
Journal of Divinity Faculty of Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, is a peer-reviewed academic journal published twice a year, in June and December. In Journal of Divinity Faculty of Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, research and translation articles, research notes, book and article review, editorial critic, simplification, summary of doctoral dissertation etc. studies are published.

Article acceptance dates;

For June issue           -  15 April

For December issue  -  15 October 

Abstracting and Indexing

ASOS / Academia Social Science Index (Başlangıç / S. Date: 2012)

İSAM İlahiyat Makaleleri Veri Tabani / ISAM Articles on Theology Database (Başlangıç / S. Date: 2012)

GOOGLESCHOLAR (Başlangıç / S. Date: 2012)

WORLDCAT  (Kabul / Accepted: 10/10/2012)

ESJI: Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (Başlangıç / S. Date: 2015)

CITEFACTOR (Başlangıç / S. Date: 2015)

ROAD: Directory Of Open Access Scholarly Resources (Kabul / Accepted: 10/10/2016)

SOBIAD: Sosyal Bilimler Atıf Dizini (Kabul / Accepted: 08.05.2017)

OPENAIRE (Başlangıç / S. Date: 2017)

BASE: Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (Başlangıç / S. Date: 03.07.2017) 

IDEALONLINE (Kabul / Accepted: 23.02.2018)

SIS: Scientific Indexing Services  (Başlangıç / S. Date: 2018)

ARASTIRMAX (Kabul / Accepted: 13.03.2018)

RESEARCHBIB (Başlangıç / S. Date: 29.03.2018)

SAIF: Scholar Article Impact Factor (Kabul / Accepted: 04.04.2018)

DRIJ:Directory of Research Journals Indexing (Başlangıç / S. Date: 04.04.2018)