Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 658 - 699, 25.12.2019



  • Abraham, S. E, & Karns, L. A., (2009). Do Business Schools Value the Competencies That Businesses Value?, Journal of Education for Business, 84 (6), 350-356, DOI: 10.3200/JOEB.84.6.350-356 Attard, A., Di Lorio, E., Geven, K., & Santa, R. (2010). Student centred Learning – Toolkit for Students, Staff and Higher Education Institutions. Brussels: European Students Union. Retrieved from: Biggs, J. B. (1999) Teaching for Quality Learning at University. Buckingham: Open University Press, United Kingdom. Black, P. (1999). Assessment, learning theories and testing systems. In Murphy, P. (Ed.). Learners, Learning and Assessment. London: Open University Press. Boahin, P., & Hofman, A. (2013). A disciplinary perspective of competency-based training on the acquisition of employability skills. Journal of Vocational Education &Training, 65 (3), 385-401. doi:10.1080/13636820.2013.834954 Brewer, L. (2013). Enhancing youth employability: What? Why? and How? Guide to core work skills / Laura Brewer; International Labour Office, Skills and Employability Department. - Geneva: ILO. Brown, G., Bull, J., & Pendlebury, M. (1997). What is assessment? In Assessing Student Learning in Higher Education. London: Routledge. Brown-Wright, B. (2011). Student Centred Learning in Higher Education International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 23 (3), 92-97. Retrieved from: ISSN 1812-9129 Cannon, R., & Newbie, D. (2000). A Guide to Improving Teaching Methods: a handbook for teachers in university and colleges. London: Kogan Page. Chamorro-Premuzic, T., Furnham, A., & Lewis, M. (2007). Personality and approaches to learning predict preference for different teaching methods. Learning and Individual Differences, 17, 241–250. Retrieved from: Creswell, J. W., (2012). Educational research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Boston: Pearson Merrill/Prentice Hall. Fallon, M. (2016). Writing quantitative research. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. Foray, D. & Lundvall, B. (1996). From the economics of knowledge to the learning economy. Employment and growth in the knowledge-based economy. Paris: OECD. George, N. A., Craven, M., Williams-Myers, C. & Bonnick, P. (2003). Using Action Research to Enhance Teaching and Learning at the University of Technology, Jamaica, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 28 (3), 239-250. Geven, K., & Santa. R. (2010). Student Centred Learning: Survey Analysis Time for Student Centred Learning. Bucharest: European Students Union. Gleason, B. L., Peters, M. J., Resman-Targoff, B. H., Karr, S., McBane, S., Kelley, K., Thomas, T., & Denetclaw, T. H. (2011). An active-learning strategies primer for achieving ability-based educational outcomes. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 75 (9), Article 186. Retrieved from: Government of Jamaica/Planning Institute of Jamaica. (2009), Vision 2030, National Development Plan – Jamaica, the Place of Choice to Live, Work, Raise Families and Do Business. Kingston, Jamaica. Planning Institute of Jamaica Greener, S. (2015). What do we mean by “student-centred” learning?, Interactive Learning Environments, 23 (1), 1-2. Hargis, K. B. (2011). Career and technical education program alignment with local workforce needs (Unpublished Ed.D. dissertation). Eastern Kentucky University. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Full Text database. (UMI No. 3488204) Hewitt, A., Owens, R. & Stewart, A. (2018). Mind the gap: is the regulation of work integrated learning in higher education working? Monash University Law Review, 44 (1). Retrieved from:,-Owens-and-Stewart.pdf Jamaica Gleaner, (2014). Graduates Lack Soft Skills On The Job – Wan. Published 3rd October, 2014. Retrieved from: Jamaica Gleaner, (2017). Skill Sets In The 21st-Century Workplace Published 9th July 2017. Retrieved from: Jamaica Gleaner, (2009). Many university grads lack critical employability skills. Published 24 May 2009. Retrieved from: Jamaica Information Service, (2014). Year in review, 2013, Notable Achievements in Education Sector. Retrieved from: Jamaica Information Service. (2018). Declaration On Higher Education Emerges From Two-Day Summit. Retrieved from: Jamaica Information Service. (2016). Prime Minister’s inauguration. Retrieved from: Jamaica Observer. (2017). Some tertiary graduates lacking ‘soft skills’ for employment Published, February 20, 2017. Retrieved from: Kemm, R. E., & Dantas, A. M. (2007). Research-led learning in biological science practical activities: Supported by student-centred e-learning. FASEB Journal, 21 (5), A220-A220. Lall, S., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2005). Working Paper Number 121: Is African Industry Competing? QEH Working Paper Series – QEHWPS122 1. International Development Centre, Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford University Lea, S. J., Stephenson, D., & Troy, J. (2003). Higher Education, Students' Attitudes to Student-centred Learning: Beyond 'educational bulimia'?, Studies in Higher Education, 28 (3), 321-334. Light, G. & Cox, R. (2001). Assessing: Student assessment. In Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: The Reflective Practitioner. London: Paul Chapman Publishing. Lu, E. Y., Ma, H., Turner, S., & Huang, W. (2007). Wireless internet and student-centred learning: A partial least-squares model. Computers & Education, 49 (2), 530-544. Lumpkin, A., & Achen, R.M. (2015). Flipping a class: Active learning and more of it. Sport Management Education Journal, 9, 79-90. Maclellan, E. (2008). The Significance of Motivation in Student-centred Learning: A Reflective Case Study. Teaching in Higher Education 13 (4), 411–421. McCabe, A. & O'Connor, U. (2014). Student centred learning: the role and responsibility of the lecturer, Teaching in Higher Education, 19 (4), 350-359. Ministry of Education, Jamaica. (2014). National policy for technical vocational education and training. Retrieved from: Moore, J. (2009). An exploration of lecturer as facilitator within the context of problem-based learning. Nurse Education Today, 29 (2), 150-156. Retrieved from: Olaniyan. D.A., & Okemakinde. T. (2008). Human Capital Theory: Implications for Educational Development. European Journal of Scientific Research, l.24 (2), 157- 162 O’Neill, G., Moore, S., & McMullin, B. (Eds). (2005). Emerging Issues in the Practice of University Learning and Teaching. All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE), Dublin. Retrieved from: Paris, C., & Combs, B. (2006). Lived meanings: What teachers mean when they say they are learner centred. Teachers & Teaching: Theory and Practice, 12 (5), 571-592. Pinto, M., & Sales, D. (2008). Knowledge transfer and information skills for student- centred learning in Spain. Libraries & the Academy, 8 (1), 53-74. Planning Institute of Jamaica. (2016). Economic and Social Survey Jamaica. Retrieved from: Reddan, G., McNally, B., & Chipperfield, J. (2016). Flipping the classroom in an undergraduate sports coaching course. The International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 11 (2), 270-278. Russell, A.T., Comello, R.J., & Lee Wright, D. (2007). Teaching strategies promoting active learning in health care education. Journal of Education and Human Development, 1(1). Retrieved from: Salter, D., Pang, M. Y. C., & Sharma. P. (2009). Active tasks to change the use of class time within an outcomes based approach to curriculum design. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 6 (1), 27-38. Schaefer, K, & Zygmont, D. (2003). Analysing the teaching style of nursing faculty. Nursing Education Perspectives, 24 (5), 238-245 Sen, A. (1999). Development as freedom. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Slunt, K, M., & Giancarlo, L.C. (2004). Student Centred Learning: A Comparison of Two Different Methods of Instruction. Journal of Chemical Education, 81 (7), 985. Statistical Institute of Jamaica, (2019). Annual GDP Statistics. Retrieved from: Tärnvik, A. (2007). Revival of the case method: A way to retain student-centred learning in a post-PBL era. Medical Teacher, 29 (1), 32-36. Tangney, S. (2013) Student centred learning: a humanist perspective. Teaching in Higher Education, 19 (3), 266-275. Taylor-Powell, E., & Renner, M. (2003). Analysing qualitative data. Retrieved from www. The World Bank. (2017). Countries commit to strong action on human capital to drive economic growth. Feature story, 20th October, 2017. Retrieved from: Training and Workforce Development Sector Plan: Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan. (2009). Retrieved from: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), (2012). World TVET Database, Jamaica. Retrieved from: University of Technology, Jamaica (2018). University of Technology, Jamaica, Strategic Plan, 2018-2022. USAID, Jamaica Country Assistance Strategy. (2009). Retrieved from: Van Amburgh, J.A., Devlin, J.W., Kirwin, J.L., & Qualters, D.M. (2007). A tool for measuring active learning in the classroom. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 71 (5), 85. Retrieved from: Weimer, M. (2002). Learner centred teaching: Five key changes to practice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Student-centred Learning in Higher Education: Implications for the Jamaican Workplace

Year 2019, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 658 - 699, 25.12.2019


This paper explores the experience, impression and understanding of student centred learning by 44 business education students at a university in Jamaica. The study sought to establish whether such a learning approach enhances the competencies of students in accord with the demands made by employers for critical employee characteristics in the 21st century workplace, whilst also enhancing learning outcomes in students’ current studies. The research reported here was informed through two studies, using complementary methodologies in qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis. The first study utilised a survey instrument, while the second employed focus groups. The findings revealed that students generally held positive views of student centred learning and that they believed it enhanced their learning experience in their current studies. However, they were not clear as to whether the approach was being utilised fully and/or effectively and whether current resources were adequate to support the effective implementation and maintenance of such an approach. Findings further revealed that many of the competencies developed through the practise of student centred learning are complimentary to not only desirable, but indeed, identified characteristics that the 21st century worker should be ideally equipped with, according to the International Labour Organisation (Brewer, 2013). These characteristics also being in accord with the demands of employers in Jamaica. This latter point being affirmed by a senior figure from the Jamaica Employers’ Federation through a one-on-one interview. The importance of “gearing” such learning at the tertiary level to the demands of employers for well prepared and effective employees that complement and indeed enhance the workplace is recognised as a national imperative, and thus policy, as developed through educational leadership should be in accord. This research posits that the utilisation of student centred learning will not only benefit learning at the tertiary level, it will also better prepare graduates for the workplace.


  • Abraham, S. E, & Karns, L. A., (2009). Do Business Schools Value the Competencies That Businesses Value?, Journal of Education for Business, 84 (6), 350-356, DOI: 10.3200/JOEB.84.6.350-356 Attard, A., Di Lorio, E., Geven, K., & Santa, R. (2010). Student centred Learning – Toolkit for Students, Staff and Higher Education Institutions. Brussels: European Students Union. Retrieved from: Biggs, J. B. (1999) Teaching for Quality Learning at University. Buckingham: Open University Press, United Kingdom. Black, P. (1999). Assessment, learning theories and testing systems. In Murphy, P. (Ed.). Learners, Learning and Assessment. London: Open University Press. Boahin, P., & Hofman, A. (2013). A disciplinary perspective of competency-based training on the acquisition of employability skills. Journal of Vocational Education &Training, 65 (3), 385-401. doi:10.1080/13636820.2013.834954 Brewer, L. (2013). Enhancing youth employability: What? Why? and How? Guide to core work skills / Laura Brewer; International Labour Office, Skills and Employability Department. - Geneva: ILO. Brown, G., Bull, J., & Pendlebury, M. (1997). What is assessment? In Assessing Student Learning in Higher Education. London: Routledge. Brown-Wright, B. (2011). Student Centred Learning in Higher Education International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 23 (3), 92-97. Retrieved from: ISSN 1812-9129 Cannon, R., & Newbie, D. (2000). A Guide to Improving Teaching Methods: a handbook for teachers in university and colleges. London: Kogan Page. Chamorro-Premuzic, T., Furnham, A., & Lewis, M. (2007). Personality and approaches to learning predict preference for different teaching methods. Learning and Individual Differences, 17, 241–250. Retrieved from: Creswell, J. W., (2012). Educational research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Boston: Pearson Merrill/Prentice Hall. Fallon, M. (2016). Writing quantitative research. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. Foray, D. & Lundvall, B. (1996). From the economics of knowledge to the learning economy. Employment and growth in the knowledge-based economy. Paris: OECD. George, N. A., Craven, M., Williams-Myers, C. & Bonnick, P. (2003). Using Action Research to Enhance Teaching and Learning at the University of Technology, Jamaica, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 28 (3), 239-250. Geven, K., & Santa. R. (2010). Student Centred Learning: Survey Analysis Time for Student Centred Learning. Bucharest: European Students Union. Gleason, B. L., Peters, M. J., Resman-Targoff, B. H., Karr, S., McBane, S., Kelley, K., Thomas, T., & Denetclaw, T. H. (2011). An active-learning strategies primer for achieving ability-based educational outcomes. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 75 (9), Article 186. Retrieved from: Government of Jamaica/Planning Institute of Jamaica. (2009), Vision 2030, National Development Plan – Jamaica, the Place of Choice to Live, Work, Raise Families and Do Business. Kingston, Jamaica. Planning Institute of Jamaica Greener, S. (2015). What do we mean by “student-centred” learning?, Interactive Learning Environments, 23 (1), 1-2. Hargis, K. B. (2011). Career and technical education program alignment with local workforce needs (Unpublished Ed.D. dissertation). Eastern Kentucky University. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Full Text database. (UMI No. 3488204) Hewitt, A., Owens, R. & Stewart, A. (2018). Mind the gap: is the regulation of work integrated learning in higher education working? Monash University Law Review, 44 (1). Retrieved from:,-Owens-and-Stewart.pdf Jamaica Gleaner, (2014). Graduates Lack Soft Skills On The Job – Wan. Published 3rd October, 2014. Retrieved from: Jamaica Gleaner, (2017). Skill Sets In The 21st-Century Workplace Published 9th July 2017. Retrieved from: Jamaica Gleaner, (2009). Many university grads lack critical employability skills. Published 24 May 2009. Retrieved from: Jamaica Information Service, (2014). Year in review, 2013, Notable Achievements in Education Sector. Retrieved from: Jamaica Information Service. (2018). Declaration On Higher Education Emerges From Two-Day Summit. Retrieved from: Jamaica Information Service. (2016). Prime Minister’s inauguration. Retrieved from: Jamaica Observer. (2017). Some tertiary graduates lacking ‘soft skills’ for employment Published, February 20, 2017. Retrieved from: Kemm, R. E., & Dantas, A. M. (2007). Research-led learning in biological science practical activities: Supported by student-centred e-learning. FASEB Journal, 21 (5), A220-A220. Lall, S., & Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2005). Working Paper Number 121: Is African Industry Competing? QEH Working Paper Series – QEHWPS122 1. International Development Centre, Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford University Lea, S. J., Stephenson, D., & Troy, J. (2003). Higher Education, Students' Attitudes to Student-centred Learning: Beyond 'educational bulimia'?, Studies in Higher Education, 28 (3), 321-334. Light, G. & Cox, R. (2001). Assessing: Student assessment. In Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: The Reflective Practitioner. London: Paul Chapman Publishing. Lu, E. Y., Ma, H., Turner, S., & Huang, W. (2007). Wireless internet and student-centred learning: A partial least-squares model. Computers & Education, 49 (2), 530-544. Lumpkin, A., & Achen, R.M. (2015). Flipping a class: Active learning and more of it. Sport Management Education Journal, 9, 79-90. Maclellan, E. (2008). The Significance of Motivation in Student-centred Learning: A Reflective Case Study. Teaching in Higher Education 13 (4), 411–421. McCabe, A. & O'Connor, U. (2014). Student centred learning: the role and responsibility of the lecturer, Teaching in Higher Education, 19 (4), 350-359. Ministry of Education, Jamaica. (2014). National policy for technical vocational education and training. Retrieved from: Moore, J. (2009). An exploration of lecturer as facilitator within the context of problem-based learning. Nurse Education Today, 29 (2), 150-156. Retrieved from: Olaniyan. D.A., & Okemakinde. T. (2008). Human Capital Theory: Implications for Educational Development. European Journal of Scientific Research, l.24 (2), 157- 162 O’Neill, G., Moore, S., & McMullin, B. (Eds). (2005). Emerging Issues in the Practice of University Learning and Teaching. All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE), Dublin. Retrieved from: Paris, C., & Combs, B. (2006). Lived meanings: What teachers mean when they say they are learner centred. Teachers & Teaching: Theory and Practice, 12 (5), 571-592. Pinto, M., & Sales, D. (2008). Knowledge transfer and information skills for student- centred learning in Spain. Libraries & the Academy, 8 (1), 53-74. Planning Institute of Jamaica. (2016). Economic and Social Survey Jamaica. Retrieved from: Reddan, G., McNally, B., & Chipperfield, J. (2016). Flipping the classroom in an undergraduate sports coaching course. The International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 11 (2), 270-278. Russell, A.T., Comello, R.J., & Lee Wright, D. (2007). Teaching strategies promoting active learning in health care education. Journal of Education and Human Development, 1(1). Retrieved from: Salter, D., Pang, M. Y. C., & Sharma. P. (2009). Active tasks to change the use of class time within an outcomes based approach to curriculum design. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 6 (1), 27-38. Schaefer, K, & Zygmont, D. (2003). Analysing the teaching style of nursing faculty. Nursing Education Perspectives, 24 (5), 238-245 Sen, A. (1999). Development as freedom. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Slunt, K, M., & Giancarlo, L.C. (2004). Student Centred Learning: A Comparison of Two Different Methods of Instruction. Journal of Chemical Education, 81 (7), 985. Statistical Institute of Jamaica, (2019). Annual GDP Statistics. Retrieved from: Tärnvik, A. (2007). Revival of the case method: A way to retain student-centred learning in a post-PBL era. Medical Teacher, 29 (1), 32-36. Tangney, S. (2013) Student centred learning: a humanist perspective. Teaching in Higher Education, 19 (3), 266-275. Taylor-Powell, E., & Renner, M. (2003). Analysing qualitative data. Retrieved from www. The World Bank. (2017). Countries commit to strong action on human capital to drive economic growth. Feature story, 20th October, 2017. Retrieved from: Training and Workforce Development Sector Plan: Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan. (2009). Retrieved from: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), (2012). World TVET Database, Jamaica. Retrieved from: University of Technology, Jamaica (2018). University of Technology, Jamaica, Strategic Plan, 2018-2022. USAID, Jamaica Country Assistance Strategy. (2009). Retrieved from: Van Amburgh, J.A., Devlin, J.W., Kirwin, J.L., & Qualters, D.M. (2007). A tool for measuring active learning in the classroom. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 71 (5), 85. Retrieved from: Weimer, M. (2002). Learner centred teaching: Five key changes to practice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Stephen R. Wallder This is me

Nardia J. Brown This is me

Publication Date December 25, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 4 Issue: 3


APA Wallder, S. R., & Brown, N. J. (2019). Student-centred Learning in Higher Education: Implications for the Jamaican Workplace. Research in Educational Administration and Leadership, 4(3), 658-699.
AMA Wallder SR, Brown NJ. Student-centred Learning in Higher Education: Implications for the Jamaican Workplace. REAL. December 2019;4(3):658-699.
Chicago Wallder, Stephen R., and Nardia J. Brown. “Student-Centred Learning in Higher Education: Implications for the Jamaican Workplace”. Research in Educational Administration and Leadership 4, no. 3 (December 2019): 658-99.
EndNote Wallder SR, Brown NJ (December 1, 2019) Student-centred Learning in Higher Education: Implications for the Jamaican Workplace. Research in Educational Administration and Leadership 4 3 658–699.
IEEE S. R. Wallder and N. J. Brown, “Student-centred Learning in Higher Education: Implications for the Jamaican Workplace”, REAL, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 658–699, 2019.
ISNAD Wallder, Stephen R. - Brown, Nardia J. “Student-Centred Learning in Higher Education: Implications for the Jamaican Workplace”. Research in Educational Administration and Leadership 4/3 (December 2019), 658-699.
JAMA Wallder SR, Brown NJ. Student-centred Learning in Higher Education: Implications for the Jamaican Workplace. REAL. 2019;4:658–699.
MLA Wallder, Stephen R. and Nardia J. Brown. “Student-Centred Learning in Higher Education: Implications for the Jamaican Workplace”. Research in Educational Administration and Leadership, vol. 4, no. 3, 2019, pp. 658-99.
Vancouver Wallder SR, Brown NJ. Student-centred Learning in Higher Education: Implications for the Jamaican Workplace. REAL. 2019;4(3):658-99.

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