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FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 GNSS Radyo Okültasyon Tekniği İle Elde Edilen Atmosferik Parametrelerinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 211 - 221, 26.09.2024


Küresel Navigasyon Uydu Sistemi - Radyo Okültasyon (GNSS-RO), hava olaylarının tahmin edilmesi ve iklimsel değişimlerin izlenmesi için önemli potansiyele sahip uzay tabanlı bir gözlem tekniğidir. GNSS-RO tekniğinde, yüksek yörüngedeki uydulardan iletilen radyo sinyaller, alçak yörüngedeki uydulara yerleştirilmiş alıcılar tarafından ölçülür. GNSS alıcılarında kaydedilen radyo sinyaller, atmosferik geri kazanım süreçlerine göre işlenerek sıcaklık, basınç, su buharı ve elektron yoğunluğu gibi profiller elde edilir. GNSS-RO tekniği, kalibrasyon gereksinimi olmadan her türlü hava koşulunda çalışabilir. Ayrıca, küresel kapsama alanında yüksek dikey çözünürlükte zengin veriler sağlar. GPS, Galileo ve GLONASS gibi uydulardan sinyal alabilen FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 uyduları, 〖±45〗^° enlem bölgesinde günlük 4000'den fazla yüksek kaliteli RO ölçümü sağlayabilir. 2019 yılında alçak yörüngeye başarıyla fırlatılan bu uydunun ana hedeflerinden biri, alt ve orta troposferde GNSS-RO ölçüm kalitesini artırmak olmuştur. Bu çalışmada, FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 RO ile elde edilen atmosferik profilleri değerlendirmek ve doğrulamak için radyosonda profillerinden yararlanılmıştır. Karşılaştırmada, 5-25 km arasında değişen irtifalardaki sıcaklık, su buharı basıncı, özgül nem ve kırınım profilleri esas alınmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, RO ve radyosonda profilleri arasında iyi bir uyum gözlenmiştir.


  • Ahmed, I. F., Abd El-Fatah, M. A., Mousa, A. E. K., & El-Fiky, G. (2022). Analysis of the differences between GPS radio occultation and radiosonde atmosphere profiles in Egypt. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 25(2), 491-500.
  • Anthes, R. A., Bernhardt, P. A., Chen, Y., Cucurull, L., Dymond, K. F., Ector, D., & Zeng, Z. (2008). The COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 mission: Early results. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 89(3), 313-334.
  • Awange, J. (2018). GNSS environmental sensing. Springer International Publishers.
  • Beyerle, G., Schmidt, T., Michalak, G., Heise, S., Wickert, J., & Reigber, C. (2005). GPS radio occultation with GRACE: Atmospheric profiling utilizing the zero difference technique. Geophysical Research Letters, 32(13), Article L13806.
  • Bormann, N., & Healy, S. B. (2005). New observations in the ECMWF assimilation system: Satellite limb measurements. ECMWF Newsletter, 105, 13-17.
  • Choi, M. S., Lee, W. K., Cho, S. K., & Park, J. U. (2010). Operation of the Radio Occultation Mission in KOMPSAT-5. Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 27(4), 345-352.
  • Cook, K., Fong, C. J., Wenkel, M. J., Wilczynski, P., Yen, N., & Chang, G. S. (2013, March 2-9). FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 GNSS radio occultation constellation mission for global weather Monitoring [Conference presentation]. 2013 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA.
  • Fong, C. J., Chu, V., Yen, N. L., Ling, J., Liu, J. Y., & Chang, G. S. (2012, March 28-April 3). FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 radio occultation mission: From research to operations [Conference presentation]. International Radio Occultation Working Group (IROWG) 2nd Workshop, Estes Park, CO, USA.
  • Fu, E. J., Zhang, K. F., Marion, K. Y., Xu, X. H., Marshall, J., Rea, A., & Kuleshov, Y. (2009). Assessing COSMIC GPS radio occultation derived atmospheric parameters using Australian radiosonde network data. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 1(1), 1054-1059.
  • Fu, E. (2011). An investigation of GNSS radio occultation atmospheric sounding technique for Australian meteorology [Doctoral thesis, RMIT University].
  • Healy, S. B., Jupp, A. M., & Marquardt, C. (2005). Forecast impact experiment with GPS radio occultation measurements. Geophysical Research Letters, 32(3), Article L03804.
  • Jin, S. Ed. (2012). Global navigation satellite systems: signal, theory and applications. BoD–Books on Demand.
  • Kuo, Y. H., Schreiner, W. S., Wang, J., Rossiter, D. L., & Zhang, Y. (2005). Comparison of GPS radio occultation soundings with radiosondes. Geophysical Research Letters, 32(5), Article L05817.
  • Kursinski, E. R. (1997). The GPS radio occultation concept: Theoretical performance and initial results [Doctoral thesis, California Institute of Technology].
  • Kwon, H., Kang, J. S., Jo, Y., & Kang, J. H. (2014). Implementation of a GPS-RO data processing system for the KIAPS-LETKF data assimilation system. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 8(3), 1259–1273.
  • Lewis, H. (2008). Abel integral calculations in ROPP (GRAS SAF Report 07). Met Office.
  • Li, X., Dick, G., Lu, C., Ge, M., Nilsson, T., Ning, T., & Schuh, H. (2015). Multi-GNSS meteorology: real-time retrieving of atmospheric water vapor from BeiDou, Galileo, GLONASS, and GPS observations. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(12), 6385-6393.
  • Li, Y., Yuan, Y., & Wang, X. (2020). Assessments of the retrieval of atmospheric profiles from GNSS Radio occultation data in moist tropospheric conditions using Radiosonde Data. Remote Sensing, 12(17), Article 2717.
  • Norman, R., Le Marshall, J., Zhang, K., Wang, C. S., Carter, B. A., Rohm, W., Manning, T., Gordon, S., & Li, Y. (2014). Comparing GPS radio occultation observations with radiosonde measurements in the Australian region. In C. Rizos & P. Willis (Eds.), Earth on the edge: Science for a sustainable planet (Vol. 139, pp. 51–57). Springer.
  • Potter, T. D., & Colman, B. R. (2003). Handbook of weather, climate, and water: dynamics, climate, physical meteorology, weather systems, and measurements. John Wiley and Sons.
  • Rossiter, D. (2003). Comparison between GPS radio occultation and radiosonde sounding data. OpenSky.
  • Schreiner, W. S., Weiss, J. P., Anthes, R. A., Braun, J., Chu, V., Fong, J., & Zeng, Z. (2020). COSMIC‐2 radio occultation constellation: First results. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(4), Article e2019GL086841.
  • Shao, X., Ho, S. P., Zhang, B., Zhou, X. S., Kireev, S., Chen, Y., & Cao, C. (2021). Comparison of COSMIC-2 radio occultation retrieval products with Vaisala RS41 and RS92 radiosonde water vapor and upper-air temperature measurements. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 32(6), 1015-1032.
  • Sioris, C., Piekutowski, T., Nilsson, C., Degenstein, D., Murtagh, D., Solheim, B., von Schéele, F., McLinden, C., Rochon, Y. J., Deblonde, G., Aparicio, J. M., & Adamovic, M. (2014, September 29 – October 3). The atmospheric limb sounding satellite (ALISS) [Congress presentation]. 65th International Astronautical Congress, Toronto, Canada.
  • Stupar, D. I. (2015). QB50 GNSS radio occultation [Master thesis, International Space University].
  • Syndergaard, S. (1999). Retrieval analysis and methodologies in atmospheric limb sounding using the GNSS radio occultation technique (Scientific Report No. 99-6). Danish Meteorological Institute.
  • Vryonides, P., & Haralambous, H. (2013). Comparison of COSMIC measurements with the IRI-2007 model over the eastern Mediterranean region. Journal of Advanced Research, 4(3), 297-301.
  • Wang, B. R., Liu, X. Y., & Wang, J. K. (2013). Assessment of COSMIC radio occultation retrieval product using global radiosonde data. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 6(4), 1073-1083.
  • Wee, T. K. (2018). A variational regularization of Abel transform for GPS radio occultation. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11(4), 1947-1969.
  • Wickert, J. (2004). Comparison of vertical refractivity and temperature profiles from CHAMP with radiosonde measurements (Scientific Report No. 04-9). Danish Meteorological Institute.
  • Wickert, J., Schmidt, T., Michalak, G., Heise, S., Arras, C., Beyerle, G., Falck, C., Konig, R., Pingel D., & Rothacher, M. (2009). GPS radio occultation with CHAMP, GRACE-A, SAC-C, TerraSAR-X, and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC: Brief review of results from GFZ. In A. Steiner, B. Pirscher, U. Foelsche, & G. Kirchengast (Eds.), New horizons in occultation research: Studies in atmosphere and climate (pp. 3-15). Springer.
  • Yadav, G., Kalak, S., Deep, A., & Purohit, K. D. (2020). Radiosonde: A tool to monitor atmospheric profiles. Applied Innovative Research, 2, 103-106.
  • Yue, X., Schreiner, W. S., Pedatella, N., Anthes, R. A., Mannucci, A. J., Straus, P. R., & Liu, J. Y. (2014). Space weather observations by GNSS radio occultation: From FORMOSAT‐3/COSMIC to FORMOSAT‐7/COSMIC‐2. Space Weather, 12(11), 616-621.
  • Zhang, K., Biadeglgne, B., Wu, F., Kuleshov, Y., Rea, A., Hodet, G., & Fu, E. (2007). A comparison of atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles derived from GPS radio occultation and radiosonde in Australia. IEICE Technical Report, 107(2), 7-12.
  • Zhang, K., Fu, E., Silcock, D., Wang, Y., & Kuleshov, Y. (2011). An investigation of atmospheric temperature profiles in the Australian region using collocated GPS radio occultation and radiosonde data. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 4(10), 2087-2092.
  • Zhang, Q., Ye, J., Zhang, S., & Han, F. (2018). Precipitable water vapor retrieval and analysis by multiple data sources: Ground‐based GNSS, radio occultation, radiosonde, microwave satellite, and NWP reanalysis data. Journal of Sensors, 2018(1), Article 3428303.

Assessment of Atmospheric Parameters Obtained with FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 GNSS Radio Occultation Technique

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 211 - 221, 26.09.2024


Global Navigation Satellite System - Radio Occultation (GNSS-RO) is a space-based observation technique with significant potential for predicting weather events and monitoring climatic changes. In GNSS-RO technique, radio signals transmitted from high-orbit satellites are measured by receivers placed on low-orbit satellites. The radio signals recorded in GNSS receivers are processed according to atmospheric retrieval processes to obtain profiles such as temperature, pressure, water vapor, and electron density. The GNSS-RO technique can operate in all weather conditions without the need for calibration and provides rich data with high vertical resolution on a global scale. FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 satellites, which can receive signals from satellites such as GPS, Galileo, and GLONASS, can provide over 4000 high-quality RO measurements daily in the ±45° latitude region. Launched into low Earth orbit in 2019, one of the primary goals of this satellite has been to improve GNSS-RO measurement quality in the lower and middle troposphere. In this study, radiosonde profiles were utilized to evaluate and validate atmospheric profiles obtained with FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 RO. The comparison focused on temperature, water vapor pressure, specific humidity, and refraction profiles at altitudes ranging from 5-25 km. The study found a good agreement between RO and radiosonde profiles.


  • Ahmed, I. F., Abd El-Fatah, M. A., Mousa, A. E. K., & El-Fiky, G. (2022). Analysis of the differences between GPS radio occultation and radiosonde atmosphere profiles in Egypt. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 25(2), 491-500.
  • Anthes, R. A., Bernhardt, P. A., Chen, Y., Cucurull, L., Dymond, K. F., Ector, D., & Zeng, Z. (2008). The COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 mission: Early results. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 89(3), 313-334.
  • Awange, J. (2018). GNSS environmental sensing. Springer International Publishers.
  • Beyerle, G., Schmidt, T., Michalak, G., Heise, S., Wickert, J., & Reigber, C. (2005). GPS radio occultation with GRACE: Atmospheric profiling utilizing the zero difference technique. Geophysical Research Letters, 32(13), Article L13806.
  • Bormann, N., & Healy, S. B. (2005). New observations in the ECMWF assimilation system: Satellite limb measurements. ECMWF Newsletter, 105, 13-17.
  • Choi, M. S., Lee, W. K., Cho, S. K., & Park, J. U. (2010). Operation of the Radio Occultation Mission in KOMPSAT-5. Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 27(4), 345-352.
  • Cook, K., Fong, C. J., Wenkel, M. J., Wilczynski, P., Yen, N., & Chang, G. S. (2013, March 2-9). FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 GNSS radio occultation constellation mission for global weather Monitoring [Conference presentation]. 2013 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA.
  • Fong, C. J., Chu, V., Yen, N. L., Ling, J., Liu, J. Y., & Chang, G. S. (2012, March 28-April 3). FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 radio occultation mission: From research to operations [Conference presentation]. International Radio Occultation Working Group (IROWG) 2nd Workshop, Estes Park, CO, USA.
  • Fu, E. J., Zhang, K. F., Marion, K. Y., Xu, X. H., Marshall, J., Rea, A., & Kuleshov, Y. (2009). Assessing COSMIC GPS radio occultation derived atmospheric parameters using Australian radiosonde network data. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 1(1), 1054-1059.
  • Fu, E. (2011). An investigation of GNSS radio occultation atmospheric sounding technique for Australian meteorology [Doctoral thesis, RMIT University].
  • Healy, S. B., Jupp, A. M., & Marquardt, C. (2005). Forecast impact experiment with GPS radio occultation measurements. Geophysical Research Letters, 32(3), Article L03804.
  • Jin, S. Ed. (2012). Global navigation satellite systems: signal, theory and applications. BoD–Books on Demand.
  • Kuo, Y. H., Schreiner, W. S., Wang, J., Rossiter, D. L., & Zhang, Y. (2005). Comparison of GPS radio occultation soundings with radiosondes. Geophysical Research Letters, 32(5), Article L05817.
  • Kursinski, E. R. (1997). The GPS radio occultation concept: Theoretical performance and initial results [Doctoral thesis, California Institute of Technology].
  • Kwon, H., Kang, J. S., Jo, Y., & Kang, J. H. (2014). Implementation of a GPS-RO data processing system for the KIAPS-LETKF data assimilation system. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 8(3), 1259–1273.
  • Lewis, H. (2008). Abel integral calculations in ROPP (GRAS SAF Report 07). Met Office.
  • Li, X., Dick, G., Lu, C., Ge, M., Nilsson, T., Ning, T., & Schuh, H. (2015). Multi-GNSS meteorology: real-time retrieving of atmospheric water vapor from BeiDou, Galileo, GLONASS, and GPS observations. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(12), 6385-6393.
  • Li, Y., Yuan, Y., & Wang, X. (2020). Assessments of the retrieval of atmospheric profiles from GNSS Radio occultation data in moist tropospheric conditions using Radiosonde Data. Remote Sensing, 12(17), Article 2717.
  • Norman, R., Le Marshall, J., Zhang, K., Wang, C. S., Carter, B. A., Rohm, W., Manning, T., Gordon, S., & Li, Y. (2014). Comparing GPS radio occultation observations with radiosonde measurements in the Australian region. In C. Rizos & P. Willis (Eds.), Earth on the edge: Science for a sustainable planet (Vol. 139, pp. 51–57). Springer.
  • Potter, T. D., & Colman, B. R. (2003). Handbook of weather, climate, and water: dynamics, climate, physical meteorology, weather systems, and measurements. John Wiley and Sons.
  • Rossiter, D. (2003). Comparison between GPS radio occultation and radiosonde sounding data. OpenSky.
  • Schreiner, W. S., Weiss, J. P., Anthes, R. A., Braun, J., Chu, V., Fong, J., & Zeng, Z. (2020). COSMIC‐2 radio occultation constellation: First results. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(4), Article e2019GL086841.
  • Shao, X., Ho, S. P., Zhang, B., Zhou, X. S., Kireev, S., Chen, Y., & Cao, C. (2021). Comparison of COSMIC-2 radio occultation retrieval products with Vaisala RS41 and RS92 radiosonde water vapor and upper-air temperature measurements. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 32(6), 1015-1032.
  • Sioris, C., Piekutowski, T., Nilsson, C., Degenstein, D., Murtagh, D., Solheim, B., von Schéele, F., McLinden, C., Rochon, Y. J., Deblonde, G., Aparicio, J. M., & Adamovic, M. (2014, September 29 – October 3). The atmospheric limb sounding satellite (ALISS) [Congress presentation]. 65th International Astronautical Congress, Toronto, Canada.
  • Stupar, D. I. (2015). QB50 GNSS radio occultation [Master thesis, International Space University].
  • Syndergaard, S. (1999). Retrieval analysis and methodologies in atmospheric limb sounding using the GNSS radio occultation technique (Scientific Report No. 99-6). Danish Meteorological Institute.
  • Vryonides, P., & Haralambous, H. (2013). Comparison of COSMIC measurements with the IRI-2007 model over the eastern Mediterranean region. Journal of Advanced Research, 4(3), 297-301.
  • Wang, B. R., Liu, X. Y., & Wang, J. K. (2013). Assessment of COSMIC radio occultation retrieval product using global radiosonde data. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 6(4), 1073-1083.
  • Wee, T. K. (2018). A variational regularization of Abel transform for GPS radio occultation. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11(4), 1947-1969.
  • Wickert, J. (2004). Comparison of vertical refractivity and temperature profiles from CHAMP with radiosonde measurements (Scientific Report No. 04-9). Danish Meteorological Institute.
  • Wickert, J., Schmidt, T., Michalak, G., Heise, S., Arras, C., Beyerle, G., Falck, C., Konig, R., Pingel D., & Rothacher, M. (2009). GPS radio occultation with CHAMP, GRACE-A, SAC-C, TerraSAR-X, and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC: Brief review of results from GFZ. In A. Steiner, B. Pirscher, U. Foelsche, & G. Kirchengast (Eds.), New horizons in occultation research: Studies in atmosphere and climate (pp. 3-15). Springer.
  • Yadav, G., Kalak, S., Deep, A., & Purohit, K. D. (2020). Radiosonde: A tool to monitor atmospheric profiles. Applied Innovative Research, 2, 103-106.
  • Yue, X., Schreiner, W. S., Pedatella, N., Anthes, R. A., Mannucci, A. J., Straus, P. R., & Liu, J. Y. (2014). Space weather observations by GNSS radio occultation: From FORMOSAT‐3/COSMIC to FORMOSAT‐7/COSMIC‐2. Space Weather, 12(11), 616-621.
  • Zhang, K., Biadeglgne, B., Wu, F., Kuleshov, Y., Rea, A., Hodet, G., & Fu, E. (2007). A comparison of atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles derived from GPS radio occultation and radiosonde in Australia. IEICE Technical Report, 107(2), 7-12.
  • Zhang, K., Fu, E., Silcock, D., Wang, Y., & Kuleshov, Y. (2011). An investigation of atmospheric temperature profiles in the Australian region using collocated GPS radio occultation and radiosonde data. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 4(10), 2087-2092.
  • Zhang, Q., Ye, J., Zhang, S., & Han, F. (2018). Precipitable water vapor retrieval and analysis by multiple data sources: Ground‐based GNSS, radio occultation, radiosonde, microwave satellite, and NWP reanalysis data. Journal of Sensors, 2018(1), Article 3428303.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Geomatic Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Seldanur Çelik Tunçer 0000-0001-8827-6762

Emine Tanır Kayıkçı 0000-0001-8259-5543

Early Pub Date September 24, 2024
Publication Date September 26, 2024
Submission Date May 24, 2024
Acceptance Date September 7, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Çelik Tunçer, S., & Tanır Kayıkçı, E. (2024). FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 GNSS Radyo Okültasyon Tekniği İle Elde Edilen Atmosferik Parametrelerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Türk Uzaktan Algılama Ve CBS Dergisi, 5(2), 211-221.