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Year 2011, Volume: 4 Issue: 8, 21 - 50, 01.12.2011


Pazarda çok fazla sayıda firma olması, işletmeleri rekabet avantajı sağlamak için ürünlerini farklılaştırmak ve alıcılarını daha iyi tanımak zorunda bırakmaktadır. Bu nedenle günümüzde markalaşma ve marka değeri kavramları oldukça önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Çünkü marka firmalar arasındaki rekabette önemli rol oynamaktadır. Marka, ürünü tanımlayıcı parçalardan biridir ve ürüne değer katar. Bu konuda yapılan çalışmalar, bir takım farklı unsurların marka değeri boyutlarına etkisini ele almaktadır. Bu çalışmada ise tüketicilerin markaya yönelik hedonik ve rasyonel algılamalarının marka farkındalığı, marka çağrışımı, algılanan kalite ve marka bağlılığından oluşan marka değeri boyutlarına etkisini incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada tüketicilerin hedonik algılamalarının belirlenmesinde markanın ona sağladığı olumlu düşünceler, hisler, duygular, mutluluk ne benzeri alt değişkenlerden yararlanılmıştır. Markaya ilişkin rasyonel algıların tespitinde ise markanın performansı, kalitesi ve güvenilirliği dikkate alınmıştır


  • AAKER, D.A., (1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name, Free Press, New York.
  • AAKER, D.A., (1995). Strategic Market Management, John Wiley&Sons Inc., New York.
  • AAKER, D.A. (1996). Measuring Brand Equity Across Products and Markets, California Management Review, Vol. 38 No. 3, Sp. 102-120.
  • ALKİBAY, S. (2005). Profesyonel Spor Kulüplerinin Taraftar İlişkileri Yoluyla Marka Değeri Yaratmaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma, H.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Sayı:23, No:1, s.83-108.
  • ALTUNIŞIK R. ve L. Çallı, (2004). Plansız Alışveriş (Impulse Buying) ve Hazcı Tüketim Davranışları Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Satınalma Karar Sürecinde Bilgi Kullanımı, 3.Ulusal Bilgi Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, Eskişehir.
  • ANTONIDES, G. ve W.F. Van Raaij, (1998). Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
  • ATILGAN, E., S. Aksoy ve S. Akıncı, (2005). Determinants of the Brand Equity. A Verification Approach in the Beverage Industry in Turkey, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol: 23, No:3, s.237-248.
  • BABACAN, M., (2001). Hedonik Tüketim ve Özel Günler Alışverişlerine Yansıması, 6.Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, Erzurum, s.97-106.
  • BALDAUF, A., K.S. Cravens ve G. Binder, (2003). Performance Consequences of Brand Equity Management: Evidence From Organizations in the Value Chain, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:12, No:4, s.220-236.
  • BALLESTER, E. D. ve J.L.M. Aleman, (2005). Does Brand Trust Matter to Brand Equity?, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:14, No:2/3, s.187-196.
  • BANDYOPADHYAY, S., K. Gupta ve L. Dube, (2005). Does Brand Loyalty Influence Double Jeopardy? A Theoretical and Empirical Study, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:14, No:7, s.414-423.
  • BERRY, L.L., (2000). Cultivating service brand equity, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol:28, No:1, s.128-137.
  • BİLGİLİ, B., (2007). Sigorta Hizmetlerinde Marka Değeri, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Erzurum.
  • BRUMLEY, C. M., (2002). Creating Loyalty in Relationship Marketing: A Descriptive Study of Supermarket Loyalty Programs, West Virginia University, Phd. Dissertation, USA, UMI.
  • CHANDON, P., B. Wansink ve G. Laurent, (2000). A Benefit Congruency Framework of Sales Promotion Effectiveness, Journal of Marketing, Vol:64, s.65-81.
  • CHAUDHURI, A. ve M.B. Holbrook, (2001). The Chain of Effects From Brand Trust and Brand Affect to Brand Performance: The Role of Brand Loyalty, Journal of Marketing, Vol:65, No:2, s.81-93.
  • CHEN, A.C., (2001). Using Free Association to Examine the Relationship Between the Characteristics of Brand Associations and Brand Equity, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:10, No:6/7, s.439-452.
  • CHILDERS, T. L., C. L. Carr, J. Peck ve S. Carson, (2001). Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivations for Online Retail Shopping Behavior, Journal of Retailing, Vol:77, s.511-535.
  • DHAR, R. ve K. Wertenbroch, (2000). Consumer Choice Between Hedonic and Utilitarian Goods, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol:37, s.60-71.
  • EAGLE, L., P. Kitchen, L. Rose ve B. Moyle, (2003). Brand Equity and Brand Vulnerability: The Impact of Grey Marketing/Paralel Importing on Brand Equity and Values, European Journal of Marketing, Vol:37, No:10, s.1332-1349.
  • FAIRCLOTH, J.B., (2005). Factors Influencing Nonprofit Resource Provider Support Decisions: Applying the Brand Equity Concept to Nonprofits, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol:13, No:3, s.1-15.
  • FELDWICK, P., (1996). Do We Really Need Brand Equity?, Journal of Brand Management, Vol:4, No:1, s.9-28.
  • FOURNIER, S. (1998). Consumers and Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol:24, s.343-373.
  • HOEFFLER, S. ve K.L. Keller, (2002). Building Brand Equity Through Corporate Societal Marketing, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Vol:21, No:1, s.78-89.
  • GIL, R. B., E.F. Andres ve E.M. Salinas, (2007). Family as a Source of Consumer-Based Brand Equity, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:16, No:3, s.188- 199.
  • GÖDEKMERDAN, L., S. Ünal ve P. Can, (2008), Marka Bağlılığında Hedonik ve Rasyonel Faydanın Rolü-Perakendeci Markalı Ürünler Üzerine Bir Araştırma, 13.Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, Nevşehir, s.398-411.
  • JACOBY, J. ve R.W. Chestnut, (1978). Brand Loyalty Measurement and Management, Wiley and Sons Inc, New York.
  • KELLER, K.L., (1993). Conceptualizing, Measuring, Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity, Journal of Marketing, Vol:57, No:1, s.1-23.
  • KELLER, K.L., (2003). Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, Second Edition, Prentice Hall Press, New Jersey.
  • KELLER, K.L., (2003b). Brand Synthesis: The Multidimensionality of Brand Knowledge, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.29, No.4, s.595-600.
  • KELLER, K.L. ve K.K. Davey, (2001). Building Customer-Based Brand Equity, The Advertising Research Foundation Workshop: Advertising Research Foundation, New York.
  • KIM, H., W. Kim ve J.A. An, (2003). The Effect of Consumer-Based Brand Equity on Firms’ Financial Performance, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol:20, No:4, s.335-351.
  • KRIEGBAUM, C.,(1998). Valuation of Brands – A Critical Comparison of Different Methods, Working Paper, Dresden University.
  • LASSAR, W., B. Mittal ve A. Sharma, (1995). Measuring Customer-Based Brand Equity, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol:12, No:4, s.11-19.
  • LI, X., (2003). How Brand Knowledge Influences Consumers’ Purchase Intentions, Auburn of University, PhD Dissertation, USA. UMI.
  • LOW, G. ve C.W. Lamb, (2000). The Measurement and Dimensionality of Brand Associations, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:9, No:6, s.350-370.
  • MATTHIESEN, I. ve I. Phau, (2005). The ‘HUGO BOSS’ Connection: Achieving Global Brand Consistency Across Countries, Journal of Brand Management, Vol:12, s.325-338.
  • MATHWICH, C., N.K. Malhotra ve E. Rigdon, (2001). Experiential Value: Conceptualization, Measurement and Application in The Catalog and Internet Shopping Environment, Journal of Retailing, Vol:77, No:1, s.39-56.
  • NA, W., Y. Son ve R. Marshall, (2007). Why Buy Second-best? The Behavioral Dynamics of Market Leadership, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:16, No:1, s.16-22.
  • ODABAŞI, Y., (2001). Tüketim Kültürü: Yetinen Toplumun Tüketen Topluma Dönüşümü, Sistem Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • ODABAŞI, Y. ve G. Barış, (2002). Tüketici Davranışı, 2. Baskı, Kapital Medya, İstanbul.
  • ODABAŞI, Y. ve M. Oyman, (2004). Pazarlama İletişimi Yönetimi, Kapital Medya, İstanbul.
  • OLIVER, R.L., (1999). Whence Consumer Loyalty?, Journal of Marketing, Vol:63, s.33-44.
  • ÖZDEMİR, Ş. ve F. Yaman, (2007). Hedonik Alışverişin Cinsiyete Göre Farklılaşması Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Cilt:2, No:2, s.81-91.
  • PAPPU, R., P.G. Quester ve R.W. Cooksey, (2006). Consumer-Based Brand Equity and Country-of-Origin Relationships, European Journal of Marketing, Vol:40, No:5/6, s.697-717.
  • PARK, C. S. ve V. Srinivasan, (1994). A Survey-Based Method For Measuring and Understanding Brand, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol:31, No:2, s.271-289.
  • QUESTER, P. ve A.L. Lim, (2003). Product Involvement/Brand Loyalty: Is There a Link?, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:12, No:1, s.22-39.
  • ROWLEY, J., (2005). The Four Cs Customer Loyalty, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol:23, No:6-7, s.574-581.
  • RUTH, J., (2001). Promoting a Brand’s Emotional Benefits: The Influence of The Emotional Categorization Process on Consumer Evaluations, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol:11, No:2, s.99-113.
  • SALEGNA, G. J. ve S.A. Goodwin, (2005). Consumer Loyalty to Service Providers: A Integrated Conceptual Model, Journal of Consumer Saticfaction, Dissaticfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol:18, s.51-67.
  • SCHOENBACHLER, D.D., G.L. Gordon, ve T.W. Aurand, (2004). Building Brand Loyalty Through Indıvıdual Stock Ownership, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:13, No:7, s.488-497.
  • SIRDESHMUKH, D., J. Singh ve B. Sabol, (2002). Consumer Trust, Value and Loyalty in Relational Excanges, Journal of Marketing, Vol:66, No:1, s.15-37.
  • SOLOMON, R.M., (2006). Consumer Behaviour, Buying, Having, and Being, Seventh Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall,. USA.
  • STOELA, Leslie, V. Wickliffeb ve K.H. Lee, (2004). Attribute Beliefs and Spending as Antecedents to Shopping Value, Journal of Business Research, Vol:57, s.1067-1073.
  • TAYLOR, S.A., S. Goodwin ve K. Celuch, (2004). The Relative Importance of Brand Equity to Customer Loyalty in an Industrial Setting, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:13, No:4, s.217-227.
  • VAZQUEZ, R., A.B. Del Rio ve V. Iglesias, (2002). Consumer-Based Brand Equity: Development and Validation of a Measurement Instrument, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol:18, No:1/2, s.27-48.
  • VOSS E.K., E.R. Spangenberg ve B. Grohmann, (2003). Measuring the Hedonic and Utilitarian Dimensions of Consumer Attitude, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol:15, (August), s.310-320.
  • WASHBURN, J.H. ve R.E Plank, (2002). Measuring Brand Equity: An Evaluation of a Consumer-Based Brand Equity Scale, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol:10, No:1, s.46-61.
  • WOOD, L. (2000). Brands and Brand Equity: Definition and Management, Management Decision, Vol:38, No:9, s.662-669.
  • WOOD, L. M., (2004). Dimensions of Brand Purchasing Behaviour: Consumers in the 18-24 Age Group, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol:4, No:1, s.9-24.
  • WU, S., (2003). The Relationship Between Consumer Charecteristic and Attitude Toward Online Shopping, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol:21, No:1, s.37-44.
  • YAPRAKLI, Ş. ve P. Can, (2009). Pazarlama Faaliyetlerinin ve Ailenin Tüketici Temelli Marka Değeri Boyutlarına Etkisi, Atatürk Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Cilt:23, Sayı:1, s.265-290.
  • YOO, B. ve N. Donthu, (2002). Testing Cross-Cultural Invariance of The Brand Equity Creation Process, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:11, No:6/7, s.380-398.


Year 2011, Volume: 4 Issue: 8, 21 - 50, 01.12.2011


Cooperations will have to differentiate their product and to know consumers beter in order to take advantake in competition if there are so many firm at the market. For this reason today branding and brand equity are of remarkable importance. Brand plays an important role on competition among firms. Brand is one of the factors defining product and it adds value to the product. The studies on the topic focus on the effect of different factors on brand equity diversity. This study aims the effect of consumers’ hedonic and utilitarian perceptions on brand awareness, brand association, quality perception and brand loyalty, which consist of brand equity’s dimensions. In the study we used sub variables such as positive ideas gained from the brand, feelings, thoughts and happiness etc. in determining hedonic perceptions. We considered brand performance, quality and reliability in determining rational perception of brand. This study was applied to the consumers of a native and strange brand in jeans sector. Study was carried out in Erzurum. In data analysis, we used frequency distribution, means, standart deviations, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model SEM . Key Words: Hedonic and Utilitarian Brand Perceptions, Brand Equity, The Dimensions of Brand Equity, Structural Equation Models SEM


  • AAKER, D.A., (1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name, Free Press, New York.
  • AAKER, D.A., (1995). Strategic Market Management, John Wiley&Sons Inc., New York.
  • AAKER, D.A. (1996). Measuring Brand Equity Across Products and Markets, California Management Review, Vol. 38 No. 3, Sp. 102-120.
  • ALKİBAY, S. (2005). Profesyonel Spor Kulüplerinin Taraftar İlişkileri Yoluyla Marka Değeri Yaratmaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma, H.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Sayı:23, No:1, s.83-108.
  • ALTUNIŞIK R. ve L. Çallı, (2004). Plansız Alışveriş (Impulse Buying) ve Hazcı Tüketim Davranışları Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Satınalma Karar Sürecinde Bilgi Kullanımı, 3.Ulusal Bilgi Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, Eskişehir.
  • ANTONIDES, G. ve W.F. Van Raaij, (1998). Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
  • ATILGAN, E., S. Aksoy ve S. Akıncı, (2005). Determinants of the Brand Equity. A Verification Approach in the Beverage Industry in Turkey, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol: 23, No:3, s.237-248.
  • BABACAN, M., (2001). Hedonik Tüketim ve Özel Günler Alışverişlerine Yansıması, 6.Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, Erzurum, s.97-106.
  • BALDAUF, A., K.S. Cravens ve G. Binder, (2003). Performance Consequences of Brand Equity Management: Evidence From Organizations in the Value Chain, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:12, No:4, s.220-236.
  • BALLESTER, E. D. ve J.L.M. Aleman, (2005). Does Brand Trust Matter to Brand Equity?, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:14, No:2/3, s.187-196.
  • BANDYOPADHYAY, S., K. Gupta ve L. Dube, (2005). Does Brand Loyalty Influence Double Jeopardy? A Theoretical and Empirical Study, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:14, No:7, s.414-423.
  • BERRY, L.L., (2000). Cultivating service brand equity, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol:28, No:1, s.128-137.
  • BİLGİLİ, B., (2007). Sigorta Hizmetlerinde Marka Değeri, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Erzurum.
  • BRUMLEY, C. M., (2002). Creating Loyalty in Relationship Marketing: A Descriptive Study of Supermarket Loyalty Programs, West Virginia University, Phd. Dissertation, USA, UMI.
  • CHANDON, P., B. Wansink ve G. Laurent, (2000). A Benefit Congruency Framework of Sales Promotion Effectiveness, Journal of Marketing, Vol:64, s.65-81.
  • CHAUDHURI, A. ve M.B. Holbrook, (2001). The Chain of Effects From Brand Trust and Brand Affect to Brand Performance: The Role of Brand Loyalty, Journal of Marketing, Vol:65, No:2, s.81-93.
  • CHEN, A.C., (2001). Using Free Association to Examine the Relationship Between the Characteristics of Brand Associations and Brand Equity, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:10, No:6/7, s.439-452.
  • CHILDERS, T. L., C. L. Carr, J. Peck ve S. Carson, (2001). Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivations for Online Retail Shopping Behavior, Journal of Retailing, Vol:77, s.511-535.
  • DHAR, R. ve K. Wertenbroch, (2000). Consumer Choice Between Hedonic and Utilitarian Goods, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol:37, s.60-71.
  • EAGLE, L., P. Kitchen, L. Rose ve B. Moyle, (2003). Brand Equity and Brand Vulnerability: The Impact of Grey Marketing/Paralel Importing on Brand Equity and Values, European Journal of Marketing, Vol:37, No:10, s.1332-1349.
  • FAIRCLOTH, J.B., (2005). Factors Influencing Nonprofit Resource Provider Support Decisions: Applying the Brand Equity Concept to Nonprofits, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol:13, No:3, s.1-15.
  • FELDWICK, P., (1996). Do We Really Need Brand Equity?, Journal of Brand Management, Vol:4, No:1, s.9-28.
  • FOURNIER, S. (1998). Consumers and Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol:24, s.343-373.
  • HOEFFLER, S. ve K.L. Keller, (2002). Building Brand Equity Through Corporate Societal Marketing, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Vol:21, No:1, s.78-89.
  • GIL, R. B., E.F. Andres ve E.M. Salinas, (2007). Family as a Source of Consumer-Based Brand Equity, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:16, No:3, s.188- 199.
  • GÖDEKMERDAN, L., S. Ünal ve P. Can, (2008), Marka Bağlılığında Hedonik ve Rasyonel Faydanın Rolü-Perakendeci Markalı Ürünler Üzerine Bir Araştırma, 13.Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, Nevşehir, s.398-411.
  • JACOBY, J. ve R.W. Chestnut, (1978). Brand Loyalty Measurement and Management, Wiley and Sons Inc, New York.
  • KELLER, K.L., (1993). Conceptualizing, Measuring, Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity, Journal of Marketing, Vol:57, No:1, s.1-23.
  • KELLER, K.L., (2003). Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, Second Edition, Prentice Hall Press, New Jersey.
  • KELLER, K.L., (2003b). Brand Synthesis: The Multidimensionality of Brand Knowledge, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.29, No.4, s.595-600.
  • KELLER, K.L. ve K.K. Davey, (2001). Building Customer-Based Brand Equity, The Advertising Research Foundation Workshop: Advertising Research Foundation, New York.
  • KIM, H., W. Kim ve J.A. An, (2003). The Effect of Consumer-Based Brand Equity on Firms’ Financial Performance, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol:20, No:4, s.335-351.
  • KRIEGBAUM, C.,(1998). Valuation of Brands – A Critical Comparison of Different Methods, Working Paper, Dresden University.
  • LASSAR, W., B. Mittal ve A. Sharma, (1995). Measuring Customer-Based Brand Equity, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol:12, No:4, s.11-19.
  • LI, X., (2003). How Brand Knowledge Influences Consumers’ Purchase Intentions, Auburn of University, PhD Dissertation, USA. UMI.
  • LOW, G. ve C.W. Lamb, (2000). The Measurement and Dimensionality of Brand Associations, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:9, No:6, s.350-370.
  • MATTHIESEN, I. ve I. Phau, (2005). The ‘HUGO BOSS’ Connection: Achieving Global Brand Consistency Across Countries, Journal of Brand Management, Vol:12, s.325-338.
  • MATHWICH, C., N.K. Malhotra ve E. Rigdon, (2001). Experiential Value: Conceptualization, Measurement and Application in The Catalog and Internet Shopping Environment, Journal of Retailing, Vol:77, No:1, s.39-56.
  • NA, W., Y. Son ve R. Marshall, (2007). Why Buy Second-best? The Behavioral Dynamics of Market Leadership, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:16, No:1, s.16-22.
  • ODABAŞI, Y., (2001). Tüketim Kültürü: Yetinen Toplumun Tüketen Topluma Dönüşümü, Sistem Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • ODABAŞI, Y. ve G. Barış, (2002). Tüketici Davranışı, 2. Baskı, Kapital Medya, İstanbul.
  • ODABAŞI, Y. ve M. Oyman, (2004). Pazarlama İletişimi Yönetimi, Kapital Medya, İstanbul.
  • OLIVER, R.L., (1999). Whence Consumer Loyalty?, Journal of Marketing, Vol:63, s.33-44.
  • ÖZDEMİR, Ş. ve F. Yaman, (2007). Hedonik Alışverişin Cinsiyete Göre Farklılaşması Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Cilt:2, No:2, s.81-91.
  • PAPPU, R., P.G. Quester ve R.W. Cooksey, (2006). Consumer-Based Brand Equity and Country-of-Origin Relationships, European Journal of Marketing, Vol:40, No:5/6, s.697-717.
  • PARK, C. S. ve V. Srinivasan, (1994). A Survey-Based Method For Measuring and Understanding Brand, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol:31, No:2, s.271-289.
  • QUESTER, P. ve A.L. Lim, (2003). Product Involvement/Brand Loyalty: Is There a Link?, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:12, No:1, s.22-39.
  • ROWLEY, J., (2005). The Four Cs Customer Loyalty, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol:23, No:6-7, s.574-581.
  • RUTH, J., (2001). Promoting a Brand’s Emotional Benefits: The Influence of The Emotional Categorization Process on Consumer Evaluations, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol:11, No:2, s.99-113.
  • SALEGNA, G. J. ve S.A. Goodwin, (2005). Consumer Loyalty to Service Providers: A Integrated Conceptual Model, Journal of Consumer Saticfaction, Dissaticfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol:18, s.51-67.
  • SCHOENBACHLER, D.D., G.L. Gordon, ve T.W. Aurand, (2004). Building Brand Loyalty Through Indıvıdual Stock Ownership, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:13, No:7, s.488-497.
  • SIRDESHMUKH, D., J. Singh ve B. Sabol, (2002). Consumer Trust, Value and Loyalty in Relational Excanges, Journal of Marketing, Vol:66, No:1, s.15-37.
  • SOLOMON, R.M., (2006). Consumer Behaviour, Buying, Having, and Being, Seventh Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall,. USA.
  • STOELA, Leslie, V. Wickliffeb ve K.H. Lee, (2004). Attribute Beliefs and Spending as Antecedents to Shopping Value, Journal of Business Research, Vol:57, s.1067-1073.
  • TAYLOR, S.A., S. Goodwin ve K. Celuch, (2004). The Relative Importance of Brand Equity to Customer Loyalty in an Industrial Setting, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:13, No:4, s.217-227.
  • VAZQUEZ, R., A.B. Del Rio ve V. Iglesias, (2002). Consumer-Based Brand Equity: Development and Validation of a Measurement Instrument, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol:18, No:1/2, s.27-48.
  • VOSS E.K., E.R. Spangenberg ve B. Grohmann, (2003). Measuring the Hedonic and Utilitarian Dimensions of Consumer Attitude, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol:15, (August), s.310-320.
  • WASHBURN, J.H. ve R.E Plank, (2002). Measuring Brand Equity: An Evaluation of a Consumer-Based Brand Equity Scale, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol:10, No:1, s.46-61.
  • WOOD, L. (2000). Brands and Brand Equity: Definition and Management, Management Decision, Vol:38, No:9, s.662-669.
  • WOOD, L. M., (2004). Dimensions of Brand Purchasing Behaviour: Consumers in the 18-24 Age Group, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol:4, No:1, s.9-24.
  • WU, S., (2003). The Relationship Between Consumer Charecteristic and Attitude Toward Online Shopping, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol:21, No:1, s.37-44.
  • YAPRAKLI, Ş. ve P. Can, (2009). Pazarlama Faaliyetlerinin ve Ailenin Tüketici Temelli Marka Değeri Boyutlarına Etkisi, Atatürk Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Cilt:23, Sayı:1, s.265-290.
  • YOO, B. ve N. Donthu, (2002). Testing Cross-Cultural Invariance of The Brand Equity Creation Process, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol:11, No:6/7, s.380-398.
There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Aysel Erciş This is me

Şükrü Yapraklı This is me

Polat Can This is me

M. Kemal Yılmaz This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 4 Issue: 8


APA Erciş, A., Yapraklı, Ş., Can, P., Yılmaz, M. K. (2011). TÜKETİCİLERİN MARKAYA İLİŞKİN HEDONİK VE RASYONEL ALGILAMALARININ MARKA DEĞERİ BOYUTLARINA ETKİSİ. Pazarlama Ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(8), 21-50.