Research Article
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Year 2024, , 93 - 110, 01.03.2024



  • Philips, Kevin. (2006). American Theocracy, New York: Viking.
  • Aldrovandi, Carlo. (2011). ”Theo-Politics in the Holy Land: Christian Zionism and Jewish Religious Zionism“. Religion Compass. 5/4: 114-128.
  • Spector, Stephen. (2009). Evangelicals and Israel. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Albayrak, H. Şule. (2019). “ABD’de Hıristiyan Siyonizmi: Kökeni, İnanç Esasları ve Günümüz Amerikan Siyasetine Etkisi” darulfunun ilahiyat, 30/1: 141-169.
  • Lipka, Michael. ”More White Evangelicals than American Jews say God Gave Israel the Jewish People.” Pew Research Center, 3 October 2013. Erişim: 30 Ocak 2024.
  • Albayrak, H. Şule. (2024a). “Hıristiyan Siyonizminin Teolojik Temelleri, İtiraz ve Mücadele” Lacivert, S. 108.
  • Albayrak, H, Şule. (2023a). “İngiliz Aristokrasisi ve Hıristiyan Siyonizmi: VII. Lord Shaftesbury Örneği” Milel ve Nihal. 20/2: 135-165.
  • Albayrak, H, Şule. (2023a). “İngiliz Aristokrasisi ve Hıristiyan Siyonizmi: VII. Lord Shaftesbury Örneği” Milel ve Nihal. 20/2: 135-165.
  • Albayrak, H. Şule. (2024a). “Hıristiyan Siyonizminin Teolojik Temelleri, İtiraz ve Mücadele” Lacivert, S. 108.
  • Hodder, Edwin. (1888). The Life and Work of The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. Vol. 2, London: Casell&Company, Limited.
  • Barat, Frank (Ed.). (2016). Filistin Üzerine Konuşmalar: Noam Chomsky, İlan Pappe. Solmaz Kamuran (çev.). İstanbul: İnkılap Yayınları.
  • Albayrak. H. Şule. (2023b). “Hıristiyan Siyonizminin Amerika’ya İntikalinde John Nelson Darby’nin Rolü” Oksident. 5/2: 139-159.
  • Darby, John Nelson. (1868). Lectures on the Second Coming, Lecture II, Ephesians I. Londra: G. Morrish.
  • Aldrovandi, Carlo. (2011). ”Theo-Politics in the Holy Land: Christian Zionism and Jewish Religious Zionism“. Religion Compass. 5/4: 114-128.
  • Ice, Thomas D. (2009). “William Blackstone and American Christian Zionism“ Article Archives. Paper 56.
  • Moorhead, Jonathan. (2010). “The Father of Zionism: William E. Blackstone?” JETS 53/4, December: 787-800.
  • Marsden, George M. (1980). Fundamentalism and American Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Haija, Rammy M. (2006). ”The Armageddon Lobby: Dispensationalist Christian Zionism and the Shaping of US Policy towards Israel-Palestine“ Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Volume 5, Number 1: 75-95
  • Mearsheimer, John J. ve Walt, Stephen M. (2007). The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy. New York: Farra Straus and Giroux.
  • Sizer, Stephen. (2008). Zion’s Christian Soldiers: The Bible, Israel and The Church, Intervarsity Press.
  • Albayrak, H. Şule. (2019). “ABD’de Hıristiyan Siyonizmi: Kökeni, İnanç Esasları ve Günümüz Amerikan Siyasetine Etkisi” darulfunun ilahiyat, 30/1: 141-169.
  • Sizer, Stephen. (2010). “The Bible and Christian Zionism: Roadmap to Armageddon?” Transformation 27, no. 2: 122–132.
  • Albayrak, H. Şule. (2024b). “Hıristiyan Siyonizminin Ortaya Çıkışı ve Etkisi“ Aktüel Tarih, S. 8.
  • Mearsheimer, John J. ve Walt, Stephen M. (2007).
  • Evans, Mike. (2013). How to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem: A Guide to Praying for Israel, Jerusalem and God’s Chosen People. Illinois: Timothy Books.
  • Mearsheimer, John J. ve Walt, Stephen M. (2007) p.166.

Christian Zionism

Year 2024, , 93 - 110, 01.03.2024


The current article deals with Christian Zionism at a time when criticism is directed at America's unconditional support for "Israel". The article sheds light on Christian Zionism, its development, characteristics, and place in American politics. The article points out that the use of the theological approach of Christian Zionists in American politics has increased in The recent period, both in former President Trump’s decisions to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of “Israel” as well as Biden’s policy of supporting the genocide carried out by “Israel” in Gaza.


  • Philips, Kevin. (2006). American Theocracy, New York: Viking.
  • Aldrovandi, Carlo. (2011). ”Theo-Politics in the Holy Land: Christian Zionism and Jewish Religious Zionism“. Religion Compass. 5/4: 114-128.
  • Spector, Stephen. (2009). Evangelicals and Israel. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Albayrak, H. Şule. (2019). “ABD’de Hıristiyan Siyonizmi: Kökeni, İnanç Esasları ve Günümüz Amerikan Siyasetine Etkisi” darulfunun ilahiyat, 30/1: 141-169.
  • Lipka, Michael. ”More White Evangelicals than American Jews say God Gave Israel the Jewish People.” Pew Research Center, 3 October 2013. Erişim: 30 Ocak 2024.
  • Albayrak, H. Şule. (2024a). “Hıristiyan Siyonizminin Teolojik Temelleri, İtiraz ve Mücadele” Lacivert, S. 108.
  • Albayrak, H, Şule. (2023a). “İngiliz Aristokrasisi ve Hıristiyan Siyonizmi: VII. Lord Shaftesbury Örneği” Milel ve Nihal. 20/2: 135-165.
  • Albayrak, H, Şule. (2023a). “İngiliz Aristokrasisi ve Hıristiyan Siyonizmi: VII. Lord Shaftesbury Örneği” Milel ve Nihal. 20/2: 135-165.
  • Albayrak, H. Şule. (2024a). “Hıristiyan Siyonizminin Teolojik Temelleri, İtiraz ve Mücadele” Lacivert, S. 108.
  • Hodder, Edwin. (1888). The Life and Work of The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. Vol. 2, London: Casell&Company, Limited.
  • Barat, Frank (Ed.). (2016). Filistin Üzerine Konuşmalar: Noam Chomsky, İlan Pappe. Solmaz Kamuran (çev.). İstanbul: İnkılap Yayınları.
  • Albayrak. H. Şule. (2023b). “Hıristiyan Siyonizminin Amerika’ya İntikalinde John Nelson Darby’nin Rolü” Oksident. 5/2: 139-159.
  • Darby, John Nelson. (1868). Lectures on the Second Coming, Lecture II, Ephesians I. Londra: G. Morrish.
  • Aldrovandi, Carlo. (2011). ”Theo-Politics in the Holy Land: Christian Zionism and Jewish Religious Zionism“. Religion Compass. 5/4: 114-128.
  • Ice, Thomas D. (2009). “William Blackstone and American Christian Zionism“ Article Archives. Paper 56.
  • Moorhead, Jonathan. (2010). “The Father of Zionism: William E. Blackstone?” JETS 53/4, December: 787-800.
  • Marsden, George M. (1980). Fundamentalism and American Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Haija, Rammy M. (2006). ”The Armageddon Lobby: Dispensationalist Christian Zionism and the Shaping of US Policy towards Israel-Palestine“ Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Volume 5, Number 1: 75-95
  • Mearsheimer, John J. ve Walt, Stephen M. (2007). The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy. New York: Farra Straus and Giroux.
  • Sizer, Stephen. (2008). Zion’s Christian Soldiers: The Bible, Israel and The Church, Intervarsity Press.
  • Albayrak, H. Şule. (2019). “ABD’de Hıristiyan Siyonizmi: Kökeni, İnanç Esasları ve Günümüz Amerikan Siyasetine Etkisi” darulfunun ilahiyat, 30/1: 141-169.
  • Sizer, Stephen. (2010). “The Bible and Christian Zionism: Roadmap to Armageddon?” Transformation 27, no. 2: 122–132.
  • Albayrak, H. Şule. (2024b). “Hıristiyan Siyonizminin Ortaya Çıkışı ve Etkisi“ Aktüel Tarih, S. 8.
  • Mearsheimer, John J. ve Walt, Stephen M. (2007).
  • Evans, Mike. (2013). How to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem: A Guide to Praying for Israel, Jerusalem and God’s Chosen People. Illinois: Timothy Books.
  • Mearsheimer, John J. ve Walt, Stephen M. (2007) p.166.

الصهيونية المسيحية

Year 2024, , 93 - 110, 01.03.2024


يتناول المقال الحالي الصهيونية المسيحية في الوقت الذي تُوجَّه سهام النقد إلى الدعم الأمريكي غير المشروط لـ"إسرائيل"، حيث يسلط المقال الضوء على الصهيونية المسيحية وتطورها وخصائصها وموقعها في السياسة الأمريكية، ويشير المقال إلى أن استخدام المقاربة اللاهوتية للصهاينة المسيحيين في السياسة الأمريكية تزايد في الفترة الأخيرة، سواء في قرارات الرئيس السابق ترامب الخاصة بالاعتراف بالقدس عاصمة لـ"إسرائيل" وكذلك سياسة بايدن الداعمة للإبادة الجماعية التي تقوم بها "إسرائيل" في غزة. الكلمات المفتاحية: الصهيونية، المسيحية، الإبادة الجماعية، غزة، السياسة الأمريكية.


  • Philips, Kevin. (2006). American Theocracy, New York: Viking.
  • Aldrovandi, Carlo. (2011). ”Theo-Politics in the Holy Land: Christian Zionism and Jewish Religious Zionism“. Religion Compass. 5/4: 114-128.
  • Spector, Stephen. (2009). Evangelicals and Israel. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Albayrak, H. Şule. (2019). “ABD’de Hıristiyan Siyonizmi: Kökeni, İnanç Esasları ve Günümüz Amerikan Siyasetine Etkisi” darulfunun ilahiyat, 30/1: 141-169.
  • Lipka, Michael. ”More White Evangelicals than American Jews say God Gave Israel the Jewish People.” Pew Research Center, 3 October 2013. Erişim: 30 Ocak 2024.
  • Albayrak, H. Şule. (2024a). “Hıristiyan Siyonizminin Teolojik Temelleri, İtiraz ve Mücadele” Lacivert, S. 108.
  • Albayrak, H, Şule. (2023a). “İngiliz Aristokrasisi ve Hıristiyan Siyonizmi: VII. Lord Shaftesbury Örneği” Milel ve Nihal. 20/2: 135-165.
  • Albayrak, H, Şule. (2023a). “İngiliz Aristokrasisi ve Hıristiyan Siyonizmi: VII. Lord Shaftesbury Örneği” Milel ve Nihal. 20/2: 135-165.
  • Albayrak, H. Şule. (2024a). “Hıristiyan Siyonizminin Teolojik Temelleri, İtiraz ve Mücadele” Lacivert, S. 108.
  • Hodder, Edwin. (1888). The Life and Work of The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. Vol. 2, London: Casell&Company, Limited.
  • Barat, Frank (Ed.). (2016). Filistin Üzerine Konuşmalar: Noam Chomsky, İlan Pappe. Solmaz Kamuran (çev.). İstanbul: İnkılap Yayınları.
  • Albayrak. H. Şule. (2023b). “Hıristiyan Siyonizminin Amerika’ya İntikalinde John Nelson Darby’nin Rolü” Oksident. 5/2: 139-159.
  • Darby, John Nelson. (1868). Lectures on the Second Coming, Lecture II, Ephesians I. Londra: G. Morrish.
  • Aldrovandi, Carlo. (2011). ”Theo-Politics in the Holy Land: Christian Zionism and Jewish Religious Zionism“. Religion Compass. 5/4: 114-128.
  • Ice, Thomas D. (2009). “William Blackstone and American Christian Zionism“ Article Archives. Paper 56.
  • Moorhead, Jonathan. (2010). “The Father of Zionism: William E. Blackstone?” JETS 53/4, December: 787-800.
  • Marsden, George M. (1980). Fundamentalism and American Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Haija, Rammy M. (2006). ”The Armageddon Lobby: Dispensationalist Christian Zionism and the Shaping of US Policy towards Israel-Palestine“ Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Volume 5, Number 1: 75-95
  • Mearsheimer, John J. ve Walt, Stephen M. (2007). The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy. New York: Farra Straus and Giroux.
  • Sizer, Stephen. (2008). Zion’s Christian Soldiers: The Bible, Israel and The Church, Intervarsity Press.
  • Albayrak, H. Şule. (2019). “ABD’de Hıristiyan Siyonizmi: Kökeni, İnanç Esasları ve Günümüz Amerikan Siyasetine Etkisi” darulfunun ilahiyat, 30/1: 141-169.
  • Sizer, Stephen. (2010). “The Bible and Christian Zionism: Roadmap to Armageddon?” Transformation 27, no. 2: 122–132.
  • Albayrak, H. Şule. (2024b). “Hıristiyan Siyonizminin Ortaya Çıkışı ve Etkisi“ Aktüel Tarih, S. 8.
  • Mearsheimer, John J. ve Walt, Stephen M. (2007).
  • Evans, Mike. (2013). How to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem: A Guide to Praying for Israel, Jerusalem and God’s Chosen People. Illinois: Timothy Books.
  • Mearsheimer, John J. ve Walt, Stephen M. (2007) p.166.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Arabic
Subjects Comparative Political Movement, Political Ecology
Journal Section Research Articles

Hafize Şule Albayrak 0000-0003-0311-5121

Publication Date March 1, 2024
Submission Date December 20, 2023
Acceptance Date January 24, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Albayrak, H. Ş. (2024). الصهيونية المسيحية. Rouya Türkiyyah, 13(1), 93-110.
AMA Albayrak HŞ. الصهيونية المسيحية. Rouya Türkiyyah. March 2024;13(1):93-110. doi:10.36360/1560-013-001-007
Chicago Albayrak, Hafize Şule. “الصهيونية المسيحية”. Rouya Türkiyyah 13, no. 1 (March 2024): 93-110.
EndNote Albayrak HŞ (March 1, 2024) الصهيونية المسيحية. Rouya Türkiyyah 13 1 93–110.
IEEE H. Ş. Albayrak, “الصهيونية المسيحية”, Rouya Türkiyyah, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 93–110, 2024, doi: 10.36360/1560-013-001-007.
ISNAD Albayrak, Hafize Şule. “الصهيونية المسيحية”. Rouya Türkiyyah 13/1 (March 2024), 93-110.
JAMA Albayrak HŞ. الصهيونية المسيحية. Rouya Türkiyyah. 2024;13:93–110.
MLA Albayrak, Hafize Şule. “الصهيونية المسيحية”. Rouya Türkiyyah, vol. 13, no. 1, 2024, pp. 93-110, doi:10.36360/1560-013-001-007.
Vancouver Albayrak HŞ. الصهيونية المسيحية. Rouya Türkiyyah. 2024;13(1):93-110.