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Karaca Mersin Balığı (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) Jüvenil Bireylerinde Alternatif Bir Doğal Anestezik Ajan: Muskat Esansiyel Yağı (Myristica fragrans)

Year 2024, , 190 - 203, 31.12.2024


Su ürünleri yetiştiriciliğinde, sentetik anestezik maddelere olan ilginin yanı sıra doğal esansiyel yağlara olan ilgi de artmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, daha önce test edilmemiş olan muskat esansiyel yağının anestezik etkinliği, Karaca mersin balığı (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) jüvenil bireylerinde araştırılmıştır. Ön denemeler sonucunda üç farklı anestezik konsantrasyon (düşük konsantrasyon “LC: 500 µL/L”, orta konsantrasyon “MC: 750 µL/L” ve yüksek konsantrasyon “HC: 1000 µL/L”) belirlenmiştir. Anesteziye giriş ve iyileşme süreleri dikkate alındığında sazanlarda LC’nin anesteziye giriş süreleri kabul edilebilir seviyelerde (≥ 5 dk) gözlenmiştir. Diğer konsantrasyonlar için hem anesteziye giriş hem de iyileşme süreleri kabul edilebilir seviyelerdedir. Kan parametreleri özellikle lökosit (WBC) ve hemoglobin (HGB) için 8. saatte dahi bir artış gözlenmiştir. Anestezi konsantrasyonlarının artması balıklarda bir takım histolojik değişikliklere neden olmuştur. LC grubuna ait mersin balığı bireylerinin solungaç dokularında hipertrofi gözlenirken konsantrasyonun artmasıyla hiperplazi de gözlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak mevcut çalışma Karaca Mersin balığı jüvenil bireyleri için yeni bir doğal anestezik alternatifi olan muskat yağının uygulanma potansiyelini ortaya koymuştur.

Project Number



  • Abourashed, E.A., El-Alfy, A.T. (2016). Chemical diversity and pharmacological significance of the secondary metabolites of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt.). Phytochemistry Reviews, 15(6), 1035–1056.
  • Ak, K. (2022). Anesthetic efficacy of clove oil and 2-phenoxyethanol as hematological, histopathological and echocardiographic on broodstock Danube sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 38(6), 586–595.
  • Ak, K., Minaz, M., Er, A., Aslankoç, R. (2022). The using potential of a new natural anesthetic agent on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Chamomile oil (Matricaria chamomilla). Aquaculture, 561, 738742.
  • Akram, R., Iqbal, R., Hussain, R., Ali, M. (2021). Effects of bisphenol a on hematological, serum biochemical, and histopathological biomarkers in bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) under long-term exposure. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021, 1, 1–16.
  • Al-Niaeem, K.S., Mohammed, F.A., Al-Hamadany, Q.H. (2017). The Anaesthetic Effect of Nutmeg Powder, Myrisitca fragrans on Young Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio. Biological and Applied Environmental Research, 1(2), 279–286.
  • Ashley, P.J. (2007). Fish welfare: Current issues in aquaculture. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 104(3–4), 199–235.
  • Ashokkumar, K., Simal-Gandara, J., Murugan, M., Dhanya, M. K., Pandian, A. (2022). Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) essential oil: A review on its composition, biological, and pharmacological activities. Phytotherapy Research, 36(7), 2839–2851.
  • Aydın, B., Barbas, L.A.L. (2020). Sedative and anesthetic properties of essential oils and their active compounds in fish: A review. Aquaculture, 520, 734999.
  • Bodur, T., Afonso, J. M., Montero, D., Navarro, A. (2018). Assessment of effective dose of new herbal anesthetics in two marine aquaculture species: Dicentrarchus labrax and Argyrosomus regius. Aquaculture, 482, 78–82.
  • Bodur, T., León-Bernabeu, S., Navarro, A., Tort, L., Afonso, J. M., Montero, D. (2018). Effects of new plant based anesthetics Origanum sp. and Eucalyptus sp. oils on stress and welfare parameters in Dicentrarchus labrax and their comparison with clove oil. Aquaculture, 495, 402–408.
  • Brandão, F.R., Farias, C.F.S., de Melo Souza, D.C., de Oliveira, M.I.B., de Matos, L.V., Majolo, C., de Oliveira, M.R., Chaves, F.C.M., de Almeida O’Sullivan, F.L., Chagas, E.C. (2021). Anesthetic potential of the essential oils of Aloysia triphylla, Lippia sidoides and Mentha piperita for Colossoma macropomum. Aquaculture, 534, 736275.
  • Brønstad, A. (2022). Good anesthesia practice for fish and other aquatics. Biology, 11(9), 1355.
  • Bronzi, P., Rosenthal, H., Gessner, J. (2011). Global sturgeon aquaculture production: an overview. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27(2), 169–175.
  • Can, E., Kizak, V., Seyhaneyildiz Can, Ş., Özçiçek, E. (2018). Anesthetic potential of geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) oil for two cichlid species, Sciaenochromis fryeri and Labidochromis caeruleus. Aquaculture, 491, 59–64.
  • Can, E., Sümer, E. (2019). Anesthetic and sedative efficacy of peppermint (Menta piperita) and lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oils in blue dolphin cichlid (Cyrtocara moorii). Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences , 43(3), 334–341.
  • Ciji, A., Akhtar, M.S. (2021). Stress management in aquaculture: a review of dietary interventions. Reviews in Aquaculture, 13(4), 2190–2247.
  • Clauss, T.M., Dove, A.D.M., Arnold, J.E. (2008). Hematologic disorders of fish. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice, 11(3), 445–462.
  • Cooke, S.J., Suski, C.D., Ostrand, K.G., Tufts, B.L., Wahl, D.H. (2004). Behavioral and physiological assessment of low concentrations of clove oil anaesthetic for handling and transporting largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Aquaculture, 239(1–4), 509–529.
  • da Cunha, M.A., de Barros, F.M.C., de Oliveira Garcia, L., de Lima Veeck, A.P., Heinzmann, B. M., Loro, V.L., Emanuelli, T., Baldisserotto, B. (2010). Essential oil of Lippia alba: A new anesthetic for silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen. Aquaculture, 306(1–4), 403–406.
  • Das, S., Kumar Singh, V., Kumar Dwivedy, A., Kumar Chaudhari, A., Upadhyay, N., Singh, A., Krishna Saha, A., Ray Chaudhury, S., Prakash, B., Dubey, N.K. (2020). Assessment of chemically characterised Myristica fragrans essential oil against fungi contaminating stored scented rice and its mode of action as novel aflatoxin inhibitor. Natural Product Research, 34(11), 1611–1615.
  • de Oliveira, C.P.B., Lemos, C.H. da P., Felix e Silva, A., de Souza, S.A., Albinati, A.C.L., Lima, A.O., Copatti, C.E. (2019). Use of eugenol for the anaesthesia and transportation of freshwater angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare). Aquaculture, 513, 734409.
  • Francis, S.K., James, B., Varughese, S., Nair, M.S. (2019). Phytochemical investigation on Myristica fragrans stem bark. Natural Product Research, 33(8), 1204–1208.
  • Friedrich, T., Reinartz, R., Gessner, J. (2019). Sturgeon re-introduction in the upper and middle Danube river basin. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 35(5), 1059–1068.
  • Gholipour Kanani, H., Mirzargar, S.S., Soltani, M., Ahmadi, M., Abrishamifar, A., Bahonar, A., Yousefi, P. (2011). Anesthetic effect of tricaine methanesulfonate, clove oil and electroanesthesia on lysozyme activity of Oncorhynchus mykiss. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 10(3), 393–402.
  • Grover, J.K., Khandkar, S., Vats, V., Dhunnoo, Y., Das, D. (2002). Pharmacological studies on Myristica fragrans - Antidiarrheal, hypnotic, analgesic and hemodynamic (blood pressure) parameters. Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, 24(10), 675–680.
  • Haihambo, W., Gabriel, N.N., Abasubong, K.P., Gabriel, N.G. (2023). Alternative Fish Anaesthetics: Perspective on their Application in African Aquaculture and Fisheries Research. In: Gabriel, N.N., Omoregie, E., Abasubong, K. P. (Eds.), Emerging Sustianable Aquaculture Innovations in Africa (pp. 543–552). Springer.
  • Harmon, T. S. (2009). Methods for reducing stressors and maintaining water quality associated with live fish transport in tanks: A review of the basics. Reviews in Aquaculture, 1(1), 58–66.
  • Hiranrat, A., Hiranrat, W. (2019). Myristigranol, a new diarylpropane derivative from the wood of Myristica fragrans. Natural Product Research, 33(20), 2958–2963.
  • Husen, M.A., Sharma, S. (2014). Efficacy of anesthetics for reducing stress in fish during aquaculture practices - A review. Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, 10(1), 104–123.
  • Jia, Y., Xie, T., Gao, Y., Qin, H., Guan, C. (2022). Anesthetics efficacy and physiological response of MS222 and clove oil in spotted knifejaw Oplegnathus punctatus. Aquaculture Reports, 25, 101201.
  • Kasanen, J.P., Pasanen, A.L., Pasanen, P., Liesivuori, J., Kosma, V.M., Alarie, Y. (1998). Stereospecificity of the sensory irritation receptor for nonreactive chemicals illustrated by pinene enantiomers. Archives of Toxicology, 72(8), 514–523.
  • Kessler, A., Sahin-Nadeem, H., Lummis, S.C.R., Weigel, I., Pischetsrieder, M., Buettner, A., Villmann, C. (2014). GABAA receptor modulation by terpenoids from Sideritis extracts. Molecular Nutrition Food Research, 58(4), 851–862.
  • Khumpirapang, N., Chaichit, S., Jiranusornkul, S., Pikulkaew, S., Müllertz, A., Okonogi, S. (2018). In vivo anesthetic effect and mechanism of action of active compounds from Alpinia galanga oil on Cyprinus carpio (koi carp). Aquaculture, 496, 176–184.
  • Leiter, E., Hitchcock, G., Godwin, S., Johnson, M., Sedgwick, W., McCall, S., Ceremuga, T.E. (2011). Evaluation of the anxiolytic properties of Tetrahydropalmatine, a Corydalis yanhusuo compound, in the male Sprague-Dawley rat. AANA Journal, 79(2), 109–115.
  • Martins, T., Valentim, A., Pereira, N., Antunes, L.M. (2019). Anaesthetics and analgesics used in adult fish for research: A review. Laboratory Animals, 53(4), 325–341.
  • Mercier, B., Prost, J., Prost, M. (2009). The essential oil of turpentine and its major volatile fraction (alpha- and beta-pinenes): A review. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 22(4), 331–342.
  • Minaz, M. (2024). A new herbal anesthetic agent for common carp (Cyprinus carpio) sedation and anesthesia: Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) essential oil. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 11, 1477357.
  • Minaz, M., Er, A., Ak, K., Nane, İ.D., İpek, Z.Z., Kurtoğlu, İ.Z., Kayış, Ş. (2022). Short-term exposure to bisphenol a (BPA) as a plastic precursor: Hematological and behavioral effects on Oncorhynchus mykiss and Vimba vimba. Water, Air, Soil Pollution, 233(122), 1–12.
  • Minaz, M., Er, A., Ak, K., Zeki, İ., Kayış, Ş. (2024) Determining the appropriate concentration of an anesthetic mixture in three different fish species with the PROMETHEE decision model. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 11(1492769).
  • Minaz, M., Kurtoğlu, İ. Z. (2024). Long-term exposure of endangered Danube sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) to bisphenol A (BPA): Growth, behavioral, histological, genotoxic, and hematological evaluation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31(21), 30836–30848.
  • Mirghaed, A.T., Yasari, M., Mirzargar, S.S., Hoseini, S.M. (2018). Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) anesthesia with myrcene: Efficacy and physiological responses in comparison with eugenol. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 44(3), 919–926.
  • Mohammadi, M., Khara, H. (2015). Effect of different anesthetic agents (clove oil, tricaine methanesulfonate, ketamine, tobacco) on hematological parameters and stress indicators of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1792. Comparative Clinical Pathology, 24(5), 1039–1044.
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  • Yousefi, M., Hoseini, S.M., Aydın, B., Taheri Mirghaed, A., Kulikov, E.V., Drukovsky, S.G., Seleznev, S.B., Rudenko, P.A., Hoseinifar, S.H., Van Doan, H. (2022). Anesthetic efficacy and hemato-biochemical effects of thymol on juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Aquaculture, 547, 737540.

An Alternative Natural Anesthetic Agent in Juvenile Danube Sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii): Nutmeg Essential Oil (Myristica fragrans)

Year 2024, , 190 - 203, 31.12.2024


Project Number



  • Abourashed, E.A., El-Alfy, A.T. (2016). Chemical diversity and pharmacological significance of the secondary metabolites of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt.). Phytochemistry Reviews, 15(6), 1035–1056.
  • Ak, K. (2022). Anesthetic efficacy of clove oil and 2-phenoxyethanol as hematological, histopathological and echocardiographic on broodstock Danube sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 38(6), 586–595.
  • Ak, K., Minaz, M., Er, A., Aslankoç, R. (2022). The using potential of a new natural anesthetic agent on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Chamomile oil (Matricaria chamomilla). Aquaculture, 561, 738742.
  • Akram, R., Iqbal, R., Hussain, R., Ali, M. (2021). Effects of bisphenol a on hematological, serum biochemical, and histopathological biomarkers in bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) under long-term exposure. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021, 1, 1–16.
  • Al-Niaeem, K.S., Mohammed, F.A., Al-Hamadany, Q.H. (2017). The Anaesthetic Effect of Nutmeg Powder, Myrisitca fragrans on Young Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio. Biological and Applied Environmental Research, 1(2), 279–286.
  • Ashley, P.J. (2007). Fish welfare: Current issues in aquaculture. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 104(3–4), 199–235.
  • Ashokkumar, K., Simal-Gandara, J., Murugan, M., Dhanya, M. K., Pandian, A. (2022). Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) essential oil: A review on its composition, biological, and pharmacological activities. Phytotherapy Research, 36(7), 2839–2851.
  • Aydın, B., Barbas, L.A.L. (2020). Sedative and anesthetic properties of essential oils and their active compounds in fish: A review. Aquaculture, 520, 734999.
  • Bodur, T., Afonso, J. M., Montero, D., Navarro, A. (2018). Assessment of effective dose of new herbal anesthetics in two marine aquaculture species: Dicentrarchus labrax and Argyrosomus regius. Aquaculture, 482, 78–82.
  • Bodur, T., León-Bernabeu, S., Navarro, A., Tort, L., Afonso, J. M., Montero, D. (2018). Effects of new plant based anesthetics Origanum sp. and Eucalyptus sp. oils on stress and welfare parameters in Dicentrarchus labrax and their comparison with clove oil. Aquaculture, 495, 402–408.
  • Brandão, F.R., Farias, C.F.S., de Melo Souza, D.C., de Oliveira, M.I.B., de Matos, L.V., Majolo, C., de Oliveira, M.R., Chaves, F.C.M., de Almeida O’Sullivan, F.L., Chagas, E.C. (2021). Anesthetic potential of the essential oils of Aloysia triphylla, Lippia sidoides and Mentha piperita for Colossoma macropomum. Aquaculture, 534, 736275.
  • Brønstad, A. (2022). Good anesthesia practice for fish and other aquatics. Biology, 11(9), 1355.
  • Bronzi, P., Rosenthal, H., Gessner, J. (2011). Global sturgeon aquaculture production: an overview. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27(2), 169–175.
  • Can, E., Kizak, V., Seyhaneyildiz Can, Ş., Özçiçek, E. (2018). Anesthetic potential of geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) oil for two cichlid species, Sciaenochromis fryeri and Labidochromis caeruleus. Aquaculture, 491, 59–64.
  • Can, E., Sümer, E. (2019). Anesthetic and sedative efficacy of peppermint (Menta piperita) and lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oils in blue dolphin cichlid (Cyrtocara moorii). Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences , 43(3), 334–341.
  • Ciji, A., Akhtar, M.S. (2021). Stress management in aquaculture: a review of dietary interventions. Reviews in Aquaculture, 13(4), 2190–2247.
  • Clauss, T.M., Dove, A.D.M., Arnold, J.E. (2008). Hematologic disorders of fish. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice, 11(3), 445–462.
  • Cooke, S.J., Suski, C.D., Ostrand, K.G., Tufts, B.L., Wahl, D.H. (2004). Behavioral and physiological assessment of low concentrations of clove oil anaesthetic for handling and transporting largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Aquaculture, 239(1–4), 509–529.
  • da Cunha, M.A., de Barros, F.M.C., de Oliveira Garcia, L., de Lima Veeck, A.P., Heinzmann, B. M., Loro, V.L., Emanuelli, T., Baldisserotto, B. (2010). Essential oil of Lippia alba: A new anesthetic for silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen. Aquaculture, 306(1–4), 403–406.
  • Das, S., Kumar Singh, V., Kumar Dwivedy, A., Kumar Chaudhari, A., Upadhyay, N., Singh, A., Krishna Saha, A., Ray Chaudhury, S., Prakash, B., Dubey, N.K. (2020). Assessment of chemically characterised Myristica fragrans essential oil against fungi contaminating stored scented rice and its mode of action as novel aflatoxin inhibitor. Natural Product Research, 34(11), 1611–1615.
  • de Oliveira, C.P.B., Lemos, C.H. da P., Felix e Silva, A., de Souza, S.A., Albinati, A.C.L., Lima, A.O., Copatti, C.E. (2019). Use of eugenol for the anaesthesia and transportation of freshwater angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare). Aquaculture, 513, 734409.
  • Francis, S.K., James, B., Varughese, S., Nair, M.S. (2019). Phytochemical investigation on Myristica fragrans stem bark. Natural Product Research, 33(8), 1204–1208.
  • Friedrich, T., Reinartz, R., Gessner, J. (2019). Sturgeon re-introduction in the upper and middle Danube river basin. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 35(5), 1059–1068.
  • Gholipour Kanani, H., Mirzargar, S.S., Soltani, M., Ahmadi, M., Abrishamifar, A., Bahonar, A., Yousefi, P. (2011). Anesthetic effect of tricaine methanesulfonate, clove oil and electroanesthesia on lysozyme activity of Oncorhynchus mykiss. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 10(3), 393–402.
  • Grover, J.K., Khandkar, S., Vats, V., Dhunnoo, Y., Das, D. (2002). Pharmacological studies on Myristica fragrans - Antidiarrheal, hypnotic, analgesic and hemodynamic (blood pressure) parameters. Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, 24(10), 675–680.
  • Haihambo, W., Gabriel, N.N., Abasubong, K.P., Gabriel, N.G. (2023). Alternative Fish Anaesthetics: Perspective on their Application in African Aquaculture and Fisheries Research. In: Gabriel, N.N., Omoregie, E., Abasubong, K. P. (Eds.), Emerging Sustianable Aquaculture Innovations in Africa (pp. 543–552). Springer.
  • Harmon, T. S. (2009). Methods for reducing stressors and maintaining water quality associated with live fish transport in tanks: A review of the basics. Reviews in Aquaculture, 1(1), 58–66.
  • Hiranrat, A., Hiranrat, W. (2019). Myristigranol, a new diarylpropane derivative from the wood of Myristica fragrans. Natural Product Research, 33(20), 2958–2963.
  • Husen, M.A., Sharma, S. (2014). Efficacy of anesthetics for reducing stress in fish during aquaculture practices - A review. Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, 10(1), 104–123.
  • Jia, Y., Xie, T., Gao, Y., Qin, H., Guan, C. (2022). Anesthetics efficacy and physiological response of MS222 and clove oil in spotted knifejaw Oplegnathus punctatus. Aquaculture Reports, 25, 101201.
  • Kasanen, J.P., Pasanen, A.L., Pasanen, P., Liesivuori, J., Kosma, V.M., Alarie, Y. (1998). Stereospecificity of the sensory irritation receptor for nonreactive chemicals illustrated by pinene enantiomers. Archives of Toxicology, 72(8), 514–523.
  • Kessler, A., Sahin-Nadeem, H., Lummis, S.C.R., Weigel, I., Pischetsrieder, M., Buettner, A., Villmann, C. (2014). GABAA receptor modulation by terpenoids from Sideritis extracts. Molecular Nutrition Food Research, 58(4), 851–862.
  • Khumpirapang, N., Chaichit, S., Jiranusornkul, S., Pikulkaew, S., Müllertz, A., Okonogi, S. (2018). In vivo anesthetic effect and mechanism of action of active compounds from Alpinia galanga oil on Cyprinus carpio (koi carp). Aquaculture, 496, 176–184.
  • Leiter, E., Hitchcock, G., Godwin, S., Johnson, M., Sedgwick, W., McCall, S., Ceremuga, T.E. (2011). Evaluation of the anxiolytic properties of Tetrahydropalmatine, a Corydalis yanhusuo compound, in the male Sprague-Dawley rat. AANA Journal, 79(2), 109–115.
  • Martins, T., Valentim, A., Pereira, N., Antunes, L.M. (2019). Anaesthetics and analgesics used in adult fish for research: A review. Laboratory Animals, 53(4), 325–341.
  • Mercier, B., Prost, J., Prost, M. (2009). The essential oil of turpentine and its major volatile fraction (alpha- and beta-pinenes): A review. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 22(4), 331–342.
  • Minaz, M. (2024). A new herbal anesthetic agent for common carp (Cyprinus carpio) sedation and anesthesia: Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) essential oil. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 11, 1477357.
  • Minaz, M., Er, A., Ak, K., Nane, İ.D., İpek, Z.Z., Kurtoğlu, İ.Z., Kayış, Ş. (2022). Short-term exposure to bisphenol a (BPA) as a plastic precursor: Hematological and behavioral effects on Oncorhynchus mykiss and Vimba vimba. Water, Air, Soil Pollution, 233(122), 1–12.
  • Minaz, M., Er, A., Ak, K., Zeki, İ., Kayış, Ş. (2024) Determining the appropriate concentration of an anesthetic mixture in three different fish species with the PROMETHEE decision model. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 11(1492769).
  • Minaz, M., Kurtoğlu, İ. Z. (2024). Long-term exposure of endangered Danube sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) to bisphenol A (BPA): Growth, behavioral, histological, genotoxic, and hematological evaluation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31(21), 30836–30848.
  • Mirghaed, A.T., Yasari, M., Mirzargar, S.S., Hoseini, S.M. (2018). Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) anesthesia with myrcene: Efficacy and physiological responses in comparison with eugenol. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 44(3), 919–926.
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There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Fisheries Technologies
Journal Section Research Articles

Mert Minaz 0000-0003-1894-9807

Akif Er

Project Number FBA-2024-1645
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date October 15, 2024
Acceptance Date December 23, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Minaz, M., & Er, A. (2024). Karaca Mersin Balığı (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) Jüvenil Bireylerinde Alternatif Bir Doğal Anestezik Ajan: Muskat Esansiyel Yağı (Myristica fragrans). Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Journal of Science and Engineering, 5(2), 190-203.

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