Research Article
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Fiziksel Uygunluk Parametrelerinin Yaşla Beraber Değişimi

Year 2024, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 88 - 97, 25.09.2024


Yaşla birlikte fiziksel uygunluk parametrelerinde değişiklikler görülmesi kaçınılmazdır. Bu çalışma, farklı yaş grupları arasındaki fiziksel uygunluk parametrelerini, vücut kompozisyonunu, laksiteyi, dengeyi, propriyosepsiyon ve kas gücünü karşılaştırmaktadır. Araştırmaya 20-39 ve 40-65 yaş olmak üzere iki yaş grubuna ayrılan, sağlık durumu iyi olan 44 kişi katıldı. Vücut kompozisyonu, Tanita BC 418 ile; denge, Biodex Biosway stabilometre cihazı ile ölçüldü ve laksite GNRB diz artrometresi ile ölçüldü. Kuvvet ve propriyosepsiyon ölçümleri için izokinetik sistem (Cybex NORM, Humac, CA, ABD) kullanıldı. İki grup arasındaki denge parametreleri arasında ön-arka, mediolateral ve genel stabilite indeksi anlamlıydı. Gruplar arasında vücut kitle indeksi (BMI), toplam vücut yağ oranı, gövde yağ oranı ve dominant bacak yağ oranı açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık gözlendi (p<0,05). 40-65 yaş arası bireylerin 20-39 yaş arası bireylere göre VKİ, toplam vücut yağ oranı, gövde yağ oranı ve dominant bacak yağ oranının daha yüksek olduğu ve postüral stabilitelerinin daha kötü olduğu belirlendi. Laksite, propriyosepsiyon ve kas kuvveti açısından gruplar arasında fark yoktu (p> 0,05). Yaş ilerledikçe olumsuz yönde değişen vücut kompozisyonu ve bozulan dengenin farkında olmak ve bunları önlemek için özellikle 40’lı yaşlardan itibaren fiziksel aktivite ve egzersize katılımı teşvik etmek önemlidir.

Project Number



  • Anson, E., Bigelow, R. T., Swenor, B., Deshpande, N., Studenski, S., Jeka, J. J., & Agrawal, Y. (2017). Loss of peripheral sensory function explains much of the increase in postural sway in healthy older adults. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 9, 202.
  • Arikan, H., Maras, G., Akaras, E., Citaker, S., & Kafa, N. (2021). Development, reliability and validity of the Closed Kinetic Chain Lower Extremity Stability Test (CKCLEST): a new clinical performance test. Research in Sports Medicine, 1-16.
  • Arterburn, D. E., Crane, P. K., & Sullivan, S. D. (2004). The coming epidemic of obesity in elderly Americans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 52(11), 1907-1912.
  • Banks, J., Breeze, E., Lessof, C., & Nazroo, J. (2006). Retirement, health and relationships of the older population in England: The 2004 English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (Wave 2). In: Institute for Fiscal Studies.
  • Bressel, E., Yonker, J. C., Kras, J., & Heath, E. M. (2007). Comparison of static and dynamic balance in female collegiate soccer, basketball, and gymnastics athletes. Journal of athletic training, 42(1), 42.
  • Carvalho, C. J. d., Longo, G. Z., Juvanhol, L. L., Kakehasi, A. M., Pereira, P. F., Segheto, K. J., . . . Ribeiro, A. Q. (2019). Body composition indices in Brazilian adults: age-specific and sex-specific percentile curves. Archives of endocrinology and metabolism, 63(4), 358-368.
  • Era, P., Sainio, P., Koskinen, S., Haavisto, P., Vaara, M., & Aromaa, A. (2006). Postural balance in a random sample of 7,979 subjects aged 30 years and over. Gerontology, 52(4), 204-213.
  • Ferlinc, A., Fabiani, E., Velnar, T., & Gradisnik, L. (2019). The importance and role of proprioception in the elderly: a short review. Materia socio-medica, 31(3), 219.
  • Hayes, A., Gearon, E., Backholer, K., Bauman, A., & Peeters, A. (2015). Age-specific changes in BMI and BMI distribution among Australian adults using cross-sectional surveys from 1980 to 2008. International Journal of Obesity, 39(8), 1209-1216.
  • Hinman, M. R. (2000). Factors affecting reliability of the Biodex Balance System: a summary of four studies. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 9(3), 240-252.
  • Hughes, M. A., Duncan, P. W., Rose, D. K., Chandler, J. M., & Studenski, S. A. (1996). The relationship of postural sway to sensorimotor function, functional performance, and disability in the elderly. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 77(6), 567-572.
  • JafariNasabian, P., Inglis, J. E., Reilly, W., Kelly, O. J., & Ilich, J. Z. (2017). Aging human body: changes in bone, muscle and body fat with consequent changes in nutrient intake. Journal of Endocrinology, 234(1), R37-R51.
  • Jia, H., & Lubetkin, E. I. (2005). The impact of obesity on health-related quality-of-life in the general adult US population. Journal of public health, 27(2), 156-164.
  • Kelly, J. S., & Metcalfe, J. (2012). Validity and Reliability of Body Composition Analysis Using the Tanita BC418-MA. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online, 15(6).
  • Kim, S., Lockhart, T., & Nam, C. S. (2010). Leg strength comparison between younger and middle-age adults. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 40(3), 315-320.
  • Koster, A., Ding, J., Stenholm, S., Caserotti, P., Houston, D. K., Nicklas, B. J., ... & Health ABC Study. (2011). Does the amount of fat mass predict age-related loss of lean mass, muscle strength, and muscle quality in older adults?. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences, 66(8), 888-895.
  • Kuk, J. L., Saunders, T. J., Davidson, L. E., & Ross, R. (2009). Age-related changes in total and regional fat distribution. Ageing research reviews, 8(4), 339-348.
  • Kutáč, P. (2015). Inter-daily variability in body composition among young men. Journal of physiological anthropology, 34(1), 1-7.
  • Larsson, L. (1983). Histochemical characteristics of human skeletal muscle during aging. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 117(3), 469-471.
  • Lord, S. R., Clark, R. D., & Webster, I. W. (1991). Postural stability and associated physiological factors in a population of aged persons. Journal of gerontology, 46(3), M69-M76.
  • Lord, S. R., & St George, R. (2003). Neuropsychological sensory and motor changes with ageing. The ageing brain, 63-138.
  • Maillard, S., & Murray, K. J. (2003). Hypermobility syndrome in children. In Hypermobility syndrome (pp. 33-50). Elsevier.
  • Melo, R. S., Tavares-Netto, A. R., Delgado, A., Wiesiolek, C. C., Ferraz, K. M., & Belian, R. B. (2020). Does the practice of sports or recreational activities improve the balance and gait of children and adolescents with sensorineural hearing loss? A systematic review. Gait & posture, 77, 144-155.
  • Newman, A. B., Haggerty, C. L., Goodpaster, B., Harris, T., Kritchevsky, S., Nevitt, M., . . . Visser, M. (2003). Strength and muscle quality in a well‐functioning cohort of older adults: the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 51(3), 323-330.
  • Noyes, F., & Grood, E. (1976). The strength of the anterior cruciate ligament in humans and Rhesus. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 58, 1074-1082.
  • Paige, G. (1992). Senescence of human visual-vestibular interactions. 1. Vestibulo-ocular reflex and adaptive plasticity with aging. Journal of vestibular research: equilibrium & orientation, 2(2), 133-151.
  • Peterka, R. (2002). Sensorimotor integration in human postural control. Journal of neurophysiology, 88(3), 1097-1118.
  • Petrella, R., Lattanzio, P., & Nelson, M. (1997). Effect of age and activity on knee joint proprioception1. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation, 76(3), 235-241.
  • Riemann, B. L., & Lephart, S. M. (2002). The sensorimotor system, part II: the role of proprioception in motor control and functional joint stability. Journal of athletic training, 37(1), 80.
  • Robert, H., Nouveau, S., Gageot, S., & Gagniere, B. (2009). A new knee arthrometer, the GNRB: experience in ACL complete and partial tears. Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, 95(3), 171-176.
  • Russek, L. N. (2000). Examination and treatment of a patient with hypermobility syndrome. Physical Therapy, 80(4), 386-398.
  • Skelton, D. A., & Dinan-Young, S. M. (2008). Ageing and older people. Exercise Physiology in Special Populations. Advances in Sports and Exercise Science Series. Philadelphia, USA: Churchill Livingstone.
  • St-Onge, M.P., & Gallagher, D. (2010). Body composition changes with aging: the cause or the result of alterations in metabolic rate and macronutrient oxidation? Nutrition, 26(2), 152-155.
  • Suner-Keklik, S., Cobanoglu-Seven, G., Kafa, N., Ugurlu, M., & Guzel, N. A. (2017). The validity and reliability of knee proprioception measurement performed with inclinometer in different positions. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 26(6).
  • Teasdale, N., Stelmach, G. E., & Breunig, A. (1991). Postural sway characteristics of the elderly under normal and altered visual and support surface conditions. Journal of gerontology, 46(6), B238-B244.
  • Viswanathan, A., & Sudarsky, L. (2012). Balance and gait problems in the elderly. Handbook of clinical neurology, 103, 623-634.
  • Vogelzangs, N., Kritchevsky, S. B., Beekman, A. T., Newman, A. B., Satterfield, S., Simonsick, E. M., . . . Penninx, B. W. (2008). Depressive symptoms and change in abdominal obesity in older persons. Archives of general psychiatry, 65(12), 1386-1393.
  • Zamboni, M., Rossi, A. P., Fantin, F., Zamboni, G., Chirumbolo, S., Zoico, E., & Mazzali, G. (2014). Adipose tissue, diet and aging. Mechanisms of ageing and development, 136, 129-137.
  • Zhang, X., & Buhr, T. (2002). Are back and leg muscle strengths determinants of lifting motion strategy? Insight from studying the effects of simulated leg muscle weakness. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 29(3), 161-169.
  • Zyroul, R., Hossain, M., Azura, M., Abbas, A., & Kamarul, T. (2014). Knee laxity of Malaysian adults: gender differentials, and association with age and anthropometric measures. The Knee, 21(2), 557-562.

Changes in Physical Fitness Parameters with Increasing Age

Year 2024, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 88 - 97, 25.09.2024


It is inevitable to see changes in physical fitness parameters with age. This study compares the physical fitness parameters, body composition, laxity, balance, proprioception, and muscle strength between different age groups. The study comprised 44 individuals in good health, divided into two age groups: 20-39 and 40-65.Body composition was measured with Tanita BC 418; balance was measured with a Biodex Biosway stabilometer device, and laxity was measured with a GNRB knee arthrometer. The isokinetic system (Cybex NORM, Humac, CA, USA) was used for strength and proprioception measurements. Anteroposterior, mediolateral, and overall stability index among the balance parameters between the two groups was significant. Among the groups, a statistically significant difference was observed in terms of body mass index (BMI), total body fat ratio, trunk fat ratio, and dominant leg fat ratio (p <0.05). It was determined that individuals between the ages of 40-65 had higher BMI, total body fat ratio, trunk fat ratio, and dominant leg fat ratio compared to individuals between the ages of 20-39 and their postural stability was worse. There was no difference between the groups regarding laxity, proprioception, and muscle strength (p> 0.05).With increasing age, it is essential to be aware of the negatively changing body composition and deteriorating balance and encourage participation in physical activity and exercise to prevent physical fitness loss, especially from 40.

Ethical Statement

This research was conducted at Gazi University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. All participants signed informed consent forms, and permission was obtained from the ethics committee of our university .

Supporting Institution

Gazi Üniversitesi

Project Number



We would like to thank Gazi University Scientific Research Project Unit for its contribution.


  • Anson, E., Bigelow, R. T., Swenor, B., Deshpande, N., Studenski, S., Jeka, J. J., & Agrawal, Y. (2017). Loss of peripheral sensory function explains much of the increase in postural sway in healthy older adults. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 9, 202.
  • Arikan, H., Maras, G., Akaras, E., Citaker, S., & Kafa, N. (2021). Development, reliability and validity of the Closed Kinetic Chain Lower Extremity Stability Test (CKCLEST): a new clinical performance test. Research in Sports Medicine, 1-16.
  • Arterburn, D. E., Crane, P. K., & Sullivan, S. D. (2004). The coming epidemic of obesity in elderly Americans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 52(11), 1907-1912.
  • Banks, J., Breeze, E., Lessof, C., & Nazroo, J. (2006). Retirement, health and relationships of the older population in England: The 2004 English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (Wave 2). In: Institute for Fiscal Studies.
  • Bressel, E., Yonker, J. C., Kras, J., & Heath, E. M. (2007). Comparison of static and dynamic balance in female collegiate soccer, basketball, and gymnastics athletes. Journal of athletic training, 42(1), 42.
  • Carvalho, C. J. d., Longo, G. Z., Juvanhol, L. L., Kakehasi, A. M., Pereira, P. F., Segheto, K. J., . . . Ribeiro, A. Q. (2019). Body composition indices in Brazilian adults: age-specific and sex-specific percentile curves. Archives of endocrinology and metabolism, 63(4), 358-368.
  • Era, P., Sainio, P., Koskinen, S., Haavisto, P., Vaara, M., & Aromaa, A. (2006). Postural balance in a random sample of 7,979 subjects aged 30 years and over. Gerontology, 52(4), 204-213.
  • Ferlinc, A., Fabiani, E., Velnar, T., & Gradisnik, L. (2019). The importance and role of proprioception in the elderly: a short review. Materia socio-medica, 31(3), 219.
  • Hayes, A., Gearon, E., Backholer, K., Bauman, A., & Peeters, A. (2015). Age-specific changes in BMI and BMI distribution among Australian adults using cross-sectional surveys from 1980 to 2008. International Journal of Obesity, 39(8), 1209-1216.
  • Hinman, M. R. (2000). Factors affecting reliability of the Biodex Balance System: a summary of four studies. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 9(3), 240-252.
  • Hughes, M. A., Duncan, P. W., Rose, D. K., Chandler, J. M., & Studenski, S. A. (1996). The relationship of postural sway to sensorimotor function, functional performance, and disability in the elderly. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 77(6), 567-572.
  • JafariNasabian, P., Inglis, J. E., Reilly, W., Kelly, O. J., & Ilich, J. Z. (2017). Aging human body: changes in bone, muscle and body fat with consequent changes in nutrient intake. Journal of Endocrinology, 234(1), R37-R51.
  • Jia, H., & Lubetkin, E. I. (2005). The impact of obesity on health-related quality-of-life in the general adult US population. Journal of public health, 27(2), 156-164.
  • Kelly, J. S., & Metcalfe, J. (2012). Validity and Reliability of Body Composition Analysis Using the Tanita BC418-MA. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online, 15(6).
  • Kim, S., Lockhart, T., & Nam, C. S. (2010). Leg strength comparison between younger and middle-age adults. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 40(3), 315-320.
  • Koster, A., Ding, J., Stenholm, S., Caserotti, P., Houston, D. K., Nicklas, B. J., ... & Health ABC Study. (2011). Does the amount of fat mass predict age-related loss of lean mass, muscle strength, and muscle quality in older adults?. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences, 66(8), 888-895.
  • Kuk, J. L., Saunders, T. J., Davidson, L. E., & Ross, R. (2009). Age-related changes in total and regional fat distribution. Ageing research reviews, 8(4), 339-348.
  • Kutáč, P. (2015). Inter-daily variability in body composition among young men. Journal of physiological anthropology, 34(1), 1-7.
  • Larsson, L. (1983). Histochemical characteristics of human skeletal muscle during aging. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 117(3), 469-471.
  • Lord, S. R., Clark, R. D., & Webster, I. W. (1991). Postural stability and associated physiological factors in a population of aged persons. Journal of gerontology, 46(3), M69-M76.
  • Lord, S. R., & St George, R. (2003). Neuropsychological sensory and motor changes with ageing. The ageing brain, 63-138.
  • Maillard, S., & Murray, K. J. (2003). Hypermobility syndrome in children. In Hypermobility syndrome (pp. 33-50). Elsevier.
  • Melo, R. S., Tavares-Netto, A. R., Delgado, A., Wiesiolek, C. C., Ferraz, K. M., & Belian, R. B. (2020). Does the practice of sports or recreational activities improve the balance and gait of children and adolescents with sensorineural hearing loss? A systematic review. Gait & posture, 77, 144-155.
  • Newman, A. B., Haggerty, C. L., Goodpaster, B., Harris, T., Kritchevsky, S., Nevitt, M., . . . Visser, M. (2003). Strength and muscle quality in a well‐functioning cohort of older adults: the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 51(3), 323-330.
  • Noyes, F., & Grood, E. (1976). The strength of the anterior cruciate ligament in humans and Rhesus. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 58, 1074-1082.
  • Paige, G. (1992). Senescence of human visual-vestibular interactions. 1. Vestibulo-ocular reflex and adaptive plasticity with aging. Journal of vestibular research: equilibrium & orientation, 2(2), 133-151.
  • Peterka, R. (2002). Sensorimotor integration in human postural control. Journal of neurophysiology, 88(3), 1097-1118.
  • Petrella, R., Lattanzio, P., & Nelson, M. (1997). Effect of age and activity on knee joint proprioception1. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation, 76(3), 235-241.
  • Riemann, B. L., & Lephart, S. M. (2002). The sensorimotor system, part II: the role of proprioception in motor control and functional joint stability. Journal of athletic training, 37(1), 80.
  • Robert, H., Nouveau, S., Gageot, S., & Gagniere, B. (2009). A new knee arthrometer, the GNRB: experience in ACL complete and partial tears. Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, 95(3), 171-176.
  • Russek, L. N. (2000). Examination and treatment of a patient with hypermobility syndrome. Physical Therapy, 80(4), 386-398.
  • Skelton, D. A., & Dinan-Young, S. M. (2008). Ageing and older people. Exercise Physiology in Special Populations. Advances in Sports and Exercise Science Series. Philadelphia, USA: Churchill Livingstone.
  • St-Onge, M.P., & Gallagher, D. (2010). Body composition changes with aging: the cause or the result of alterations in metabolic rate and macronutrient oxidation? Nutrition, 26(2), 152-155.
  • Suner-Keklik, S., Cobanoglu-Seven, G., Kafa, N., Ugurlu, M., & Guzel, N. A. (2017). The validity and reliability of knee proprioception measurement performed with inclinometer in different positions. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 26(6).
  • Teasdale, N., Stelmach, G. E., & Breunig, A. (1991). Postural sway characteristics of the elderly under normal and altered visual and support surface conditions. Journal of gerontology, 46(6), B238-B244.
  • Viswanathan, A., & Sudarsky, L. (2012). Balance and gait problems in the elderly. Handbook of clinical neurology, 103, 623-634.
  • Vogelzangs, N., Kritchevsky, S. B., Beekman, A. T., Newman, A. B., Satterfield, S., Simonsick, E. M., . . . Penninx, B. W. (2008). Depressive symptoms and change in abdominal obesity in older persons. Archives of general psychiatry, 65(12), 1386-1393.
  • Zamboni, M., Rossi, A. P., Fantin, F., Zamboni, G., Chirumbolo, S., Zoico, E., & Mazzali, G. (2014). Adipose tissue, diet and aging. Mechanisms of ageing and development, 136, 129-137.
  • Zhang, X., & Buhr, T. (2002). Are back and leg muscle strengths determinants of lifting motion strategy? Insight from studying the effects of simulated leg muscle weakness. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 29(3), 161-169.
  • Zyroul, R., Hossain, M., Azura, M., Abbas, A., & Kamarul, T. (2014). Knee laxity of Malaysian adults: gender differentials, and association with age and anthropometric measures. The Knee, 21(2), 557-562.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Physical Activity and Health, Physical Fitness, Sports Science and Exercise (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Esedullah Akaras 0000-0002-0305-4632

Gamze Çobanoğlu 0000-0003-0136-3607

Sinem Suner-keklik 0000-0002-9506-3172

Çağatay Müslüm Gökdoğan 0000-0001-7331-0606

Ali Zorlular 0000-0003-3791-2399

Elif Aygun Polat 0000-0001-9634-0728

Nihan Kafa 0000-0003-2878-4778

Nevin A. Güzel 0000-0003-0467-7310

Project Number 3758847
Publication Date September 25, 2024
Submission Date May 31, 2024
Acceptance Date September 3, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 26 Issue: 3


APA Akaras, E., Çobanoğlu, G., Suner-keklik, S., Gökdoğan, Ç. M., et al. (2024). Changes in Physical Fitness Parameters with Increasing Age. Research in Sport Education and Sciences, 26(3), 88-97.

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