Year 2008,
Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 45 - 62, 01.12.2008
Cemal Yükselen
Sonyel Oflazoğlu
Dağıtım kanallarında üyeler arasında uyum ve işbirliği, günümüz rekabet koşullarında büyük önem kazanmıştır. Kanal liderinin tek taraflı karar ve uygulamalarının beklenen performansı yaratamaması kanalın toplam performansını olumsuz etkilemektedir. İlk olarak kamu yönetimi disiplininde kullanılan bir kavram olarak yönetişim ilkeleri iş dünyasında da önem kazanmış ve kanal üyeleri arasındaki ilişkilerde de rehber alınacak ilkeler olarak karşımıza çıkmıştır. Makale yönetişim ilkelerinin kanal yönetiminde rolünü incelemektedir
- Bowersox, D.J., Cooper, M.B. (1992), Strategic Marketing Channel Management, McGraw Hill, Inc.
- Claro, Danny P., Hagelaar, G., Omta, O. (2003), “The Determinants of Relational Gover- nance and Performance: How to Manage Business Relationship?”, Industrial Marketing Management, 32, 99. 703-716.
- Ganesan, Shankar (1994), “Determinants of Long-Term Orientation in Buyer-Seller Rela- tionship”, Journal of Marketing, Vol: 58, pp.1-19.
- Guibert, Nathalie, (2006), “Network Governance in Marketing Channels”, British Food Journal, Vol:108, No:4, pp.256-272.
- Heide, J.B. (1994), “Interorganizational Governance in Marketing Channels”, Journal of Marketing, Vol: 58, January, pp.71-85.
- Heide, J.B., Miner, A.S. (1992), “The Shadow of the Future: Effects of Anticipated and Frequency of Contract on Buyer-Seller Cooperation”, Academy of Manage- ment Journal, 35, pp.265-291.
- Heide, J.B., John, G. (1990), “Alliances in Industrial Purchasing: The Determinants of Joint Action in Buyer Supplier Relationships”, Journal of Marketing Rese- arch, 27, pp.24-36.
- Heide, J.B., John, G. (1988), “The Role of Dependence Balancing in Safeguarding Transac- tion-Specific Assets in Conventional Channels”, Journal of Marketing, Janu- ary, Vol:52, pp.20-35.
- Hernando, Santiago, Iglesias, G.V., Argüelles, J.A., Gutiérrez, T., (2003), “Exclusivity and Relationalism in Marketing Channels”, The Journal of Business & Industry Marketing, 18, 1.
- Johnson, J.L., Umesh, U.N. (2002), “The Interplay of Task Allocation Patterns and Gover- nance Mechanisms in Industrial Distribution Channels”, Industrial Marke- ting Management, 31, pp.665-678.
- Kotler, Philip (2003), Marketing Management, 11 th Ed., Prentice Hall Inc.
- Lusch, R.F., Brown, J.R. (1996), “Interdependency Contracting and Relational Behavior in Marketing Channels”, Journal of Marketing, 60, pp.19-38.
- Mohr, J.J., Fisher, R.J., Nevin, J.R. (1996), “Collaborative Communication in Interfirm Relationships: Moderating Effects of Integration and Control”, Journal of Marketing, Vol:60, pp.103-115.
- Yli-Renko, H., Sapienza, H.J., Hay, M. (2001), “The Role of Contractual Governance Flexibility in Realizing the Outcomes of Key Customer Relationalships”, Jo- urnal of Business Venturing, 16, pp.529-555.
- Yükselen, Cemal, (2007), Pazarlama, İlkeler, Yönetim, Örnek Olaylar, 6. Baskı, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
- http://magnet.undp.org
- www.worldbank/wbi/governance
- www.oecd.org/puma/sigmaweb
- www.spk.gov.tr/ofd/kurumsalyonetim/kurumsal_yonetim_ilkeleri.pdf
Year 2008,
Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 45 - 62, 01.12.2008
Cemal Yükselen
Sonyel Oflazoğlu
Today’s competition state the harmony and collaboration gain an important role among the channel members. The failure in achieving the expected performance created by he unilateral decision and implementation of the channel leader influences the whole performance of the channel. The governance principles as the concept used first in public administration discipline also began to implement in business literature and business world. These principles are also accepted as the guides in channel management. This articles investigates the role of the governance principles in channel management
- Bowersox, D.J., Cooper, M.B. (1992), Strategic Marketing Channel Management, McGraw Hill, Inc.
- Claro, Danny P., Hagelaar, G., Omta, O. (2003), “The Determinants of Relational Gover- nance and Performance: How to Manage Business Relationship?”, Industrial Marketing Management, 32, 99. 703-716.
- Ganesan, Shankar (1994), “Determinants of Long-Term Orientation in Buyer-Seller Rela- tionship”, Journal of Marketing, Vol: 58, pp.1-19.
- Guibert, Nathalie, (2006), “Network Governance in Marketing Channels”, British Food Journal, Vol:108, No:4, pp.256-272.
- Heide, J.B. (1994), “Interorganizational Governance in Marketing Channels”, Journal of Marketing, Vol: 58, January, pp.71-85.
- Heide, J.B., Miner, A.S. (1992), “The Shadow of the Future: Effects of Anticipated and Frequency of Contract on Buyer-Seller Cooperation”, Academy of Manage- ment Journal, 35, pp.265-291.
- Heide, J.B., John, G. (1990), “Alliances in Industrial Purchasing: The Determinants of Joint Action in Buyer Supplier Relationships”, Journal of Marketing Rese- arch, 27, pp.24-36.
- Heide, J.B., John, G. (1988), “The Role of Dependence Balancing in Safeguarding Transac- tion-Specific Assets in Conventional Channels”, Journal of Marketing, Janu- ary, Vol:52, pp.20-35.
- Hernando, Santiago, Iglesias, G.V., Argüelles, J.A., Gutiérrez, T., (2003), “Exclusivity and Relationalism in Marketing Channels”, The Journal of Business & Industry Marketing, 18, 1.
- Johnson, J.L., Umesh, U.N. (2002), “The Interplay of Task Allocation Patterns and Gover- nance Mechanisms in Industrial Distribution Channels”, Industrial Marke- ting Management, 31, pp.665-678.
- Kotler, Philip (2003), Marketing Management, 11 th Ed., Prentice Hall Inc.
- Lusch, R.F., Brown, J.R. (1996), “Interdependency Contracting and Relational Behavior in Marketing Channels”, Journal of Marketing, 60, pp.19-38.
- Mohr, J.J., Fisher, R.J., Nevin, J.R. (1996), “Collaborative Communication in Interfirm Relationships: Moderating Effects of Integration and Control”, Journal of Marketing, Vol:60, pp.103-115.
- Yli-Renko, H., Sapienza, H.J., Hay, M. (2001), “The Role of Contractual Governance Flexibility in Realizing the Outcomes of Key Customer Relationalships”, Jo- urnal of Business Venturing, 16, pp.529-555.
- Yükselen, Cemal, (2007), Pazarlama, İlkeler, Yönetim, Örnek Olaylar, 6. Baskı, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
- http://magnet.undp.org
- www.worldbank/wbi/governance
- www.oecd.org/puma/sigmaweb
- www.spk.gov.tr/ofd/kurumsalyonetim/kurumsal_yonetim_ilkeleri.pdf