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Year 2010, Volume: 3 Issue: 5, 45 - 70, 01.06.2010


Günümüzde işletmeler, hem tüketicilerin istek ve ihtiyaçlarını karşılayarak onların tatmin edilmesine odaklanmakta hem de sosyal sorumluluk bilinciyle toplumun gereksinimlerine cevap vermeye çalışmaktadırlar. İşletmelerin sosyal sorumluluklarından birisi yatırım yaparak istihdam olanağı sağlamaktır. Öte yandan tüketicilerin, işletmelerin sosyal sorumluluk faaliyetlerine yönelik algı ve tutumları da oldukça önemlidir. Çünkü tüketicilerin bu uygulamalara yönelik olumlu tutumları işletmelere farklı bir rekabet üstünlüğü sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada Turkcell’in sosyal sorumluluk faaliyetleri kapsamında yaptığı yatırımlardan birisi olan “Erzurum Turkcell Çağrı Merkezi” ne yönelik tüketicilerin tutumlarını belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın anakütlesini Erzurum şehir merkezinde yaşayan 18 yaş ve üstü tüketiciler oluşturmuştur. Bunlardan 420 kişiye yüzyüze anket uygulanmıştır. Yapılan analiz sonucuna göre; sosyal sorumluluk projelerine olumlu ve olumsuz bakan tüketicilerin Turkcell’in Erzurum çağrı merkezine ve çağrı merkezi ile ilgili TV reklam filmine yönelik tutumları arasında farklılık olduğu belirlenmiştir


  • ARLOW, P., (1991). “Personal Characteristics In College Studants’ Evalutions Of Business Ethics And Corporate Social Responsibilty,” Journal of Business Ethics, Vol:10-1 ss.63-69.
  • Ay, Ü., (2003). İşletmelerde Etik Ve Sosyal Sorumluluk, Ankara: Nobel Kitabevi
  • AYDEDE, C., (2007). Yükselen Trend Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk, Media Cat Yayınları, İstanbul, ss.172.
  • BALABANIS, G., H. C., Philips, J., Lyall, (1998). “Corporate Social Responsibility And Economic Performance In The Top British Companies: Are They Linked?”, European Business Review, Vol:98/1, ss. 25-44.
  • BOWEN, H.R., (1953). Socail Responsibilities Of The Businessman, New York, Rinehart, USA.
  • BROWN, T.J., P.A., Dacin, (1997). “The Company And The Product: Corporate Associations And Consumer Product Responses”, Journal of Marketing, Vol:61/January, ss. 68-84.
  • CARROLL, A. B., (1979). “A Three Dimensional Conceptual Model Of CSP”, Academy of Management Review, Vol:4, ss.497–506.
  • CARROLL, A. B., K.E., Aupperle, J.D. Hatfield, (1985). “An Empirical Examination Of The Relationship Between CSR & Profitability”, Business Society, Vol:8, ss.88-104.
  • CAROLL, A.B., (1991). “The Pyramid Of Corporate Social Responsibility: Toward the Moral Management Of Orgaisational Stakeholders”, Business Horisons, Vol:34/4, ss.39-48.
  • CARROLL, A. B., (2000). “Ethical Challenges For Business In The New Millennium: Cor- porate Social Responsibility And Models Of Management Morality”, Business Ethic Quarterly, Vol:10/1, ss.33–42.
  • CARROLL, A.B., K.B., Ann, (2000). Business And Society: Ethics And Stakeholder Manage- ment, Fourth Edition, Australia: South-Western College Publishing.
  • CREYER, E.H., W.T., Ross, (1997). “The Influence Of Firm Behavior On Purchase Inten- tion: Do Consumers Really Care About Business Ethics?”, Journal of Consumer Mar- keting, Vol:14/6 ss.421-432.
  • DAVIS, K., (1960). “Can Business Afford To İgnore Social Responsibilities?”, California Management Review , Vol: 2/3, ss. 70–76.
  • DAVIS, K., R.,Blomstrom, (1971). Business Society And Environment Social Power And Social Response, 2.Ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, NewYork, ss. 259.
  • DRUCKER, P. F., (1984). “The New Meaning Of Corporate Social Responsibility”, Cali- fornia Management Review, Vol:26/2, ss.53.
  • ELIES, R.Z., (2004). “An Examination Of Business Students Perception Of Corporate Social Responsibilities Before And After Bankruptcies”, Journal of Business Ethics, ss.52.
  • ELLEN, P.S., D.J., Webb, L.A., Mohr, (2001). “Building Corporate Associations: Consu- mer Attributions For Corporate Socially Responsiple Programs”, Journal Of Academy of Marketing Science, Vol:34/2, ss.147-157.
  • FERRELL, O.C., J., Friedrich, (1994). Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making And Cases, 2nd ed., Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • FREDERICK, W.C., (1987). Theories Of Corporate Social Performance. In Sethi, S.P., & Falbe, C.M., (eds.), Business and Society. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books
  • FRIEDMAN, M., (1970). “The Social Responsibility Of Business Is To Increase Its Profits”, The New York Times Magazine, September 13.
  • GÜRHAN-CANLI, Z., R., Batra, (2004). “When Corporate Image Afect Product Evaluations: The Moderating Role of Perceived Risks”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol:41 (May), ss.197-205.
  • JOYNER E. B., D., Payne, (2002). “Evolution And Implementation: A Study Of Values, Busi- ness Ethics And Corporate Social Responsibility”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol:41/4, ss.297- 311.
  • KOTLER, P., N. Lee., (2006). Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk, Media Cat, İstanbul, ss.288.
  • MCGEE, J., (1998). “Commentary On “Corporate Strategies And Environmental Regula- tions: An Organizing Framework, by A. M. Rugman and A. Verbeke”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.19., ss.112-136.
  • MCGUIRE, J.W., (1963). Business and Society, New York, McGraw Hill.
  • MOHR, L.A., D.J. Webb, K.E. Harris, (2001). “Do Consumers Expect Companies To Be Social Responsible? The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Buying Beha- vior”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol: 35/1, ss.45-72.
  • PORTER, M.E., M.R., Kramer, (2002). “The Competitive Advantage Of Corporate Phi- lanthropy”, Harvard Business Review, ss. 5-16.
  • ROBIN, D.P., (1987). “Social Responsibility, Ethics, And Marketing Strategy: Closing The Gap Between Concept And Application”, The Journal Of Marketing, Vol:51, No:1, ss. 44-58.
  • SCHWARTZ, M.S., A.B., Carroll, (2003). “Corporate Social Responsibility: A Three Do- main Approach”, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol:13/4, ss.503-512.
  • SEN S., C.B., Bhattacharya, (2001). “Does Doing Good Always Lead To Doing Better? Consu- mer Reactions To Corporate Social Responsibility”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol:38/2, ss. 225.
  • STONE, C. D., (1975). Where The Law Ends: The Social Control Of Corporate Behavior, New York: Harper and Row.
  • TENCATİ, A., F. Perrini, , S. Pogutz., (2004). “New Tool To Foster Corporate Social Res- ponsibility Behavior”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol: 53.
  • WALTON, C., (1967). Corporate Social Responsibilities, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  • WEBB, D.J., L.A., Mohr, K.E., Harris, (2006). “A Re-Examination Of Socially Responsible Consumption And Its Measurement”, Journal of Business Research, 61, ss.91–98.
  • YÖNET, E., (2005). Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Anlayışında Son Dönemeç: Stratejik Sorum- luluk, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, c8, ss.13.


Year 2010, Volume: 3 Issue: 5, 45 - 70, 01.06.2010


Today companies both focus on the satisfaction of consumers by meeting their desires and needs and try to respond to the needs of the society with consciousness on social responsibility. One of the companies’ social responsibilities is to provide employment by investments. On the other hand, the perception and attitudes of consumers towards companies’ social responsibility activities are very important; because positive attitudes of consumers towards these activities provide companies with a differnt competitive advantage. In this study, it was aimed to determine the attitudes of consumers towards Turkcell Erzurum call center which is one of Turkcell’s investments made as a part of corporate social responsibility activities. The population of the study was composed of consumers at the age of 18 or above living in Erzurum. A questionnaire was conducted by face to face among 420 persons. According to the results of the analysis, it was realized that there was a difference in the attitudes of consumers towards Turkcell Call Center and its TV ads among consumers who assess social responsibility projects positively and negatively


  • ARLOW, P., (1991). “Personal Characteristics In College Studants’ Evalutions Of Business Ethics And Corporate Social Responsibilty,” Journal of Business Ethics, Vol:10-1 ss.63-69.
  • Ay, Ü., (2003). İşletmelerde Etik Ve Sosyal Sorumluluk, Ankara: Nobel Kitabevi
  • AYDEDE, C., (2007). Yükselen Trend Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk, Media Cat Yayınları, İstanbul, ss.172.
  • BALABANIS, G., H. C., Philips, J., Lyall, (1998). “Corporate Social Responsibility And Economic Performance In The Top British Companies: Are They Linked?”, European Business Review, Vol:98/1, ss. 25-44.
  • BOWEN, H.R., (1953). Socail Responsibilities Of The Businessman, New York, Rinehart, USA.
  • BROWN, T.J., P.A., Dacin, (1997). “The Company And The Product: Corporate Associations And Consumer Product Responses”, Journal of Marketing, Vol:61/January, ss. 68-84.
  • CARROLL, A. B., (1979). “A Three Dimensional Conceptual Model Of CSP”, Academy of Management Review, Vol:4, ss.497–506.
  • CARROLL, A. B., K.E., Aupperle, J.D. Hatfield, (1985). “An Empirical Examination Of The Relationship Between CSR & Profitability”, Business Society, Vol:8, ss.88-104.
  • CAROLL, A.B., (1991). “The Pyramid Of Corporate Social Responsibility: Toward the Moral Management Of Orgaisational Stakeholders”, Business Horisons, Vol:34/4, ss.39-48.
  • CARROLL, A. B., (2000). “Ethical Challenges For Business In The New Millennium: Cor- porate Social Responsibility And Models Of Management Morality”, Business Ethic Quarterly, Vol:10/1, ss.33–42.
  • CARROLL, A.B., K.B., Ann, (2000). Business And Society: Ethics And Stakeholder Manage- ment, Fourth Edition, Australia: South-Western College Publishing.
  • CREYER, E.H., W.T., Ross, (1997). “The Influence Of Firm Behavior On Purchase Inten- tion: Do Consumers Really Care About Business Ethics?”, Journal of Consumer Mar- keting, Vol:14/6 ss.421-432.
  • DAVIS, K., (1960). “Can Business Afford To İgnore Social Responsibilities?”, California Management Review , Vol: 2/3, ss. 70–76.
  • DAVIS, K., R.,Blomstrom, (1971). Business Society And Environment Social Power And Social Response, 2.Ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, NewYork, ss. 259.
  • DRUCKER, P. F., (1984). “The New Meaning Of Corporate Social Responsibility”, Cali- fornia Management Review, Vol:26/2, ss.53.
  • ELIES, R.Z., (2004). “An Examination Of Business Students Perception Of Corporate Social Responsibilities Before And After Bankruptcies”, Journal of Business Ethics, ss.52.
  • ELLEN, P.S., D.J., Webb, L.A., Mohr, (2001). “Building Corporate Associations: Consu- mer Attributions For Corporate Socially Responsiple Programs”, Journal Of Academy of Marketing Science, Vol:34/2, ss.147-157.
  • FERRELL, O.C., J., Friedrich, (1994). Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making And Cases, 2nd ed., Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • FREDERICK, W.C., (1987). Theories Of Corporate Social Performance. In Sethi, S.P., & Falbe, C.M., (eds.), Business and Society. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books
  • FRIEDMAN, M., (1970). “The Social Responsibility Of Business Is To Increase Its Profits”, The New York Times Magazine, September 13.
  • GÜRHAN-CANLI, Z., R., Batra, (2004). “When Corporate Image Afect Product Evaluations: The Moderating Role of Perceived Risks”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol:41 (May), ss.197-205.
  • JOYNER E. B., D., Payne, (2002). “Evolution And Implementation: A Study Of Values, Busi- ness Ethics And Corporate Social Responsibility”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol:41/4, ss.297- 311.
  • KOTLER, P., N. Lee., (2006). Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk, Media Cat, İstanbul, ss.288.
  • MCGEE, J., (1998). “Commentary On “Corporate Strategies And Environmental Regula- tions: An Organizing Framework, by A. M. Rugman and A. Verbeke”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.19., ss.112-136.
  • MCGUIRE, J.W., (1963). Business and Society, New York, McGraw Hill.
  • MOHR, L.A., D.J. Webb, K.E. Harris, (2001). “Do Consumers Expect Companies To Be Social Responsible? The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Buying Beha- vior”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol: 35/1, ss.45-72.
  • PORTER, M.E., M.R., Kramer, (2002). “The Competitive Advantage Of Corporate Phi- lanthropy”, Harvard Business Review, ss. 5-16.
  • ROBIN, D.P., (1987). “Social Responsibility, Ethics, And Marketing Strategy: Closing The Gap Between Concept And Application”, The Journal Of Marketing, Vol:51, No:1, ss. 44-58.
  • SCHWARTZ, M.S., A.B., Carroll, (2003). “Corporate Social Responsibility: A Three Do- main Approach”, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol:13/4, ss.503-512.
  • SEN S., C.B., Bhattacharya, (2001). “Does Doing Good Always Lead To Doing Better? Consu- mer Reactions To Corporate Social Responsibility”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol:38/2, ss. 225.
  • STONE, C. D., (1975). Where The Law Ends: The Social Control Of Corporate Behavior, New York: Harper and Row.
  • TENCATİ, A., F. Perrini, , S. Pogutz., (2004). “New Tool To Foster Corporate Social Res- ponsibility Behavior”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol: 53.
  • WALTON, C., (1967). Corporate Social Responsibilities, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  • WEBB, D.J., L.A., Mohr, K.E., Harris, (2006). “A Re-Examination Of Socially Responsible Consumption And Its Measurement”, Journal of Business Research, 61, ss.91–98.
  • YÖNET, E., (2005). Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Anlayışında Son Dönemeç: Stratejik Sorum- luluk, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, c8, ss.13.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Uğur Güllülü This is me

Sevtap Ünal This is me

Leyla Gödekmerdan This is me

Arzu Deniz This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 3 Issue: 5
