Research Article
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Türkiye’de 3B Yasal Nesnelerin Zamansal Sorgulamasının Modellenmesi

Year 2020, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 125 - 136, 30.09.2020


Türkiye'nin mevcut kadastro sistemi iki ana bileşenden oluşmaktadır. Bunlar tapu kayıtları ve kadastro kayıtlarıdır. Taşınmazlar tapuya üç şekilde kaydedilir: arazi, bağımsız bölüm ve sürekli haklar. Arazi ve gayrimenkul üzerine üçüncü boyut, hak, sınırlama ve sorumluluk ile tapuda tescil edilir (RRR, kalıcı haklardır). Öte yandan, Türk kadastro sistemi gayrimenkulün geçici olarak kayıt altına alınmasına izin vermektedir. Bir gayrimenkul, işlem tarihi ve saati ile mevcut kadastro sistemine kaydedilir. Böylelikle herhangi bir işlemin zaman içinde gerçekleşmesi geçici olarak izlenebilir. Dolayısıyla, çalışma sonuçları Türk hukuk sistemi kapsamını 3 boyutlu kadastro ile inceleyerek literatüre katkı sağlamaktadır. Ayrıca, Türk kadastro sisteminde zaman yönü olan RRR hukuk sistemi, ISO 19152: 2012 AİTM'ye göre modellenmiştir. Bu bağlamda makale beş ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. Bölüm 1'de 3 boyutlu kadastro ve AİTM ile ilgili literatür verilmektedir. Çalışmanın metodolojisi 2. bölümde açıklanmıştır. Bölüm 3 Türkiye yasal nesnelerine ilişkin değerlendirmelerin 3D RRR kapsamı tartışılmıştır. Ayrıca, zaman verileri ve RRR bölüm 3'e entegre edilmiştir. Bölüm 4 ve 5, tartışma ve tavsiyeleri içermektedir.


  • Aien, A., Rajabifard, A., Kalantari, M., & Williamson, I. (2011, May). Aspects of 3D cadastre: a case study in Victoria. In FIG Working Week 2011 (pp. 1-15). Marrakech, Morocco. FIG.
  • Aien, A. (2013). 3D cadastral data modelling (Doctoral dissertation), University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
  • Alkan, M. (2005). Temporal geographic information systems design for land registry and cadastral data (PhD Thesis), Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Alkan, M., & Polat, Z. A. (2017). Design and development of LADM-based infrastructure for Turkey. Survey review, 49(356), 370-385.
  • Alkan, M., Gursoy Surmeneli, H., & Polat, Z. A. (2018, May). Design and determine cadastral and land management performance of Turkey with cadastre 2034 vision. In FIG Congress 2018. Istanbul, Turkey. FIG.
  • Alkan, M., Gürsoy Sürmeneli, H., & Polat, Z. A. (2020). Design and development 3D RRR model for Turkish cadastral system using international standards. Survey Review, 1-13, doi: 10.1080/00396265.2020.1758386.
  • Döner, F., Thompson, R., Stoter, J., Lemmen, C., Ploeger, H., van Oosterom, P., & Zlatanova, S. (2011). Solutions for 4D cadastre–with a case study on utility networks. International journal of geographical information science, 25(7), 1173-1189.
  • Guo, R., Ying, S., Li, L., Luo, P., & van Oosterom, P. (2011). A multi-jurisdiction case study of 3D cadastre in Shenzhen, China as experiment using the LADM. In 2nd international workshop on 3D Cadastres (pp. 31–50). Delft, The Netherlands.
  • Herdlevær, H. (2018). Cadastral template. Norwegian Mapping and Cadaster Authority Director Cadastral Department.
  • Ho, S., Rajabifard, A., & Kalantari, M. (2015). ‘Invisible’constraints on 3D innovation in land administration: A case study on the city of Melbourne. Land Use Policy, 42, 412-425.
  • Kaufmann, J. & Steudler, D. (1998). Cadastre 2014, A Vision for a Future Cadastral System. Copenhagen: International Federation of Surveyors.
  • Karki, S., McDougall, K., & Thompson, R. (2010, April). An overview of 3D Cadastre from a physical land parcel and a legal property object perspective. In 24th International Federation of Surveyors International Congress (FIG 2010): Facing the Challenges - Building the Capacity (pp. 1-13). Sydney, Australia. FIG.
  • Kitsakis, D., Paasch, J. M., Paulsson, J., Navratil, G., Vučić, N., Karabin, M., ... & El-Mekawy, M. (2016, October). 3D real property legal concepts and cadastre: a comparative study of selected countries to propose a way forward. In 5th International FIG 3D Cadastre Workshop (pp. 1-24). 18-20 October, Athens, Greece. FIG.
  • ICSM. (2015). Cadastre 2034: Powering Land and Real Property. Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping – ICSM. Canberra, Australia.
  • Lemmen, C., van Oosterom, P., Uitermark, H., Thompson, R., & Hespanha, J. P. (2009, May). Transforming the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) into an ISO standard (ISO19152). In FIG Working Week Eilat, Israel. FIG.
  • Lemmen, C. H. J., van Oosterom, P. J. M., Uitermark, H. T., Zevenbergen, J. A. & Cooper, A. K. (2011, September). Interoperable domain models: The ISO Land Administration Domain Model LADM and Its External Classes. In 28th Urban Data Management Symposium (UDMS 2011). Delft, The Netherlands.
  • Lemmen, C., van Oosterom, P., & Bennett, R. (2015). The land administration domain model. Land use policy, 49, 535-545.
  • Lemmen, C. H. J., & van Oosterom, P. J. M. (2013, September). The land administration domain model standard. In 5th Land Administration Domain Model Workshop. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, FIG.
  • Paasch, J.M. & Paulsson, J. (2014, November). Legal Framework 3D Cadastres-Position Paper 1. In 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014. Proceedings. (pp. 411-416). Dubai, UAE.
  • Rajabifard, A., Atazadeh, B., & Kalantari, M. (2018). A critical evaluation of 3D spatial information models for managing legal arrangements of multi-owned developments in Victoria, Australia. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 32(10), 2098-2122.
  • Surmeneli, H. G., Koeva, M. N., Zevenbergen, J. A., & Alkan, M. (2020). Towards Integration of Ladm And Citygml For The Cadastral System of Turkey. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 43, 691-698.
  • Steudler, D. (2015, May). Dimension cadastre–stepping beyond limits. In FIG working Week 2015: From the Wisdom of the Ages to the Challenges of the Modern World, 2015. Sofia, Bulgaria. FIG.
  • Steudler, D. (2014). CADASTRE 2014 and Beyond. FIG Publication No:61. Copenhagen, Denmark: International Federation of Surveyors.
  • Stoter, J. E., & van Oosterom, P. (2006). 3D cadastre in an international context: legal, organizational, and technological aspects. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • Tjia, D., & Coetzee, S. (2013). Application of the Land Administration Domain Model to the city of Johannesburg land information system. South African Journal of Geomatics, 2(3), 260-279.
  • van Oosterom, P., Ploeger, H., Stoter, J., Thompson, R., & Lemmen, C. (2006, October). Aspects of a 4D cadastre: a first exploration. In Peoceedings of Shaping the Change, XXIII international FIG congress. Munich, Germany.
  • van Oosterom, P. (2013). Research and development in 3D cadastres. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 40, 1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2013.01.002.
  • van Oosterom, P. J. M. (2018). Best practices 3D cadastres – extended version. FIG Publication. International Federation of Surveyors. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Wakker, W. J., van der Molen, P., & Lemmen, C. (2003). Land registration and cadastre in the Netherlands, and the role of cadastral boundaries: the application of GPS technology in the survey of cadastral boundaries. Journal of geospatial engineering, 5(1), 3-10.

Modelling of Temporal Query of 3D Legal Objects in Turkey

Year 2020, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 125 - 136, 30.09.2020


Turkey's existing cadastral system consists of two primary components. These are title recordings and cadastral recordings. Immovables are registered to the title in three ways: land, independent section and permanent rights. The third dimension on land and real estate is registered in title with right, restriction and responsibility (RRR is as permanent rights). On the other hand, the Turkish cadastral system allows real estate to be registered temporarily. A real estate property is registered to the existing cadastral system with transaction date and time. Thus, any transaction can be monitored over time temporarily. Therefore, the results of the study contribute to the literature by examining the scope of the Turkish legal system with a 3D cadastre. Besides, the RRR legal system with time aspect in the Turkish cadastral system is modelled based on the ISO 19152:2012 LADM. In this context, the paper consists of five main chapters. In section 1, the literature on 3D cadastre and LADM is given. The methodology of the study is described in section 2. Chapter 3 discusses 3D RRR scope of the evaluations regarding the legal objects in Turkey. Besides, time data and RRR are incorporated into Chapter 3. Sections 4 and 5 include discussion and recommendations.


  • Aien, A., Rajabifard, A., Kalantari, M., & Williamson, I. (2011, May). Aspects of 3D cadastre: a case study in Victoria. In FIG Working Week 2011 (pp. 1-15). Marrakech, Morocco. FIG.
  • Aien, A. (2013). 3D cadastral data modelling (Doctoral dissertation), University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
  • Alkan, M. (2005). Temporal geographic information systems design for land registry and cadastral data (PhD Thesis), Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Alkan, M., & Polat, Z. A. (2017). Design and development of LADM-based infrastructure for Turkey. Survey review, 49(356), 370-385.
  • Alkan, M., Gursoy Surmeneli, H., & Polat, Z. A. (2018, May). Design and determine cadastral and land management performance of Turkey with cadastre 2034 vision. In FIG Congress 2018. Istanbul, Turkey. FIG.
  • Alkan, M., Gürsoy Sürmeneli, H., & Polat, Z. A. (2020). Design and development 3D RRR model for Turkish cadastral system using international standards. Survey Review, 1-13, doi: 10.1080/00396265.2020.1758386.
  • Döner, F., Thompson, R., Stoter, J., Lemmen, C., Ploeger, H., van Oosterom, P., & Zlatanova, S. (2011). Solutions for 4D cadastre–with a case study on utility networks. International journal of geographical information science, 25(7), 1173-1189.
  • Guo, R., Ying, S., Li, L., Luo, P., & van Oosterom, P. (2011). A multi-jurisdiction case study of 3D cadastre in Shenzhen, China as experiment using the LADM. In 2nd international workshop on 3D Cadastres (pp. 31–50). Delft, The Netherlands.
  • Herdlevær, H. (2018). Cadastral template. Norwegian Mapping and Cadaster Authority Director Cadastral Department.
  • Ho, S., Rajabifard, A., & Kalantari, M. (2015). ‘Invisible’constraints on 3D innovation in land administration: A case study on the city of Melbourne. Land Use Policy, 42, 412-425.
  • Kaufmann, J. & Steudler, D. (1998). Cadastre 2014, A Vision for a Future Cadastral System. Copenhagen: International Federation of Surveyors.
  • Karki, S., McDougall, K., & Thompson, R. (2010, April). An overview of 3D Cadastre from a physical land parcel and a legal property object perspective. In 24th International Federation of Surveyors International Congress (FIG 2010): Facing the Challenges - Building the Capacity (pp. 1-13). Sydney, Australia. FIG.
  • Kitsakis, D., Paasch, J. M., Paulsson, J., Navratil, G., Vučić, N., Karabin, M., ... & El-Mekawy, M. (2016, October). 3D real property legal concepts and cadastre: a comparative study of selected countries to propose a way forward. In 5th International FIG 3D Cadastre Workshop (pp. 1-24). 18-20 October, Athens, Greece. FIG.
  • ICSM. (2015). Cadastre 2034: Powering Land and Real Property. Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping – ICSM. Canberra, Australia.
  • Lemmen, C., van Oosterom, P., Uitermark, H., Thompson, R., & Hespanha, J. P. (2009, May). Transforming the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) into an ISO standard (ISO19152). In FIG Working Week Eilat, Israel. FIG.
  • Lemmen, C. H. J., van Oosterom, P. J. M., Uitermark, H. T., Zevenbergen, J. A. & Cooper, A. K. (2011, September). Interoperable domain models: The ISO Land Administration Domain Model LADM and Its External Classes. In 28th Urban Data Management Symposium (UDMS 2011). Delft, The Netherlands.
  • Lemmen, C., van Oosterom, P., & Bennett, R. (2015). The land administration domain model. Land use policy, 49, 535-545.
  • Lemmen, C. H. J., & van Oosterom, P. J. M. (2013, September). The land administration domain model standard. In 5th Land Administration Domain Model Workshop. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, FIG.
  • Paasch, J.M. & Paulsson, J. (2014, November). Legal Framework 3D Cadastres-Position Paper 1. In 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014. Proceedings. (pp. 411-416). Dubai, UAE.
  • Rajabifard, A., Atazadeh, B., & Kalantari, M. (2018). A critical evaluation of 3D spatial information models for managing legal arrangements of multi-owned developments in Victoria, Australia. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 32(10), 2098-2122.
  • Surmeneli, H. G., Koeva, M. N., Zevenbergen, J. A., & Alkan, M. (2020). Towards Integration of Ladm And Citygml For The Cadastral System of Turkey. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 43, 691-698.
  • Steudler, D. (2015, May). Dimension cadastre–stepping beyond limits. In FIG working Week 2015: From the Wisdom of the Ages to the Challenges of the Modern World, 2015. Sofia, Bulgaria. FIG.
  • Steudler, D. (2014). CADASTRE 2014 and Beyond. FIG Publication No:61. Copenhagen, Denmark: International Federation of Surveyors.
  • Stoter, J. E., & van Oosterom, P. (2006). 3D cadastre in an international context: legal, organizational, and technological aspects. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • Tjia, D., & Coetzee, S. (2013). Application of the Land Administration Domain Model to the city of Johannesburg land information system. South African Journal of Geomatics, 2(3), 260-279.
  • van Oosterom, P., Ploeger, H., Stoter, J., Thompson, R., & Lemmen, C. (2006, October). Aspects of a 4D cadastre: a first exploration. In Peoceedings of Shaping the Change, XXIII international FIG congress. Munich, Germany.
  • van Oosterom, P. (2013). Research and development in 3D cadastres. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 40, 1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2013.01.002.
  • van Oosterom, P. J. M. (2018). Best practices 3D cadastres – extended version. FIG Publication. International Federation of Surveyors. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Wakker, W. J., van der Molen, P., & Lemmen, C. (2003). Land registration and cadastre in the Netherlands, and the role of cadastral boundaries: the application of GPS technology in the survey of cadastral boundaries. Journal of geospatial engineering, 5(1), 3-10.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet Alkan 0000-0002-7542-5455

Hicret Gürsoy Sürmeneli This is me 0000-0002-5078-6588

Publication Date September 30, 2020
Submission Date April 27, 2020
Acceptance Date September 4, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Alkan, M., & Gürsoy Sürmeneli, H. (2020). Modelling of Temporal Query of 3D Legal Objects in Turkey. Türk Uzaktan Algılama Ve CBS Dergisi, 1(2), 125-136.