Short term and long term motives for the internationalization of marathon events
Year 2020,
Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 1 - 19, 15.09.2020
Zsolt Havran
Miklós Kozma
Tünde Máté
ágnes Szabó
Krisztina András
Attila Kajos
Zoltán Kynsburg
Zygmunt Waskowski
The current study aims to answer the question of how the motives for internationalization of leisure sports companies can be understood through the example of international running events. We present the phenomenon of globalisation and internationalisation as a context of leisure sports, linking the conceptual frameworks of leisure sports and international business (IB). The paper highlights the characteristics of leisure sports companies in the process of internationalization. More specifically, we examined the global business trends of marathons, with particular attention of event organizers in the Central-Eastern European (CEE) region in our preparatory study. Data about experiences, entry fee, international communication and sponsorship were collected from the eight most significant CEE marathons and two semi-structured interviews were done with event organizers. Our main findings reveal that market seeking and strategic asset seeking motives are dominant in the case of CEE marathon organizers with a notable distinction between short term and long term perspectives.
- András, K. (2003). Üzleti elemek a sportban, a labdarúgás példáján. Doktori (PhD) értekezés, Budapest: BKÁE
- András, K. (2004). A hivatásos labdarúgás piacai. Budapest: BCE Vállalatgazdaságtan Intézet 53.
- András, K., Havran, Zs., & Jandó, Z. (2012). Sportvállalatok külpiacra lépése - Elméleti alapok Budapest: BCE Vállalatgazdaságtan Intézet (Internationalization of sport companies – theoretical background)
- Biegowe (2017): Download: 15. November 2017
- Brouthers, K.D. (2002). Institutional, cultural and transaction cost influences on entry mode choice and performance, Journal of International Business Studies, 33(2): 203-221.
- Budai, E. (1999). Sport(t)örvényben fuldokolva. Új Folyam, 8(3-4): 20-33.
- Budapest interview (2018): Interview with the CEO and owner of Budapest Sports Office. Place and date of interview: Budapest, 15. June 2018
- Cantwell, J. A., Dunning, J.H. & Janne, O.E.M. (2004). Towards a technology-seeking explanation of U.S. direct investment in the United Kingdom. Journal of International Management, 10: 5 – 20.
- Chalip, L. & Leyns, A. (2002). Local business leveraging of a sport event: managing an event for economic benefit. Journal of Sport Management, 16: 132-158.
- Czakó, E., & Reszegi, L. (2010). Nemzetközi vállalatgazdaságtan. (International business economics). Budapest: Alinea Kiadó
- Czeglédi, O. & Sipos-Onyestyák, N. & Mischler, S. & Cernaianu, S. & Tóth, Cs. & Melo, R. (2018). The impact of urban running races on local tourism and regional development. Magyar Sporttudományi Füzetek XVIII. p. 127-158. ISBN 978-615-5187-13-1
- Deitz, G. D., Evans, R. D., & Hansen, J. D. (2013). Sponsorship and shareholder value: A re-examination and extension. Journal of Business Research, 66(9): 1427-1435.
- Dunning, J. H. (1988). Explaining International Production. London: Unwin Hyman
- Dunning, J.H. (1998). Location and the Multinational Enterprise: A Neglected Factor? Journal of International Business Studies. 29(1): 45-66.
- Dunning, J. H. (2004). Institutional reform, FDI and European transition economies. In: R. Grosse (ed.): International Business and Governments in the 21st Century, Cambridge
- Dunning, J. H. (2006). Towards a new paradigm of development: implications for the determinants of international business. Transnational Corporations, 15(1): 173-227.
- Dunning, J.H. & Lundan, S.M. (2010). The institutional origins of dynamic capabilities in multinational enterprises. Industrial and Corporate Change, 19(4): 1225–1246.
- Fóris, Á., & Bérces, E. (2005). Sport, gazdaság, terminológia. Accessed 13 November 2009.
- Gratton, C., & Taylor, P. (2000). Economics of sport and recreation. London: E and FN Spon
- Healy, J. C., & McDonagh, P. (2013). Consumer roles in brand culture and value co-creation in virtual communities. Journal of Business Research, 66(9): 1528-1540.
- Hermann, M. (2012). Impact of International Running Events on the Economy and the Society. Accessed 1 March 2018.
- Herrmann, J. L., Kacha, M., & Derbaix, C. (2016). “I support your team, support me in turn!”: The driving role of consumers' affiliation with the sponsored entity in explaining behavioral effects of sport sponsorship leveraging activities. Journal of Business Research, 69(2): 604-612
- Hollenstein, H. (2005). Determinants of International Activities: Are SMEs Different? Small Business Economics. 24: 431-450.
- Kozma, M. & Andras, K. (2016). A Typology of International Strategies for Hungarian Professional Sports Clubs. Management (ISSN: 1854-4223). 11(1): 7-27.
- Laczkó, T., & Paár, D. (2018). Research of social effects of domestic organised sport events in 2018. Magyar Sporttudományi Füzetek XVIII. p. 77-100. ISBN 978-615-5187-13-1
- Laczkó, T., & Stocker, M. (2018). Analysis of socio-economic and tourism impacts of domestic organized sport events in 2018. Magyar Sporttudományi Füzetek XVIII. p. 37-76. ISBN 978-615-5187-13-1
- Laufmarkt (2017): Study on European Marathons 2017. Accessed 18 May 2018
- Marinov, M.A. & Marinova, S.T. (1999). Foreign Investor Strategy Development in the Central and Eastern European Context. Thunderbird International Business Review, 41(1): 107-130.
- Min, J., & Jin, H. (2010). Analysis on Essence, Types and Characteristics of Leisure Sports. Modern Applied Science, 4(7): 99-103.
- Miller R.K. & Kelli D., (edit.) (2008). Travel & Tourism Market Research Handbook, Washington:Lognaville
- O’Gorman & McTiernan. (2000). Factors Influencing the Internationalization Choices of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: The Case of the Irish Hotel Industry. Enterprise & Innovation Management Studies, 1(2):141-151.
- Paár, D. (2010). A magyar sportfogyasztás dinamikája – „Sportkultúra – hagyomány és megújulás” Budapest: MSTT, VII. Országos Sporttudományi Kongresszus konferencia-kiadványa
- Paár, D. & Laczkó, T. (2018). Research of domestic organised sport events’ effects from the point of view sport performance, sport politics and sport technology in 2018. Magyar Sporttudományi Füzetek XVIII. p. 101-126. ISBN 978-615-5187-13-1
- Parks, B.J., Quarterman, J., & Thibault, L. (2007). Contemporary Sport Management. USA: Human Kinetics
- Pearce, R. & Papanastassiou, M. (1997). European Markets and the Strategic Roles of based on Maratonypolskie (2019): Number of running events – data collected in (download 25. nov. 2019).
- Multinational Enterprise Subsidiaries in the UK. Journal of Common Market Studies. 35(2): 243-266.
- Peng, M.W. (2001). Institutional transition and institutional choices. Academy of Management Review, 21: 492-528.
- Perényi, Sz. (2015). The popularisation and expansion of amateur running culture. IN: Scheerder, J., Breedveld, K., & Borgers, J. 2015, ed. Running across Europe The Rise and Size of one of the Largest Sport Markets. UK: Palgrave Macmillan
- Poznan interview (2018): interview with the manager of organisers of Poznan Marathon. Place and date of interview: 11. July 2018
- Ratten, V. (2011). International Sports Management: Current Trends and Future Developments. Thunderbird International Business Review. 53(6): Special Issue. Wiley Periodicals, Inc. DOI: 10.1002/tie.20444
- Rosentraub, M.S. & Swindell, D. (2002). Negotiating games: cities, sports and the winner’s curse. Journal of Sport Management. 16: 18-35.
- RunRepeat (2019): The State of Running 2019. Download: (15. sept. 2019).
- Scheerder, J., Breedveld, K., & Borgers, J. (2015), ed. Running across Europe The Rise and Size of one of the Largest Sport Markets. UK: Palgrave Macmillan
- Schwartzhoffová, E. (2015). Run Czech as a product of sport tourism. Studia sportiva, 9(1): 253-258.
- Sen, A. (1999). Development as Freedom. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Schulenkorf, N., Sherry, E. & Rowe, K. (2016). Sport for Development: An Integrated Literature Review. Journal of Sport Management, 30: 22 -39.
- Szabó, Á. (2012). A magyar szabadidősport működésének vizsgálata. Piacok, értékteremtés, feladatok a szabadidősportban. (An examination of the operation of Hungarian leisure sports system markets, value creation, and challenges in leisure sports.) PhD-értekezés. Budapest: Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Gazdálkodástudományi Doktori Iskola
- Szabó Á.(2014): Leisure sports’ industry, leisure sports’ markets in Hungary. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences. Volume 5, Issue 3, p. 1-22
- Svetlicic, M., Jaklic, A. & Burger, A. (2007). Internationalization of Small and Medium-Size Enterprises from Selected Central European Economies. Eastern European Economics, 45(4): 36–65.
- Tatoglu, E., Demirbag, M. & Kaplan, G. (2003). Motives for Retailer Internationalization to Central and Eastern Europe. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 39(4): 40–57.
- Thibault, L. (2009). Globalization of Sport: An Inconvenient Truth. Journal of Sport Management, 23: 1-20.
- Tien, C., Lo, H.C. & Ze, Y. (2011). The Economic Benefits of Mega Events: A Myth or a Reality? A Longitudinal Study on the Olympic Games. Journal of Sport Management, 25: 11-23.
- Trapczyński, P. (2016). MNEs from Poland: A Review of Extant Research. Managing Global Transitions 14 (3): 283–306.
- Waśkowski, Z., (2014). Profil polskiego biegacza. Poznan: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu.
- Waśkowski, Z., (2015a). Społeczno-ekonomiczne determinanty rozwoju turystyki sportowej na przykładzie biegów maratońskich, Marketing i Rynek, 8:790-798
- Waśkowski, Z. (2015b). Collaboration with Stakeholders in Sports Business Industry: Strategies of Marathons Organizers, IMP Conference 2015 August
- Waśkowski, Z. (2017). The strategy of coopetition. Value-creating networks of partnership relations – the case of the sports market. Management International Conference, Monastier di Treviso (Venice), Italy, 24-27, May, 2017: 13-21
- Williamson, O.E. (2000). The new institutional economics: taking stock looking ahead. Journal of Economic Literature, 38: 595-613.
Year 2020,
Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 1 - 19, 15.09.2020
Zsolt Havran
Miklós Kozma
Tünde Máté
ágnes Szabó
Krisztina András
Attila Kajos
Zoltán Kynsburg
Zygmunt Waskowski
- András, K. (2003). Üzleti elemek a sportban, a labdarúgás példáján. Doktori (PhD) értekezés, Budapest: BKÁE
- András, K. (2004). A hivatásos labdarúgás piacai. Budapest: BCE Vállalatgazdaságtan Intézet 53.
- András, K., Havran, Zs., & Jandó, Z. (2012). Sportvállalatok külpiacra lépése - Elméleti alapok Budapest: BCE Vállalatgazdaságtan Intézet (Internationalization of sport companies – theoretical background)
- Biegowe (2017): Download: 15. November 2017
- Brouthers, K.D. (2002). Institutional, cultural and transaction cost influences on entry mode choice and performance, Journal of International Business Studies, 33(2): 203-221.
- Budai, E. (1999). Sport(t)örvényben fuldokolva. Új Folyam, 8(3-4): 20-33.
- Budapest interview (2018): Interview with the CEO and owner of Budapest Sports Office. Place and date of interview: Budapest, 15. June 2018
- Cantwell, J. A., Dunning, J.H. & Janne, O.E.M. (2004). Towards a technology-seeking explanation of U.S. direct investment in the United Kingdom. Journal of International Management, 10: 5 – 20.
- Chalip, L. & Leyns, A. (2002). Local business leveraging of a sport event: managing an event for economic benefit. Journal of Sport Management, 16: 132-158.
- Czakó, E., & Reszegi, L. (2010). Nemzetközi vállalatgazdaságtan. (International business economics). Budapest: Alinea Kiadó
- Czeglédi, O. & Sipos-Onyestyák, N. & Mischler, S. & Cernaianu, S. & Tóth, Cs. & Melo, R. (2018). The impact of urban running races on local tourism and regional development. Magyar Sporttudományi Füzetek XVIII. p. 127-158. ISBN 978-615-5187-13-1
- Deitz, G. D., Evans, R. D., & Hansen, J. D. (2013). Sponsorship and shareholder value: A re-examination and extension. Journal of Business Research, 66(9): 1427-1435.
- Dunning, J. H. (1988). Explaining International Production. London: Unwin Hyman
- Dunning, J.H. (1998). Location and the Multinational Enterprise: A Neglected Factor? Journal of International Business Studies. 29(1): 45-66.
- Dunning, J. H. (2004). Institutional reform, FDI and European transition economies. In: R. Grosse (ed.): International Business and Governments in the 21st Century, Cambridge
- Dunning, J. H. (2006). Towards a new paradigm of development: implications for the determinants of international business. Transnational Corporations, 15(1): 173-227.
- Dunning, J.H. & Lundan, S.M. (2010). The institutional origins of dynamic capabilities in multinational enterprises. Industrial and Corporate Change, 19(4): 1225–1246.
- Fóris, Á., & Bérces, E. (2005). Sport, gazdaság, terminológia. Accessed 13 November 2009.
- Gratton, C., & Taylor, P. (2000). Economics of sport and recreation. London: E and FN Spon
- Healy, J. C., & McDonagh, P. (2013). Consumer roles in brand culture and value co-creation in virtual communities. Journal of Business Research, 66(9): 1528-1540.
- Hermann, M. (2012). Impact of International Running Events on the Economy and the Society. Accessed 1 March 2018.
- Herrmann, J. L., Kacha, M., & Derbaix, C. (2016). “I support your team, support me in turn!”: The driving role of consumers' affiliation with the sponsored entity in explaining behavioral effects of sport sponsorship leveraging activities. Journal of Business Research, 69(2): 604-612
- Hollenstein, H. (2005). Determinants of International Activities: Are SMEs Different? Small Business Economics. 24: 431-450.
- Kozma, M. & Andras, K. (2016). A Typology of International Strategies for Hungarian Professional Sports Clubs. Management (ISSN: 1854-4223). 11(1): 7-27.
- Laczkó, T., & Paár, D. (2018). Research of social effects of domestic organised sport events in 2018. Magyar Sporttudományi Füzetek XVIII. p. 77-100. ISBN 978-615-5187-13-1
- Laczkó, T., & Stocker, M. (2018). Analysis of socio-economic and tourism impacts of domestic organized sport events in 2018. Magyar Sporttudományi Füzetek XVIII. p. 37-76. ISBN 978-615-5187-13-1
- Laufmarkt (2017): Study on European Marathons 2017. Accessed 18 May 2018
- Marinov, M.A. & Marinova, S.T. (1999). Foreign Investor Strategy Development in the Central and Eastern European Context. Thunderbird International Business Review, 41(1): 107-130.
- Min, J., & Jin, H. (2010). Analysis on Essence, Types and Characteristics of Leisure Sports. Modern Applied Science, 4(7): 99-103.
- Miller R.K. & Kelli D., (edit.) (2008). Travel & Tourism Market Research Handbook, Washington:Lognaville
- O’Gorman & McTiernan. (2000). Factors Influencing the Internationalization Choices of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: The Case of the Irish Hotel Industry. Enterprise & Innovation Management Studies, 1(2):141-151.
- Paár, D. (2010). A magyar sportfogyasztás dinamikája – „Sportkultúra – hagyomány és megújulás” Budapest: MSTT, VII. Országos Sporttudományi Kongresszus konferencia-kiadványa
- Paár, D. & Laczkó, T. (2018). Research of domestic organised sport events’ effects from the point of view sport performance, sport politics and sport technology in 2018. Magyar Sporttudományi Füzetek XVIII. p. 101-126. ISBN 978-615-5187-13-1
- Parks, B.J., Quarterman, J., & Thibault, L. (2007). Contemporary Sport Management. USA: Human Kinetics
- Pearce, R. & Papanastassiou, M. (1997). European Markets and the Strategic Roles of based on Maratonypolskie (2019): Number of running events – data collected in (download 25. nov. 2019).
- Multinational Enterprise Subsidiaries in the UK. Journal of Common Market Studies. 35(2): 243-266.
- Peng, M.W. (2001). Institutional transition and institutional choices. Academy of Management Review, 21: 492-528.
- Perényi, Sz. (2015). The popularisation and expansion of amateur running culture. IN: Scheerder, J., Breedveld, K., & Borgers, J. 2015, ed. Running across Europe The Rise and Size of one of the Largest Sport Markets. UK: Palgrave Macmillan
- Poznan interview (2018): interview with the manager of organisers of Poznan Marathon. Place and date of interview: 11. July 2018
- Ratten, V. (2011). International Sports Management: Current Trends and Future Developments. Thunderbird International Business Review. 53(6): Special Issue. Wiley Periodicals, Inc. DOI: 10.1002/tie.20444
- Rosentraub, M.S. & Swindell, D. (2002). Negotiating games: cities, sports and the winner’s curse. Journal of Sport Management. 16: 18-35.
- RunRepeat (2019): The State of Running 2019. Download: (15. sept. 2019).
- Scheerder, J., Breedveld, K., & Borgers, J. (2015), ed. Running across Europe The Rise and Size of one of the Largest Sport Markets. UK: Palgrave Macmillan
- Schwartzhoffová, E. (2015). Run Czech as a product of sport tourism. Studia sportiva, 9(1): 253-258.
- Sen, A. (1999). Development as Freedom. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Schulenkorf, N., Sherry, E. & Rowe, K. (2016). Sport for Development: An Integrated Literature Review. Journal of Sport Management, 30: 22 -39.
- Szabó, Á. (2012). A magyar szabadidősport működésének vizsgálata. Piacok, értékteremtés, feladatok a szabadidősportban. (An examination of the operation of Hungarian leisure sports system markets, value creation, and challenges in leisure sports.) PhD-értekezés. Budapest: Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Gazdálkodástudományi Doktori Iskola
- Szabó Á.(2014): Leisure sports’ industry, leisure sports’ markets in Hungary. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences. Volume 5, Issue 3, p. 1-22
- Svetlicic, M., Jaklic, A. & Burger, A. (2007). Internationalization of Small and Medium-Size Enterprises from Selected Central European Economies. Eastern European Economics, 45(4): 36–65.
- Tatoglu, E., Demirbag, M. & Kaplan, G. (2003). Motives for Retailer Internationalization to Central and Eastern Europe. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 39(4): 40–57.
- Thibault, L. (2009). Globalization of Sport: An Inconvenient Truth. Journal of Sport Management, 23: 1-20.
- Tien, C., Lo, H.C. & Ze, Y. (2011). The Economic Benefits of Mega Events: A Myth or a Reality? A Longitudinal Study on the Olympic Games. Journal of Sport Management, 25: 11-23.
- Trapczyński, P. (2016). MNEs from Poland: A Review of Extant Research. Managing Global Transitions 14 (3): 283–306.
- Waśkowski, Z., (2014). Profil polskiego biegacza. Poznan: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu.
- Waśkowski, Z., (2015a). Społeczno-ekonomiczne determinanty rozwoju turystyki sportowej na przykładzie biegów maratońskich, Marketing i Rynek, 8:790-798
- Waśkowski, Z. (2015b). Collaboration with Stakeholders in Sports Business Industry: Strategies of Marathons Organizers, IMP Conference 2015 August
- Waśkowski, Z. (2017). The strategy of coopetition. Value-creating networks of partnership relations – the case of the sports market. Management International Conference, Monastier di Treviso (Venice), Italy, 24-27, May, 2017: 13-21
- Williamson, O.E. (2000). The new institutional economics: taking stock looking ahead. Journal of Economic Literature, 38: 595-613.