Year 2021,
, 748 - 794, 29.12.2021
Bünyamin Ağalday
Abidin Dağlı
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The Investigation of the Relations Between Paternalistic Leadership, Organizational Creativity and Organizational Dissent
Year 2021,
, 748 - 794, 29.12.2021
Bünyamin Ağalday
Abidin Dağlı
The aim of the
research is to find out the relationship between the paternalistic leadership
behaviours of public primary school principals and teachers’ organizational
creativity and organizational dissent perception levels according to the
perceptions of primary school teachers. Correlational
survey method was utilized in the research. The sample of the research consists
of 1059 teachers working in public primary schools selected by methods of
stratified sampling method in Mardin city center and 8 districts of Mardin
during 2016-2017 academic year. The data of the research were obtained by using
the “Headmasters’ Paternalistic Leadership Behaviours Scale”, “Organizational
Creativity Scale” and “Organizational Dissent Scale”. The data analysis revealed the
following findings: There was a positive and
significant correlation between the paternalistic leadership behaviours of
primary school administrators and teachers’ perceptions toward organizational
creativity and organizational dissent and paternalistic leadership behaviors of
primary school administrators were found to be a significant predictor of
teachers’ perceptions toward organizational creativity and organizational
dissent. The
headmasters should exhibit benevolent leadership behaviours that enchance the
teachers organizational creativity perceptions, such as endeavouring to create
a family milieu in school, being tolerant of teachers and supporting teachers
to take the initiative.
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