Renk üzerine yapılan araştırmalarda renk olgusuna karşı farklı yaklaşımlar olduğu gözlemlenmektedir. Bu yaklaşımlarda rengin, ışık, boya veya insanın görme algısı durumunun incelenmesiyle ortaya çıktığı anlaşılmaktadır. Fizyolojik tanımlamada renk, ışığın gözün retinasına değişik biçimde ulaşması ile ortaya çıkan bir algılama olarak açıklanmaktadır. Bu algılama, ışığın maddeler üzerine çarpması ve bazen soğurulup bazen yansıması nedeniyle çeşitlilik gösterir. İşte bu oluşuma renk veya renk tonu denir. İnsanın renk arayışları geçmiş yüzyıllarda olduğu gibi, sonraki yıllarda da kendini göstermiştir. Birçok alanda oluşan teknik gelişmelerle birlikte boyanın kimyası da değişmiştir. Bu değişim, resim yüzeyindeki renk yaklaşımlarına da etkilerde bulunmuştur. Resimde bilimsel perspektifin keşfi, ışık-gölge, volüm ve kompozisyon anlayışındaki değişimlere neden olmuştur. Ve bu değişimler geçen yüzyıllardaki anlayışla karşılaştırılamayacak kadar büyük farklılıklar ve yenilikler doğurmuştur. Rönesans, yeni bilgi ve tekniklerin gelişmesine olanak sağlamış, birçok açıdan nitelik ve çeşitliliği de beraberinde getirmiştir. Ayrıca, resim sanatının şekillenmesine büyük katkıları olan renk, ilk çağlardan modern zamanlara kadar insanın kendini farklı biçimlerde ve farklı anlamlarda ifade etmesine olanak sağlamıştır. Bu konuda renk olgusu insanların düşüncelerini ve duygularını kolay yolla ifade edebileceği önemli bir değer olmuştur. Resim sanatının tarihine bir göz atıldığında, rengin özgül renk değerinin ötesinde temsil değeri ile de kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Temsili renk değeri ile ifade edilmek istenen ise, rengin dış dünyayı yansıtma aracı olarak kullanılmasıdır
Different approaches regarding the concept of color can be observed in studies carried out over color. From this approaches it can be understood that color emerges from the investigation of light, paint or visual perception of humans. Physiologically color is explained as perception emerging from the light reflecting in the retina in different ways. This perception varies as a result of the light hitting substances and sometimes getting absorbed, sometimes getting reflected. This formation is called color or color tone. Humans’ search for color has appeared in recent years as well as it did in the past centuries. On top of many technical developments in many areas, the chemistry of paint has also changed, which has also reflected upon approaches of color on painting surfaces. The discovery of scientific perspective in painting has caused changes in conception of light-shade, volume and composition. And these changes have produced big differences and innovations which cannot be compared to the conceptions of previous centuries. The renaissance enabled new information and technics to be improved, and brought about many qualities and varieties in many ways. Furthermore, the color which had a major contribution on the embodiment of art has enabled humans to express themselves in different forms and meanings since the ancient times to modern days. In this respect, the concept of color has become an important value with which humans can easily express their thoughts and emotions. When the history of art is considered, the color is also used as representation value beyond its specific color value. By representative color value, it is meant that the color is used as an instrument to reflect the outer world also changed, which has also reflected upon approaches of color on painting surfaces. The discovery of scientific perspective in painting has caused changes in conception of light-shade, volume and composition. And these changes have produced big differences and innovations which cannot be compared to the conceptions of previous centuries. The renaissance enabled new information and technics to be improved, and brought about many qualities and varieties in many ways. Furthermore, the color which had a major contribution on the embodiment of art has enabled humans to express themselves in different forms and meanings since the ancient times to modern days. In this respect, the concept of color has become an important value with which humans can easily express their thoughts and emotions. When the history of art is considered, the color is also used as representation value beyond its specific color value. By representative color value, it is meant that the color is used as an instrument to reflect the outer world.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | January 1, 2018 |
Published in Issue | Year 2018 Volume: 6 Issue: 1 |
The journal "Researcher: Social Sciences Studies" (RSSS), which started its publication life in 2013, continues its activities under the name of "Researcher" as of August 2020, under Ankara Bilim University.
It is an internationally indexed, nationally refereed, scientific and electronic journal that publishes original research articles aiming to contribute to the fields of Engineering and Science in 2021 and beyond.
The journal is published twice a year, except for special issues.
Candidate articles submitted for publication in the journal can be written in Turkish and English. Articles submitted to the journal must not have been previously published in another journal or sent to another journal for publication.