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Year 2010, Volume: 3 Issue: 5, 1 - 26, 01.06.2010


Bu çalışmada, şehir yaşam kalitesini şehir pazarlanması ile ilişkilendirerek, şehirlerin pazarlanmasında ön plana çıkabilecek şehir yaşam faktörlerini tespit etmek amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda, Kayseri örneğinde şehir yaşam kalitesi değerlendirilmekte ve şehir pazarlanmasında kullanılabilecek faktörler ortaya konulmaktadır. Bu amaca ulaşabilmek için Kayseri’de yaşayan 400 kişiye yüz yüze anket uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen verilere önem-başarım analizi ÖBA uygulanmış, Kayseri’nin şehir yaşam kalitesine ilişkin hali hazırda güçlü olan ve korunması gereken özellikleriyle, güçlendirilmesi gereken özellikleri ortaya konmuştur. Katılımcıların Kayseri ile ilgili önermeleri değerlendirme düzeylerinin bağımlı değişkenlerin birtakım demografik özellikler bağımsız değişkenler açısından anlamlı bir farklılık gösterip göstermediğini değerlendirebilmek amacıyla MannWhitney U testi ve Kruskal-Wallis H testleri uygulanmıştır. Testler sonucunda, katılımcıların Kayseri ile ilgili önermelere katılma derecelerinin medeni durumları, yaş grupları, ailelerinin toplam geliri, eğitim düzeyleri ve Kayseri’de ikamet ettikleri süre, bakımından anlamlı farklılıklar bulunmuştur. Araştırma sonuçları, Kayseri’nin şehir yaşam kalitesi


  • Ak, M., (2006). Marka Ürününüze Ruh Katar Marka Yönetimi, Akis Kitap, İstanbul.
  • Brock, D., 1993. “Quality of life measures in health care and medical ethics”, In The qua- lity of life, ed. Martha C. Nussbaum, and Amartya Sen, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Chapman, R. G., “Brand Performance Comparatives”, Journal of Products and Brand Management, 2(1), 1993, s.42 50.
  • Cheron, E. J., McTavish, R., Perrien, J., “Segmentation of Bank Commercial markets”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 7(6), 1989, s.25 30.
  • Chu R. K. S., Choi T., “An Importance-Performance Analysis of Hotel Selection Factors in the Hong Kong Hotel Industry: A Comparison of Business and Leisure Travelers”, Tourism Management, 21(4), 2000, s.363 377.
  • Deffner A., Lioruris C., “City Marketing: A Significant Planning Tool for Urban Devele- opment in a Globalised Economy”, 45 th Congress of the European Regional Scien- ce Association, Vrije Universty, Amsterdam, 23 27 August 2005, s.1 21.
  • D’Agostini L. R., Alfredo C.F., “Quality of Life and Quality of Living Conditions in Rural Areas: Distinctively Perceived and Quantitatively Distinguished”, Social Indicators Research. 89, 2008, s.487 499.
  • Davidson, W. B., Cotter, P. R., “The relationship between sense of community and sub- jective wellbeing: A first look”, Journal of Community Psychology, 19, 1991, s.246 253.
  • Diener E., Eunkook S., “And Subjectıve Indıcatorssocial Indicators” Social Indicators Research, 40, 1997, s.189 216.
  • Emür S. H., Dilşen O., “Sosyal Kentsel Yaşam Kalitesi Bileşenleri Arasında Açık Ve Yeşil Alanların Önemi–Kayseri/Kocasinan İlçesi Park Alanları Analizi”, Erciyes Üniversi- tesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Sayı : 22, Yıl : 2007/1, 2007, s.367 396.
  • Eroğlu, A. H., “Şehirlerin Markalaşması”, Yerel Siyaset, Sayı:35, Yıl:2008, 2008, s.65 68.
  • European Commission, “Survey on Perceptions of Quality of Life in 75 European Cities”, European Commision, Directorate-General Regional Policy, June 2007, s.1 16.
  • Evans, M.R., Chon, K.S., “Formulating and Evaluating Tourism Policy Using Importan- ce-Performance Analysis”, Hospitality Education and Research Journal, 13, 1989, s.203 213.
  • Grayson, L., Young, K. (1994). Quality of life in cities: An overview and guide to the literature. London: The British Library.
  • Hemmasi, M., Strong, K. C., Taylor, S. A., “Measuring Service Quality for Strategies Planning and Analysis in Service Firms”, Journal of Applied Business Research, 10(4), 1994, s.24 34.
  • Hawes, J. M. ve Rao, C. P., “Using Importance-Performance Analysis to Develop Health Care Marketing Strategies”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 5(4), 1985, s.19 25.
  • Hawes, J. M., Kiser, G. E., Rao, C. P., “Analysing the Market for Planned Retirement Communities in the Southwest”, Baylor Business Studies, 13, 1982, s.39 46.
  • Hsu, C. H. C, Byun, S., Yang, I. S., “Attitudes of Korean College Students towards Quick- Service, Family-Style, and Fine Dining Restaurants”, Journal of Restaurant and Food Service Marketing, 2(4), 1997, s.65 85.
  • Keyt, J. C., Yavas, U., Riecken, G., “Importance-Performance Analysis: A Case Study in Restaurant Positioning”, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Manage- ment, 22(5), 1994, s.35 40.
  • Kemp, K. Leidelmeijer, G. Marsman, A. Hollander., “Urban Environmental Quality and Human Well-being Towards a Conceptual Framework and Demarcation of Con- cepts; A literature Study”, Landscape and Urban Planning 65, 2003, s.5 18.
  • Lewis, R. C., Chambers, R. E. (1989), Marketing Leadership in Hospitality, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
  • Lewis, R. C., “Getting the Most from Marketing Research [Part V] Predicting Hotel Choi- ce: The Factors Underlying Perception”, The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Admi- nistration Quarterly, 26(3), 1985, s.82 96.
  • Martilla, J. A., James, J. C., “Impotance-Performance Analysis”, Journal of Marketing, 41(1),1977, s.77 79.
  • McCall, S.. “Quality of life”. Social Indicators Research, 2, 1975, s.229 248.
  • Mercer (2009), “Defining Quality of Living”, indirilme tarihi: 15.08.20009, http://www.mer
  • Myers, D., “Building Knowledge about Quality of Life for Urban Planning”, Journal of the American Planning Association, 54, 3, 1988, s.347 358.
  • O’Brien, D. J., Ayidiya, S.. “Neighborhood community and life satisfaction”. Journal of the Community Development Society, 22, 1991, s.20–37.
  • Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., Berry, L. L., “SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality”, Journal of Retailing, 64(1), 1988, s.12 37.
  • Rogerson, R., “Quality of Life and City Competitiveness”, Urban Studies, Vol.36, N.5-6, 1999, s.969 985.
  • Sethna, B. N., “Extensions and Testing of Importance-Performance Analysis”, Business Economics, 1982, s.28-31.
  • Turksever, A. N., Atalik, G., “Possibilities And Limitations For The Measurement Of The Quality Of Life İn Urban Areas”, Social Indicators Research, 53, 2001, s.163 187.


Year 2010, Volume: 3 Issue: 5, 1 - 26, 01.06.2010


By relating the quality of city life to city marketing, this study aims to determine the foreground factors of the quality of city life marketing. In this context, in this study, the quality of life is evaluated in the sample of Kayseri, and factors which can be used in city marketing are introduced. To achieve this aim, a face to face questionnaire has been applied to 450 residents in Kayseri. The collected data is processed via ImportancePerformance Analysis IPA . Hence, besides the features related with the quality of life in Kayseri which are already strong and should be protected, the features which should be strengthen are presented. Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis H statistical tests have been applied in order to measure whether the levels of the participants’ evaluations on the propositions related with Kayseri dependent variables show any significant difference in terms of demographic features independent variables or not. As a consequence of these statistical tests, it is found out that participants’ evaluations on the propositions relating to Kayseri show significant differences in terms of marital status, age, family income, educational level and the length of residence in Kayseri. Research findings present that Kayseri has important characteristics in terms of quality of city life and those characteristics can create an advantageous position in marketing Kayseri as a city


  • Ak, M., (2006). Marka Ürününüze Ruh Katar Marka Yönetimi, Akis Kitap, İstanbul.
  • Brock, D., 1993. “Quality of life measures in health care and medical ethics”, In The qua- lity of life, ed. Martha C. Nussbaum, and Amartya Sen, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Chapman, R. G., “Brand Performance Comparatives”, Journal of Products and Brand Management, 2(1), 1993, s.42 50.
  • Cheron, E. J., McTavish, R., Perrien, J., “Segmentation of Bank Commercial markets”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 7(6), 1989, s.25 30.
  • Chu R. K. S., Choi T., “An Importance-Performance Analysis of Hotel Selection Factors in the Hong Kong Hotel Industry: A Comparison of Business and Leisure Travelers”, Tourism Management, 21(4), 2000, s.363 377.
  • Deffner A., Lioruris C., “City Marketing: A Significant Planning Tool for Urban Devele- opment in a Globalised Economy”, 45 th Congress of the European Regional Scien- ce Association, Vrije Universty, Amsterdam, 23 27 August 2005, s.1 21.
  • D’Agostini L. R., Alfredo C.F., “Quality of Life and Quality of Living Conditions in Rural Areas: Distinctively Perceived and Quantitatively Distinguished”, Social Indicators Research. 89, 2008, s.487 499.
  • Davidson, W. B., Cotter, P. R., “The relationship between sense of community and sub- jective wellbeing: A first look”, Journal of Community Psychology, 19, 1991, s.246 253.
  • Diener E., Eunkook S., “And Subjectıve Indıcatorssocial Indicators” Social Indicators Research, 40, 1997, s.189 216.
  • Emür S. H., Dilşen O., “Sosyal Kentsel Yaşam Kalitesi Bileşenleri Arasında Açık Ve Yeşil Alanların Önemi–Kayseri/Kocasinan İlçesi Park Alanları Analizi”, Erciyes Üniversi- tesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Sayı : 22, Yıl : 2007/1, 2007, s.367 396.
  • Eroğlu, A. H., “Şehirlerin Markalaşması”, Yerel Siyaset, Sayı:35, Yıl:2008, 2008, s.65 68.
  • European Commission, “Survey on Perceptions of Quality of Life in 75 European Cities”, European Commision, Directorate-General Regional Policy, June 2007, s.1 16.
  • Evans, M.R., Chon, K.S., “Formulating and Evaluating Tourism Policy Using Importan- ce-Performance Analysis”, Hospitality Education and Research Journal, 13, 1989, s.203 213.
  • Grayson, L., Young, K. (1994). Quality of life in cities: An overview and guide to the literature. London: The British Library.
  • Hemmasi, M., Strong, K. C., Taylor, S. A., “Measuring Service Quality for Strategies Planning and Analysis in Service Firms”, Journal of Applied Business Research, 10(4), 1994, s.24 34.
  • Hawes, J. M. ve Rao, C. P., “Using Importance-Performance Analysis to Develop Health Care Marketing Strategies”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 5(4), 1985, s.19 25.
  • Hawes, J. M., Kiser, G. E., Rao, C. P., “Analysing the Market for Planned Retirement Communities in the Southwest”, Baylor Business Studies, 13, 1982, s.39 46.
  • Hsu, C. H. C, Byun, S., Yang, I. S., “Attitudes of Korean College Students towards Quick- Service, Family-Style, and Fine Dining Restaurants”, Journal of Restaurant and Food Service Marketing, 2(4), 1997, s.65 85.
  • Keyt, J. C., Yavas, U., Riecken, G., “Importance-Performance Analysis: A Case Study in Restaurant Positioning”, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Manage- ment, 22(5), 1994, s.35 40.
  • Kemp, K. Leidelmeijer, G. Marsman, A. Hollander., “Urban Environmental Quality and Human Well-being Towards a Conceptual Framework and Demarcation of Con- cepts; A literature Study”, Landscape and Urban Planning 65, 2003, s.5 18.
  • Lewis, R. C., Chambers, R. E. (1989), Marketing Leadership in Hospitality, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
  • Lewis, R. C., “Getting the Most from Marketing Research [Part V] Predicting Hotel Choi- ce: The Factors Underlying Perception”, The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Admi- nistration Quarterly, 26(3), 1985, s.82 96.
  • Martilla, J. A., James, J. C., “Impotance-Performance Analysis”, Journal of Marketing, 41(1),1977, s.77 79.
  • McCall, S.. “Quality of life”. Social Indicators Research, 2, 1975, s.229 248.
  • Mercer (2009), “Defining Quality of Living”, indirilme tarihi: 15.08.20009, http://www.mer
  • Myers, D., “Building Knowledge about Quality of Life for Urban Planning”, Journal of the American Planning Association, 54, 3, 1988, s.347 358.
  • O’Brien, D. J., Ayidiya, S.. “Neighborhood community and life satisfaction”. Journal of the Community Development Society, 22, 1991, s.20–37.
  • Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., Berry, L. L., “SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality”, Journal of Retailing, 64(1), 1988, s.12 37.
  • Rogerson, R., “Quality of Life and City Competitiveness”, Urban Studies, Vol.36, N.5-6, 1999, s.969 985.
  • Sethna, B. N., “Extensions and Testing of Importance-Performance Analysis”, Business Economics, 1982, s.28-31.
  • Turksever, A. N., Atalik, G., “Possibilities And Limitations For The Measurement Of The Quality Of Life İn Urban Areas”, Social Indicators Research, 53, 2001, s.163 187.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Kurtuluş Karamustafa This is me

Kenan Güllü This is me

Neşe Acar This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 3 Issue: 5
