Ethical principles
The Journal of Health Care and Rehabilitation is committed to ensuring that the articles published in the Journal of Health Care and Rehabilitation meet the highest ethical and scientific standards and do not have commercial concerns. In this context, Journal of Health, Care and Rehabilitation publications and publication processes are carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Authors are advised to read these guidelines.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Editor and Field Editors
The editor and the editorial board are responsible for the publication of the articles sent to the Journal of Health Care and Rehabilitation for publication and the processes that follow. The editor and editorial board should act impartially and with scientific benefits in mind when making decisions about the articles. The editor and editorial board should ensure that the accepted articles are evaluated by experts in the field. The editor and editorial board should follow the journal policies such as blind review, evaluation process, ethical principles, and publication process.
Responsibilities of Reviewers
Reviewers are obliged to keep information about the article confidential. Reviewers notify the Journal of Health Care and Rehabilitation about any conflict of interest. Reviewers should use academic and constructive language while evaluating the articles and avoid personal comments containing insults. Reviewers should convey their opinions about the articles they accept for evaluation to the editor and editorial board within the time given to them.
Author's Responsibilities
Articles submitted to the Journal of Health Care and Rehabilitation for publication must not have been published in another journal or submitted to another journal for publication at the same time. If there are quoted articles, tables, figures previously published in articles, books or journals, the authors must obtain written permission from the copyright holder and authors of the relevant articles, tables and figures, send the permission letter with the article and indicate this in the article. The scientific content of the articles and compliance with ethical rules are the responsibility of the authors. Only the names of the authors who contributed to the articles should be written. Authors should not be asked to change the order of authors, add or remove authors in the articles submitted for publication. Authors should cite the sources used during the writing of the article in accordance with ethical principles. The journal accepts manuscripts approved by the Ethics Committee and in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Ethics committee approval should be indicated in the method section of the article by writing the name of the ethics committee, date and number of the decision. In addition, similarity reports should be documented using the iThenticate ( program. Ethics committee approval document is not required for reviews. Authors should provide the editor and editorial board with information and raw data about the articles under review when requested.
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