). Do We Care What Others Get? A Behaviorist Approach to Targeted Promotions. Journal of Marketing Research, 39 (3): 277–291.
- Field, A. (2009). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. 3. Baskı, Sage Publication.
- Finkel, N. J. (2001). Not Fair The Typology of Commonsense Unfairness, 1. Baskı, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Folger, R. (1987). Distributive and Procedural Justice in the Workplace. Social Justice Research, 1 (2): 143–159.
- Garbarino, E. ve Lee, O. F. (2003). Dynamic Pricing in Internet Retail: Effects on Consumer Trust. Psychology & Marketing, 20 (6): 495–513.
- Gelbrich, K. (2011). I Have Paid Less Than You The Emotional and Behavioral Consequences of Advantaged Price Inequality. Journal of Retailing, 87 (2): 207-224.
- Greenberg, J., Tyler, T.R. (1987). Why Procedural Justice in Organizations?. Social Justice Research, 1 (2): 127–142.
- Grewal, D., Hardesty, D. M., Iyer, G. R. (2004). The Effects of Buyer Identification and Purchase Timing On Consumers’ Perceptions of Trust, Price Fairness, and Repurchase Intentions. Journal of Interactive Marketing,18 (4): 87-100.
- Grewal, D., Roggeveen, A.L. and Tsiros, M. (2008). The Effect of Compensation on Repurchase Intentions in Service Recovery. Journal of Retailing, 84 (4): 424-434.
- Haws, K. L., Bearden, W. O. (2006). Dynamic Pricing and Consumer Fairness Perceptions. Journal of Consumer Research, 33(3): 304-311.
- Heyman J. E, Mellers B. A. (2008). Perceptions of fair pricing. Haugtvedt C. P., Herr P. M., Kardes F. R. (Ed.), Handbook of consumer psychology içinde. New York, NY: Psychology Press; 2008. 683–97.
- Hoffman, K. D., Turley, L. W. ve Kelley, S. W. (2002). Pricing Retail Services. Journal of Business Research, 55 (12): 1015–1023.
- Homburg, C., Fürst, A. (2005). How Organizational Complaint Handling Drives Customer Loyalty: An Analysis of the Mechanistic and the Organic Approach. Journal of Marketing, 69 (3): 95-114.
- Homburg, C., Hoyer, W.D. ve Koshcate, N. (2005). Customers’ Reactions to Price Increases: Do Customer Satisfaction and Perceived Motive Fairness Matter. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33 (1): 36-49.
- Huang, J.H., Chang, C.T., Chen, C. Y-H (2005). Perceived Fairness of Pricing on the Internet. Journal of Economic Psychology, 26 (3): 343-361.
- Huang, W-H. and Lin, T-D. (2011). Developing effective service compensation strategies: Is a Price Reduction More Effective Than A Free Gift?. Journal of Service Management, 22 (2): 202-216.
- Huppertz, J. W., Sidney J. A. ve Richard H. E. (1978). An Application of Equity Theory to Buyer–Seller Exchange Situations. Journal of Marketing Research, 15(2): 250–260.
- Jasso, G. (2006). The theory of Comparison Processes, P. J. Burke (Ed.), Contemporary Social Psychological Theories içinde, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 165–193.
- Jin, L., He, Y., Zhang, Y. (2014). How Power States Influence Consumers’ Perceptions of Price Unfairness. Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (5): 818-833.
- Kahneman, D., Knetsch, J.L. ve Thaler, R., R. (1986a). Fairness as a Constraint on Profit Seeking: Entitlements in the Market. The American Economic Review, 76 (4): 728–741.
- Kahneman, D., Knetsch, J. L. ve Thaler, R. H. (1986b). Fairness and the Assumptions of Economics. Journal of Business, 59 (4): 285–300.
- Kimes, S.E. (1994). Perceived fairness of yield management. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 35 (1): 22–29.
- Klaus P.H. (2013). The case of Towards a conceptual framework of Online Customer Service Experience (OCSE) Using Emerging Consensus Technique (ECT), Journal of Services Marketing, 27 (6): 443-457.
- Kuburlu, C. (2014). Spor salonlarına 375 milyon $ gidiyor”, Hürriyet, http://www., (1 Kasım 2017).
- Kukar-Kinney, M. Xia, L. ve Monroe, K. B. (2007). Consumers’ Perceptions of the Fairness of Price-Matching Refund Policies. Journal of Retailing, 83 (3): 325–337.
- Kung, M., Monroe, K. B., Cox, J. L. (2002). Pricing on the Internet. Journal of Product&Brand Management, 11 (5): 274-287.
- Leventhal GS. (1980). What Should Be Done with Equity Theory?, New York: Plenum Press.
- Lii, Y-S., Lee, M. (2012). The joint effects of compensation frames and price levels on Service Recovery of Online Pricing Error. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 22 (1): 4-20.
- Lii, Y. S., Sy, E. (2009). Internet Differential Pricing: Effects on Consumer Price Perception, Emotions, and Behavioral Responses. Computers in Human Behavior, 25 (3): 770-777.
- Lind E. A., Tyler T. R. (1988). The Social Psychology of Procedural Justice. Plenum Press, New York, USA.
- Martin, W. C., Ponder, N. ve Lueg, J. E. (2009). Price Fairness Perceptions and Customer Loyalty in a Retail Context. Journal of Business Research, 62 (6): 588-593.
- Martins, M. ve Kent B. Monroe (1994). Perceived Price Fairness: A New Look at an Old Construct. Chris T. Allen and Deborah Roedder John (Ed.), Advances in Consumer Research. Volume 21, içinde, Provo, UT : Association for Consumer Research, 75-78.
- Martins, Marielza (1995). An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Perceived Price Fairness on Perceptions of Sacrifice and Value, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
- Maxham, James G. III ve Netemeyer, R. G. (2002). Modeling Customer Perceptions of Complaint Handling Over Time: The Effects of Perceived Justice on Satisfaction and Intent. Journal of Retailing, 78 (4): 239–252.
- Maxwell, S., (2002). Rule-Based Price Fairness and Its Effect on Willingness to Purchase. Journal of Economic Psychology, 23 (2): 191–212.
- Maxwell, S., Nye, P. ve Maxwell, N. (1999). Less Pain, Some Gain: The Effects of Priming Fairness in Price Negotiations”, Psychology & Marketing, 16 (7): 545-562.
- Mo, Y.C. (2011). Apple Inc Tops Taipei’s Consumer Complaints List”, Taipei Times,, (1 Kasım, 2017).
- Murphy, S. (2010). Ensuring the Price is Right”, Chain Store Age, 86 (2): 32-3.
- Nagle,T.T. ve Holden,R.K. (1995). The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: a Guide to Profitable Decision Making, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
- Nguyen, B. ve Klaus, P. P. (2013). Retail Fairness: Exploring Consumer Perceptions of Fairness Towards Retailers’ Marketing Tactics. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20 (3): 311-324.
- Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric theory (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Ordoñez, L. D., Connolly, T. ve Coughlan, R. (2000). Multiple Reference Points in Satisfaction and Fairness Assessment. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 13 (3): 329–344.
- Özer, Ö., Philips, R. (2012), Introduction, Özer, Özalp; Philips, Robert (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Pricing Management içinde, Oxford University Press, UK.
- Ramasastry, A. (2005). Web Sites Change Prices Based on Customers’ Habits., June 24, 2005,, 1 Kasım, 2017).
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