Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 267 - 275, 30.09.2017



  • Ahn & Kim& Lee. (2016). Exploring visitor brand citizenship behavior: The case of the ‘MICE city Busan’, South Korea. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 1-11.
  • Arnett & Laverie & McLane. (2002). Jobsatisfactionandprideasinternal. CornellHotelRestaur, Adm.Quart.43,87–96.
  • Argenti, P.A., and B. Druckenmiller (2004). ‘Reputation and the corporate brand,’ Corporate Reputation Review, 6(4), 368-374
  • Bagher ; Mir Mousavi, Masoume; Soltani, Milad, (2016), " Internal Branding, Brand Citizenship Behavior and Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Study (Case Study: Keshavarzi Bank of Ardabil) ", International Business and Management, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 1-11.
  • Baumgarth, C., & Schmidt, M. (2010). How strong is the business-to-business brand in the workforce? An empirically-tested model of ‘internal brand equity’ in a business-tobuiness setting. Industrial Marketing Management, 39, 1250–1260. 1016/j.indmarman.2010.02.022
  • Bettencourt LA, Gwinner KP, Meuter ML (2001). A comparison of attitude, personality, and knowledge predictors of service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors. J. Appl. Psychol., 86(1): 29-41.
  • Burmann et al. (2008). Key determinants of internal brand management. Brand Management, 21(1), 1-19.
  • Burmann et al.,. (2009). Key determinants of internal brand management:an exploratory emperically analysis. BrandManag, 16,.
  • Burmann, C. and Zeplin, S. (2005). “Building brand commitment: A behavioral approach to internal brand management”. Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 279-300.
  • Barnard, C.I. (1938). The Functions of the Executive. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Chang et al. (2012). Amultilevelinvestigationofrelationships. Eur.J.Mark., 6,626–662.
  • Chang et al. (2009). Perceptionsofinternalmarketingandorganizational. J.Adv.Nursing, 65,92–100.
  • Dissanayake, D.M.R., Wastantha, H.L.N. and Jinadasa, M.P.K. (2017). The Role of Organizational Creativity towards Innovations: A Conceptual Review on Services Sector Research Directions, Journal of Social Sciences – Sri Lanka, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 09 (01): 12-19.
  • Dissanayake, D.M.R. and Norsanina, A. Hamid (2017). Effectiveness of Service Delivery Systems of Local Government Authorities to Enhance the Business Growth Potentials of Regional Businesses. Journal of Social Sciences – Sri Lanka, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 09 (01): 52-59.
  • Dissanayake,D.M.R. and Ismail.N. (2015). Relationship between Celebrity Endorsement and Brand Attitude:With reference to financial sector Brands in Sri Lanka. conference proceedings, International Conferenceon Business & Information(ICBI) 1-22.
  • Dissanayake, D.M.R. (2015). Factors Determine the Customer-Celebrity Relationship towards Perceived Celebrity Endorsements: Propositions to Hypothesize Future Studies in Sri Lankan Services Sector. Sri Lanka Journal of Marketing (SLJM), Vol 1, Isue 2, 1-19.
  • Dyne, L., Graham, J.W., Dienesch, R.M. (1994). Organizational citizenship behaviour: Construct definition, mesurement and validation.Academy of Management Journal, 37, 4, 765-802.
  • Evans P., Pucik V., Björkman I. (2011). The global challenge— International human resource management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Farzad, A., Nahavandi, N., & Caruana, A. (2008). The effect of internal marketing on organizational commitment in Iranian banks. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(11), 1480-1486
  • Gezen et al. (2007). An evaluation of the opinion of hospital employees regarding the contribution of internal marketing to the application of total quality management in Turky. HealthMark., 24,167–187.
  • Gray, B. (2006). Benchmarkingservicesbrandingpractices. .Mark.Manag, 22(717.
  • Hennayake, H. (2017). Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of Public Sector Commercial Banks: A Study on Rural Economic Context. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 2.
  • Ind, N. (2001). Living the brand: How to transform every member of your organization into a. London: Kogan Page.
  • Intaraprasong, B., Dityen, W., Krugkrunjit, P., & Subhadrabandhu, T. (2012). Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Personnel at One University Hospital in Thailand. Journal of Medical Association Thailand , 95 (6), 102-108.
  • Ismaili, M and G.A. Renani, 2007 Study of Job satisfaction of employees of water and sewage company in lorestan province, Iran J Shahed Univ., 14:65-80
  • Jain et al. (2012). Positive and negative affectivityas. Psychol.Mark.29,1004–1016,.
  • Katz. (1964). Motivational basis of organisational behaviour. Behavioural Science, 9, 131-146.
  • Kimpakorn, N. & Tocquer, G. (2009). Employees' commitment to brands in the service sector: Luxury hotel chains in Thailand. Journal of Brand Management, 16(8), 532-544.
  • King, C., & Grace, D., 2008. Internal branding: Exploring the employee's perspective. Journal of Brand Management 15 (5), 358 - 372.
  • King & Grace . (2012). Examining the antecedents of positive employee brand-. Eur.J.Mark, 46,469–488.
  • Lee & Wen-Jung. (2005). The effects of internal marketing and organizational. Int., 22,661–672.
  • Maloney, William F. 2007. “Missed Opportunities: Innovation and Resource Based Growth in Latin America.” In Natural Resources: Neither Curse nor Destiny, edited by Daniel Lederman and William F. Maloney. Stanford University Press.
  • Miles, S. J., and Mangold, G. (2004) A conceptualization of the employee branding process, Journal of relationship marketing, Vol. 3, issue 2/3, pp 65-88.
  • Mohammad, J., Habib, F. Q., and Alias, M. A.,(2011) “Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: An empirical study at higher learning institutions”, Asian Academy of Management Journal , 16, 2, pp. 149-165.
  • Morhart, F. M., Herzog, W., & Tomczak, T. (2009). Brand-specific leadership: Turning employees into brand champions. Journal of Marketing, 73(5), 122-142.
  • Ritu Narang and Alka Dwivedi(2010), Managing the job satisfaction of knowledge workers: An empirical investigation, Asia Pacific Journal of Business and Management, Volume 1 (1), 1-14
  • Organ, D. W. (1988). Organizational citizenship behavior: The good soldier syndrome. USA: D.C. Heath and Company.
  • Ozturk, I., 2010. A literature survey on energy–growth nexus. Energy Policy, 38(1), pp. 340-349.
  • Podsakoff et al. (2000). Organizational citizenship behaviours: A critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research. Journal of Management, 26 (3),513-563.
  • Porricelli, M. S. (2014). Antecedents of brand citizenship behavior in retailing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(5), 745-752.
  • Punjaisri and Wilson. (2007). “The role of internal branding in the delivery of employee brand promise”. Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 57-70.
  • Shaari et al. (2012). Relatonship between brand knowledge and brand rewards, and brand rewards, and employees brand commitment. International Journal of Business and Society,, 13(3), 335-354.
  • Swaminathan, S., & Jawaher, P. (2013). Job satisfaction as a predictor of organizational citizenship behavior. Global Journal of Business Research, 7(1), 71-80.
  • Ucanok & Karabatı. (2013). The effects of values, work centrality, and organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behaviors: Evidence from Turkish SMEs. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 24(1), 89-129.
  • Vallster and De Chernatony. (2006). “Internal brand building structuration: the role of leadership”. European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 40, No. 7/8, pp. 761- 784.
  • Wilde & ,Parks. (2005). Internal service quality. Int.J.Hosp.Tour.Adm, 6,.
  • Yi et al.,. (2013). The impact ofo ther customers on customercitizenship. Psychol.Mark.30,341–355.
  • Zampetakis &.,Moustakis. (20007). Fostering corporate entrepreneurship. J.Innov.Manag., 10,413–433.


Year 2017, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 267 - 275, 30.09.2017


Purpose- The
development of research on Brand Citizenship Behaviors (BCBs) has brought about
some reasonable disarray about the way of the build, and made it troublesome
for everything except the most enthusiastic peruses to stay aware of advancements
in this area. Theory and research on Brand Citizenship Behaviors (BCB) assume
BCB as an arrangement of alluring practices that adds to the brand Performance.
But the antecedents of BCB are not completely researched. This paper reviews
the concept of BCB in relation with related concepts and empirical implications
found in the existing knowledge sphere. 

Methodology- Researchers
followed literature Review as the main methodology to review the existing
empirical knowledge to build conceptual content to support for the proposed
research directions.  

Findings- The findings  provides the insights on how empirical
findings being shared in literature reviews connecting the concept of Band
Citizenship behavior and related concepts and implications.

Conclusion- Based on the
discussion, postulate the future research directions in line with the empirical
knowledge gaps found within.  


  • Ahn & Kim& Lee. (2016). Exploring visitor brand citizenship behavior: The case of the ‘MICE city Busan’, South Korea. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 1-11.
  • Arnett & Laverie & McLane. (2002). Jobsatisfactionandprideasinternal. CornellHotelRestaur, Adm.Quart.43,87–96.
  • Argenti, P.A., and B. Druckenmiller (2004). ‘Reputation and the corporate brand,’ Corporate Reputation Review, 6(4), 368-374
  • Bagher ; Mir Mousavi, Masoume; Soltani, Milad, (2016), " Internal Branding, Brand Citizenship Behavior and Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Study (Case Study: Keshavarzi Bank of Ardabil) ", International Business and Management, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 1-11.
  • Baumgarth, C., & Schmidt, M. (2010). How strong is the business-to-business brand in the workforce? An empirically-tested model of ‘internal brand equity’ in a business-tobuiness setting. Industrial Marketing Management, 39, 1250–1260. 1016/j.indmarman.2010.02.022
  • Bettencourt LA, Gwinner KP, Meuter ML (2001). A comparison of attitude, personality, and knowledge predictors of service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors. J. Appl. Psychol., 86(1): 29-41.
  • Burmann et al. (2008). Key determinants of internal brand management. Brand Management, 21(1), 1-19.
  • Burmann et al.,. (2009). Key determinants of internal brand management:an exploratory emperically analysis. BrandManag, 16,.
  • Burmann, C. and Zeplin, S. (2005). “Building brand commitment: A behavioral approach to internal brand management”. Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 279-300.
  • Barnard, C.I. (1938). The Functions of the Executive. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Chang et al. (2012). Amultilevelinvestigationofrelationships. Eur.J.Mark., 6,626–662.
  • Chang et al. (2009). Perceptionsofinternalmarketingandorganizational. J.Adv.Nursing, 65,92–100.
  • Dissanayake, D.M.R., Wastantha, H.L.N. and Jinadasa, M.P.K. (2017). The Role of Organizational Creativity towards Innovations: A Conceptual Review on Services Sector Research Directions, Journal of Social Sciences – Sri Lanka, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 09 (01): 12-19.
  • Dissanayake, D.M.R. and Norsanina, A. Hamid (2017). Effectiveness of Service Delivery Systems of Local Government Authorities to Enhance the Business Growth Potentials of Regional Businesses. Journal of Social Sciences – Sri Lanka, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 09 (01): 52-59.
  • Dissanayake,D.M.R. and Ismail.N. (2015). Relationship between Celebrity Endorsement and Brand Attitude:With reference to financial sector Brands in Sri Lanka. conference proceedings, International Conferenceon Business & Information(ICBI) 1-22.
  • Dissanayake, D.M.R. (2015). Factors Determine the Customer-Celebrity Relationship towards Perceived Celebrity Endorsements: Propositions to Hypothesize Future Studies in Sri Lankan Services Sector. Sri Lanka Journal of Marketing (SLJM), Vol 1, Isue 2, 1-19.
  • Dyne, L., Graham, J.W., Dienesch, R.M. (1994). Organizational citizenship behaviour: Construct definition, mesurement and validation.Academy of Management Journal, 37, 4, 765-802.
  • Evans P., Pucik V., Björkman I. (2011). The global challenge— International human resource management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Farzad, A., Nahavandi, N., & Caruana, A. (2008). The effect of internal marketing on organizational commitment in Iranian banks. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(11), 1480-1486
  • Gezen et al. (2007). An evaluation of the opinion of hospital employees regarding the contribution of internal marketing to the application of total quality management in Turky. HealthMark., 24,167–187.
  • Gray, B. (2006). Benchmarkingservicesbrandingpractices. .Mark.Manag, 22(717.
  • Hennayake, H. (2017). Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of Public Sector Commercial Banks: A Study on Rural Economic Context. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 2.
  • Ind, N. (2001). Living the brand: How to transform every member of your organization into a. London: Kogan Page.
  • Intaraprasong, B., Dityen, W., Krugkrunjit, P., & Subhadrabandhu, T. (2012). Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Personnel at One University Hospital in Thailand. Journal of Medical Association Thailand , 95 (6), 102-108.
  • Ismaili, M and G.A. Renani, 2007 Study of Job satisfaction of employees of water and sewage company in lorestan province, Iran J Shahed Univ., 14:65-80
  • Jain et al. (2012). Positive and negative affectivityas. Psychol.Mark.29,1004–1016,.
  • Katz. (1964). Motivational basis of organisational behaviour. Behavioural Science, 9, 131-146.
  • Kimpakorn, N. & Tocquer, G. (2009). Employees' commitment to brands in the service sector: Luxury hotel chains in Thailand. Journal of Brand Management, 16(8), 532-544.
  • King, C., & Grace, D., 2008. Internal branding: Exploring the employee's perspective. Journal of Brand Management 15 (5), 358 - 372.
  • King & Grace . (2012). Examining the antecedents of positive employee brand-. Eur.J.Mark, 46,469–488.
  • Lee & Wen-Jung. (2005). The effects of internal marketing and organizational. Int., 22,661–672.
  • Maloney, William F. 2007. “Missed Opportunities: Innovation and Resource Based Growth in Latin America.” In Natural Resources: Neither Curse nor Destiny, edited by Daniel Lederman and William F. Maloney. Stanford University Press.
  • Miles, S. J., and Mangold, G. (2004) A conceptualization of the employee branding process, Journal of relationship marketing, Vol. 3, issue 2/3, pp 65-88.
  • Mohammad, J., Habib, F. Q., and Alias, M. A.,(2011) “Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: An empirical study at higher learning institutions”, Asian Academy of Management Journal , 16, 2, pp. 149-165.
  • Morhart, F. M., Herzog, W., & Tomczak, T. (2009). Brand-specific leadership: Turning employees into brand champions. Journal of Marketing, 73(5), 122-142.
  • Ritu Narang and Alka Dwivedi(2010), Managing the job satisfaction of knowledge workers: An empirical investigation, Asia Pacific Journal of Business and Management, Volume 1 (1), 1-14
  • Organ, D. W. (1988). Organizational citizenship behavior: The good soldier syndrome. USA: D.C. Heath and Company.
  • Ozturk, I., 2010. A literature survey on energy–growth nexus. Energy Policy, 38(1), pp. 340-349.
  • Podsakoff et al. (2000). Organizational citizenship behaviours: A critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research. Journal of Management, 26 (3),513-563.
  • Porricelli, M. S. (2014). Antecedents of brand citizenship behavior in retailing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(5), 745-752.
  • Punjaisri and Wilson. (2007). “The role of internal branding in the delivery of employee brand promise”. Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 57-70.
  • Shaari et al. (2012). Relatonship between brand knowledge and brand rewards, and brand rewards, and employees brand commitment. International Journal of Business and Society,, 13(3), 335-354.
  • Swaminathan, S., & Jawaher, P. (2013). Job satisfaction as a predictor of organizational citizenship behavior. Global Journal of Business Research, 7(1), 71-80.
  • Ucanok & Karabatı. (2013). The effects of values, work centrality, and organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behaviors: Evidence from Turkish SMEs. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 24(1), 89-129.
  • Vallster and De Chernatony. (2006). “Internal brand building structuration: the role of leadership”. European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 40, No. 7/8, pp. 761- 784.
  • Wilde & ,Parks. (2005). Internal service quality. Int.J.Hosp.Tour.Adm, 6,.
  • Yi et al.,. (2013). The impact ofo ther customers on customercitizenship. Psychol.Mark.30,341–355.
  • Zampetakis &.,Moustakis. (20007). Fostering corporate entrepreneurship. J.Innov.Manag., 10,413–433.
There are 48 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

K.A.Apeksha Nirmali This is me

Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid This is me

Ali Khatibi This is me

S. M. Ferdous Azam This is me

S.R.Sepalika Sudasinghe This is me

Publication Date September 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 4 Issue: 3


APA Nirmali, K., Yajid, M. S. A., Khatibi, A., Azam, S. M. F., et al. (2017). BRAND CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIORS: A REVIEW ON RELATED CONCEPTS AND EMPERICAL IMPLICATION. Research Journal of Business and Management, 4(3), 267-275.
AMA Nirmali K, Yajid MSA, Khatibi A, Azam SMF, Sudasinghe S. BRAND CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIORS: A REVIEW ON RELATED CONCEPTS AND EMPERICAL IMPLICATION. RJBM. September 2017;4(3):267-275. doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2017.704
Chicago Nirmali, K.A.Apeksha, Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid, Ali Khatibi, S. M. Ferdous Azam, and S.R.Sepalika Sudasinghe. “BRAND CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIORS: A REVIEW ON RELATED CONCEPTS AND EMPERICAL IMPLICATION”. Research Journal of Business and Management 4, no. 3 (September 2017): 267-75.
EndNote Nirmali K, Yajid MSA, Khatibi A, Azam SMF, Sudasinghe S (September 1, 2017) BRAND CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIORS: A REVIEW ON RELATED CONCEPTS AND EMPERICAL IMPLICATION. Research Journal of Business and Management 4 3 267–275.
IEEE K. Nirmali, M. S. A. Yajid, A. Khatibi, S. M. F. Azam, and S. Sudasinghe, “BRAND CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIORS: A REVIEW ON RELATED CONCEPTS AND EMPERICAL IMPLICATION”, RJBM, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 267–275, 2017, doi: 10.17261/Pressacademia.2017.704.
ISNAD Nirmali, K.A.Apeksha et al. “BRAND CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIORS: A REVIEW ON RELATED CONCEPTS AND EMPERICAL IMPLICATION”. Research Journal of Business and Management 4/3 (September 2017), 267-275.
MLA Nirmali, K.A.Apeksha et al. “BRAND CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIORS: A REVIEW ON RELATED CONCEPTS AND EMPERICAL IMPLICATION”. Research Journal of Business and Management, vol. 4, no. 3, 2017, pp. 267-75, doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2017.704.

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