hile scanning the researches in the world, there may be problems in scanning the research outputs due to the similarities of the names, common surnames or surnames of the researchers. In order to overcome this problem, ORCID implementation has emerged through the joint initiative of different publishers and stakeholders. The purpose of ORCID implementation; a single digital identity and the research outputs of a researcher are collected under a single account. ORCID provides intersystem communication, provides authentication and application development interfaces (APIs). Therefore, ORCID application becomes compulsory for article publication. Authors can bring together their publications and search among other registered scientists and researchers.

ORCID application is obligatory in order to meet the international conditions for article submission in our journal. The author (s) are required to write their ORCIDs in the manuscripts they send to our journal.

ORCID Registration

Authors without an ORCID can easily register for ORCID free of charge. The registration process can be completed in a short time. The registration link to ORCID is given below:


The site explains in a simple way how to register. Researchers can set symbols for other people to see their work. After the ORCID registration is complete, the system redirects to the main menu. People can receive ORC ID and QR code, update their personal information (different uses of name, country, keywords, website, e-mail address, etc.), biography, places of employment, funds received, and fields related to studies.

Researchers can add their work in 3 ways:

1. Click the "Add Manually" button to display the corresponding menu

2. Uploading exported BibTex files, including Google Scholar

3. "Search & Link" button in bulk

When you want to re-login to the system;


E-mail or ORCID registration number and password can be accessed from the address.

Last Update Time: 12/7/24, 5:01:01 PM