Consumer-brand identification has been considered an important concept to understand the reasons for establishing long-term brand relationships. Drawing on social identity theory, it is aimed to investigate materialism as an antecedent to and willingness to purchase as a consequence of consumer-brand identification. The moderating roles of similarity avoidance and impulsive buying are also examined. The proposed research model is tested with data from 210 Turkish consumers. Findings demonstrate that materialism increases consumer-brand identification, and this effect is stronger when consumers tend to avoid similarity. Further, consumer-brand identification results in increase in customers’ willingness to pay more. Yet, contrary to expectations, this contribution is weaker in the case of higher impulsive buying. Contributions to the theory and practice are discussed and suggestions for future studies are offered.
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Year 2022,
Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 773 - 802, 30.09.2022
Tüketici-marka özdeşleşmesi, tüketicileri markaya yönlendiren motivasyonların anlaşılarak onlarla uzun vadeli ilişkilerin geliştirilmesinde üzerinde önemle durulan bir kavramdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı sosyal kimlik teorisinden yola çıkılarak tüketici-marka özdeşleşmesinin materyalizm ile ilişkisi ve sonuç olarak da daha çok ödeme isteğine katkısının incelenmesidir. Bu kapsamda ayrıca benzerlikten kaçınma ve dürtüsel satın almanın düzenleyici rolü de araştırılmaktadır. Öne sürülen araştırma modeli 210 Türk tüketiciden toplanan veri ile test edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre materyalizm tüketici-marka özdeşleşmesini artırmaktadır ve bu etki tüketiciler benzerlikten kaçınma eğiliminde olduğunda daha güçlüdür. Bununla birlikte, tüketici-marka özdeşleşmesi tüketicilerin daha çok ödemesine neden olmaktadır. Beklenenin aksine, bu etki dürtüsel satın alma davranışı yüksek olan tüketicilerde daha zayıftır. Teoriye ve uygulamaya katkılar tartışılmış ve gelecek çalışmalar için öneriler sunulmuştur.
Aaker, D. A. (1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name. New York, NY: The Free Press.
Albert, N., Merunka, D. ve Valette-Florence, P. (2013). Brand Passion: Antecedents and Consequences. Journal of Business Research, 66(7), 904-909.
Anderson, J. C. ve Gerbing, D. W. (1988). Structural Equation Modeling in Practice: A Review and Recommended Two-step Approach. Psychological Bulletin, 103(3), 411.
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Assiouras, I., Liapati, G., Kouletsis, G. ve Koniordos, M. (2015). The Impact of Brand Authenticity on Brand Attachment in the Food Industry. British Food Journal, 117(2), 538-552.
Augusto, M. ve Torres, P. (2018). Effects of Brand Attitude and Ewom on Consumers’ Willingness to Pay in the Banking Industry: Mediating Role of Consumer-brand Identification and Brand Equity. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 42, 1-10.
Baskentli, S., Sen, S., Du, S. ve Bhattacharya, C. B. (2019). Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of CSR Domains. Journal of Business Research, 95, 502-513.
Belk, R. W. (1985). Materialism: Trait Aspects of Living in the Material World. Journal of Consumer Research, 12(3), 265-280.
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Büyükdağ, N. ve Kitapçı, O. (2021). Antecedents of Consumer-brand Identification in terms of Belonging Brands. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 59, 102420.
Byrne, B. M. (2010). Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS: Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming (Multivariate Applications Series) (2nd ed.) New York: Taylor & Francis Group.
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Coelho, P. S., Rita, P. ve Santos, Z. R. (2018). On the Relationship between Consumer-Brand Identification, Brand Community and Brand Loyalty. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 43, 101–110.
Crespo, C. F., Ferreira, A. G. ve Cardoso, R. M. (2022). The Influence of Storytelling on the Consumer–Brand Relationship Experience. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 1-16.
Dalman, M. D., Buche, M. W. ve Min, J. (2019). The Differential Influence of Identification on Ethical Judgment: The Role of Brand Love. Journal of Business Ethics, 158(3), 875-891.
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Ekinci, Y., Sirakaya-Turk, E. ve Preciado, S. (2013). Symbolic Consumption of Tourism Destination Brands. Journal of Business Research, 66(6), 711-718.
Elbedweihy, A. M., Jayawardhena, C., Elsharnouby, M. H. ve Elsharnouby, T. H. (2016). Customer Relationship Building: The Role of Brand Attractiveness and Consumer–brand Identification. Journal of Business Research, 69(8), 2901-2910.
Fastoso, F. ve González-Jiménez, H. (2018). Materialism, Cosmopolitanism, and Emotional Brand Attachment: The Roles of Ideal Self-congruity and Perceived Brand Globalness. Journal of Business Research, 121, 429–437.
Fatma, M., Khan, I., Kumar, V. ve Shrivastava, A. K. (2022). Corporate Social Responsibility and Customer-Citizenship Behaviors: The Role of Customer–company Identification. European Business Review, (Ahead-Of-Print).
Fornell, C. ve Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
Gaustad, T., Utgård, J. ve Fitzsimons, G. J. (2020). When Accidents are Good for a Brand. Journal of Business Research, 107, 153-161.
Ger, G. ve Belk, R. W. (1996). Cross-Cultural Differences in Materialism. Journal of Economic Psychology, 17(1), 55-77.
Goel, P., Parayitam, S., Sharma, A., Rana, N. P. ve Dwivedi, Y. K. (2022). A Moderated Mediation Model for E-impulse Buying Tendency, Customer Satisfaction and Intention to Continue E-shopping. Journal of Business Research, 142, 1-16.
Goldsmith, R. E. ve Clark, R. A. (2012). Materialism, Status Consumption, and Consumer Independence. The Journal of Social Psychology, 152(1), 43-60.
Hair Jr, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Hopkins, L. ve Kuppelwieser, V. G. (2014). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM): An Emerging Tool in Business Research. European Business Review, 26(2), 106-121.
Han, S. H., Nguyen, B. ve Simkin, L. (2016). The Dynamic Models of Consumers’ Symbolic Needs: In the Context of Restaurant Brands. European Journal of Marketing, 50(7/8), 1348-1376.
Haumann, T., Quaiser, B., Wieseke, J. ve Rese, M. (2014). Footprints in the Sands of Time: A Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of Customer Satisfaction and Customer–company Identification over Time. Journal of Marketing, 78(6), 78-102.
Hayes, A.F. (2013). Introduction To Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis: A Regression-based Approach. New York: Guilford Press.
He, J., Huang, H. ve Wu, W. (2018). Influence of Interfirm Brand Values Congruence on Relationship Qualities in B2B Contexts. Industrial Marketing Management, 72, 161-173.
Hemonnet-Goujot, A. ve Valette-Florence, P. (2022). “All You Need is Love” From Product Design Value Perception to Luxury Brand Love: An Integrated Framework. Journal of Business Research, 139, 1463-1475.
Holt, D. B. (1995). How Consumers Consume: A Typology of Consumption Practices. Journal of Consumer Research, 22(1), 1-16.
Homburg, C., Koschate, N. ve Hoyer, W. D. (2005). Do Satisfied Customers Really Pay More? A Study of the Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction and Willingness to Pay. Journal of Marketing, 69(2), 84-96.
Homburg, C., Stierl, M. ve Bornemann, T. (2013). Corporate Social Responsibility in Business-to-business Markets: How Organizational Customers Account for Supplier Corporate Social Responsibility Engagement. Journal of Marketing, 77(6), 54-72.
Homburg, C., Wieseke, J. ve Hoyer, W. D. (2009). Social Identity and the Service-Profit Chain. Journal of Marketing, 73(2), 38-54.
Işıkay, T. ve Başcı, A. (2020). Sosyal Kimlik Kuramı Açısından Tüketici–Marka Özdeşleşmesi ve Bir Araştırma. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 42(1), 63-90.
Itani, O. S. (2021). “Us” To Co-Create Value and Hate “Them”: Examining the Interplay of Consumer-Brand Identification, Peer Identification, Value Co-Creation among Consumers, Competitor Brand Hate and Individualism. European Journal of Marketing, 55(4), 1023-1066.
Japutra, A., Ekinci, Y. ve Simkin, L. (2019). Self-Congruence, Brand Attachment and Compulsive Buying. Journal of Business Research, 99, 456-463.
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Krishna, A. ve Kim, S. (2021). Exploring the Dynamics Between Brand Investment, Customer Investment, Brand Identification, and Brand Identity Fusion. Journal of Business Research, 137, 267-277.
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