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Year 2010, Volume: 3 Issue: 6, 53 - 84, 01.12.2010


Bu çalışma, şehir pazarlaması sürecinde turistik tüketiciler tarafından bir şehre yönelik olarak algılanan marka kişiliğinin o şehri başkalarına tavsiye etme davranışı üzerindeki etkisini incelemektedir. Bu noktadan hareket ederek, şehir pazarlaması sürecinde marka kişiliği geliştirmenin o şehir için rekabetçi bir kimlik getirip getirmeyeceği sorusuna cevap aranmaktadır. Bu çerçevede, bir şehir için turistler tarafından algılanan marka kişiliği temel bağımsız değişken ve tavsiye etme davranışı da temel bağımlı değişken olmak üzere geliştirilen bir model yoluyla veriler analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada yararlanılan veriler, hem de İstanbul’u hem de Roma’yı ziyaret etmiş olan 137 İngiliz turistten Londra’da Stansted havalimanında elde edilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde t-test, faktör analizi ve yapısal eşitlik modeli kullanılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda, algılanan marka kişiliğinin tavsiye etme davranışı üzerinde doğrudan bir etkisine rastlanmasa da, süreci belirleyici yönde güçlü ve çok yönlü bir dolaylı etkisi tespit edilmiştir


  • Aaker, J.L. (1997) Dimensions of brand personality, Journal of Marketing Research, 34(3): 347-56.
  • Anderson, J. ve Gerbing, D.W. (1988) Structural Equation Modelling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach, Psychological Bulletin, 103(3): 411- 423.
  • Ashworth, G. ve Goodal, B. (1988) Tourist Images: Marketing Considerations. In Marketing in the Tourism Industry: The Promotion of Destination Regions, edited by B. Goodall and G. Ashworth. London: Routledge: 213-39.
  • Bagozzi, R.P. ve Yi, Y. (1988) On the evaluation of structural equation models, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 16 (1): 74 – 94 .
  • Baloglu, S. ve Brinberg, D. (1997), Affective Images of Tourism Destination. Journal of Travel Research, 35 (4):11-15.
  • Baumgartner, H. ve Homburg, C. (1996) Applications of structural equation modelling in marketing and consumer research: a review, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 13 (2): 139 – 161.
  • Bentler, P.M., (1992) On The Fit Of The Models To Covariances And Methodology To The Bulletin, Psychological Bulletin, 112 (3): 400 – 404 .
  • Berger-Schmitt R. (2002) Considering Social Cohesion in Quality of Life Assessments: Concepts And Measurement, Soc Indic Res, 58:403–28.
  • Biel, A. (1993) Converting Image into Equity. In Brand Equity and Advertising, edited by D. A. Aaker and A. Biel. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, : 67-82.
  • Bigné, J. E., M. I. Sanchez ve J. Sanchez (2001) Tourism Image, Evaluation Variables and after Purchase Behaviour: Inter-relationship, Tourism Management, 22:607-16.
  • Bollen, K.A., (1989) Structural equations with latent variables, New York, John Wiley.
  • Chernotany, L. ve Riley, F.D. (1998) Creating Powerful Brands, 2nd ed., Oxford Butter Woth Heimann: 421.
  • Caprara, G. V., C. Barbaranelli ve G. Guido (2001) Brand Personality: How to Make the Metaphor Fit, Journal of Economic Psychology, 22:377-95.
  • Crompton, J. L. (1979) An Assessment of the Image of Mexico as a Vacation Destination and the Influence of Geographical Location upon That Image, Journal of Travel Re- search, 17 (4): 18-23.
  • Cronin J.J. ve S.A. Taylor (1992), Measuring service quality: a re-examination and exten- sion. Journal of Marketing , 56:55–68.
  • Eagly, A.H ve Chaiken, S. (1993) The Psychology of Attitudes, Harcourt Brace Jovanoich, Fort Worth, TX.
  • Ekinci, Y. ve Hosany, S. (2006) Destination Personality: An Application of Brand Perso- nality to Tourism Destinations, Journal of Travel Research, 45, 127-139.
  • Ekinci, Y., Dawes, P. L. ve Massey, G. R. (2008), An Extended Model Of The Antece- dents And Consequences Of Consumer Satisfaction For Hospitality Services, Euro- pean Journal of Marketing, 42(1/2): 35-68.
  • Echtner, C. ve J. R. B. Ritchie (1991) The Meaning and Measurement of Destination Ima- ge, Journal of Tourism Studies, 2 (2): 2-12.
  • Flavian, C., Tores, E. ve Guilaniu, M. (2004) Corporate Image Measurement: A Further Problem For The Tangibilization Of Internet Banking Service , The International Jo- urnal of Bank Marketing, 22: 366–384.
  • Fornell, C. ve Larcker, D. F. (1981), Evaluating structural equation models with unob- servable variables and measurement error, Journal of Marketing Research, 18 (1): 39 – 50 .
  • Fournier, S. (1998) Consumers and Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Research, 24:343-73.
  • Greenwald, A. G., ve Banaji, M. R. (1995) Implicit Social Cognition: Attitudes, Self- Esteem, And Stereotypes, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102: 4-27.
  • Grönroos, C. (1984) A service quality model and its marketing Implications, European Journal of Marketing, 18(4): 36–44.
  • Henderson, J. C. (2000) Selling Places: The New Asia–Singapore Brand, Journal of Tou- rism Studies, 11 (1): 36-44.
  • Heylen, J. P., B. Dawson ve P. Sampson (1995) An Implicit Model of Consumer Behavi- our, Journal of Market Research Society, 2 (4): 65-75.
  • Hoeffler, S. ve K. L. Keller (2003) The Marketing Advantage of Strong Brands, Journal of Brand Management, 10 (6): 421–445.
  • Holbrook, M.B. ve Batra, R. (1987) Assessing The Role Of Emotions As Mediators Of Consumer Responses to Advertising. Journal of Consumer Research, 14 (3): 404 - 20.
  • Karande K., Zinkhan G.M. ve Lum A.B. (1997) Brand Personality And Self-Concept: A Replication And Extension. Amer Mark Assoc Sum Conf.: 65–171.
  • Kavaratzis, M. ve Ashworth, G.J. (2007) Partners in coffeshops, canals and commerce: Marketing the city of Amsterdam, Cities, 24(1): 16-25.
  • Keller, K.L. (1993) Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity, Journal of Marketing, 57 (1): 1-22.
  • Kim, C. K., D. Han ve S. B. Park (2001) The Effect of Brand Personality and Brand Iden- tification on Brand Loyalty: Applying the Theory of Social Identification, Japanese Psychological Research, 43 (4): 195-206.
  • Kolter, P. (2000) Marketing Management. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall
  • Low, G.S. ve Lamb Jr., C.W, (2000) The Measurment And Dimensionality Of Brand Associations, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 9 (6): 350-370.
  • Malhotra, N. K. (1988) Self-Concept and Product Choice: An Integrated Perspective, Journal of Economic Psychology, 9:1-28.
  • Mayo, G.R. and Olson, J.M. (1994), Value-Attitude-Behaviour Relations: The Modera- ting Role Of Attitude Functions, British Journal of Social Psychology, 33, 301-12.
  • Milman, A. ve A. Pizam (1995) The Role of Awareness and Familiarity with a Destina- tion: The Central Florida Case, Journal of Travel Research, 33 (3): 21-27.
  • Mitchell, A.A. ve Olson, J.C. (1981) Are Product Attribute Beliefs The Only Mediator Of Advertising Effects On Brand Attitude?, Journal of Marketing Research, 18: 318-32.
  • Morgan, N. ve A. Pritchard (2002) Contextualising Destination Branding. In Destination Branding: Creating the Unique Destination Proposition, edited by N. Morgan, A. Pritc- hard, and R. Pride. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann: 11-41.
  • Morgan, N., A. Pritchard, and R. Piggott (2002). New Zealand, 100% Pure: The Creation of a Powerful Niche Destination Brand, Journal of Brand Management, 9 (4/5): 335- 54.
  • Murphy, L., Moscardo, G. ve Benckendorff (2007), Using Brand Personality to Differen- tiate Regional Tourism Destinations, Journal of Travel Research, 46: 5-14.
  • Nakip, M. (2003) Pazarlama Araştırmaları, Seçkin yayıncılık, Ankara
  • Narasimhan, R. ve Jayaram J., (1998), Causal linkages in supply chain management: An exploratory study of North American manufacturing firms”, Decision Sciences, 29 (3): 579 – 605.
  • Norman, W.T. (1963) Toward An Adequate Taxonomy Of Personality Attributes: Repli- cated Factor Structure In Peer Nomination Personality Ratings, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66(6): 574-583.
  • Oliver, R.L. (1980) A Cognitive Model Of The Antecedents And Consequences Of Satis- faction Decisions, Journal of Marketing Research, 17 (4): 460-469.
  • Padgett, D. ve Allen, D. (1997) Communicating Experiences: A Narrative Approach To Creating Service Brand Image, Journal of Advertising, 26(4): 49–62.
  • Pendergrast, M. (1993) For God, country and Coca-Cola, New York: Macmillian.
  • Plummer, J. T. (1985) How Personality Makes a Difference, Journal of Advertising Rese- arch, 24 (6): 27-31.
  • Porter, M.E. (1985) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York, The Free Pres .
  • Putnam R. (1993) The prosperous community social capital and public life. Am Prospect, 13:35–42.
  • Rynes, S. L. (1991) Recruitment, Job Choice, And Post-Hire Consequences: A Call For New Research Directions, Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology: 399– 444.
  • Sirgy, M. J. (1982) Self-concept in Consumer Behaviour: A Critical Review, Journal of Consumer Research, 9: 287-300.
  • Tan, K. C. (2001), A structural equation model of new product design and development, Decision Sciences, 32(2): 195 – 226.
  • Yoon, Y. ve Uysal, M. (2005), An examination of the effects of motivation and satisfac- tion on destination loyalty: a structural model”, Tourism Management, 26: 45 – 56.
  •, (erişim tarihi, 10.07.2009)
  •, (erişim tarihi, 22.08.2009)


Year 2010, Volume: 3 Issue: 6, 53 - 84, 01.12.2010


Even though the topics of brand personality and city marketing have been studied seperately at length, few if any studies have focused on brand personality as the antecedent to tourists’ behavior to recommend. In this study, a theoretical model focusing on brand personality, city image, social bonding, and attitude as antecedents to behavior to recommend is proposed and tested empirically. Sample was consisted of 137 British tourists who visited both İstanbul and Rome. Data were analyzed through using t- test, factor analysis, and structural equation modelling. The data showed that brand personality is significantly correlated with city image, and thus has a strong indirect efffect on behavior to recommend by determining the construct of city image


  • Aaker, J.L. (1997) Dimensions of brand personality, Journal of Marketing Research, 34(3): 347-56.
  • Anderson, J. ve Gerbing, D.W. (1988) Structural Equation Modelling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach, Psychological Bulletin, 103(3): 411- 423.
  • Ashworth, G. ve Goodal, B. (1988) Tourist Images: Marketing Considerations. In Marketing in the Tourism Industry: The Promotion of Destination Regions, edited by B. Goodall and G. Ashworth. London: Routledge: 213-39.
  • Bagozzi, R.P. ve Yi, Y. (1988) On the evaluation of structural equation models, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 16 (1): 74 – 94 .
  • Baloglu, S. ve Brinberg, D. (1997), Affective Images of Tourism Destination. Journal of Travel Research, 35 (4):11-15.
  • Baumgartner, H. ve Homburg, C. (1996) Applications of structural equation modelling in marketing and consumer research: a review, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 13 (2): 139 – 161.
  • Bentler, P.M., (1992) On The Fit Of The Models To Covariances And Methodology To The Bulletin, Psychological Bulletin, 112 (3): 400 – 404 .
  • Berger-Schmitt R. (2002) Considering Social Cohesion in Quality of Life Assessments: Concepts And Measurement, Soc Indic Res, 58:403–28.
  • Biel, A. (1993) Converting Image into Equity. In Brand Equity and Advertising, edited by D. A. Aaker and A. Biel. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, : 67-82.
  • Bigné, J. E., M. I. Sanchez ve J. Sanchez (2001) Tourism Image, Evaluation Variables and after Purchase Behaviour: Inter-relationship, Tourism Management, 22:607-16.
  • Bollen, K.A., (1989) Structural equations with latent variables, New York, John Wiley.
  • Chernotany, L. ve Riley, F.D. (1998) Creating Powerful Brands, 2nd ed., Oxford Butter Woth Heimann: 421.
  • Caprara, G. V., C. Barbaranelli ve G. Guido (2001) Brand Personality: How to Make the Metaphor Fit, Journal of Economic Psychology, 22:377-95.
  • Crompton, J. L. (1979) An Assessment of the Image of Mexico as a Vacation Destination and the Influence of Geographical Location upon That Image, Journal of Travel Re- search, 17 (4): 18-23.
  • Cronin J.J. ve S.A. Taylor (1992), Measuring service quality: a re-examination and exten- sion. Journal of Marketing , 56:55–68.
  • Eagly, A.H ve Chaiken, S. (1993) The Psychology of Attitudes, Harcourt Brace Jovanoich, Fort Worth, TX.
  • Ekinci, Y. ve Hosany, S. (2006) Destination Personality: An Application of Brand Perso- nality to Tourism Destinations, Journal of Travel Research, 45, 127-139.
  • Ekinci, Y., Dawes, P. L. ve Massey, G. R. (2008), An Extended Model Of The Antece- dents And Consequences Of Consumer Satisfaction For Hospitality Services, Euro- pean Journal of Marketing, 42(1/2): 35-68.
  • Echtner, C. ve J. R. B. Ritchie (1991) The Meaning and Measurement of Destination Ima- ge, Journal of Tourism Studies, 2 (2): 2-12.
  • Flavian, C., Tores, E. ve Guilaniu, M. (2004) Corporate Image Measurement: A Further Problem For The Tangibilization Of Internet Banking Service , The International Jo- urnal of Bank Marketing, 22: 366–384.
  • Fornell, C. ve Larcker, D. F. (1981), Evaluating structural equation models with unob- servable variables and measurement error, Journal of Marketing Research, 18 (1): 39 – 50 .
  • Fournier, S. (1998) Consumers and Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Research, 24:343-73.
  • Greenwald, A. G., ve Banaji, M. R. (1995) Implicit Social Cognition: Attitudes, Self- Esteem, And Stereotypes, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102: 4-27.
  • Grönroos, C. (1984) A service quality model and its marketing Implications, European Journal of Marketing, 18(4): 36–44.
  • Henderson, J. C. (2000) Selling Places: The New Asia–Singapore Brand, Journal of Tou- rism Studies, 11 (1): 36-44.
  • Heylen, J. P., B. Dawson ve P. Sampson (1995) An Implicit Model of Consumer Behavi- our, Journal of Market Research Society, 2 (4): 65-75.
  • Hoeffler, S. ve K. L. Keller (2003) The Marketing Advantage of Strong Brands, Journal of Brand Management, 10 (6): 421–445.
  • Holbrook, M.B. ve Batra, R. (1987) Assessing The Role Of Emotions As Mediators Of Consumer Responses to Advertising. Journal of Consumer Research, 14 (3): 404 - 20.
  • Karande K., Zinkhan G.M. ve Lum A.B. (1997) Brand Personality And Self-Concept: A Replication And Extension. Amer Mark Assoc Sum Conf.: 65–171.
  • Kavaratzis, M. ve Ashworth, G.J. (2007) Partners in coffeshops, canals and commerce: Marketing the city of Amsterdam, Cities, 24(1): 16-25.
  • Keller, K.L. (1993) Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity, Journal of Marketing, 57 (1): 1-22.
  • Kim, C. K., D. Han ve S. B. Park (2001) The Effect of Brand Personality and Brand Iden- tification on Brand Loyalty: Applying the Theory of Social Identification, Japanese Psychological Research, 43 (4): 195-206.
  • Kolter, P. (2000) Marketing Management. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall
  • Low, G.S. ve Lamb Jr., C.W, (2000) The Measurment And Dimensionality Of Brand Associations, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 9 (6): 350-370.
  • Malhotra, N. K. (1988) Self-Concept and Product Choice: An Integrated Perspective, Journal of Economic Psychology, 9:1-28.
  • Mayo, G.R. and Olson, J.M. (1994), Value-Attitude-Behaviour Relations: The Modera- ting Role Of Attitude Functions, British Journal of Social Psychology, 33, 301-12.
  • Milman, A. ve A. Pizam (1995) The Role of Awareness and Familiarity with a Destina- tion: The Central Florida Case, Journal of Travel Research, 33 (3): 21-27.
  • Mitchell, A.A. ve Olson, J.C. (1981) Are Product Attribute Beliefs The Only Mediator Of Advertising Effects On Brand Attitude?, Journal of Marketing Research, 18: 318-32.
  • Morgan, N. ve A. Pritchard (2002) Contextualising Destination Branding. In Destination Branding: Creating the Unique Destination Proposition, edited by N. Morgan, A. Pritc- hard, and R. Pride. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann: 11-41.
  • Morgan, N., A. Pritchard, and R. Piggott (2002). New Zealand, 100% Pure: The Creation of a Powerful Niche Destination Brand, Journal of Brand Management, 9 (4/5): 335- 54.
  • Murphy, L., Moscardo, G. ve Benckendorff (2007), Using Brand Personality to Differen- tiate Regional Tourism Destinations, Journal of Travel Research, 46: 5-14.
  • Nakip, M. (2003) Pazarlama Araştırmaları, Seçkin yayıncılık, Ankara
  • Narasimhan, R. ve Jayaram J., (1998), Causal linkages in supply chain management: An exploratory study of North American manufacturing firms”, Decision Sciences, 29 (3): 579 – 605.
  • Norman, W.T. (1963) Toward An Adequate Taxonomy Of Personality Attributes: Repli- cated Factor Structure In Peer Nomination Personality Ratings, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66(6): 574-583.
  • Oliver, R.L. (1980) A Cognitive Model Of The Antecedents And Consequences Of Satis- faction Decisions, Journal of Marketing Research, 17 (4): 460-469.
  • Padgett, D. ve Allen, D. (1997) Communicating Experiences: A Narrative Approach To Creating Service Brand Image, Journal of Advertising, 26(4): 49–62.
  • Pendergrast, M. (1993) For God, country and Coca-Cola, New York: Macmillian.
  • Plummer, J. T. (1985) How Personality Makes a Difference, Journal of Advertising Rese- arch, 24 (6): 27-31.
  • Porter, M.E. (1985) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York, The Free Pres .
  • Putnam R. (1993) The prosperous community social capital and public life. Am Prospect, 13:35–42.
  • Rynes, S. L. (1991) Recruitment, Job Choice, And Post-Hire Consequences: A Call For New Research Directions, Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology: 399– 444.
  • Sirgy, M. J. (1982) Self-concept in Consumer Behaviour: A Critical Review, Journal of Consumer Research, 9: 287-300.
  • Tan, K. C. (2001), A structural equation model of new product design and development, Decision Sciences, 32(2): 195 – 226.
  • Yoon, Y. ve Uysal, M. (2005), An examination of the effects of motivation and satisfac- tion on destination loyalty: a structural model”, Tourism Management, 26: 45 – 56.
  •, (erişim tarihi, 10.07.2009)
  •, (erişim tarihi, 22.08.2009)
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Hüseyin Kanıbir This is me

Sima Nart This is me

Reha Saydan This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 3 Issue: 6
