Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 24 - 33, 15.09.2017



  • Akgül, S., Göral, M., Demirel, M., & Üstün, Ü. D. (2015). An investigation of primary school students participation and not participation reasons of extracurricular sport activities, Dumlupınar University, Journal of Social Sciences, 32(32). Alaca, F. (2011). The relationship between perceptions of quality of school life and sense of school belonging among bilingual and monolingual students, Unpublished Master Thesis. Çukurova University, Institution of Social Sciences, Adana Alpkaya, G. (2010). Effect of feminine masculine traits of school administrators on the quality of school life, Unpublished Master Thesis. Uşak University, Institution of Social Sciences, Uşak. Arastaman, G. (2006). The opinions of students, teachers and administrators in Ankara province in relation to freshman high school students’ school engagement, Unpublished Master Thesis. Ankara University, Institution of Educational Sciences, Ankara. Archambault, I., Janosz, M., Morizot, J. & Pagani, L. (2009). Adolescent Behavioral, effective, and Cognitive Engagement in School: Relationship to Dropout. Journal of School Health, 79. 408- 415. Brown, M. R., Higgins, K., Pierce, T., Hong, E.&Thoma, C. (2003). Secondary students’ perceptions of school life with regard to alienation: The effects of disability, gender and race. Learning Disability, 26, 227-238 Case, J.M. (2008). Alienation and engagement: development of an alternative theoretical framework for understanding student learning. High Educ. 55, 321–332, DOI 10.1007. Cemalciler, Z. (2010). Schools as socialization contexts: Understanding the impact of school climate factors on students’ sense of school belonging. Applied Psychology, 59, 243. Coşkun, Y., Altay, C.A. (2009). A Study on Relation of Self Perception and Alienation on High School Students. Marmara University Journal of Educational Sciences. Volume: 29, p. 41-56 Çağlar, Ç. (2013). The Relationship between the Levels of Alienation of the Education Faculty Students and Their Attitudes towards the Teaching Profession. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice - 13(3) .1507-1513 Çelik, F. (2005). The study of school alienation level of high school students in terms of some variables, Unpublished Master Thesis. Çukurova University, Institution of Social Sciences, Adana Çelik, H. C., Ceyhan, H. (2009). The Comparison of High School Students’ Mathematics and Computer Attitudes According to Various Variables. Pamukkale University Journal of Education, 26, 92-101. Çiftçi, G. (2009). The relationship between the bureaucracy level of Elementary schools and student alienation, Unpublished Master Thesis. Pamukkale University, Institution of Social Sciences, Denizli. Finn, J.D., Voelkl, K.E. (1993). School characteristic related to school engagement. Journal of Negro Education: p.249-268 Fromm, E. (1996). Healthy Society. İstanbul: Payel Publishing George, D., Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 17.0 update, Pearson, Boston, 2010, s:10 Karasar, N. (2006). Scientific Research Method. Ankara: Nobel Publishing and Delivery.s.80,82 Lane, E.J. (1999). “Correlates of Social Alienation Among High Students.” Marx, K. (2000). Alienation (Ed: Barış Erdost). İstanbul: Sol Publishing Mau, R.Y. (1992). The validity and devolution of a concept: Student alienation. Adolescence, 1992(27-107); p: 731-741 Mengi, S. (2011). Relations for the Social Support and Self Efficacy with School Bonding of the Secondary Education 10th and 11th Classes Students, Unpublished Master Thesis. Sakarya University, Institution of Social Sciences. Sakarya. Murdock, T. B., Hale, N. M. &Weber, M. J. (2001). Predictors of cheating among early adolescents: Academic and social motivations. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 26(1), 96-115 Özdemir, M., Kalaycı, H. (2013). An Examination on School Engagement and Metaphorical School Perception: Case of Province of Çankırı. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice - 13(4). 2134-2137 Sanberk, İ., (2003), Student alienation scale (a validity and reliability study), Unpublished Master Thesis. Çukurova University, Institution of Social Sciences. Adana Sarı, M. (2007). The Effect of hidden curriculum on gaining democratic values: a qualitative study in two elementary schools having low and high quality of school life, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Çukurova University, Institution of Social Sciences. Adana Seeman, M. (1959), On personal consequences of alienation in work, American Sociological Review, 31, ss.98 Sidorkin, A. M. (2004). In the event of learning: alienation and participative thinking in education. Educational Theory, 54, 3, 251-262. Şimsek, H., Atas. Akdemir, Ö. (2015). School Alienation of University Students. Current Research in Education, 1(1) ∙ 1-12 Tabachnik, B.G., Fidell, L.S. (2013). Using Multivariate Statistics. Pearson, Boston; p:6 Thompson, S. (2005). Engaging students with school life. Youth Studies Australia, 4,1. Trent, F. (2001). “Aliens in the Classroom?”, Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, 10-15, Washington, ERIC: ED245153 Uzun, M., İmamoğlu, O., Yamaner, F., Deryahanoğlu, G., & Yamaner, G. (2017). Examination of the factors which prevent to participate the recreative activities: Example of girls high school. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(1), 950-962. Yiğit, S. (2010). An Investigation into School Alienation Levels of 5th,6th,7th and 8th Grade Pupils in terms of various variables, Unpublished Master Thesis. Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Institution of Social Sciences, Zonguldak.

The effects of extracurricular sport activities on the alienation of the students

Year 2017, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 24 - 33, 15.09.2017


This study aims to determine the effects of extracurricular sport activities which are carried out in the secondary schools to the alienation of the students. This study in which it is used relational screening model has been carried out with 640 students who are selected by random sampling method. As the data collection tool, it is used “Student Alienation Scale” which was develop by Mau (1992) and was adapted into Turkish by Sanberk (2003), to understand the student alienation level from the schools with the “Personal Information Form” which is prepared by the researcher. The scale’s Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient is 0,79. In the process of analyzing the data, frequency and percentage distribution, arithmetic average and standard deviation and unpaired t-test are utilized. In the comparison process of more than two groups, one-way analysis of variance (oneway ANOVA) and Post Hoc tests values are used. According to the findings from the research the student’s alienation point averages are found as 3.12±0.56. Judging from the variables used in the research, in terms of gender the males, in terms of the school type the students who study at a public school, the students who find the extracurricular activity levels as insufficient and the students that never participate to the extracurricular sport activities at school have a higher point of alienation level. Alienation from the school which is an unwanted situation in education can be prevented only if the sense of belonging to the school can be gained. And the sense of belonging to the school can be gained by increasing the extracurricular sport activities in schools and promoting the participation to these activities. In accordance with this purpose, participation of the school teams into contests should be encouraged more.


  • Akgül, S., Göral, M., Demirel, M., & Üstün, Ü. D. (2015). An investigation of primary school students participation and not participation reasons of extracurricular sport activities, Dumlupınar University, Journal of Social Sciences, 32(32). Alaca, F. (2011). The relationship between perceptions of quality of school life and sense of school belonging among bilingual and monolingual students, Unpublished Master Thesis. Çukurova University, Institution of Social Sciences, Adana Alpkaya, G. (2010). Effect of feminine masculine traits of school administrators on the quality of school life, Unpublished Master Thesis. Uşak University, Institution of Social Sciences, Uşak. Arastaman, G. (2006). The opinions of students, teachers and administrators in Ankara province in relation to freshman high school students’ school engagement, Unpublished Master Thesis. Ankara University, Institution of Educational Sciences, Ankara. Archambault, I., Janosz, M., Morizot, J. & Pagani, L. (2009). Adolescent Behavioral, effective, and Cognitive Engagement in School: Relationship to Dropout. Journal of School Health, 79. 408- 415. Brown, M. R., Higgins, K., Pierce, T., Hong, E.&Thoma, C. (2003). Secondary students’ perceptions of school life with regard to alienation: The effects of disability, gender and race. Learning Disability, 26, 227-238 Case, J.M. (2008). Alienation and engagement: development of an alternative theoretical framework for understanding student learning. High Educ. 55, 321–332, DOI 10.1007. Cemalciler, Z. (2010). Schools as socialization contexts: Understanding the impact of school climate factors on students’ sense of school belonging. Applied Psychology, 59, 243. Coşkun, Y., Altay, C.A. (2009). A Study on Relation of Self Perception and Alienation on High School Students. Marmara University Journal of Educational Sciences. Volume: 29, p. 41-56 Çağlar, Ç. (2013). The Relationship between the Levels of Alienation of the Education Faculty Students and Their Attitudes towards the Teaching Profession. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice - 13(3) .1507-1513 Çelik, F. (2005). The study of school alienation level of high school students in terms of some variables, Unpublished Master Thesis. Çukurova University, Institution of Social Sciences, Adana Çelik, H. C., Ceyhan, H. (2009). The Comparison of High School Students’ Mathematics and Computer Attitudes According to Various Variables. Pamukkale University Journal of Education, 26, 92-101. Çiftçi, G. (2009). The relationship between the bureaucracy level of Elementary schools and student alienation, Unpublished Master Thesis. Pamukkale University, Institution of Social Sciences, Denizli. Finn, J.D., Voelkl, K.E. (1993). School characteristic related to school engagement. Journal of Negro Education: p.249-268 Fromm, E. (1996). Healthy Society. İstanbul: Payel Publishing George, D., Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 17.0 update, Pearson, Boston, 2010, s:10 Karasar, N. (2006). Scientific Research Method. Ankara: Nobel Publishing and Delivery.s.80,82 Lane, E.J. (1999). “Correlates of Social Alienation Among High Students.” Marx, K. (2000). Alienation (Ed: Barış Erdost). İstanbul: Sol Publishing Mau, R.Y. (1992). The validity and devolution of a concept: Student alienation. Adolescence, 1992(27-107); p: 731-741 Mengi, S. (2011). Relations for the Social Support and Self Efficacy with School Bonding of the Secondary Education 10th and 11th Classes Students, Unpublished Master Thesis. Sakarya University, Institution of Social Sciences. Sakarya. Murdock, T. B., Hale, N. M. &Weber, M. J. (2001). Predictors of cheating among early adolescents: Academic and social motivations. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 26(1), 96-115 Özdemir, M., Kalaycı, H. (2013). An Examination on School Engagement and Metaphorical School Perception: Case of Province of Çankırı. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice - 13(4). 2134-2137 Sanberk, İ., (2003), Student alienation scale (a validity and reliability study), Unpublished Master Thesis. Çukurova University, Institution of Social Sciences. Adana Sarı, M. (2007). The Effect of hidden curriculum on gaining democratic values: a qualitative study in two elementary schools having low and high quality of school life, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Çukurova University, Institution of Social Sciences. Adana Seeman, M. (1959), On personal consequences of alienation in work, American Sociological Review, 31, ss.98 Sidorkin, A. M. (2004). In the event of learning: alienation and participative thinking in education. Educational Theory, 54, 3, 251-262. Şimsek, H., Atas. Akdemir, Ö. (2015). School Alienation of University Students. Current Research in Education, 1(1) ∙ 1-12 Tabachnik, B.G., Fidell, L.S. (2013). Using Multivariate Statistics. Pearson, Boston; p:6 Thompson, S. (2005). Engaging students with school life. Youth Studies Australia, 4,1. Trent, F. (2001). “Aliens in the Classroom?”, Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, 10-15, Washington, ERIC: ED245153 Uzun, M., İmamoğlu, O., Yamaner, F., Deryahanoğlu, G., & Yamaner, G. (2017). Examination of the factors which prevent to participate the recreative activities: Example of girls high school. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(1), 950-962. Yiğit, S. (2010). An Investigation into School Alienation Levels of 5th,6th,7th and 8th Grade Pupils in terms of various variables, Unpublished Master Thesis. Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Institution of Social Sciences, Zonguldak.
There are 1 citations in total.



Mehmet Yanık

Publication Date September 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 8 Issue: 3


APA Yanık, M. (2017). The effects of extracurricular sport activities on the alienation of the students. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 8(3), 24-33.